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Fantasy Contract City


New Member








Personal Goals:


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Name: Jin Li Chua

Age: 21

Deity: Alteration

Ability: She is able to create any inanimate objects such as weapons and platforms.

Cost: ????

Personality: Pessimistic, Affectionate, Embarrassed Easily

Likes: Playing with instruments, Art, Spiked Boots, Sweets, Cute everything

Dislikes: Feeling rushed, Being pushed into something she doesn't want to do, Cockroaches, Messiness, Disloyalty

Relationship Web:

Personal Goals: To find a place she truly belongs

Bio: Jin Li was born to an average middle class family with traditional values. She was brought up to be a “perfect” lady: Prim & Proper, kind & quiet. After a particularly forward man tried to… woo her she rewarded his efforts with a swift kick to the face. Deciding she liked the imprint of her heel on his face, she set out to define “perfect lady” in her own way. Of Corse her family wasn’t okay with the way she wanted to do things and tried to force her in to marriage. Finding out her parents plans she became enraged and as soon as she was alone in her room a ball of purple light appeared in front of her asking if she wanted to wreak havoc. She grinned and grasped the ball and she did indeed wreak havoc.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/1be9316bc0f56974a844e2b3cadfdcad.jpg.937ac9783795b72846381120ba0b1c47.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80668" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/1be9316bc0f56974a844e2b3cadfdcad.jpg.937ac9783795b72846381120ba0b1c47.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Robin Nathaniel Martinez






Robin is able to make a person hallucinate, or drive that person temporarily insane. However, he can only use his ability on one person at a time, and he has to stand in front of a person for his ability to work. In other words, he has to look him or her in the eyes.


Sarcastic, easily offended, a little selfish, distrustful yet cares about others


Playing tricks on others, playing the piano, drawing, alcohol, all kinds of soups


Narcissistic people,

The government (The Baron),

Rude people, chocolate, stress

-Personal goals-

(Reviving the old government or help to create a better one.)

Finding somebody who accepts him the way he is, including his powers. He wants to be important in somebody's life. He'll do anything to accomplish his main goal in life.


Robin is the only child of the rich Martinez family. For as long as he can remember, he always felt alone and very lonely. He rarely saw his parents, and his "friends" were the typical rich, unlikeable brats. He never understood why people were so jealous of his lifestyle. Money doesn't make you happy.

His 18th birthday present was getting kicked out and told to never come back again. He was a "mistake".

The lack of love and attention he received in his childhood affected his personality. Some people call him cold-hearted. He almost never smiles or laughs, nobody has seen him cry or filled with anger, and nobody saw him being afraid of anything. Some people think he's a ticking time bomb, since the quiet, mysterious ones are the most dangerous ones.

Well, these people don't realise how much he's suffering when nobody is looking. He graduated, already had a career with 21, a large house and incredible amounts of money. Still, he drowns his sorrows in booze. He's living other people's dreams, yet he never felt more unhappy than now.

Money is a curse.

The people around him seek his attention because of it.

(((Somebody shook his shoulder and he woke up. "We're closing." The bartender said as he dried a cocktail glass with a small towel.

"Knocked out on the counter again..."

He thought to himself as he sat up. He felt like shit.

Sick, dizzy, a hangover and a headache. Just delightful.

"Thank you, sir. Here you go. Keep the rest." He said as he handed the bartender $500.

"Excuse me, I-"

"Keep it..." Robin interrupted him and stumbled out of the bar.

He didn't make it far until he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

It was 02:48 in the morning...

Imagine a guy in a tuxedo laying on the ground in the middle of the night, drunk as hell. Yeah, somebody will rob him sooner or later.

In the corner of his eye, he saw a small orange light. At first, he thought it was one of the street lanterns. The blood in his veins froze as it suddenly floated in front of him; an orb of light.

He definitely drank too much tonight...

He darted up to stand when it started to speak, only to find himself on the ground again.

His eyes widened.

"What are you...? How much did i drink!? Did someome put something in my glass...?"

"I'm your savior, Robin"

"What..? How do you know my name?"

"You're lonely, aren't you? Don't you want to know what it feels like to be loved, Robin? I can help you."


