CORPSE-PARTY: Hollow Hearts



This is the tab to input your character's info and sign up for the RP.

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~Guilty Pleasures (If you want) e 7 e
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~Name: Lucy - 59622 2girls black_hair blonde_hair kei_(artist) long_hair tagme twins.jpg

(the one on the right. Unless you wanted that one, Sunny.)

~Age: 16

~Gender: Female

~Height: 5'5

~Weight: 107 lbs.

~Personality: Lucy is a flirtatious girl with lots of energy. She is always smiling and will never let a frown bestow upon her face. She greatly loves her sister and would do anything for her, even if it pains her to do so. She is quite smart and achieves rather competent grades. She tries her best in everything she strives for and is almost the definition of perfect. Except for the fact that she is quite naïve.

~Guilty Pleasures: She secretly has fantasies about her sister...

(If it needs to be longer, just let me know.)
Name: Lanette


(She's on the left.)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 106 lbs

Personality: Lanette is sort of a mixed bag. While she's not as cheerful and smiley as her sister, she still enjoys having fun. She's a lot more secretive and moody. One minute she'll be the life of the party with Lucy, the next she'll be slinking around the edges of the group and just observing everyone. Despite her stranger personality, she loves her sister with all her heart and would do anything for her. She'd kill for Lucy if she asked.

Guilty pleasures: She fantasizes about Lucy, but she'd never tell.
Shiro| Hayate

First | Last


Age: 17

~Gender: Male

~Height: 5'11

~Weight: 180

~Personality: Someone who appears to be pretty happy and nice, but doesn't seem to have any friends. The reason for that is his horrible habit of blowing up in anger at the worst times. He bottles up anything negative that ever happens to him. Such as sadness, being scared, guilt, and regret. Meditating is his usual go-to whenever he needs to cool off. He loves having friends, almost obsessively. When (and if) he has friends, he'll cherish them like Gods on their thrones. This would be another reason why he doesn't have any friends, since most people would think of this as creepy. He also has insecurities about his body from his weird birthmarks all over his back and stomach.

~Guilty Pleasures: He'd do anything for anyone that ever shows any interest to him. Anything. Yeah thats a guilty pleasure ok.
Name: Tokage Otoko


Age: He is one years old.

Gender: Male

Height: 2 feet tall

Weight: 40 pounds when hungry. 60 pounds after eating a mouse.

Personality: You could say he's kind of cold blooded. I mean he likes people but is also a loner. And rumors say he's a bit of a two faced snake. He also once pooped in my yard. Kind of an asshole.

Guilty Pleasures: Slithering and molting.
Butt Tickler 2000]Mr. or Mrs. FrostWolf I must inquire can I rp as a disembodied butt then? [/QUOTE] [B][FONT='Courier New'][COLOR=#b30000]If you wish to be a person who had their butt be ripped off said:


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Name: Blaise Solomen



~Height: 162cm

~Weight: 48 kg

~Personality: Blaise is flirty and seductive on the outside but she is scarred and hurt on the inside because she was kidnapped at a young age. Boys droll at her feet and beg for her body and she always says yes

~Guilty Pleasures (If you want) she loves shy boys though she won't admit it
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(Sorry you have to deal with my shoddy characters.)


Sorayo Rokkishima


21 Years






178 Lbs




Calm, cool, collected, these three words can describe him only when he is with Ererari, who is a childhood friend, the only friend he can recognize since he blocked out his past to live as yet another patient without the burden of being a cold-blooded killer.

Brainy, bright, brusque, thought these characteristics are true to him, he tends to make mistakes, smart and straightforward he may be, he commonly screws up and is quick to change his attitude.

Timid, tricky, tough, Sorayo uses his timid nature to fool others into thinking that his size means no more than genetics, though he has a high tolerance to pain and social awkwardness.


Schizophrenia, panic attacks, himself.

.:Guilty Pleasures:.

Sorayo is extremely sadistic, finding his own ways to secretly torture the other patients, usually mentally, and his best friend Ererari, which is almost always phyisical because he can get away with it. Both murders he committed weren't due to psychological disorder, though they played a part in the development of his sadism, this was due to some heightened sense of powere he gained by injuring these two people, though he never meant to kill them, just to shake them up and leave them with some scars, though this is obviously not how things turned out.


Sorayo, though between him and Ererari he is the one who seems more mature and stable, is a patient in the newly rebuilt asylum, participant in earlier team-building, with potential to kill and previously registered for 2 counts of first-degree murder, both cases he plead insanity.


Ererari Borraio


19 Years






198 Lbs




Submissive, shy, stable, despite his size and strength Ererari is submissive by nature, preferring to stay quiet and usually getting confused for a patient though he is beyond stable both mentally and physically.

Polite, patient, pacifist, when he does talk, Ererari is typically polite and patient with people, not wanting to start verbal -or- physical conflict due to his being a pacifist, and his beleif that violence of any kind is inexcusable... Most of the time.

Monarch, mindful, mature, he is the sole person that can control Soraya due to his specific kind of leadership, immense awareness, and maturity in times of struggle or danger, without him the man would surely go completely insane.


