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Realistic or Modern Couples Weekend

leonardo rosewood
xxx / Zatanna Zatanna
"Mate, it's gonna be fine. go have fun with your sheila while Matt and I run the parlour."

Leo pursed his lips as he kept his iPhone stuck to his ear, listening to Gus' Australian accent ring in his ear. His blue eyes gazed outside of the car as Gus tried to reassure the tattoo artist. Subconsciously, Leo began to chew lower lip, "Fine Gus, I trust you. You better not fuck up while I'm gone." He ordered in a hushed tone.

After his plan backfired on him during his proposal, Leo decided to be a normal couple and take a weekend away to spend time with his fiancee before the wedding came. With the help of his co-workers and friends, Leo found a quaint hotel away from New York and bout two tickets for him and Alyiah.

"You got it, mate." Gus cheered on the other line as Leo heard a faint cheer from Matt in the background. The male chuckled a goodbye before hanging up his phone to focus on his fiancee, Aliyah. Leo apologised genuinely in a quiet tone before parking the car in the driveway and hopping out of the driver's seat. He jogged to the trunk of the slick black Jeep, pulling out the couple's suitcases from the car and placing them onto the stone driveway. "You ready?" Leo asked in a teasing tone with a raised eyebrow and a cheeky look on his face, wrapping his arm around Aliyah's waist gently and ushering inside the lobby. His friends were right, Leo came here to relax and enjoy life. They were going to be fine.

After checking in at the front desk, Leo lead his fiancee to their room. The male unlocked the door in a swift motion, pushing the door open and flopping onto the soft queen bed in the middle of the room. A soft groan escaped from Leo's lips as he flipped around to face Aliyah, a small smile forming on his lips as he leaned against his pale and lanky arms. "Time to relax," He hummed as he admired the woman in front of him.





Aliyah looked over at Leo with a grin while he worried about his shop. It was cute how he worried so much. His tattoo parlors were basically like his children. She didn't blame him though, their jobs were both very important to them. Right now Aliyah was planning the most important event of her career, her wedding. She had been planning her special day since she was a little fat girl. She actually had a giant book full of ideas for her wedding, it was constantly changing but she loved using it.

When Leo parked in front of the resort, she hopped out of the shiny black jeep and stretched her long legs. It really was beautiful here. She always loved the smell of a new place.

"You ready?"

"Sure am baby."

Aliyah made sure to take in all the sights as her fine fiancé led her into the lobby, then to their room. It was a really nice hotel. Aliyah Hayford didn't do trashy hotels. Shit, she didn't do trashy anything. It had to be the best for her. As the little light on the door turned green and Leo opened the door, Aliyah frowned softly. She walked around the suite shaking her head. Sure it was nice. It had a queen sized bed, a medium sized TV, a loveseat, a medium sized dresser but it was just... eh. This might be perfectly fine for someone else but not for her.

"No. No. No. Leo we have to change rooms. This bed is tiny and so is the room. And I know this isn't our honey moon or anything but I need at least a king sized bed. Ya know... I think they have a fiancé suite here! Let's get that! I'll call the lobby now." she said grabbing the phone that was sitting on the little dresser.

"Hello? Hi. My name is Aliyah Hayford and I'm in room 216 right now and we would like to be moved to the fiancé suite... A 6,000$ charge? That's fine. Yes. Yes. Yes, his name is Leonardo Rosewood. And would you please send a bell boy to help with the bags? My husband is handsome but not very strong. Thanks."

Aliyah absolutely loved to tease Leo about how strong he was. He really was a string bean but it didn't matter since he was her string bean. Leo was an absolute angel for always dealing with her shit. She could be a little high strung but he always made her feel like she wasn't the biggest pain in the ass in the world.