"You have to sign the contract. Pay the price, and i'll give you the chance to live a happy life.")))

That day, everything changed.

In exchange for his deity, the contractor shortened his life span by 90%.

He only has 2 years left to live.

The time of his death is brandmarked into the skin on his wrist. Another disadvantage is that he lost his wealth, though it can't really be called a disadvantage to get rid of the money that cursed him, but he can barely afford a small flat so he doesn't freeze to death outside. Still, he doesn't regret anything.

Can't undo it now, anyway.


? Lifespan shortened by 90%

?lives in poverty



(A short time before the encounter with the contractor)
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Name: Nathan Flowers

Age: 10


Ability: Almost always being able to escape an attack without major injury. This in combat translates to the ability to dodge anything thrown at him, outrunning chasing attackers, being able to quickly recover from bodily damage, inability to feel more than minor bodily pain (imagine being able to looked bored while being tortured for information by the government), etc.

Cost: Forever a midget. No body strength. Anorexicly thin and frail appearance. Extremely lethargic in regular movements when not being attacked. When in a regular situation, must walk with the assistance of a walking cane. Must only use his powers to get away from attackers or his abilities will go away. Can never attack first. Can't defend others whatsoever. His powers's only purpose and ability is keeping him alive.

Personality: Avoids people as often as possible. Rarely speaks. Doesn't even attempt being popular. Need I go on?

Likes: nature, quiet, relaxing, sleep, food, tv, water, hygene, relaxing music, isolation, meditating, praying, anything pretty, movies, tai chi, yoga, geeky stuff, slow and long hikes, art, thinking, DIY, creativity, cleanliness, peace, reading, etc.

Dislikes: Bullies, the government, fighting, police, cars, loud noise, society, overly stubborn atheism & skepticism, dishonesty, ageism, unfairness, inequality, rules, xenophobia, bigotry, sexism, racism, gender double standards, overly traditionalist people, homophobia, discrimination, transphobia, conformity, mean people, ignorance, spoiled and ungrateful people, greed, selfishness, must I go on?

Personal Goals: Get through the education system without being permanently injured. Graduate college. Get a good job. Own a nice and big peice of land away from society. Live there in peace and isolation.

Bio: Can we not? That takes too long. Born in Latin America. Came to the States as a toddler. So frail, his parents thought he wouldn't make it. His extremely quick intellectual development shocked people around him. (imagine his intelligence being on par with one of those supergenius kids playing mozart at an extremely early age). Could speak in advanced speech patterns way earlier than expected. You get the idea. His size made him a prime target for bullies. Near the end of Elementary School is when the bullying started becoming physical. One day he was beaten so badly, he had a near death experience. The tallest and biggest kids outnumbering and surrounding him. As the doctors tried to revive him, something extraordinary happened. The being that is now his deity appeared before him as he lay technically dead, the being made a deal with him. In exchange for the above mentioned costs, the being promised that bullies could never hurt him this way again. He feverently agreed to not being bullied again. The bullies unfortunately were not brought to justice. Them and their parents used every slezzy trick in the book to make sure they received no consequences whatsoever for what equated to attempted murder. Nathan walked around with a cane now. He was actually in the hospital during his elementary school graduation. He got to show up to the first day of middle school though. Only to find that all of the same bullies were there too. A little while later they attempted to finnish what they started. He was completely outnumbered and surrounded. But somehow, no matter how fast each of them struck, he dodged. They were shocked at how he was able to throw aside his cane and move so fast. The few strikes that did land, sent him crashing into the walls of the buildings. Somehow he was able to quickly get right back up and further attempt his escape. At some point a boy drew a serrated knife and another grappled Nathan in a wrestling hold. The boy attempted to make Nathan say uncle by dragging the knife across his skin. He thought the pain would torture Nathan into giving up. He was horrified to see Nathan laughing at the pain. "I feel no pain, bully. You can't torture me to get what you want, my deity protects me from this type of persuasion." Nathan says. He managed to use his genius to see a way out of the wrestling hold. The bullies attempted to replicate a move from a kung fu movie where they all punched at once. Nathan jumped impossibly high and quickly into the air, dodging all of the punches at once. Landing on someone's shoulder, he leaps acrobatically off. Rolling perfectly into a safe landing, he outruns them as they chased him. He got away. The only problem was that these amazing abilities faded now that he was no longer under attack. He sat with his back against an alley wall, unable to walk. He had been given no time to retreive his cane after his narrow escape. A kind stranger eventually found him and helped him get back to his parents.

