

Netherworld Overlord
No one would have guessed it. No one would have thought that it would happen.

"Haha Jacob are you drunk," one of the girls cried out. It was hard to tell who. Most of everyone was drunk and it was dark out. Many of you stumbled around, moving farther and farther from the festival that was going on.

"Do you think anyone else is in here?"


There was more laughter and someone made grunting noises. A few boys humped a tree to a number of cheers and howls. Some of the sober ones felt a bit uncomfortable, but no one left the group. No one wanted to go back alone and even if there was more than one wanting to leave the creepy woods, no one was willing to voice that. Some felt too awkward to talk while others just didn't want to be seen as a coward.

There was others in the woods though. Those who had left to do something, anything. There wasn't really anyone out there doing anything dirty, but it seemed like it would almost be the perfect place and time to do so with many of the towns inhabitants back in the center of the town.

Applubree was not known for much outside of the town. They kept mostly to themselves and didn't have a lot that attracted tourist to them either. But they loved Halloween. Maybe it had to do with the old folktale of how their town came to be or something else. Whatever it was, the Applubree Halloween Festival was always a good time for people of all ages.

And yes each year teens did go out into the woods.

"Woo! How late do you think it is?"

"Why is it past your bedtime Kurt?"

"Shut up Natalie."

"Make me ****."

The group trudged farther on. They weren't sure how deep they were. They paused for a moment as some cells went off. Sure they were having fun, but it seemed that it was best to get back. One of the drunks, Jacob, had stumbled away from the group. Someone later mentioned he had to piss, while another claimed he had to puke.

Whatever he had to do, he never got the chance.

There was a sharp shriek that echoed in the trees, cutting off all conversation. For a moment it was if time stood still. Then everyone, those in the group and not, headed forward and witness the same event.

Jacob was half-buried in the ground. There was calls and cries and muttered disbelief. Some crack jokes, but it all fell flat. The look on his face was pure terror.

"Help me."

Then he was gone.

Finn woke to his alarm like he did every morning. He looked over at it and slammed down on the button, shutting it's obnoxious beeping off. He heard a grunt from the other side of his wall and smiled to himself. He had chosen the sound because it was so obnoxious. With it he was sure to get up. Not that he had trouble with it anymore. He'd rather be sleep deprived than have those nightmares.

It seemed his twin did not agree though. She hated his alarm and told him to either change it or lower the volume.

"I can't help our rooms are right next to each other," he told her with a grin. Of course most times she just blared her music in revenge.

This morning, Finn made no comments as he dressed. He looked at himself in the mirror. Well if he didn't look bad before, he surely did now. His troubled sleep had caused bad bags under his eyes and his skin seemed paler. He shook his head and breathe deeply. His mother was getting worried, but how was he suppose to explain this. That he had witness someone being dragged underground and then he started to have nightmares about it? Last night was the worst.

It wasn't even seeing Jacob being taken either. All he saw was the spot and heard and felt someone call to him to move forward. But he knew that if he did, he'd be taken too. Yet the ground seemed to just pull at him, forcing him forward and he couldn't fight against it.

"Knock knock," he heard Becca say as she opened his door. She was dressed for soccer as they had a little practice before school started. She grinned at him, leaning against his doorway, but he could see the worry on her face.

"You know saying it and doing it are two different things."

Becca waved a dismissive hand. "Whatever. I haven't walked in on you naked yet."

Finn just shook his head. He looked at himself and decided there wasn't much he could do to fix the damage the nightmares were doing. Becca seemed to want to say something, but she decided not too. When he wanted to tell her what was wrong, she'd be here ready for him.

"Anyways you better hurry. I'm walking, so the car is your's."

Then Becca left. The car, of course, was a shared gift from their parents. He and Becca sometimes fought over it, but she normally had it. He wondered why she was letting him take it by himself, but he decided to just let her be nice. He stood and grabbed his backpack, making his way downstairs. Well even with the nightmares, it was Monday and he had school.


Bailey had not really slept that night. For her the nightmares only seemed to remind her how weird she was. Or at least how weird and freaky she appeared to other people.

She felt it was her fault as well. She had to follow her ex out into the woods. In the small off-chance that he somehow still cared about her like she did for him. But now she was even more unsure than she normally was.

She looked at her unfinished homework. She had fallen asleep trying to finish it. The small hours she had peaceful sleep were getting rarer as the week went on and she was having trouble focusing.

