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Infintius Shadow
Corruption: 50%
He gulped and wiped the sweat away. "Maybe..." He was sure it was why.

The eye had always gotten him out of issues, it had helped him beat oppenets that he couldn't evenbeat without it. Now it was his downfall, it was causing him to be corrupted much quicker. "Damn it...if I'd never got this cursed eye." He growled.
Infintius Shadow
Corruption: 50%
He sighed, not knowing if he should tell Frank how he got the eye. However an image of Akio flashed in his head, and he let out a deep breath before he began to speak, "I was in a fight with...some flea looking being. Though it was bigger...about half of my size. He killed Akio's best friend Gray and her...out of anger and having surpassed my limits, I achieved the Eye of Infinite, and knew limits no more...besides that I'm not sure how else to explain it."
Infintius Shadow
Corruption: 55%
Reason: Sad Memories

"Akio, is my wife and Gray is her best friend." He said, clenching his fists.
Infintius Shadow
Corruption: 50%
"I technically am to..." He sighed. "What I'm about to tell you, you must swear to secrecy understand?"
Infintius Shadow
Corruption: 55%
He released the tight clench of his fists. "I...I died in my fight against Dare...he was an omnipresent being and it took me sacrificing myself to beat him...However me and Akio due to our power were sent to the Spirit Relm...a place between the world of the living and the dead. One in which fights always break out, and if you lose that fight and die you cease to exist...in other I am dead...me and Akio both." He said, in a quiet voice so if anyone walked out of the portal only Frank would hear him still.
Infintius Shadow
Corruption: 55%
"Well...if I do go evil due to this corruption at least you know if you kill me you'll win." He said.
Infintius Shadow
Corruption: 55%
He sighed. "You don't get it do you...if I go evil you have to kill me to win...there's no other choice.
Infintius Shadow
Corruption: 50%
Corruption percentage:16%
"Nor do you, I intend to destroy it so that no one else is effected by it again." Frank says "I am fully prepared to wipe you from existence should the need arise."
Infintius Shadow
Corruption: 55%
He sighed. "I am the last one capable of wielding the eye...no one else has the required power to use it." He said. "Nor do they have what it takes.

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