Counting Your Beasts of Resplendent Liquid Before They Hatch


OK, I think the title can't get any longer.

So, I have a few ideas for a game running in my head. I was wondering which one would get more attention.

1. The Neverborn's Angels

A troupe of Ghost-blooded under the command of an Abyssal, going out there and doing the will of the Void. Running around half-naked and getting into shenanigans is optional. Eventual Exaltation is possible (though it might not be as Abyssals).

2. Politicking Gone Wyld

Raksha politics! In the Wyld! Preferably with wild Wyld stunts and a lot of reality shaping. May contain infrequent forays into Creation proper.

3. Void Spreading Fools

Five of the Monstrances are broken and through some unexplained plot device the Exaltations cannot be summoned back. Now, five renegade Abyssals go around doing Abyssal-y stuff without the will of the Deathlords commanding them.

4. V'neef Aliset and the Half-Caste Prince

There will probably be no V'neef Aliset in the game, but there will be Half-Castes. A troupe of Half-Castes travel Creation and try to find their destiny in the dawn of the Third Age. Hijinks ensue.
Two, three, and four catch my eye. Although I think I may be ill-equipped for producing a Raksha character - must investigate.
The first sounds particularly entertaining to me, but I'd be interested in giving any of these a look.
n°3 seems fun, but... if the essence can't come back to the DL, if it goes back to Lytek, he ought to keep them to study them until he can heal the taint... and those abyssals would have siddies on their backs to get their essences back... :twisted:
I keep having these weird ideas, guys. It's kinda scary.

6. Super Sentai Immaculate Dragon Action Go!

Immaculate monks with color-coded power armor. They fight crime. Along with any and all enemies of Creation.
i'd be interested in number 1 3 or 4. I like the idea of number one, could lead to some exciting party combos if we did all exalt, but running around as a few low level characters would be fun in my opinion.
OK, currently, it's a close call between Void Spreading Fools' 7 and Super Sentai Immaculate Dragon Action Go!'s 9. V'neef Aliset and the Half-Caste Prince has 6 people interested, and it can be run with only 4 characters as opposed to Void Spreading Fools' 5 and SSIDAG!'s 6.

We need more interest to decide!
The problem is, people are more likely to look at a thread with a definite focus than one with several options that might not get picked.
I suggest you open a new thread/edit your first post and make a poll with the 3 propositions.

This way you'll know.
So, since we selected Void Spreading Fools, who wants to play in it? Tell me so I can add your names to the list.
I'm in, haven't been able to use my Necromancer in a while.

Name: Architect of Horrors Which Haunt The Sleep of the Righteous

Daybreak Caste

Concept: Megalomaniacal necromancer and necrotechnician.

Motivation: To become powerful as a Deathlord, sink his Neverborn patron into the Void, and rule a gradually spreading shadowland as its dark lord, unbound to any master.
ok renegade here i come

Name: He who bathes in his own Cacophonous Night

Caste: Midnight

Concept: Narcisstic Deathknight who revels in causing treachery.

Motivation: Destroy the lives around those that killed him and raise a mighty shadowland over thier city to rule without direction or command from a Deathlord.

Basically, James we'll call him, was a member of a organised crime syndicate and was rising up the ranks quickly through loyalty to his peers and bosses. After organising a large intake of illicit goods, he was invited to a party with the head of

the organisation.

During the party, his own underlings turned on him and killed him under order from the Head of the organisation. The First and Forsaken Lion mistook his devotion to his leaders, and thought James would make a loyal and trustworthy deathknight. However, Cacophonous Night see's his chains and punishment as a failure by the Lion and despises him.

Now with his new found freedom, He who bathes in his own Cacophonous Night has set about rising up and becoming a name in both the underworld and Creation

Few plot hooks there, havn't worked out what city he was in and what organisation, but i'll work that out as i do the character sheet.

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