Bailey shoved it into her backpack. She'd have to finish it at school. She finished tying her boots and stood. For her, her appearance wasn't too far off how she normally looked. Bailey had always appeared weird to the people in her school and so her state was probably nothing new. She already heard a few people call her zombie or something.

The young teen looked at her phone as she headed into her kitchen. She looked at eggs that was left for her, but did not eat them. Seeing no messages, she headed to the bus stop.


Natalie took the nightmares fairly well. She wasn't going to ***** and moan about them and she often knocked herself out with some sleep medicine. No way was she going to let some stupid dreams get to her. She needed to be on her game.

Still she was still creeped out by what had happened. She often wondered if she had been way too drunk. No one talked about it who was there and so Natalie just pretended it wasn't real.

Expect that Jacob Winsted was missing.

Still if everyone else who saw it was going to pretend like it never happened, then Natalie wasn't going to waste her time over it. Sure Jacob was gone and that was sad and it was all ****** up, but Natalie was still alive and she wasn't going to dwell.

"Nat are you okay," her father asked over his cup of coffee. The teen shrugged.

"I'm fine."

"Not worried over that missing boy?"

"Why would I? I don't know him. And it's not like he's the first person to go missing in this stupid place either," Natalie said. This was a fact she had heard from someone else. Her father looked disappointed and Natalie looked away.

"I'm going to school now."

She stood and took off, deciding to walk today.
Axel woke slowly as usual, rubbing his eyes. He barely remembered what happened that night. The memory drifted in and out like a dream he couldn't quite remember entirely. It was a bizarre feeling. He heard his younger brother in his room, stumbling about like a tranq'd elephant like he always did. There was a crashing noise and then a husky, sleep coated curse. Axel smirked. 'idiot.' He snickered, grabbing a towel and heading out into the hallway towards the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later he was dressed and towelling his hair dry, walking down to the kitchen for breakfast. 'Morning!' He announced to his parents and brother. His brother responded with a grunt that made Axel snicker. Their relationship was somewhat like that of a parasite and host. The happier Axel was, the worse Jett got. Jett was moodier when Axel was in a good mood, because it generally meant that his brother had found a new way to torment him. Today however, Axel just felt like having breakfast and heading to school, genuinely disinterested in causing his brother anguish.

He thought hard about the memories from that night, but couldn't distinguish what was real and what was a creation of the alcohol induced stupor he had felt the effects of the next morning. He had yet to see Bailey and ask her for her oppinion. He remembered the text asking her to meet him, and he was somewhat glad that he hadn't had a chance to finish that dare. It wasn't worth it. They would try to make things work as friends. He wondered if he'd perhaps done something that he couldn't remember, as he had received any messages from her since. Had that other girl, Hilary or whatever her name was, convinced her not to message him? He was still thinking about this when he entered the school grounds, his house being only a short walk from the school.


'Mum.. Mum can I talk to you?' Mason asked, leaning against the doorway while his mother made the beds in his younger siblings' room. His mother didn't look up or stop what she was doing. 'Of course love, what is it?' She asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and smoothing the dragon ball Z bed spread down. Mason tucked his hands in his pockets. 'It's about Halloween.. and that guy, Jacob.' His mother nodded, not looking at him as she straightened the pillow case. 'Yes, it's tragic that. His parents are distraught. No one knows why he ran off. He was in your class wasn't he dear?' She asked, making Mason sigh as he ran a hand through his hair. 'Yes, but mum.. He didn't-' His words were cut off as one of the eight year old twins ran by. 'muuuuuuummmm.. Jay stoll my hair clip.' The little girl whined. Mason's mother sighed, straightening up. 'Tell your brother if he doesn't behave there'll be no tv tonight.' She looked back at Mason. 'sorry dear, what were you trying to say?' Mason just sighed. '..Don't worry about it.. I'll see you after school.' He said, turning around and walking out the door. 'Have a good day at school!' His mother called after him.

Walking into the school grounds an hour early, Mason pulled out his sketchpad and began to draw. He started with the trees, tall, overbearing, crooked. The leaves were falling in bundles, some landing in piles. Then he drew the ground cracked, opening to reveal... what? What had it been that night? He didn't hesitate, sketching in the frantic form of Jacob. Once it was finished, he just stared at it, as if trying to figure out what was missing.