Pic: imagine an anorexic little boy from a third world country. Latin American. Quite handsome if you get over his thin and frail looking body. Not to mention the fact that he is only slighty taller than the shortest man in history. (look it up). Now imagine the way yoda carries a walking cane.

Marciella Contrera


Height - 5'1" || Weight - 101 lbs.

Age || 19

Deity || Conjurgation

|| Ability ||

- Marciella can communicate with the dead

- She can ask the dead to either spy for her and sometimes even fight for her.

|| Cost ||

- Insomnia

- Extreme Anemia

Personality || Marciella is very soft spoken and gentle. She takes care in everything she touches as if every little thing would break in her hands. Her voice is low when she speaks and hardly ever goes above a whisper. She is kind to others and cares for those she may not even know. Her heart is warm and filled with compassion. While she may not say much, what she has to say can be considered very wise. She is a deep thinker and very intelligent. In her spare time, she can often be found sitting and pondering. Her apparent moods are usually indifferent but, if you listen very closely, you can tell how she is feeling by the tone of her voice. When she is angry, her voice is more of a hiss. When she is happy, her voice is like that of a gentle breeze. When she is sad, her voice is long, drawn out and every word is said carefully.

|| Likes ||

- Snow

- Tea and Coffee

- Novels

- Nature

- Cooking

|| Dislikes ||

- Junk Foods

- Cruelty without reason

- Large crowds

- A coward

|| Personal Goals ||

- Attempt to bring reason and peace to the city in some way shape or form

- Help the dead find peace

Bio || Her parents were ill when she was young, a disease that they managed to acquire but one she never did. She was strong while they were weak. It broke her heart to see everyday but she did her best to take care of them. When she was about fifteen, her mother passed away and about a year later, her father followed. She was left alone but even after that she pursued medicine. She always wished there was a way to help the dead and the living, a way to help everyone. Later, she made a contract to do just that. While she could freely communicate with her parents as well as help the dead now, she payed the price of becoming the equivalent of the living dead. She can never sleep and suffers the side effects. Along with that, her veins contain bad blood adding to her disorientation and weakness. She herself is a ghost, a spirit, that will never find reprieve.

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Richard 'Richie' Gecko






Acute superhuman senses, mainly in vision and hearing, he can also manipulate the minds of others into a passive, fearful, or frenzied state of being. He's also has the blood of a vampire, having such a gift, he has superior stamina, enhanced reflexes, and is more invulnerable to damage, not by much although. He is also highly intelligent


Is intolerable to fire, has a dreadful fear of cats and drowning, is sensitive to light, but not damaged by it, silver, and is weak to Restoration.


Earlier in his life, Richie was a self-proclaimed prodigy with a high level of intellect, despite his low level of economic success. He believed that the world was a dangerous and predatory place and that self-reliance was the key to success. When he got a hold of a Aztec spirit knife, his mental state became increasingly unstable and he began to exhibit hallucinations and sociopathic tendencies as he became connected to the spirit world and he developed extrasensory abilities that allowed him to glean emotional information from people, giving him a strange and disturbingly accurate insight into people


Art, old music, writing, reading, crafting, coffee, PAYDAY bars, and the gothic style.


Politics, religion, conceded people, being called crazy, cats, and most obnoxious things.

Personal Goals:

(Admits in time)


Earlier in his life, Richie was a self-proclaimed prodigy with a high level of intellect, despite his low level of economic success. Being high in his class, he also tended to dabble in the criminal field at a young age by stealing and planning out petty heists. His home life was rough, being the son of an alcoholic father, Richie and his brother Seth took care of each other through all the hardships of abuse and neglect. One night, the Gecko household was burned to the ground while the father slept. Evidence of foul play was found, but the only survivors were Richie and his brother and their were no witnesses.