It didn't take long for the bellhop to get there, to move them rooms. The little bellhop was probably 17, cute and eager. He was totally checking Aliyah out but who wouldn't? She looked absolutely stunning in her creme and white dress. It had this lacey lingerie feeling top with a white satin bottom. The little boy took them from room 216 to 621. As soon as Aliyah stepped into the room she loved it. The fiancé suite was absolutely gorgeous. A Californian king sized bed, a huge television, a large bathroom (with a jacuzzi bathtub and a rainfall shower), a giant fuzzy carpet, huge closets, etc. etc. There were even rose petals on the bed and a bottle of champagne.

"See isn't this better?!" she squealed, grabbing the champagne and hopping up and down on the bed. The champagne popped as she took a swig before letting out a squeal. Now she could have fun. They were in expensive, beautiful paradise.

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Tia was beyond tired, her flight left the airport at 4 in the morning, so that meant that her and Luca had to be there by 2. She wasn't the biggest fan of planes but she was too tired to care and ended up sleeping through the majority of the flight. She was pretty excited for the trip, being able to see some long lost friends and just to get away from their little reality and just relax.Tia looked like a hot mess, well at least she thought she did, wouldn't anyone having to get up that early, she just put on a sweatshirt and leggings, she didn't even bother putting any make up on or doing anything spectacular with her hair.

Once they arrived in the Dominican, she went to the bathroom and changed and did her makeup quickly and fixed her hair, she smiled at Luca, excited that they were experiencing this amazing trip this together. She tried her best to pack light, but still ended up with two suitcases. She had rented a car for them, She had also made sure to print out the directions to the hotel. "Are you excited" she said happily as she put her suitcases in the trunk and her other bag in the back seat. "The hotel is only about 20 minutes or so from here" she said looking over the map quickly before getting in the passenger side and turning the radio on.

The hotel it self was huge, and looked beautiful, she got out of the car and went to get the keys to their room, they were placed in room 412. It was such a nice day out that all she really wanted to do was go out to the pool and wait for the others to get there. "Maybe we could all go out to dinner tonight" she looked at Luca.




Play On Words Play On Words

Between the early plane ride, which Luca had stayed up all night to make sure they were prepared for, the drive, and the stress of it all, he was exhausted. He wanted nothing more than to just pass out, which wasn't an option.

He immediately sat his computer down at the desk and groaned, stretching broadly. He only had one duffel bag, which he quickly unpacked before sitting on the edge of the bed. "Sure, sure." He nodded at Tia's suggestion, scratching the back of his neck. "The gym here is nice." He noted to himself, looking at the pictures in the brochure. Nothing too fancy, but it had the necessities. He liked places like that.

He inspected the mini fridge, wondering if it was worth taking a bottled water for... 4$. Never mind. Being a cop meant he didn't have a ton of leftover cash, he'd been saving for the trip for what felt like forever, he'd even gotten a loan from one of his good friends, Peter. Peter was also supposed to be coming to the hotel with them, but he could afford it.

He slid off his hat, revealing his messy, black hair. "If you're tired, you can go to sleep for a bit. I'll be awake." He assured Tia, smiling tiredly.
Tsiwentiio Tsiwentiio
Amara Lee Tauten

Amara had been painting until the last moment, when they had to leave. She snagged her bag, her carry on, which was just her art supplies, and her camera before running out the door, sliding in the car beside Andrew.

People were always surprised when they met the couple. Andrew was quiet, almost antisocial, while Amara tried to be friends with everyone. Total opposites. While Amara rarely believed that opposites attracted, she and Andrew were one of those cases. They just fit each other.

After a long and early plane ride, she was exhausted. She couldn't wait to see a couple of her friends there, and perhaps make a few more. She hadn't had a decent vacation in her entire life, so she was beyond excited. She knew that Luca and Mia, Luca she'd met in New York during one of her conventions, were in room 412, and she was pretty sure Peter and his girlfriend were in 414, although she wasn't as sure about that one. Her room number with Andrew was 408, she knew.

