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Cop Partner Rp?


Bird Brain
So, details are a bit shady for right now (heck, I don't even know if it's modern or futuristic yet) but I thought it'd be fun to do a story-driven rp revolving around cop partners (one new guy and a more weathered one). Arcs can be developed as we go along yada yada yada--

Now, some degree of pairing is totally a thing, but that can't entirely be the main focus unless the situations call for it.

Minimum of writing is a paragraph, and if you want to be a part I'd like to see a sample of your rp style and such. Your skill level, if you want to call it that. Comment here if you're interested, or PM me. I'm free to reject, please understand that -shrugs-
Hello there!~

I must say I'm quite intrigued with this idea you have here, and I would greatly appreciate getting some more details about it.

I tend to put a fairly big amount of detail in my roleplays, here are some examples for you;

Charlie was having the time of her life. What was she doing? Watching an amazing movie, or playing the best game to ever exist, perhaps? Not at all, she was observing ants. An ant colony, to be more exact. She was both frightened and excited by the sight of it. She didn't quite dislike nor like insects, though seeing so much little creatures crawl over the soil made her a little uneasy.

Child’s curiosity made her do the most devilish things. Breaking her stare at the little ones, she scanned the area around her, in hopes of finding a stick of some sort. What she found was the exact definition of a trophy for a child. A long, smooth twig that seemed to have fallen down from the oak, which was located in her backyard. She quickly ran over to it, jumping over the colony on her way there. She picked it up and examined it closely. It was simply perfect!

It didn't take her long to be back at the place she was originally at, standing right before the colony, bent over and looking down at the poor insects. The sight once again intimidated her, making her gulp once. Though the pure interest of knowing what's going to happen to the ants once she poked the center, made her think no further. She was just about to bring the stick down, when she heard a familiar voice call for her.


A gasp. Chill in the air. Some movements of her limbs, adjusting the covers lying on her body. And finally, her eyes shot open.

Awake. That's what she now was. Staring right before herself for a moment, she understood she didn't long for any more sleep. That's when she slowly pushed her torso up with her hands, slipping her legs off her bed and sitting up. Though her curtains were covering the only window she had in the room, it wasn't hard to tell it was night. Faith stood up, stretching her arms out and yawning softly, before walking over to her desk and turning on the lamp that was on it. The sudden bright light made her blink repeatedly, though only a second or so after she'd get used to it and would be able to keep her eyes open.

Cold. It was still cold. Most of the time Faith wore as little as possible, but that wasn't the reason why she felt chills going down her body. She heard wind. Breezes entering the room. Now that the light was on, she could tell the curtains were swaying around. She must've left the window open before drifting to sleep. She stumbled across the room, still a tad sleepy, as she reached the window and moved the curtains away. The night sky looked beautiful from where she was standing. It never was completely dark around the parts where she lived. There would be multiple buildings with lights on, brightening up the snowy terrain. Faith breathed in the fresh air, enjoying it for a while, before closing the window. She decided to move the curtains away, so she'd be able to glance at the paysage every now and then.

She walked back to her desk, turned on her computer and left the room to get something to eat. Reaching the kitchen, she tried to be as quiet as possible, so she wouldn't disturb her sleeping mother. The lady was old, lost her husband a couple of years ago, and had to take care of her NEET of a daughter all by herself. Faith loved her, yet pitied her for having to put up with her. She continued rummaging across the cupboards, trying to decide on what to eat exactly. Instant noodles? She ate that yesterday. .... What else was there...? Instant noodles it is, then. She set the water to boil, taking a bathroom break and coming back just in time when it was finished.

Faith didn't like eating anywhere but her room, and today wasn't an exception, either. She turned off the lights in the kitchen and the hallway, walking back to her room and locking the door after herself. Her computer had started up by that time, flashing some notifications she had gotten. League of Legends was open, and from the distance she was from her screen, she couldn't quite make up what it was saying. Maybe she had gotten a game invite. Walking over to her desk and sitting down, feeling her favourite chair under her, she started sorting out what was happening on the screen. Her anti-virus was going crazy for some reason. She probably got some malware while pirating that game the other day. What was it called, again? Underworld? Nethertale? ...Undertale. Maybe she would spend tonight playing that. Though looking further, she noticed that she indeed had gotten a League invite. It wouldn't hurt to play one game, she thought.