In life, The Gecko brothers turned to crime for money. As they grew older, they became some of the best at what they do, which was rob banks, extort, stealing, etc. Richie and Seth had a fallout, facing numerous disagreements and Richie's murderous and wild shinanigans. Seth took a cut of their earning through the years and left for Brazil with a women who disliked Richie. For years, he rolled with different crime bosses and became a hitman, all until he was shot and survived near death in the hands of his boss, known as 'Carlos', surely enough, after Richie was confirmed to survive, Carlos's car was mysteriously rammed off the road into an embankment and caught fire. Leaving no survivors or witnesses.

Richie spent months in the wilderness after his healing in an attempt to find his inner peace. In an futile attempt to do so, he was reached out too by Seth's former mistress, saying Seth wished him to become well again. Inspired by his brothers word, he left his cabin in the middle of nowhere and cleaned himself up. Now, in a praised attempt, he will find the inner peace he is looking for. Anywhere.


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Name: Amuramunda Drakna (know by few as Amumu)

Age: 24

Deity: Conjuration

Ability: He is able to summon forth weapons of dead warriors from the past. These weapons must return to the underworld eventually and yearn to return the longer that they are kept in the mortal world. As such enemies wounded by these weapons will feel their life force drained from them as the residual effects of the blade return to the grave causing them to become weak. If an enemy is wounded badly enough or if he lodges a weapon in a persons body and returns it this causes a more severe injury as it takes a portion of the tissue surrounding it back as well.

Cost: Handling of these weapons do not effect him as badly as others but over prolonged use he will become extremely weak. Doing damage to others with the weapons helps to slow the effect as it draws of them more and limits the time his life is sapped.

Personality: Introvert, Dark Sense Of Humor, Calculative,Precise, extremely perceptive and rather shy.

Likes: EDM, Fast Cars, Art, animals, and the sound of rain.

Dislikes: Crowds, public places, avoids them as much as possible, people staring, and loud talking.

Personal Goals: Climb up from the skum at the bottom of the city

Bio: He is an extremely introverted individual who has found himself working for a notorious group of drug dealers as a contract killer to earn himself a measly amount of money and feed his addiction. It all started when he started hearing the whispers. They where little more than gusts of wind at first...but then it became something more. He started hearing voices whispering whenever he was alone or in dark places. One night as he tried to find a place to get on top of the roofs of some buildings to sleep he was ambushed in an alley. As the man swung a pipe straight towards Amuramundas head he shouted and raised his hands to block the massive man. He felt a tingling in his arm and hand and was sure it was broken. he opened his eyes to see a rusted, yet razor sharp scimitar in his hand and the mans hand seeping blood from what used to be two of his fingers. As he watched he realized his hand was as white as snow and it seemed to be bleeding as well. He quickly dropped the sword and looked closely at his hand, small lines were appearing and cutting up through his skin as it turned white. As they crept up they also closed slowly behind. When it stopped his entire body had turned white and all that remained of the cuts were small scar lines on his face. The rest is history. These weapons seemed to follow him everywhere and whispers evermore. He started to take pills that a friend of his had been putting up his nose for years for "the escape". They helped for a time, until he found himself without money for them and without any left. When he confronted his dealer pleading with him he thought he was crazy and took him into his boss afraid he would cause a scene and attract attention back to the dealer and the whole operation. As they were about to dispose of him, once again his spectral arsenal was there to assist. The drug lord realized an opportunity in this powerful yet struggling addict. It has been a little over a year since that fateful night and now Amuramundas spends his days killing whoever the drug lord wants to get his hands on the only thing that seems to keep the whispers out of his head.


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Name: John Smith (Ahote)

Age: 26

Deity: Destruction

Ability: The ability to channel natural powers around him and bend them to his will. As a man of the woods he has learned many different ways of healing with his power.

Cost: Must meditate frequently after multiple uses of his power, any major use of his ability back to back physically drains him and the ability grows weaker as more of it is used.

Personality: Aloof, very loyal but trusts no one. he is a quiet man with much wisdom, that he shares not with words, but with his actions.

Likes: Drugs, Alcohol, Tacos, and the darkness of night.

Dislikes: Loud noises (explosions, gunshots etc.) crowded places, and staying in one place for too long.

