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Fantasy Conatus - The Great War (OOC)

Mine is great! Gonna finish it soon, I think!
A very special insider told me the same thing!
Fairly well after scrapping the last bit.
I hate when that happens - even though I know revisions are an important part of the writing process, writing something that sounds really cool but makes no sense in context of the entire story line and having to delete that makes me weep tears of sadness ;-;
Ah the acursed writer's block! Yeah, that always sucks, too - I have no suggestions on how to defeat it outside of just waiting a day and coming back to what you wrote. Good luck 👍
I write something else. I'm the kind of person who can always write, he just can't always write the same thing, hehe. Which is a problem.... So many stories, so few of them finished....
Howdy all, just wanted to let you know that the thing I'm about to post is a collab between me and Edric. I didn't control all the characters myself.
Hey all, not to be picky, but can those who haven’t posted yet post soon? It’s only the first post and we’re already behind the one week expectation I had hoped people would follow
I'm super sorry, man. The stupid computer hasn't come I'm yet and my phone is giving me major headaches trying to write on it. I'll keep trying though.
I love critical role! And cool. I was just wondering. I play d and d quite frequently.
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I love critical role! And cool. I was just wondering. I play d and d quite frequently.
Dude, dnd is amazing. If I wasn’t so busy during college I would definitely want to play more. For sure going to be something I do when I have more time though!

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