Convention of Deathlord's Sidereal game?!

Preus Kai

Junior Member
I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, but I think it might be? (Admin, please move this topic to the correct forum if I am incorrect in my assumption)

I have a hankering to run a one-shot Sidereal story, maybe 5-7 games long (I'll offer modest XP and free Backgrounds [based on personal character background] at CharGen to accommodate for the lack of ongoing story). It'd focus on the Agents of Heaven (PC's) doing some legwork in the Shadowlands of Creation, gathering intelligence and/or sabotaging the legions of Undead. I'm new to Exalted ST'ing (but I've ran MANY a RPG in my day and have been poring over my Exalted books since I joined this site), and even newer to PbP games, so I'd like to think of this as my baptism by e-fire. Looking for no more than 5 players, with a bureaucratic allegiance to the Convention of Deathlords. Imagine something along the lines of "Bleach", "Vampire Hunter D", and "Gantz" and you'll have the right idea of my campaign. I don't want to seem like a mean person or whatever, but I'm inclined to offer a spot to a well-described character concept over a "I got here first" post. Feel free to jot down your character ideas and I'll PM you if you're accepted (not like I expect a ton of entries, anyway :P ) Also, feel free to PM me with any "secret" information about your character's background you'd rather not have other PC's know about (Deathlord spy, ghost sympathizer, etc.). Try to keep character concepts within the realm of Sidereal Exalted... but if you can figure out a way to get a newly Exalted Eclipse into Yu-Shan AND in the Convention of Deathlords, by all means, wow me with your story O_o
First, sir, you are looking for The Heavenly Registry.

Second, I would love to be in your game. I'll hack out a Sidereal concept shortly.

Third, pbp runs a bit differently. You may want to look at other's houserules (by attaining full view of the forums via the instructions here or by logging out). I shamelessly plug mine which are most touched up in The End of the River's Houserules Thread. Whatever set of houserules (including the empty set) you choose, I'll abide by as a player so long as you spell them out in advance so I can craft my character accordigly.

Fourth, 2e Sidereals has a few Charm issues. I have few a resources you might peruse to understand and perhaps correct or knowingly ignore the issues at your discretion, but some exist as documents, not forum threads or wiki entries. PM me your e-mail and I can hook you up. Here's something you might read first: Wiki-fu! Ignorance to these issues does not paint a pretty picture, however.
Tikor said:
First, sir, you are looking for The Heavenly Registry.
Second, I would love to be in your game. I'll hack out a Sidereal concept shortly.

Third, pbp runs a bit differently. You may want to look at other's houserules (by attaining full view of the forums via the instructions here or by logging out). I shamelessly plug mine which are most touched up in The End of the River's Houserules Thread. Whatever set of houserules (including the empty set) you choose, I'll abide by as a player so long as you spell them out in advance so I can craft my character accordigly.

Fourth, 2e Sidereals has a few Charm issues. I have few a resources you might peruse to understand and perhaps correct or knowingly ignore the issues at your discretion, but some exist as documents, not forum threads or wiki entries. PM me your e-mail and I can hook you up. Here's something you might read first: Wiki-fu! Ignorance to these issues does not paint a pretty picture, however.
Thank you, Tikor. I will move my Thread to the Heavenly Registry, and then I will "peruse" (nice word, by the by) the threads you sent me to check out some of the codified house-rules for the site. Not trying to sound like a loser, but I'm online all day and all night, so whenever you get that character concept down, throw it at me and we'll discuss what XP/BP your character recieves and play out your Assignment Briefing. If you know anyone that would want to get their game on, let them know =]

EDIT: Please see the same Thread title on Heavenly Registry to add your comments.
I'm game and shall send post a concept very soon... rather a larger background (Cause concept/background always seems the same to me)

Give me a few to polish it up. ^^
Sounds good, Myllinnia. We'll hash over the crunch when the time comes. Be as awesome with your background as you want, and take your time with it. After all, the Loom of Fate has prophesied your Exaltation and your greater service to Heaven since before you were even born O_o
I'd be interested, haven't played much exalted and never played sidereals, but this sounds really cool. I'll try to get my hands on a copy of the book.
O_o Didn't think I'd get even a single reply tonight, but I was proved wrong. risaphoeniix, if you can snag a Sidereal book and come up with an idea, bring it to the table =]
Divideby0 said:
I'd be down, though I've never played Sidereals before, but I'll give them a try.
I'd been going over all my MoEP Books and I thought, "There's a lot of pie the Sidereal's have their finger's in, let's put a group of them into a noir/anime game, see how they do".

