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Not noticing the devil and tennis champion up till the very moment Put jumped in surprise at the sudden voice, ”Wah!-Wow I did not notice you were here. I honestly thought you and Waluigi ended up staying behind? Do you need to be caught up on anything or are we good to go?”

As for Nellie’s confidence, he could respect that head on attitude of hers. If Palutena herself wasn’t telling him this was a bad idea he probably would have even agreed. However, Palutena’s lack of assurance was enough to make him worried that this could go horrible wrong. Noticing Amy looking concerned, he’d metaphorically hand over the mic to her. “Do you have anything you wanna say Amy? I’m sure hearing another opinion wouldn’t hurt”​
Corruption: 5%
She looked at Pit and forced a smile. "I say go for whatever works." Though she knew that Shadow would drag them in Chaos Control if he had to.
Corruption 20%
Her tail swished, "I'm sure we'll be fine." she said, "Palutena, I know we don't normally get along, but trust me. If anything happens to him, I'll be ready to help. My kind isn't all bad, y'know."
Palutena gave a hum as she responded to Nellie’s assurance, ~~I suppose I can’t argue with that. Just make sure, my little Angel comes out of this in one piece, I’ll even settle for half~~ Pit would laugh aloud, though Palutena’s silence after made him mildly concerned “…That was a joke, right Lady Palutena?” Electing to ignore that, Palutena continued. ~~Alright Pit, ready to break some rules and potentially destroy a chunk of reality?~~

With Palutena’s go ahead, Pit was completely eager to jump into action, tossing the emerald up and down in excitement. “Heck yeah! We’re gonna master time and space and kick some monsters in the face!” Pit would chant, however it seemed he had one last thing on his mind before fully committing. “Wait…Don’t worry I’m definitely on board but, let’s just get one final run down on all the steps. This could make us into Angel and hedgehog goo if we mess up after all” With a breath of air Pit gave his best explanation of what the plan was.

“Alright, Operation Time Maniuplation Explanation. First, Shadow and I will get reeaal close. Second, the moment both shine brightly Shadow will active his teleportation and Palutena will activate my warp. Now, we’ve got a fourteen out of fifteen chance of this not killing us but if it does, bury me with a dictionary so I’ll finally be able to read in the after life. Anyways, this should result in us becoming the proud fathers of a whole new universe and warp us one foot behind the monsters. Finally, that’ll help us beat them once and for all by uh, by….” Pit looked over to Shadow, hoping he could explain the very most important step of the plan, the part that was the reason they were even risking the potential of a very painful death by bodily disassembling at the molecular level if even the slightest thing went wrong.​
Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg
Corruption: 15%​
Shadow glanced at Pit and summoned a Space Shuttle looking Gun. "By disengrating them with the Chaos Canon."
Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg
Shadow looked around. "Don't question it." He said before it disappeared.

(Gun summoning: An ability that Shadow uses in the Sonic, Shadow, and Silver show.)
Pit whistled at the sight of such a large weapon, clearly impressed. “That’s so cool!…hopefully this doesn’t bump us to a T rating” Nevertheless with that and Frank’s own weapon, it appeared that everything was good to go. “Alright, so we’re all good to go? Then let’s do this!” Pit would walk over towards the hedgehog, at first appearing hesitant over how close he needed to be for this to work, eventually deciding to simply just pick the small creature up and place him on his back, effectively giving Shadow a piggy back ride “Is this close enough?”​
Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg
Corruption: 15%​
"All we need is Physical contact not no damn piggyback ride." He said hopping off and grabbing Pit's shoulder. He closed his eyes to focus on getting the energy from the emerald.
”Oh! heh…sorry”
Pit would clasp his own hand around Shadow’s shoulder, taking a deep breath in as Palutena provided some final advice before they did this.

~~Remember the risks Pit, who knows what effects this action may have on the universe. Are you ready to face whatever comes your way?~~

He’d look over towards the steadily advancing monsters coming their way. No matter the risks, time was short and he needed to do this. The angel finally nodded as a face of determination graced him. “As the servant to the goddess of light it’s my duty to protect all that exist under your warmth. I’ll break the laws of time and space if it means I can save the world” He’d hold out the sparkling chaos emerald in front of himself, taking in it’s beauty.
~~Got it, the warp’s set up and ready to go! It’s all up to you two now!~~

Pit would nod, bring back the emerald to hold it against his chest. Gripping tightly onto Shadow, Pit Shouted “Alright, Let’s do this!” waiting for Shadow’s cue.​
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Shadow's eyes flew open. "Amy now!" With a nod Amy would shove the others to where they fell into the two before running over and grabbing on. "Pit now! CHAOS CONTROL!"
The moment Shadow’s words left his throat Pit raised his emerald up skyward as he looked within himself for Palutena’s power, her holy light cloaking the group. It was now or never. In perfect synchronization with Shadow, Pit would shout alongside him, echoing out a single word with fierce intensity.