She checked into the hotel and got the room keys, handing one to Andrew and tucking the other into the breast pocket of her shirt. More likely than not, she'd lose it within an hour. Keeping things wasmt her specialty. Before going to the room, she snapped a couple artful photos of the lobby, another habit of hers.

She finally made it to their room and let herself in, looking around in awe. "This is so nice!" She said excitedly, looking out the window and admiring the view. She carefully set her bags down, unpacking her clothes quickly and putting her carry on on the chair in the corner, making sure it couldn't possibly fall. She was more protective of her art supplies than she was about anything else.
Lazy Taco Lazy Taco

Peter immediately sat down when he and Mila got in the hotel room, setting up his laptop and calling the manager of his bar, who he'd left in charge.

"How is it?" He asked tersely, logging into his email.

"Well, it opened five minutes ago and almost nobody is here. Relax, Peter. It's going to be fine." Sally laughed.

"What if it isn't?" He added, running a hand through his hair.

"You are on a vacation with your beautiful girlfriend, I'm hanging up the phone." She scoffed, ending the call. He frowned, setting his phone down before approaching Mila, smiling apologetically.

"You are dating a workaholic." He informed her. "I won't even call again, I promise. No more work, my attention is undivided and focused on you." He smiled. Their vacation was for their first anniversary, technically. They'd dated before he'd deployed in the military, but that had been a long six years. Then again, that hadn't stopped him from making a decision that he may not have made otherwise. He loved Mila. Which was why he'd bought a ring, which he hoped to give her over the vacation. Then again, he'd intended on doing it before, and had copped out.
nymphadora. nymphadora.
Okay, so the plane ride had been completely uncomfortable to him mostly because he hadn't been on a plane for so long that he hadn't felt right being in one but being next to Amara had helped him a lot as she was the only reason he have had the strength to go through the trip, heck he hadn't even felt like coming to the Dominican Republic.

So she had helped Drew through the airplane ride, it wasn't like he wasn't scare. *cough*he was*cough* He just felt better knowing he had her beside to be able to stand being in the plane. After all he was someone that liked to ride land vehicles not be on a sky vehicle, they kind sucked and the last time he was on one was when his parent gave him to his parent. Did he hate them? Nope, but it didn't bother him anymore.

So Andrew was quiet, yeah so what? He still loved Amara and nothing was gonna change that, she was someone that he loved more than anything, he was who he was today because she stood by his side. He felt better whenever he stood by her side, when she was by his side when the plane landed, he hadn't doubted himself of thinking that they where gonna make it out.

Drew was really exhausted once the plane had landed mostly because he had been working on fixing some cars before he had closed the shop down and had gone to his partner that he shared with Amara and they had gone to airport right after they had gathered their things.

The whole plane ride had been exhasutijg to him mostly because he had been scare and worried that it wouldn't had made it half way. Don't blame he was someone that though about negative things, he called that on being bullied as he grew. He had been completely relieved once they had gotten to the airport mostly because he had been happy that they had finally arrived on land soil. Dominican Republic had an interesting culture so he had been interested in learning about them once the next day came bit for now he had to either go rest or find something to do

Once he had gotten the key to the apartment room they where at, he had followed after her before they finally arrived at the room that they were gonna be at for the next couple of days or at least until they decided to go back home. He wasn't in a rush, those monsters that where called airplane were really frightening to him so he didn't had to look at Amara to know that he wasn't looking for when they had to ride on it again to go back to NYC, somewhere that loved and he hoped to go back at the motor shop at the same time.

Drew had been completely surprised at the way the room looked, it actually looked better than how his room looked sometimes so he had nothing to really say. "It looks like a really beautiful room." He said to Amara as he wrapped his arm around her waist and gave her a quick kiss. He still had his duffle bag with him, so he didn't really needed to put his clothes somewhere just find the closet and throw the bag in. Okay so he was someone that liked to clean hut big whop, he didn't really have a lot of things beside his money and the few clothes he had brought with him something that Amara had chosen for him bring, after all if he would had picked, it would had been the first clothes he found on the apartment closet.