Post a concept, Divideby0. I'm looking forward to what kind of characters you guys come up with... the more detailed your concepts, the more BA the story.
Hmm. What the hell, I'll bite. Sidereals are probably my least favourite Exalt, but perhaps I haven't given them enough chance. I'll whip a concept somewhere between now and 24hrs from now (days stopped holding meaning for Grey a while ago, there is only night).
Grey said:
Hmm. What the hell, I'll bite. Sidereals are probably my least favourite Exalt, but perhaps I haven't given them enough chance. I'll whip a concept somewhere between now and 24hrs from now (days stopped holding meaning for Grey a while ago, there is only night).
Nothing like insomnia to break open the creativity Chakra =]
And so a background... of sorts ^^. Its in dire need of a better polishing, but the basic jist is right there xD

Xerinia Sol, Chosen of Serenity

Born into a poor family from the East, this young woman was donated to the Village Matriarch, as a gift at the young age of 10.  This sort of arrangement was lost on the young woman, for the girl cared nothing much than to bring pleasure to whoever needed it.  The Matriarch was an older woman who had several battle slaves chained to various places, very pretty battle slaves.  Xerinia Sol, the Azure Star, learned soon that her voice and her dances soothed the temperamental Matriarch. Xerinia Sol learned quickly though as the years grew on, that if she couldn't adapt that she would be harshly punished.  And it did pain her that the Matriarch was intent on being unhappy.

Such things would have gone on were it not for the return of First Warrior Albritch.  As a child she had admired the young man for his skill with sword and bow.  And he would go for years at a time away from the village.  This time he had returned after a longer absence and he came straight to the Matriarch.  As she sang and dance he told the Matriarch of a growing force of darkness in the heart of the forest.  He then told her with a tone that even made Xerinia's blood chill, that the dancer would have to learn to defend the Matriarch.  Somehow Xerina didn't think this would last too long.

And so it was, by her sixteenth birthday she had learned enough of her skills to be adequate.  But it was then as the night fell that disaster struck.  The warriors fought as best as they could they died in large groups, as something black swept through.  The First Warrior fell back a few of soldiers joining him at the stone palace of the Matriarch.  Pained by the death that was sweeping through her home she waited with her bow.  As the final line quickly collapsed the scariest man she had ever seen appeared before them climbing the blood stained stone steps.  With a large sword he approached swatting men and warrior women away from the stone stairs.  Then the Matriarch stepped forward an Orichalcum Grand Grimscythe in hand and faced the enemy.  She told Albritch to take Xerinia away spouting Fate and Destiny and all that.  And so after a few heart beats they fled, stunned the young woman ran with the First Warrior behind.  Behind them a deep darkness engulfed her home and the cries of the dying ended.  Harrowed by dead things they finally came to a place, a place she would remember well.  A Gate opened at Albritch’s command and he pulled her inside closing it behind.  She soon found herself in Yu Shan.

It’s hard to tell a distraught former dancer/singer that she is to be placed under the care of the Cerulean Lute of Harmony, a place that strives to create Joy in various places.  But in the end the young woman grew out of it and it was a sudden drive to bring Joy where ever brought her to Exaltation.  Xerinia went from her doing smaller chores to more fate fixing types.  However her closeness to the Abyssals has followed her eventually assigning her to the Convention of Deathlords.


