.:Cosset:. .:Information, OOC:.


Senior Member



In the city of Cosset things are pretty normal - on the surface at least. Humans thrive in the city, though there are places where the poor and unlucky live and were crime is everywhere. But it is much like a normal city in these regards.

But underneath the normal surface resides a more different side. Creatures, both good and bad and nuetral live in the city too, some out of the way, other mingling with the humans. Vampires form small gangs in Cosset, but there is a large gang of them near the upper side of the city. Werewolves also make their home in the city. A few live on their own, but a werewolf pack is seem near an abandon factory section of the city. Half-animal creatures, calling themselves animagus, also mingle among the humans, their animal traits hidden so that they can co-exist with the humans without worry.

Then there are the demons. The demons come up from Hell, or at least something like Hell. They are hear to cause chaos, whether in causing humans to fight among themselves, stealing the souls of humans or even dragging them off to do who knows what. But the city of Cosset is not defenseless. For the last fifty years spirit-like creatures have made their way into our world. They appear human, but this may not be their real form. They learned that although they can come to our world, they cannot do much. So they make a plan.

The spirits seek out humans, usually in their late teens or early twenties and form a contract with them. They bond together and through this, the spirits can exist comfortably in our worlds and humans have the power to help destory the demons. Of course this bond weighes heavily on the humans and most won't make it pass their 50s if they do too much demon fighting.

All these things exist in the city. Most of them - humans, vampires, werewolves - live in their own separate worlds, somtimes mixing, but usually not. But that may all change as the demon threat grows and creatures find themselves drawn into the conflict.

Cosset is a city alive with danger, from the normal crimes to being a demon's plaything. Are you one of the few who will fight back and defend your home? Or will you watch from the sidelines as it all crumbs down around you?

Things Found In Cosset

What you can be

  • [*=center]Human: Humans make up the largest population in the city. A vast majority have no idea what is going on in the city and are oblivious to the supernatural an demonic threats that live in Cosset with them. Most have no power, even those who practice "witchcraft" but some are more suspectible to sensing supernatural creatures. A small minority are working with the spirits/had worked with the spirits, know of the supernatural creatures and/or interact with them.
    [*=center]Werewolves: The second most largest group found in Cosset. The werewolves tend to live everywhere depending on the werewolves. Most single or pairs can be found living among the humans and trying to deny their nature. Those in packs tend to live together. The largest pack lives in an abandoned factory building, but do go out in the city and mingle with the humans to stay alive. Those in this pack either left their home or were kicked out after learning of their newfound nature.
    [*=center]Vampires: The third group. Most vampires are solo, preferring to hunt and play by themselves as they are mostly selfish in nature. There are gangs of vampires in Cosset; those who found they can work together. The largest gang is made up of ten people and live in an unfinished house near to the upper part of the city. Vampires do not have morals but are aware of their actions and so their actions or ideas or methods can vary.
    [*=center]Spirits: Spirits come and go in Cosset, though some live with their partner or somewhere in the city. They usually come to Cosset at night to do their demon fighting. There are not many of them though. They appear human, but this may not be their real form. Of course the spirits won't say one way or another about this matter but it helps them blend.
    [*=center]Animagus: Animaguses are humans who can change into an animal. When they were kids, they encountered an animal spirit (different from the demon hunting spirits) and joined with them. They usually retain an animal feature in human form (ears, whiskers, tails, claws, fangs, wings, scales or fur), but they are usually the same size as they are when they are an animal and so are easy to hid most of the wing, except for fangs and claws which change depending on human or animal. Very rarely does an animagus choose to remain in animal form, but it does happen.

What you can't be

  • [*=center]Demon: Demons are malicious things, taking on any form they wish. They exist to cause chaos in any way they can. They can be taken down by a joint partnership of spirit-human, but depends on how strong the demon is. Most are relatively moderate in strength.

Things Not Found In Cosset

Anything else really besides what I said above. You
can pm me something else or post with a character that is not human/vampire/werewolf/spirit/animagus to see if there is a chance. I will be iffy with half-breeds as well. There won't be a lot and it depends on the nature of the half-breed as well. You can try something else, but know there is a great chance that it will not be accepted.

A Spirit-Human Bond

When a Spirit and a Human enter into a contract with eachother, it benefits both partners. First off they are linked together. Both have the ability to locate each other and sense their well-being. If one or the other of them die, it will greatly impact the other, sometimes causing death or comas depending on the strength of the bond and/or the being's willpower.

Although with this, spirits can exist in the human world. Without a link, they are mostly ghost-like, unable to effect most things and relatively weak. A contract with a human archors them to our world and allows them to exist as we do. This effects both partners as being an "archor" can drain a human, which causes most humans who are partners to spirits, not to live long. It also makes spirits mortal and most perish once their human partner does. Few return home unscathed.

The powers the humans gain from a bond are as followed: Able to sense demon or demon taint, speed, grace and dexterity in battle, increase strength, able to purify demonic taint and resist demons, and the ability to call upon energy-like attacks to destory demons.

Anything Else You Should Know?

Besides the rules, I don't think so. I will make a more detailed map of the city if anyone wishes, but it will take some time. Anything you have in the city will most likely be fine. Just don't overdo it. If you have more questions ask away. All OOC talk will be done in here.


1. No Godmodding or anything like this.

2. Romance and gore is allowed, but keep things teen. If your character(s) gets it on, skip over the act itself.

3. No OOC fighting. We should be doing enough in the rp.

4. You may have up to 4-5 characters. But you can't have all vampires or all werewolves characters. Mix it up a little.

5. All things like leader of the main vampire gang, alpha of the main werewolf pack, spirit-human partners, can be decided after we got a good amount of characters and not before. If you want to be a leader or alpha tell me though so I can see how many want it.

6. All the species have the powers and abilities as they normally would have. Vampires don't sparkle in the sun, they burn in it and the rest. Werewolves can only change three nights a month, day before full moon, day of full moon, and day after full moon. They are the most powerful during the full moon and new werewolves or young ones don't have control over their werewolf side. Be reasonable with your powers. If I see anyone overdoing it, they will get a strict talking to and more than once they will be kicked or their character killed.

7. Put the definition of cosset in your other to show you read the rules.

Love this idea. Just one quick question about the spirits. They were humans as well once, right? Or are they their own species? & if they were humans, do they remember their pasts and death?

I guess that was more than one quick question, haha. Apologies. ;}

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