

Queen of Eternal Snow
So, did I catch your attention? Yes? No? Maybe? Lobster?

Well, if you're reading this then I win!

Victory is mine!

Anyways, it is now time for me to introduce myself to you lovely people.

My name is Nemesis. As is, Greek Goddess of Divine Retribution.

I'm not a goddess though.

I'm just a sarcastic, cynical, social awkward, girl who lives in her room underneath a rock.

Fortunately, since I live under my nice little rock, I get a lot of time by myself.

Which means I get a lot of time to work on my ideas and writing skills.

I'm really easy to work with, although I prefer to do 1x1 RP's.

Don't know why. Although I will do group RP's considering I have a few ideas.

Anyways, moving on. If you feel like rp-ing with me, just hit me up.

I'm nearly online 24/7 minus sleeping.

I would be offline a bit more, but my best (only) friend just got a job.

So, I'm here...

I'm the first to welcome you! HAHA Welcome!

Now that I have established my firstness in welcoming you. Welcome to RpN! Where the shoutbox will leave you confused and giggling.

What do you like to rp? What's your favorite season? Do you have any deep dark secrets that you want to share? :3

You can call me Ricki, Todd, Rodd, R/T, or whatever else comes to mind :D Welcome welcome and enjoy our world(s)!

Hi Neme!

Welcome to RpNation!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or drop by the Shoutbox.

Orientation Questions: What genre of roleplays do you prefer?

Mind checking out a few of the roleplays below?

If you like Fantasy, feel free to check out Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons.

If you like more of a modern Fantasy / Sci-Fi sort of thing, check out The Secret Service.

How are you doing this fine day?

Thank you for the welcome!!! I have to say that when it comes to RP's I prefer fantasy. I tend to stick to 1x1 though.. I'm not a big group person. Never have been. I suppose I could look into a couple of the RP's you mentioned. Thank you =)

I had originally come here due to the fact that the person who originally dragged me to the RPNation changed her title to supreme cookie overlord and demanded all cookies must belong to her. Then it occurred to me that she no longer visits us. However, upon arriving I had no choice but to notice that lobsters happened to be one of the options for answering if you had our attention or not. So ... yes, lobsters.

In any case, once I'm off of my short break, I'll be back to being the Slice of Life RP mod. :) Eri is going to be the fantasy mod that you get to deal with. :P I think your brand of insanity won't take very long to mesh well with ours. On that note, I would also like to invite you to the shoutbox. It can be a bit crowded and noisy at times, but there are good people there who can be very helpful when getting acclimated to the site. If you should prefer your solitude, I won't push.

I hope that you enjoy your stay in our RPNation!!

Thank you!!!!!

Yay, Lobsters! I still win!

Eri? My friend mentioned him once... She used to be on here for a long while, but just left a few months ago... So, I've heard of quite a few people. Also, from what I've seen, the shoutbox does seem to be quite the place for insanity. It also seems quite fun. I believe I might fit in there. I suppose I will work my way there in time. Once again, that you for the welcome and the advice..!! =3
I need to step up my game... Well, I'm not the first, but WELCOME, if you enjoy Roosterteeth's RvB, I am currently working on an RP based on it, it's called (Red vs. Blue) The Other Side in the Fandoms section, keep an eye out
Thank you =) Unfortunately I'm kind of confused and therefore will smile, nod, and act like I know what's going on. =3

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