Despite what she lets on, she is quite a serious young woman, whose high compassion for all life exceeds most of her reason. Initially she appears to be no more than a ditzy woman concerned about the joys of the people, whose concentration and attention is only held so long as nothing pretty and shiny diverts her, but this is not the true case, deep inside she remembers her life before her exaltation and desperately wishes a better life for everyone involved. Xerinia is a friendly person no matter where she is, no bureaucracy is going to get her down, no ambitious take over schemes have reduced her perchance to laugh and tease people. She rarely does things that she believe will bring sorrow to those around her, and equally voices her displeasure when someone else does the hurting. She has an odd view on the Lunars and Solars, typically one of pity as one was nearly destroyed and the other was forced into the Wyld, certainly neither was pleasurable to them, she wonders sometimes if the affair that put these two great Exalted groups brought joy to the other side but considering the Bronze and Gold current view on each other she assumes no one has been truly happy since. For now she simply wonders.  Deep down inside, hidden deeply and locked behind is a deep seated hate, towards the Abyssals and their masters.  

Xerinia is a bit wary when it comes to affecting the destinies and fates of others, she has yet to balk on doing anything she has been asked to do, and thus far nothing has made her question their methods. As long as it helps people she goes along with it all quietly.
Posting interest, since it deals with Deathlords and stuff.

Concept coming and will likely be based on some refugee from Thorns.
Well I made one siddy with that particular focus like a year ago for a Chaka's game, I really liked him but never got the opportunity to play him.

Here's the link to Maygo, Frozen Flame's sheet: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=274

Let me know what you think.
I've been wanting to make a Siddy... and a stealth mission right into the belly of the Underworld sounds fun! I'll try to get a concept up shortly. May I assume high-combat low-social, or is that not necessarily the case?

Also, is SMA ok to start with up to the Form charms, or is it start with no SMA?
EDIT: Free dot of essence WOOT!

Anyways, my character would have been born in Thorns to wealthy merchants. He concentrated on making the already lucrative business dealings even more efficient, usually through changes. He loved to close business deals, loved it. He learned of the invasion of Thorns while closing a deal with the Miakoni. Rushing back he found his city becoming dead and even undead, his friends and family gone.

Exalting he soon became aware of another watching him and turned in anger and fear to find a beautiful woman with dark hair, eyes, and skin. After a day of talking and walking with her he was certainly convinced of what he was and his new found lifetime work. He accepted an interesting gift she gave him, which she had to surgically implant, on his right hip/cheek. She took him to 'Heaven' to fulfill his destiny as a Chosen of Endings. There he learned as much as he could as fast as he could finding the disciplines of Martial Arts and the Intrigue of Bureaucracy vastly enjoyable.

During his training years he entered into the service of the Bureau of Heaven where his facility to make things run smoothly was greatly appreciated. He impressed many of the gods that worked there and as he matured certain things just 'fell' into place.

Over the next several years he did many favors, and paperwork, for many gods in the Bureau of Heaven and was the recipient of more than a few 'strokes of luck'. One of which is the Celestial Manse/Palace that of which he holds ownership. To many squabbles over it over the last several decades had happened between the gold and bronze faction members. So much so that a small bureaucratic rule was swept under the rug and unnoticed, which he found and exploited. He filed all the correct paperwork, got it signed off by all the correct gods in the Bureau of Heaven, and just walked in and claimed it as the new owner.

He quickly turned all of the indigents that had taken up residence there into useful servants, runners, and workers. Eventually one of them, while cleaning, found an old looking belt made of boar hide with a starmetal buckle and handed it over. He was soon promoted to head housekeeper with a plush quint allowance.

Despite his previous luck, he was audited it seemed at almost every turn after that. Fortunately his luck and patience held and he has survived them all in tact, with certain concessions having been made on the accusers part. Currently he suffers through no unusual audits, even though those of both factions would certainly like his manse.

Now that all the audits have been finished he has been assigned to the Bureau of Deathlords. Although he has kept his wishes quiet, except for his head steward, he wanted to be able to go and investigate those that walk in death. Perhaps he really is lucky or perhaps his non-alignment with either faction has both of them wanting him sent off on a suicide mission or just out of the way.