Universes away in the land known as none other than Skyworld the Goddess of Light herself, Lady Palutena, stood over a reflective pool which displayed all that Pit saw. Peering into the pool, she’d quickly make out the visage of Shadow and her royal guard raising the chaos emeralds to the sky. It was time. Her staff rose high into the air as she held it out from herself. With a swish of her armored arm, a light danced between her fingertips as she herself would shout the very same word as Pit. “Warp!” She knew that this wasn’t going to be easy, she knew the risks, the dangers of preforming such reality altering magic but most of all she knew her trust in Pit was with warrant, she knew he’d be able to do this. He was her royal knight after all.

With that, it was all up to luck now.​
Modern Shadow
Corruption: 12%
Base Shadow.jpg
The next thing that Shadow was aware of was pain all throughout his body and the feeling of having just pushed past his limit, in return for being physically tired beyond belief. "Remind me...not to ever do that again unless all of our lives is at stake." He said to Pit.

Modern Amy
Corruption: 5%​
Amy looked around and smiled. They had the enemy's back and could escape now but...she could tell Shadow was in pain and didn't know what to do. With a sigh she allowed him to balance on her shoulder, seeing the tiredness in his eyes he now experienced having performed both of Chaos Control's abilities at once. "We have to keep moving." She said, setting the pace to a light jog.
Before Pit could even comprehend what had just happened Pit had found himself on his knees and behind the enemy, just barely able hear Palutena’s frantic voice over the rininging in his ears. This was nothing like any other time Pit used the warp ability. Normally it almost felt like a warm embrace of light simply popping him in another location at an instant, nothing more and nothing less. However, this? This was nothing like that in the slightest. Imagine having every inch no, every atom of your body set aflame, as chunk by chunk your body was disassembled into it’s barest components before being shoved into the void between all reality and unreality itself, pulled back into the real world and reassembled. All of this done in an instant. It was safe to say that the process did exactly feel kind on the body. Nevertheless all he could do was count his blessings that things had turned out all right. Still on the ground, he’d flash a peace sign, and shout “V-victory!” The pain in his voice doing little to hide his pride.?However, he’d see in the corner of his eye that Amy was already up and about to flee, to which would cause quickly Pit to quickly stagger to a standing position, and reply. “You guys can go on ahead! We’ll take them out before they get a chance to follow after us” He’d summon his bow and notch an arrow, wings outstretched and glistening with light. “Do you still got the Quantum Disruptor ray?” Pit would look to the kid genius of the group.​
- Assassin Cheetah -
Form: Possession Cheetah
Corrupted: ~

Bay sat in silence behind a dead tree and watched. She knew she wouldn't be much help anyway. She wasn't even able to comprehend what had just happened before her. After when things began to calm and return to somewhat normal, the large cheetah padded out with pricked ears. "Is everyone okay? Does anyone need extra energy or healing?" She was trying to be her nicest.​
Modern Shadow
(ignore the fact that the image is a Movie Shadow.)
Movie Shadow.jpg
Corruption: 11%​
Shadow contuned to lean on Amy as she led them away from there, providing a slight nod of his head as the Bay's answer.
- Assassin Cheetah -
Form: Possession Cheetah
Corrupted: ~

The large red cheetah slowly padded over to Shadow while flicking her ears towards his reply. "Here we go..." she mutters. Bay slowly swept her paw against the ground and a bright, yellow glow formed beneath him; returning strong energy and healing in a few seconds.​
Modern Shadow
Movie Shadow.jpg
Corruption: 11%​
Shadow nodded his thanks, not being one to say it aloud. He looked towards Pit and called, "JUST LEAVE THEM WE ONLY GOT LESS THAN 30 SECONDS TO LEAVE AND F THEY MOVE AGAIN WE'RE IN FOR ONE HELL OF A FIGHT!"

Important: SheepKing, and Sir Loin of Beef you now have a choice.

Amy however thinking she saw a figure up ahead began to approach it. She didn't have any idea who or what it was.
  1. Do as Shadow said
  2. Try to kill them and end up in a battle that will likely end in a death.
Cthulhu was wandering around the dark realm, just enjoying some peace and quiet
Modern Shadow
Movie Shadow.jpg
Shadow glared at Pit and noticed that Amy had continued to leave. He quickly followed her. "What is it?" He asked her.

Amy looked at him and replied, "I thought I saw someone."
- Assassin Cheetah -
Form: Possession Cheetah
Corrupted: ~

Bay nods to Shadow and flicks her gaze to the pink mobian, "Is there someone over there?" Her red gaze slowly intensifies and stands by Amy.​
Modern Shadow
Movie Shadow.jpg
Corruption: 10%​
Shadow looked to where Amy stared. "Stay here. I'll see who it is." He squeezed the green emerald in his hand even tighter ready to use it if nesscary. With that he began to approach this being. "Who are you?" he growled.
Modern Shadow
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Corruption: 10%​
Shadow looked to where Amy stared. "Stay here. I'll see who it is." He squeezed the green emerald in his hand even tighter ready to use it if nesscary. With that he began to approach this being. "Who are you?" he growled.

Shadow found himself staring at a kaiju sized creature just wandering in the dark before it looked down at him and began to shrink before presenting itself as a human girl twice his height

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