.:Cosset Sign-Up:.


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Character Sheet

Name: (I would like last for all the humans, but the others don't have to have one)





Race: (If Animagus tell me what kind of animal too)

Partner: (Ignore if not spirt or human)

Position in Gang/Pack: (Ignore if solo vampire or werewolf, or not a vamp/wolf)


•Cosset• Care for and protect in an overindulgent way


Riley Ava Moonbeam (Goes by Ava)









Not much to tell. She was born June 4 to werewolf parents. They died Ina battle just days after and Ava's been raised by the largest pack in Cosset since she was born.





•Position inGang/Pack•

((Er....I'm not sure what to put...))




Zoë Kamden Prantel








Zoë was born January 12 to Allia Crimson Teague and James Richard Prantel. She grew up in a loving home all her life and was sad to leave home. She moved to Cosset for college this year.





•Position in Gang/Pack•





Cosset: To care for or protect in an overindulgent way.

Name: Sharon Orel

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Has pale skin with a round face and soft features. Her eyes are a striking, almost paper light blue, has long dark brown hair and stands at 5'5. Her nails are black and claw-like with little feathers poking out of her skin a few more inches, hence the reason why she always wears some form of glove protection.(Both features that stick out were from the merge.)

View attachment 4759

History: When she was around five or six, she went camping with her father. During the night, her child-like curiosity and the need to move around took hold, so she left the tent and wandered off into the nearby forest. After traveling for a while, she encountered a larger-than-average black bird, what she came to know later on as a raven. After following and playing around with the curious creature, the next part was fuzzy. All she remembered from the incident was her returning to the encampment, and her father’s cold stare. But also one of understanding.

Race: Animagus: Raven

Partner: --

Position in Gang/Pack: --

Other: n/a

(Will post another character or two after this.)
Both are accepted. Katherine what I meant by position in the pack is if you are the alpha or the second to the alpha (or even the alphas mate or mate to someone else). Everyone else is just a normal member of the pack.

Name: Jennifer "Jen" Madison

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://www.flickr.com/photos/15570017@N07/2412118074/

History: Jen has always been into technology, ever since she first logged onto a computer. She is very internet and computer savvy. She is fairly popular in school, not so much of a nerd as her grades are fairly average. She is also a tomboy and plays a few sports, but stopped last year to focus on computer, wanting to go into something technology-based. Jen met her spirit partner a few months ago and is intrigued by the new world set in front of her, but not adapted to demon hunting yet or all of what goes on.

Race: Human


Position in Gang/Pack: --


Name: Darkling

Age: Appears 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://www.flickr.com/photos/31133279@N07/2981432993/

History: Darkling has been on Earth for quite some years. He was hesitate about forming a bond and so would only visit Earth, always returning to his home dimension. He would watch over human and spirit bonds fight and a sense of guilt grew over the years until he caved in and went looking for someone too. A year ago he formed his first bond and is protective over them. He hates all demons and is iffy on the other races that are around.

Race: Spirit

Partner: Liza

Position in Gang/Pack: --


Name: Caril

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://www.flickr.com/photos/23024102@N03/2593717860/

History: Caril barely remembers his childhood before getting attacked one night when he was ten. After becoming a werewolf, Caril was not able to hide it from his family. His parents and siblings were afraid of him and so he was kicked out. For a while Caril was not sure what to do, but he eventually was taken in by an older werewolf. They joined the large pack in Cosset and Caril has made his home there, rarely going among the humans. Caril has become distant and harsh as he has gotten older and his hate for anything not werewolf has grown.

Race: Werewolf

Partner: --

Position in Gang/Pack: Normal member, mate to no one


Okay so I am looking for a partner for both Jen and Darkling. Also you can be from Caril's past (his human family or the werewolf who took him in) or even his mate, but I'll be choosy on this. I'd doubt anyone will offer.
Here's my other character. She can be Darkling's partner if you want her to be.

Name: Elizabeth “Liza” Ragsdale

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: View attachment 4800

History: Liza’s life wasn’t particularly noteworthy. Her home life was good, her parents always made sure that she had a roof over her head and she went to school with friends from kindergarten onward. When she hit high school music was where her interests were primarily, taking up violin and playing it religiously every day until graduation. She was inspired to become a musician but never thought she had enough talent to, so in order to seem productive she started work at a local restaurant bussing tables. While walking home one night around a year ago she met her partner, and once the bond was made the rest was history.

Race: Human

Partner: Darkling

Position in Gang/Pack: --

Other: n/a

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