She started it up. Picking out a character she wanted to practice with, Ahri. She liked that girl. She was cute, had a good special attack, was more or less easy to control, though Faith never really played around with her. It was time to do that. Some time passed, everyone chose their characters and the game started. Faith was set to go bottom, so she did exactly so.

The preparation time wasn't over yet when one of the players on their team typed the following "Do all of you guys have Skype? Voicechat?" Faith thought for a bit. Should she? It would be easier if she could communicate in her team, of course, though she didn't want to wake the old lady up. 'I'll join in and speak only when neccesary.' she decided. She gave her Skype - Bullka. That was her username on most things, including League of Legends. It was quite ironic. Her surname is Bulle, and her friends liked to nickname her a bull. "Bullka". Why did she add the 'ka', she wondered? So it would sound more feminine, perhaps? Maybe she was just a girly lil' girl inside.

The admin of the Skype group added her, and the call began.


As you can see, I tend to write booooring stuff. But I like to be very descriptive, even about everyday objects and actions. .... That's mostly because I get lost in my own thoughts.

Also... Anime is babe. Can I be your kouhai 'til the end of time?
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Ah.... I'm an idiot. ;-;

Only just now did I realize you're looking for a male partner.

You don't accept any females, do you?
'fraid not, my dear. Though I just might for the sake of doing an rp. Initial partner has been on an inspirational break so I've been sitting around as of late.

Plus I fear that I can't compete with your incredibly detailed writing ^^" Though, your writing seems fun and more personal with the character than that I've seen from others. So, lol, kudos on that.

If you're not opposed to it, perhaps we can figure out another plotline? If you want?

You can be my kouhai that'd be great

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I would looove to discuss another plot!

I am open to any genre, though I've only had the opportunity to write Modern stuff.

Believe it or not, I haven't been roleplaying for more than a week.

I'm so fucking desperate for a roleplay.

And I love you, senpai.

Also, do you play Osu?

Plz add me.....

Forchii's profile
If that's the case, would you be interested in trying some other genre? See, I'm not very good at modern - this was just an attempt xD

I don't play osu YET.

Looks fun.

And it looks like you kick absolute ass at it
Sure! Tell me what genres you're interested in, and I'll see what I can do.

...Nobody plays Osu with me anymore... I beat everyone...

I'm miserable...

Please play with me...
Lol I'm interested in all of them (better at fantasy, as that can include literally everything you read in books) It's more of a matter of what you want to try, and if you feel like you want to stop and try something else you can always do that.

We could totes do a fandom one where we can be trash bags designed for anime purposes.

It's so hard omfg I thought I'd be good at this Q~Q
Ohmylord, anime roleplay. Yis.

I have a character I use, which isn't original, that could fit into the horror/fantasy genre. Dark Alice. -

I haven't used her yet, and her description is kinda poorly made.

I could tweak some things, in case you're interested in her.

Also, this is my anime list. -

Just so you have an idea of what I know and what I can roleplay as.



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Dude Alice is so cool wtf I love it.

I DONT HAVE ONE YET, KOUHAI D= Plus I'm super preoccupied and idk if my phone can handle it xD
You can't tell me how to live my life tho

Maybe some other time then. I've got too much going on and I've had to pack away my computer anyways

I wanna roleplay!

You seem to have liked Alice, so shall we discuss something that includes her?
Not reaaally. Well, here are some options:

  • Alice is in an asylum, after or before the whole psycho murder everyone in Wonderland thingy. She has paranoia, and talks to the Mad Hatter, even though no one else sees him. Your character is either some insany person that is locked up next to her, or the asylum warden.
  • Your character is the Mad Hatter. The one and only Alice loves dear. (Whether it be romantically, or just emotionally.)
  • Your character fell down the rabbit hole, just as Alice did when she was young. Your character is human.
  • I honestly have no more ideas, I'm so sorry senpai.
  • Please keep noticing me.
  • Please.
  • ;-;
I like the idea of some poor, random soul falling into a mildly distorted wonderland lol

-continues to notice-
Omg yeeees.~

And then they witness Alice being super mega awesome, killing everything and fall in love instantly.

Oooor something like that.
Theeeen. Will you make your character, and describe him to me? I would appreciate it if you were the one to write the intro, and if the roleplay started with your character falling down the rabbit hole and kinda-like describing what he sees and shiiiiit.~
Well, I mean, yeah. Oh, and remember you're free to drop whenever cuz I get the feeling I'll disappoint xD

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