Hilary pushed her glasses up on the bridge of her nose, brushing back a wild, untameable lock of chestnut hair. She checked the time, fifteen minutes before she needed to be at the bus stop. She tugged on a pale blue tank top and a thin white tee over it before slipping the stripped purple and black hoodie on and tugging it down so it hung over her hips and covered the top of her jeans. She tied the laces of her sneakers, grabbed her bag and jogged down the stairs to grab some toast on her way out. 'See you mum!' She called to her mother, who was seated at the table, listening to the news on the radio and reading the paper.

A cold wind whipped her hair in her eyes and she pulled the ends of her sleeves over her gloved hands. A newspaper page stuck to her leg and she bent down to pull it away. At the top of the page the heading read 'Appluby teen still missing' and a picture of Jacob Winsted was right beneath it with the caption 'have you seen this boy?'. She shuddered and scrunched the paper up, tossing it away. Why hadn't any of the others said anything? more to the point, why hadn't she? She'd tried. She'd debated about going to the police, telling them what they'd all seen, but then thought about how ridiculous she'd look. 'yes, officer, I know what happened to Jake. He was eaten by a hole in the ground. Well, by the spirits in the hole in the ground. Yes I know it sounds ridiculous but you have to believe me!' No, it wasn't worth it.

As she neared the bus stop she saw Bailey and her face lit up. Bailey had been one of her best friend's since primary school. 'Bailey! Yo! Bailey!' She called, jogging over and waving. She skidded to a halt in front of her friend. 'How are you feeling?' She asked, panting a little. The cold had taken her breath fairly quickly.
"Oiy, Oiy." Quinn banged on the door of the bathroom. "Riley come on I gotta get ready for morning practice." Quinn leaned his back against the door with a loud thump against it. "I have to get ready too!" A cute little voice replied from behind the wooden door. Quinn turned to face the door "Riley I wont peak ju-" "Quinn." His mothers voice was low and full of disapproval, it came from a little down the hall as she pushed out the door of the master bedroom carrying a laundry basket filled with clothes. "Come get breakfast and let your sister finish getting ready. "RILEY AMBER WINNERS YOU HAVE 15 MINUTES." She belted out so that no matter where you were in the house you could hear it. Quinn cringed as he heard the dreaded use of the full name. He knew his mom was serious when she brought out the full name, there was no debating no arguing that was a final warning. A little muffled voice came back through the door. "o-ohkay."

Quinn followed his mom down the stairs as they talked about her work and what food they had for dinner that Quinn would be cooking. Quinn would help out every chance he could to ease the load on his mother whether it be watching Riley, cleaning the house, or cooking food he would do it with a minimal complaining. His mom put the basket near the garage door as they walked past it and made their way to the kitchen. She grabbed a skillet and opened the fridge grabbing eggs and bacon. Slamming the fridge closed she popped bread in the toaster, as Quinn leaned against the counter watching her work. His mother always loved making breakfast for them, it was the one time she could be with her kids other than late at night. "So Quinn what did you do at the Halloween festival this year?" His mother had an evil smirk on her face like she knew something. "Uhh nothing really just hung out with friends all night." Quinn replied scratching the back of his head he knew what was coming his mother was always aware of his actions. "Ohh that's odd I could have sworn I heard you were with Rebecca all night during the festival." His mother had found out yesterday from one of the ladies at the supermarket. She had always loved Rebecca and had high hopes about how she would one day marry her idiot of a son. Everyone was aware of it except Quinn who thought she teased him for fun.

"Well... yeah I was with her after my friends we played some booth games and I BEAT HER IN EVERY SINGLE ONE!" Quinn cocked his arm in triumph as he was happy he beat his rival. His mother let out a sigh as she plated the food "You're hopeless." she said to him as Quinn stuffed his face with the eggs and bacon. The toast clicked and his mother moved to butter it as Riley ran downstairs. Riley Twirled in the kitchen to get approval of her cute outfit. Quinn seeing she had left the bathroom finally quickly got up grabbing the buttered toast and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek. Taking a bite of both pieces at once as he put his hand on his sisters head as he ran past her, up the stairs and to the bathroom to get ready.

