Corrupt a Wish

Granted, but you have no control over the influence, so everyone thinks you're a horrible person they should get the heck away from.

I wish for a cookie.
The tacos are poisoned.
You are now dead.

I wish to get noticed by Jumin Han (Mystic Messenger) and have many babies.
Instead, you stay where you are.
Since we're all part of shitty internet.

I wish to die
You'll die by having camels run over your corpse repeatedly while they force you to watch every episode of Barney

I wish to have the right amount of money for anything I buy
Granted, but the money appears above your head in the form of Zimbabwean $1 notes. You are crushed under the weight the first time you try to make a purchase.

I wish to travel forward in time.
Granted, but you die as if you're in a black hole, immediately

I wish to become Yuno Gasai
Granted but your memes become old within hours. More people demand new memes and you find yourself becoming exhausted. People love your memes too much. You soon die of exhaustion.

I wish for world peace.
Granted. Everyone dies from a new, virulent, incurable disease within two days. Peace achieved.

I wish for the moon to vanish.
Granted, but you start to do what they do once you understand it. You become mindless following trends.

I wish I can get a private island.
Granted, but you receive your island by washing up on it after a boating accident. You are now alone and stranded on a comically small desert island until you die of thirst.

I wish my sleep paralysis would go away.
Granted. A tree sprouts before you, bearing a single apple. However, upon picking the apple and taking a bite, God banishes you from Eden (you no longer find comfort or solace in what you once did).

I wish I was less pessimistic.

(Edit: I did not see the above post due to the inadequacies of the RPnation app. Respond to Dan's wish)
Granted, you aren't cool enough to see the freshest memes though

I wish I could pass all of my classes
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Granted, however after graduating High School you realize that a High School Diploma is worthless and no college will accept you. The weight of the realization that you've wasted your youth weighs you down into depression.

I wish I was better at painting.
Granted, but now you have a crushing 9 to 5 job, struggle with rent, had to sell your computer and games, and are addicted to sleeping pills.

I wish that in the next instant my body would be converted to antimatter.

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