Cthulu Cthulu
camila hart
xxx / Thanatos Thanatos
Mila dragged their suitcases into the room, trailing behind Peter. A tired look formed upon her face as she sat down on the edge of the bed, her gaze focused on her boyfriend as he headed straight to his laptop and phone. Mila rolled her eyes in retort, standing up from her seat and strolling towards Peter quietly as she listened to his conversation. The raven-haired woman gently wrapped her arms over Peter's shoulders, leaning her head on his shoulders as her eyes fluttered shut and a small sigh escaped her lips. It was suppose to be just them, six years she waited but Mila didn't mind.

In six years she spent alone; Mila developed a smoking habit, made new friends at her old workplace and killed three goldfish by over feeding them. But when Peter came back, everything seemed right in her world.
A small smile curled upon Mila's lips as she heard Sally's retort on the phone before hanging up on Peter. Mila placed a small kiss on his cheek after his apology, cupping his cheek with her tiny hand as she gazed into his eyes. "It's fine," she hummed, "the bar is important to you, just like you are to me." She giggled before slipping the thick sunglasses off her nose. "So," she hummed, shuffling away from Peter with a teasing smile on her face, "what do you want to do first?"

Amara Lee Tauten

Amara laughed and shook her head when Drew simply tossed his bag in the closet. She followed it in and set it on the bed, unpacking for him and folding the clothes neatly, setting them in the drawers she'd saved for him.

"This place is beautiful." She mused, noting the mint on each of their pillows, and quickly snagging hers. It was no secret that she had a huge sweet tooth, she wasn't the kind of person who really worried or made a big deal about dieting or watching her weight. Luckily, she had a fast metabolism.

"Okay! We're on vacation, you are no longer on the scary airplane." She said. Of course she knew about his little phobia, she'd never make fun of him for it. It was a common fear, and she didn't particularly blame him for it. "What would you like to do with our time here?" She asked, smiling. She wasn't really the most seductive person in the world, it was a wonder that between her, who was more focused on being friendly than anything else, and him, who almost nobody could drag a word out of, they'd managed to get a relationship even started. She loved it, and him, infinitely though. Her friends were getting married and having kids, and asking when she would do the same, but she wasn't rushing anything. She would, of course, love to start a life with Andrew beyond just dating, but she was more than happy with what they had.

Lazy Taco Lazy Taco

Peter smiled at her response, inwardly grateful that she hadn't gotten angry. He couldn't have blamed her, he had promised her from the beginning that he wouldn't work on the trip. But the bar was his life as much as she was, losing either one would destroy him.

"Hmm... Did you have anything in mind?" He asked coyly, smirking at her before looking in the mini fridge and grabbing a water. He'd finally reached the stage in life when it was okay to take a bit from the hotel fridge without panicking, he could afford such luxuries. Although $4 for a bottle of water was ridiculous.

"We could... Go swimming. Watch TV. Unpack. Sight see. That's about all I have." He noted, scratching the back of his neck absently.
nymphadora. nymphadora.
Drew turned to look at the mint on the pillow and even had to blink once Amara got hers. He wasn't one for sweets mostly because he liked spicy things or soury flavored sweets than something sugary, heck whenever he had drank some coffee, he never added any sugar on it, just leaving it plain black without milk and drinking it. "You can have the mint." He said to her mostly because he didn't want it to go to waste.

So Drew had a fear of plane, so what? It wasn't like he could do anything, everybody had their fears and his was among the most common known fear to have. "Well knowing the time right and that the plane ride was exhausting, we can either go to sleep? or see if we can find a way to rent a car to cruise around? or maybe go swimming in the pools?" If one option wasn't good, he always felt that giving out three ideas helped them out more.

Drew had to look out the window to see how Santo Domingo surrounding looked from the room they where at. "I heard that they have a place called el tunel del tiburon or maybe it has some other name." He kinda had trouble saying that mostly because he didn't really know to well say some of the words in Spanish. "We have a lot time here, so we have all the time to explore the inside and outside of Santo Domingo." He said to her while smiling at her.