EDIT: Character name: Bredon Malthos

Manse reduced to lv3 and salary down to 2. With a free dot of essence things change a LOT!
You know what, I'm seeing alot of great character concept's coming my way, so I may just have to expand the number of players, but I'd have to split you off into differant groups, acting simultaneously towards the same goals but at differant times/places. I'll take this time to point out some campaign basics that should help you all with backstory:

The Shadowland you are sent to inspect with be in the Northern Threshold city of Shanarinara (page 51 Core Book) where a Shadowland covering some hundred square miles sprung up seemingly overnight (an unprecedented event in the annals of Heaven). Although information is scarce, many elder Sidereals believe that an unknown Deathlord has played his hand and is ready to lay siege to the barren tundras of the North, where there is little resistance to hold off his attacks. A special task-force has been created by the Convention of Deathlords to assess the situation. I'll start each player off with a quick leg-stretching game, that way I'll have a better understanding of both your character motivations and the feel of a PbP game and I can get some feedback from the players. It has been brought to my attention that a not-so-small number of Sidereal Charms are broken to bits, and I have been looking over some rule mods to rectify this (I will post what if any rule mods the game will subscribe to when the forum is opened).

For any player I have already spoken with via PM (and to all of you that are interested in playing), please read these following addendums to character creation:

- Starting Essence 3

- Each dot of Sifu purchased equals one Celestial/Sidereal Martial Arts Charm your character has learned prior to Game Start (trait minimums still apply)

- Purchasing any Sorcery Circle or Necromancy Circle Charm provides a free spell associated with the Circle (ex: purchasing Terrestrial Circle Sorcery provides a free Sorcery Spell of the Emerald Circle)

- Seeing as how the game takes place in the North, your character should be able to speak Skytongue
PC Update

Player 1) Xerinia Sol, Chosen of Serenity

Player 2) Veil, Chosen of Secrets

Player 3) Rey Pey Yung, Quill of Heaven

Player 4) Willful Expression of Conflict, Chosen of Battles

Player 5) Frozen Flame, Chosen of Endings

I'll refer to this PC Group as "Alpha"

I have a few more PC's with their stories in the works, so I will designate them as "Bravo".
gatherer818 said:
I've been wanting to make a Siddy... and a stealth mission right into the belly of the Underworld sounds fun! I'll try to get a concept up shortly. May I assume high-combat low-social, or is that not necessarily the case?
Also, is SMA ok to start with up to the Form charms, or is it start with no SMA?
Check out the rule addendum for Sifu/SMA on my previous post, and throw a concept my way when you're ready =]

EDIT: phht, I didn't even answer your question =p

The game will be an even spread of investigating the Shadowland, combat against the undead, and social interaction in both Yu-Shan and Shanarinara. Any type of character will find a niche in the game =]

And you may purchase as many SMA Charms as is allowed per Character Creation Rules, however you recieve a number of CMA/SMA Charms per dot in the Sifu Background as a bonus. These bonus Charms are in addition to and seperate from the the number of SMA Charms allowed at Character Creation.
Question: How particular are you on using Melee vs. Martial arts on non-MA weapons that are form weapons for a Martial Art the character knows at least 1 Charm in for non-Charm enhanced attacks?
Tikor said:
Question: How particular are you on using Melee vs. Martial arts on non-MA weapons that are form weapons for a Martial Art the character knows at least 1 Charm in for non-Charm enhanced attacks?
Good question. If the non-MA weapon is considered a Form Weapon as described above, you may use either Martial Arts or Melee for a non-Charm enhanced attack. If a Charm is used (Excellency, Melee, etc.), that ability must be used. However, a non-MA weapon considered a Form Weapon may still use either Martial Arts or Melee if the character is using a Charm from that Martial Arts Style.

That's sort of long-winded, sorry O_o
That's sort of long-winded' date=' sorry O_o[/quote']
No need to apologize. That's a very informed and clear answer. Thanks

Regarding the PC update, is the Quill of Heaven a Chosen of Journeys? Because that's auspicious if we lucked into 1 of each Caste!

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