Couldn't think of a good title, I am gonna go with the classic: "Hey!"


Undead Opera Singer

Good morning/afternoon/evening to anyone who may be reading this, like most introductions I will try to be brief and not waste much of your time if you do choose to read this.

My name is Cadenza and I am a fairly experienced roleplayer who comes from another site. I was introduced to RPN by a close friend of mine (Who apparently goes by the name of The Servant here) who told me the community here is both warm and active. Now how could I say no to that?

I've already been taught most of the features so that I can tackle this site with a fair amount of knowledge. Stuff like the mood system, signatures, titles, etc are things that I already know, though I might need to work in how to make my posts look much "prettier".

To be honest I don't have any RP preferences, as long as the topic interests me I will probably join it.

Welp, that's about it honestly. I hope I enjoy my stay in RPN, though I don't see a reason why I wouldn't. See you people around!


Credit to the artist who made this awesome pic
Heya there, Cadenza! Welcome to our humble RPing site! ;) I hope you enjoy yourself [there's really no reason why you wouldn't, I can verify this] and if you have any questions please let us know. Don't be shy! :D
That's an interesting name and avatar you chose to go with. I am glad that you decided to join us!
Lol, thanks. Right now I think I will be sticking to some of the simple roleplays before trying out the big leagues.
Fair enough, right now I need to go deal with real life so we'll see each other later. It's been already said, but feel free to ask me for more help if you have any questions. See ya Jane! (I may still call you that from time to time, just because I've gotten used to the name (>u>))

But really, I hope I am able to fit here. We'll see. See you later Cades! (You call me by my old name then I'll do the same)

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