No such affliction is present, unless you count Sorayo, which he doesn't.

.:Guilty Pleasures:.

Over his time as Sorayo's willing companion, he's slowly become a masochistic boy, so what the man thinks of as taking control of Ererari is actually something that he'd never admit that he was allowing to happen.

.:Theme Song:.

Aus Träumen gebaut - Saltatio Mortis


The boy has worn worn clothing that conceals most of his body since becoming friends with Sorayo, likely due to the bruises and injuries inflicted on him by the man. Ererari and Sorayo are so extremely close that they've been said to have connected souls, which may or may not be true...

(Let's get this crazy train off the rails! *chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga woot woot!*)

You'll see how I rp when I start rping, okay? Okay.​
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Name: Opaline Narubashi


+Age 18

+Gender Female (Futanari)

+Height 5'9 (175cm)

+Weight 120 lbs (55kg)


Due to her being born a Futanari she's a little insecure about herself. Because of this she's always been quiet around crowds, people who seem important, talking on the phone and even when she gets hurt, she deals with it on her own! It's not that she doesn't like speaking or is shy, she just likes to think a lot. Thinking before she speaks, thinking of a situation's outcome, thinking how a persons reaction will be to a certain situation. Her thinking can often make her nervous, and when people disrupt her thought she pulls a blank. She tends to be an observer, and hopes to stay out of peoples way as best as she can.

Though.. if there is one thing she is open about is her love for the occult. Spirits, Curses, fortune telling, Ghost stories, And even death fascinate her! She's also got a.. "slightly" weird side of her when she finds or talks about stuff shes interested about, She drools and hiccups, laughs and shivers, and can become overly obsessive over items and trinkets.. Even people!

+Guilty Pleasures+

She has a thing for people with self confidence, whether it be an asshole or a genuinely caring person.

She likes to 'explore' the futanari side of her.

Glasses are A+.

Could possibly eat all the tuna in the world.​



"Konnichiwa! Watashi wa Thursday desu!"

Thursday Fabala


"Nearly legal. Yay!"



"Well, I'm not male, you silly bacca!"



"Not too tall, not too small; I'm just right!"

5" 11'


"Do you really have to know this?"



"I'm kawaii, don't you think?"

Thursday is a sweet girl that tries her hardest to be nice to everyone. She always tries to be understanding to other people's problems. She is quiet but enthusiastic, most of the time. She is also oddly confident and good at public speaking. However, when things go wrong, she has a tendency to panic or freak out.She can't stand the sight of blood, it makes her feel physically ill.

Guilty pleasures:

"Guilty pleasures? Did you find my internet history or something?"

Psychrophilia, (arousal by being cold or seeing others who are cold).​
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Name |

Ria Takanashi

Age |

15 years old

Gender |


Height |


Weight |

100 lbs.

Personality |

Despite having as many emotions as the next human being or girl around, Ria is a rather silent and observant one. She thinks, dreams, and knows of so many things that even the most surprising things unfaze her. She can be very curious and adventurous, to the point that she finds herself and some other random person/ people whom she's dragged into a situation that may be overly-dangerous or unlikely to others but completely interesting for her. She barely shows emotions, and most of the time remains calm even when times call for happiness, sadness, frustration... This wordless inquisitive girl can be well compared to a breeze of wind sometimes. Now you feel her, now you don't.

Ria doesn't cry. Ria doesn't try. And most importantly, she doesn't lie. (*screams*



Guilty Pleasures |

She has a fetish for hair (when she sees it, she will touch it, and dream of it, and probably even eat it) and biting (most of the time) soft things, be it skin, flesh, pillows... even the fellow patients. But worry not, because she doesn't bite too hard (or at least that's what the survivors say). She also loves imagining any two males and pairing them together, as any other kind of relationships are for her, ridiculous.

(I hope this is okay enough~)
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Name? "Z-Zachary burner...."

Age? "15"

Gender? "Male"

Height? "5'8"

Weight? "115"

Personality? "Very smart but very shy"

GP? -blushes- "g-girls with big boobs" -looks down-
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1413850723.037032.jpg.f64fa17573502ce0610db1f209411af3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32332" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1413850723.037032.jpg.f64fa17573502ce0610db1f209411af3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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You just need to do a character intro post in the main thread. (Try to tie it in with the most recent posts)

I'm also going to delete the main thread posts.
No, I just forgot about this and suddenly it appeared? Wut, wow. I feel awkward, I had like, a flood of memories and crap.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c216bc656_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_images.jpg.96f7af8935c4267aad723e2487939273.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48376" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c216bc656_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_images.jpg.96f7af8935c4267aad723e2487939273.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ~Name : Kuro Hagewashi

~Age : 20 years old

~Gender : Male

~Height : 6'3"

~Weight : 203 Lbs

~Personality : Kuro was knowned for being a delinquent because of his terrifying looks and his habit of making trouble. But he is actually a person who wants friends. He never had any friends because of his looks. He is also a helpful person but no one sees it.

~Guilty Pleasures : He is a vergetarian until he was fed raw meat by his big brother. Surprisingly, he liked it



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