Cthulu Cthulu
Amara Lee Tauten

Amara popped her mint into her mouth and tucked Andrew's into her pocket, smiling slightly as she met him by the window, looking out. "God, it's beautiful here." She murmured, itching to grab her camera and go take pictures. After a second, she picked it up and held it close to the window, inspecting the screen for a moment before leaning in and exhaling on the window, creating a foggy look.

After glancing at the screen once more, she snapped a couple pictures, nodding in approval. She rarely missed an opportunity. She lifted the camera, pretending to inspect the screen before lifting it and taking a few very fast pictures of Andrew. She did it quite often, printed them out and kept a couple in her camera bag. She never sold those, she'd hate to.

"How about we go swimming for a bit? It's a beautiful day." She mused, opening a drawer and pulling out on of her bikinis. "Just for an hour or so." She added.

Lazy Taco Lazy Taco
Drew nodded at her when she said that it looked beautiful outside, it was a really an exhilarating experience seeing the outside from all the way here. He would had held Amara close to him but she gone to get the camera and take a picture of the scenery outside, something that he wanted to see, be it either picture or a painting. When he wasn't being greedy with his money, he would sometimes buy her portrait and put them up on the motor shop, hanging on the wall in his office. Whenever she visited him, he didn't really let her go inside the office mostly because he didn't want her to see that he had bought pictures, pictures that he had found really beautiful and too good to go away. "Maybe I should take a picture of you and hang it on the living room." He told but what he was actually trying to do was put it besides her every painting and write that she was the one who made and someone who he really loved.

Drew really had to blink once his picture got taken, mostly because it came randomly and it sometime embarrassed him to get random pictures being taken off, but if Amara liked it, who he was he to said anything. "Going swimming?" He had to close his eyes while trying to envision her with the bikini, she always looked beautiful and sexy wearing anything, so it would be interesting to see her wearing one, but at the same time it would cause to get jealous mostly because he didn't like other guys looking at her as if she was some type of prize. To him, she was his everything and he loved her. He even felt that this trip would help him break the ice and ask her the question he had been trying to get nerve to ask for the last two months. "Sure, we can go there."
Cthulu Cthulu
camila hart
xxx / Thanatos Thanatos
Mila shrugged in reply, she hadn't thought about it until he asked and now she wants so sure. Then she remembered the conversation they had before the flight, a smile curled upon on her lips as a bright idea popped into her head. "What about your friends? Amara and her partner?" She suggested with a raised brow, grabbing her belongings out of her suitcase and placing them into the neat drawer beside her. A cheeky look formed on her face as she noticed her bikini top sitting on top of the pile.

Mila spun around on her heels to face Peter, pulling a flirty look on her face as she dangled the bikini top in front of her chest, swaying around to show off to him. "Or we can go swimming if you like?" She giggled, twirling around Peter with a flirty tone in her voice. "It's up to you." She smiled, doing a small sway in front of him while she spoke.


Tia stood up behind Luca and put her chin on the top of his head "I can take a nap later, why don't we go to the pool, maybe some of the others might be there" she said lifting her head slightly to kiss the top of his head and walked over to her suitcase and started going through it to see if she could find her bathing suit.

She really wasn't sure who was already there, it was a beautiful day so hopefully they would all find their way to the pool. "But if you want to go to sleep, go ahead you will know where I am" she said walking back over to where he was. She figured that he had some type of work to do, but it was their vacation, its time to relax and have fun not work.

She didn't want to be pushy, she wanted him to come with her but if he wanted to stay at the room she wouldn't fight with him. She checked her phone, no messages, she shrugged her shoulders and walked into the bathroom and changed into her bikini and grabbed a towel "I'll be at the pool" she walked over gave him a kiss and grabbed her sunglasses, the room key and her phone and walked out.
Play On Words Play On Words

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