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Fantasy Contract City


New Member








Personal Goals:


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Name: Twyla Anderson

Age: 21

Deity: Alteration

Ability: ???

Cost: ????

Personality: Pessimistic, Affectionate, Embarrassed Easily

Likes: Playing with instruments, Art, Spiked Boots, Sweets, Cute everything

Dislikes: Feeling rushed, Being pushed into something she doesn't want to do, Cockroaches, Messiness, Disloyalty

Relationship Web:

Personal Goals: To find a place she truly belongs

Bio: Jin Li was born to an average middle class family with traditional values. She was brought up to be a “perfect” lady: Prim & Proper, kind & quiet. After a particularly forward man tried to… woo her she rewarded his efforts with a swift kick to the face. Deciding she liked the imprint of her heel on his face, she set out to define “perfect lady” in her own way. Of Corse her family wasn’t okay with the way she wanted to do things and tried to force her in to marriage. Finding out her parents plans she became enraged and as soon as she was alone in her room a ball of purple light appeared in front of her asking if she wanted to wreak havoc. She grinned and grasped the ball and she did indeed wreak havoc.

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Name: Nathan Flowers

Age: 10


Ability: Almost always being able to escape an attack without major injury. This in combat translates to the ability to dodge anything thrown at him, outrunning chasing attackers, being able to quickly recover from bodily damage, inability to feel more than minor bodily pain (imagine being able to looked bored while being tortured for information by the government), etc.

Cost: Forever a midget. No body strength. Anorexicly thin and frail appearance. Extremely lethargic in regular movements when not being attacked. When in a regular situation, must walk with the assistance of a walking cane. Must only use his powers to get away from attackers or his abilities will go away. Can never attack first. Can't defend others whatsoever. His powers's only purpose and ability is keeping him alive.

Personality: Avoids people as often as possible. Rarely speaks. Doesn't even attempt being popular. Need I go on?

Likes: nature, quiet, relaxing, sleep, food, tv, water, hygene, relaxing music, isolation, meditating, praying, anything pretty, movies, tai chi, yoga, geeky stuff, slow and long hikes, art, thinking, DIY, creativity, cleanliness, peace, reading, etc.

Dislikes: Bullies, the government, fighting, police, cars, loud noise, society, overly stubborn atheism & skepticism, dishonesty, ageism, unfairness, inequality, rules, xenophobia, bigotry, sexism, racism, gender double standards, overly traditionalist people, homophobia, discrimination, transphobia, conformity, mean people, ignorance, spoiled and ungrateful people, greed, selfishness, must I go on?

Personal Goals: Get through the education system without being permanently injured. Graduate college. Get a good job. Own a nice and big peice of land away from society. Live there in peace and isolation.

Bio: Can we not? That takes too long. Born in Latin America. Came to the States as a toddler. So frail, his parents thought he wouldn't make it. His extremely quick intellectual development shocked people around him. (imagine his intelligence being on par with one of those supergenius kids playing mozart at an extremely early age). Could speak in advanced speech patterns way earlier than expected. You get the idea. His size made him a prime target for bullies. Near the end of Elementary School is when the bullying started becoming physical. One day he was beaten so badly, he had a near death experience. The tallest and biggest kids outnumbering and surrounding him. As the doctors tried to revive him, something extraordinary happened. The being that is now his deity appeared before him as he lay technically dead, the being made a deal with him. In exchange for the above mentioned costs, the being promised that bullies could never hurt him this way again. He feverently agreed to not being bullied again. The bullies unfortunately were not brought to justice. Them and their parents used every slezzy trick in the book to make sure they received no consequences whatsoever for what equated to attempted murder. Nathan walked around with a cane now. He was actually in the hospital during his elementary school graduation. He got to show up to the first day of middle school though. Only to find that all of the same bullies were there too. A little while later they attempted to finnish what they started. He was completely outnumbered and surrounded. But somehow, no matter how fast each of them struck, he dodged. They were shocked at how he was able to throw aside his cane and move so fast. The few strikes that did land, sent him crashing into the walls of the buildings. Somehow he was able to quickly get right back up and further attempt his escape. At some point a boy drew a serrated knife and another grappled Nathan in a wrestling hold. The boy attempted to make Nathan say uncle by dragging the knife across his skin. He thought the pain would torture Nathan into giving up. He was horrified to see Nathan laughing at the pain. "I feel no pain, bully. You can't torture me to get what you want, my deity protects me from this type of persuasion." Nathan says. He managed to use his genius to see a way out of the wrestling hold. The bullies attempted to replicate a move from a kung fu movie where they all punched at once. Nathan jumped impossibly high and quickly into the air, dodging all of the punches at once. Landing on someone's shoulder, he leaps acrobatically off. Rolling perfectly into a safe landing, he outruns them as they chased him. He got away. The only problem was that these amazing abilities faded now that he was no longer under attack. He sat with his back against an alley wall, unable to walk. He had been given no time to retreive his cane after his narrow escape. A kind stranger eventually found him and helped him get back to his parents.

Pic: imagine an anorexic little boy from a third world country. Latin American. Quite handsome if you get over his thin and frail looking body. Not to mention the fact that he is only slighty taller than the shortest man in history. (look it up). Now imagine the way yoda carries a walking cane.
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