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Fantasy Contract-based Fantasy Adventure!


sʇɐq ןooɔ ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıƃuɐɥ

Every great story has to start somewhere
Every hero has started out taking some contract with lousy pay
Everyone who ever sought to embark on adventures started their journey in the warm shine of a Tavern's hearth fire.

This story is no different.
They're all lowly adventurers, of almost every social background you could imagine.
Some are lowly Smith's sons or Hunter's daughters
Some seek glory, some seek gold, some recognition
But in the end they're all the same.
They seek adventure!

And what better way to get into the business than meeting like-minded individuals and setting out on a Quest that might finally put them to the test!

Some notes on the World:

Magic is a rare gift in this world and only a few individuals are capable of conjuring mighty phantasms and weave powerful spells.
Most start out being able to create flame or heal injuries.
They're capable of raw, unrefined magical wonders that without the proper training might consume them.
Most mages are thus either members of the Academy of Magi or are taught by the local Magus.

Magical talent is often frowned upon in smaller villages if not outright feared, yet a mage who's proficient in their craft are an invaluable addition to any adventuring party!

This World is inhabited by mostly Humans, yet there are a few races mixed in. They're often rather reclusive and don't stray from their own kin.
Races you might be able to play as are:
-Elves (Woodland and Forest dwellers)
-Dwarves (Deep folk that resides in large tunnel networks below the surface)

-Werewolves and Vampires MIGHT be included, but I'll go into detail later

The World:
The World this adventure will take place in is the northern most region of a medieval fantasy world. It's where countless cultures mix in an attempt to colonize the northern realms that have been uninhabited for the last millennia. It's filled with some scarcely colonized midland that is often terrorized by smaller fiends like Imps and Goblins, tall mountains, extensive forests and almost anything you'd expect from this kind of land.
Numerous hidden temples and ruins might also be found, yet I'll rather not spill the beans right away


As you might have already noticed this is a Fantasy Adventure that follows a group of misfits on their quest for glory, gold or whatever they seek!
What makes this different from your standard fantasy RP is HOW I'll manage this.
Every quest our characters set out for is a CONTRACT, put out by the Adventurer's Guild or any other employer, they might take up.

After every Adventure I'll devise a few Adventures and YOU can vote on which contract our characters will accept!

Any other questions?
I'll gladly answer them!

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I really like this idea, but I have one issue.

The races are a little bit... well, monotone for me. Do you think you could allow Orcs, or something similar? I was thinking of going for a character that focuses on pure brute strength and the closest thing I have to that is a Dwarf. If not, then that's okay. This is your world, and then I'll either make a Dwarven warrior or an aspiring magus.
I really like this idea, but I have one issue.

The races are a little bit... well, monotone for me. Do you think you could allow Orcs, or something similar? I was thinking of going for a character that focuses on pure brute strength and the closest thing I have to that is a Dwarf. If not, then that's okay. This is your world, and then I'll either make a Dwarven warrior or an aspiring magus.

That's actually a mistake on my part, I did want to include Orcs.
I just wanted to limit the races seeing that I had some rather unpleasant experiences in the past involving Demi Gods and demon characters.
That's actually a mistake on my part, I did want to include Orcs.
I just wanted to limit the races seeing that I had some rather unpleasant experiences in the past involving Demi Gods and demon characters.
I am not interested in either of those, I had an idea for a less stereotypical orc. One that still uses brute strength but puts some thought into his actions. I'm not saying he'll be an einstein, but he will be capable of quickly thinking up effective strategies and use his environment to fight better. Should he lose his weapons, he'll be capable of replacing them with something jury-rigged.
so how many people max here?

Actually, I thought 6-8, if I get more I might just create two threads, seeing that this would be more of an episodic roleplay anyways with the various contracts deciding which adventure our characters would take.

Allows us to organize who wants to do which particular storyline^^
Actually, I thought 6-8, if I get more I might just create two threads, seeing that this would be more of an episodic roleplay anyways with the various contracts deciding which adventure our characters would take.

Allows us to organize who wants to do which particular storyline^^

count me in, im interested! ^^ are there only 4 races tho?
So, what I'm gathering is that you can be mundane races that are not over powered demigod Mary Sues? I'm in.
count me in, im interested! ^^ are there only 4 races tho?
As of now, yes.
I got an idea how to include the possibility to change that though, but no promises

Now we just need to figure out a fair and equitable way of deciding who gets to be magical.
Well, I for once won't be taking a mage spot but rather play someone who's not very fond of magic in the first place^^

Anyways, I'll try setting up a thread later today!
Would also be interested if there's still room, seems like there's already a lot of activity going on though so no problem if not.

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