Personal Goals: To truly understand why his ancestors blessed him with this gift and to share his knowledge with one who are willing to learn.

Bio: As a boy Ahote grew up with his tribe of clansmen in the middle of the forest, untouched by any civilization. He grew up fast and found that something inside of him yearned for the teachings of the tribes shaman. When he turned the age of 13 as were the traditions in his tribe he was sent into the wilderness to survive for 3 months with nothing. He arrived back at the tribe 3 months later looking no more haggard than when he left. It was then whispered around the fires at night that he would be the new Shaman. The plan was cut short when he was 19 years old, he was out hunting with a group of other boys for a week, and when he returned found that his entire village had been burned to the ground. no survivors. Not knowing what happened to their families, the boys all decided to go their separate ways. Some choosing to salvage what was left and try to start over, but not Ahote. The burning desire for revenge filled his heart, as the hatred for whoever had done this coursed through his veins he felts the wind start to blow and the earth began to shake. He became afraid as the winds turned into hurricane force gales and trees started to become uprooted from the ground. He fell to his knees and began to meditate, trying to speak to his ancestors, seeking answers as to what had happened and where to turn. An image flashed across his mind, A pale man trembling at Ahote's feet. Ahote himself was surprised to see that he was wielding a tomahawk of stone, but not the kind made by his people. it looked sturdier, yet more crude. as if it had formed itself. He opened his eyes and placed his left hand on the ground focusing intently. immediately the earth started to move as if it was water, coursing around his hand and climbing until it had reached mid elbow. he held up his hand, it was a sort of armor made of earth, but for how large it was, it weighed almost nothing. Steeling himself for the decision he wanted to make he walked into camp and told the others his plan. to walk to the ends of the earth to find the people that did this and make them suffer.


Anastasia Quinn

Age: Twenty-two

Deity: Conjuration


Astral Projection-

She can remove her soul from her body at will. In this astral form, she becomes intangible and invisible to any except those with the gift from Conjuration like herself. She can possess the other people’s bodies and if they have a weaker will, she can overtake them and move the body as her own. She can also transform parts of her soul into a physical manifestation of energy to use offensively.


Her gift is a double edged sword. Though she saved the life of her fiancé, she lost his love. Though she can fight in her astral form, her physical form is left defenseless and vulnerable. Though she can enter and influence the bodies of others, her own can be entered and she can be left permanently in astral form. Though she can attack with her own soul, each attack drains her and if she uses too much, she will disappear, her body forever a soulless husk.


Anastasia Quinn in a word is a fighter. She stands up for what she believes in and does not know how to back down. She understands lost causes better than anyone, but refuses to give up even with her life on the line. She is stubborn and headstrong, firm in her moral standing. She is fiercely protective of others, believing that a soul is the most precious thing of all. The exceptions are those she fights against: the slum lords and drug dealers and greedy nobles and corrupt politicians and anyone like them. She believes them to no longer possess a soul and can thus be disposed of to make the world a better place. However, she also has a gentle side that she doesn’t like to show in fear of getting her heart broken again.


+ Classical music

+ Singing

+ Junk food

+ Rainy days


- Wicked people

- The Baron and the rest of the corrupt high class

- Weakness

- Mirrors

Personal Goals:

Anastasia has two goals in life. The first is to bring her own brand of justice to the corrupt, selfish, and greedy. The second, though she won’t admit it, is to be able to fall in love again.


Anastasia Quinn was born a brown-eyed, dark skin, brunette baby girl and was raised in poverty. However, a high ranking noble’s son saw past her social status and fell in love with her. They were completely and madly in love, though everyone thought the noble’s son to be out of his mind to want to marry a girl so beneath him. He ignored this and proposed to her, so sure that this happiness would never stop. However, on the day of the wedding, it did. It was discovered that the noble had racked up quite a debt with a drug lord and his son was to be taken for collateral. The noble had no money to offer in exchange, and the groom was going to be killed. There was a flash of blinding white light and no one really knows what happened next, but the drug lord was murdered, the noble’s son was released, the wedding was called off, and the young bride’s hair, skin, and eyes had paled to white. No longer was the young man in love with Anastasia Quinn. Though no one knows why, everyone agrees that he came to his senses.



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