After showering and brushing his teeth he got dressed in his soccer outfit and put tear off-able athletic pants over the shorts and a zipper hoodie over the shirt. He grabbed his duffle bag filled with his change of clothes cleats and filled water bottle. He slung that over his shoulder as he ran out the door his mother and sister following after him. Quinn saw Rebecca only a few feet away from her house walking to school. "Hey mom i'm going to walk with Becca to school i'll see you later." his mother nodded as she opened her car door. Quinn took off running across the street to Becca. "Hey Becc-." Quinn had started his greeting when his mother shouted over his shoulder. "Rebecca take care of my baby boy! He may be dumb but he means well." His mother shouted as she got into the car smiling as she turned the key to the car the engine fired up.

"Sorry about that...." He said as his face got a little red out of embarrassment. His family was his weakness almost making him seem like a normal high schooler.
Bailey looked up from her phone. She had to stop looking at it. If he wanted to text her he would. She thought of maybe sending him one. Something harmless. Good morning or whatever. She was in mid-text when she heard her name being called.

Bailey smiled when she saw Hilary. She made a move to hide her phone. Hilary had been against Bailey and Axel remaining friends and told her over and over to get over him. That she could do better. She wanted to agree but...

"As well as I can. I didn't finish my English homework so I'll probably have to on the bus," she said. She looked at Hilary, the words she wanted to say. Why were they trying so hard to find Jacob? It was pointless. Have you had the same nightmares as me? "How are you?"


Becca walked out the door, ready to get a good jog in. She watched her brother get in their car and go. She was worried about him. Something wasn't right. They might not be that close anymore, but they were still twins. She knew something was off about him and had been since the festival. Was it about Jacob the kid who went missing? Becca wish she knew more. She wish she had been there with him instead of-

Well speak of the devil himself. She turned, greeting Quinn with a small smile. Even if he had claimed they were rivals, Becca liked him. She laughed at his mother's comment and shook her head.

"It's alright," she said bumping her hip against his with some force. She liked him, but she wasn't sure if she would date him.
"Oiy Becca" Quinn said in protest as his body shifted from her blow. "Be careful, your hitting steel you know." Quinn smiled like a super hero sticking his chest out a little farther, he was joking with her but only slightly feeding his ego. "Were is Finn?" Quinn exaggerated as he looked around like he was hiding behind Rebecca's back. "He seems less... how should I say... like himself. Is something wrong?" Quinn had been worried about his quasi little brother. Quinn seemed on the outside very oblivious to the world but he knew people emotions and prided himself on knowing a mans heart. Becca had been bothered about him since the day after the school festival. The questions and need to try and comfort Becca ate away at him everyday. He had kept quiet about it all this time debating whether or not to bring it up. He decided today he would let her do what women do better than men and that was to vent and Quinn would listen to every word she would have to say. If his rival was not prepared mentally then she couldn't compete at the top level and he didn't want that. "Oh before you answer, are you cold?" Quinn unzipped his duffle bag and fumbled around and pulled out his varsity jacket as he pulled it out he extended it out for Becca to take it.

  • "Mom... why do I need to bring an extra jacket?..." Quinn as he struggled to get his shoes on while standing.

    "It is November girls get cold, and you will give them your jacket because that's what a gentleman does." His mom grabbed her coat and his varsity jacket out of the closet putting hers on and handing him his. She already knew which girl would be the first person it would get offered to and it was all apart of her plan.

Quinn smiled at her as he kept his arm out with the jacket.
"Psah you wish," Becca said to his "steel" comment. She was tempted to shove him other and show him that he wasn't as tough as he was, but she resisted. She shook her head at him.

When he mentioned Finn though, she looked down the street with a concerned look. "I gave him the car." Often Becca took it when she was running late or just in general. Sometimes they would share or walk together. "He seemed to need it more than me." Becca shrugged. "I don't know. I think something happened. Every time someone mentions Jacob Winsted he gets this look. I think it might have upset him," she said. She wish Finn would talk to her though.

Becca looked at the jacket and a faint blush appeared. "Why Quinn, are you going soft on me," she teased taking it. "Thank you."
Hilary smiled, shifting her backpack on her shoulder and then hugging Bailey randomly. She knew her friend fairly well. It was all on their minds. Her hands had shaken a little that night when she had grabbed Bailey's hand and tugged her away, away from that horrible place and that jerk of a guy. Now they were steady, if a little shaken up from seeing the newspaper article. She tended to avoid the news these days. She'd found the search all too unnerving initially, too real. Being so shaken up she had locked herself away for two days before her father had managed to coax her out and ask her what was wrong. She'd said that she'd had a run in with the spirits of the land and her father had given her a quizzical look, sighed and said 'Alright, if you don't want to tell me the truth, I won't make you.' He'd left her alone after that and she'd felt like a complete disappointment. Her father had thought she was lying. It was like a slap in the face. She looked up to him, and they had a good relationship.

Now she smiled at Bailey. 'I'm okay. I can help you with the english homework if you want. I have to finish my history project at lunch today anyway. We can work together.' She said with a grin. 'It's on the Salem witch trials.' She knew her friend was full of all sorts of interesting facts about the occult so she figured it might interest her a little. Plus, she wanted the chance to scope out whether she was actually okay.
Laura licked her lips as she did her make-up in the mirror. She didn't always wear make-up but she thought to wear some today. She gave herself a smile in the mirror and then nodded. She looked good. She ran a hand through her black section of her bangs. She woke up with it like that after Halloween. Although she couldn't fully remember dying it - she had done a lot that night - she liked it well enough to keep it.

Laura headed downstairs. The TV in the living room was on and her father was sitting at the desk over in the corner of the room typing furiously on the keyboard. A quick peek over his shoulder revealed it was work stuff. She looked at the TV. It was the news.

<<There is no news on the missing boy from Applubree. Police ask if you have any information to come forward.>>

Laura frowned. She didn't know Jacob well. He ran with a different crowd. She saw him with Natalie a few times. Still his disappearance was worrying. She kissed her father on the head and went into the kitchen. After making a lunch and grabbing an apple she went outside.

She spotted her cousin walking and waved to her. "Nat! Hey wait up!"

Carlton went to school early. He wanted to get away from his house. He was starting to get jittery a lot. It hadn't been too long after...the "Event" but he thought he was coping well. Maybe.

Carlton had watched some of the others who had been there. He wasn't with the group but he could recognize some from the night. He was doing better than some. He got a ride to school and was at his locker. He went outside and spotted Mason and walked off, peering at his sketch. It looked...familiar.

"Creepy," he commented.
Mason had been lost in thought, studying the image carefully, trying to work out what it was that his mind wanted to remember but couldn't quite snag. As his brow creased in thought, a voice cut through the silence, jerking him out of his focus. 'Creepy.' Mason's head jerked up a little and he looked surprised. 'Hmm? Oh.. It's... well..' How did he explain that was what happened to the missing teen? Would the other guy laugh at him? Tell him he was insane? Or would he think that Mason had murdered Jacob and made some kind of sick artwork out of it? He ran a hand through his hair again, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. The guy looked somewhat familiar, but Mason couldn't figure out from where recently. He shrugged it off, assuming he'd seen him around school. 'It's something I'm working on for a competition.' He lied, figuring it seemed pretty plausible. 'Macabre section. Should be pretty interesting to see what some of the others put in.' That much wasn't a lie. There WAS a macabre competition he'd been considering entering, why not enter his creepy sketch into it? He shrugged, looking back at the guy.

'I'm Mason, I don't think we've met.' He said, standing up and tucking the sketch pad under his arm.
The soft sounds of jingling bells rang through the air as 14 year old Lisa Evan Moore entered into the grocery store near her home. It was a small establishment, run by a single couple that had just recently lost their only daughter.

“Good morning…” said the wife hesitantly as Lisa made her way silently to their dairy aisle, a cold shiver running up her spine as she did.

Lisa had spent the majority of her life bouncing around from foster home to foster home till just six years ago when she had finally been adopted. Her new parents, Oscar and Lillian Moore, had been the typical ‘pillars of the community’ sort. Active, intelligent, lively: all words that most would have used when describing them. It had come as a huge shock to the town when the couple had stolen away to the edge of town in their nice little car and committed double suicide.

How could a couple like that — two people who seemed to have everything in the world — just up and kill themselves? Surely, in such a small town, someone would have seen some kind of warning sign? Some dark omen that all was not well in the Moore household?

It hadn’t taken long before suspicion began to fall on their odd new addition. Rumors that Lisa had somehow been the cause spread like wildfire, ranging from wild accusations that she was some sort of voodoo witch that magicked them into it, to stories of her being some form of sociopath that slowly drove them into a depression so deep they just snapped.

They couldn’t have been farther from the truth. While she didn’t quite feel for them as strongly as a normal child might feel for their normal parents, she couldn’t imagine hating them. While all of her other temporary parents had been intimidated by the prospect of caring for a child as intelligent and idiosyncratic as her, Oscar and Lillian had never once so much as gawked at her; at least not in a negative way. They had been the first to not only accept her, but want her in their life. Their death’s had hit Lisa hard… yet again she had been left behind, just when she thought the revolving door of family’s had finally stopped.

With a light thud, Lisa placed the three one-gallon cartons of milk upon the counter in front of the pale shopkeeper, stacking them on top of one another in a small little pyramid.

“That all for you…?” asked the woman’s husband just as he did every week, knowing full-well that there was never anything else.

Lisa shook her head side to side slightly, sending the little plastic black cat she always affixed to her bright orange jacket flitting about wildly.

“That’ll be twelve thirty— ” he continued, cut off only as Lisa placed the exact change on the counter and fished out the same old plastic bags she insisted upon reusing.

It hadn’t been long after that Lisa had arrived back at her two story home.

“I’m home…” she announced as she removed her shoes at the door, knowing that there had not been anybody to hear her say that for four years.

The house was filled with easels of varying size, each filled with dark charcoal sketches of the ‘event’ she had only just recently seen. The latest one, which had taken her nearly the entirety of the night to draw, featured a boy who appeared to be desperately reaching out of the image from a large maw of dirt. Jagged roots that drawn to resemble teeth lined the opening, pulling the boy into the maw’s black depths. The trees in the background had been drawn to to subtly resemble a pair of dark eyes watching the viewer of the picture, almost as if promising “you’re next”.

Lisa sat before the image, feeling the weight of the night already pressing upon her consciousness. She knew that sleeping would simply invite the same dream to her again; and again she would commit it to canvas while trying to avoid inevitable sleep.


Beep beep — beep beep — beep beep

The alarm on Lisa’s iPhone bleated out a shrill tone into the headphones she nearly always wore, interrupting the beautiful ‘Nocturne’ by Frederic Chopin and waking her from her unintentional slumber. She pulled her head up and away from her now partially smudged picture and fished the phone free of the baggy folds of her jacket.

‘Incoming Call : Professor Robert Hadlly’

Quickly thumbing at the answer button, Lisa let out a curt “Yes?”

“Ah Yes, Ms. Moore. Do you remember what we spoke about earlier this month?” came the professors voice over her high quality headphones.

Lisa shot up in her chair almost immediately. She had long since requested being a teacher at the college, a position she had unofficially filled numerous times in the past. The pay was considerably higher than her current job working as a proof reader, which would make paying for her parents home and her own living expenses significantly easier.

“Yes.” She responded while literally upon the edge of her seat, again curtly.

“I’ve managed to procure for you a probationary position as a teacher in th—” he began to explain.

“I’ll take it!” Lisa interrupted, quite possibly exceeding her normal ‘speech’ quota for the day with that statement alone.

“Great. Your first shift is actually starting in a little under half an hour at the high school. Please make certain you arrive on time; It’ll reflect badly upon you if—”

“The high-school? We talked about the college Hadly!” Lisa again interrupted, her disdain for that place easily apparent in her voice.

The people there were nothing more than idiots to her. In that so called school, the boys were nothing more than a bunch of hormonal meatheads, and the girls nothing more than ditsy gossip machines. Not to mention the the constant rumors they would create about her.

“This is a good opportunity for you to interact with others around your own age. Moreover, the administration wants to see if you can handle yourself with the high-school well enough before they’ll consider moving you to the college. Like it or not, this is your foot in the door; I suggest you take it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have papers to grade before my next class… Goodbye.” Professor Hadly said strictly before hanging up.

She glanced down at her phone defeated, its display already reverting back to its home-screen that featured rather adorable-looking chibi black cats raining across it. The walk to the high school would take her about twenty-four minutes, which didn’t leave her much time to decide; something she knew Hadly had done for just that reason.

She quickly made her way into her kitchen to remove a pint of milk in a small glass bottle from the fridge. She quickly shoved it into the single large pocket along the front of her jacket before rushing out the front door and down hill towards the school.


Having run the majority of the way, and not being laden down by heavy book-bags, Lisa managed the entire trip in just under fifteen minutes. Her breath rose in thick clouds in the frigid Maine air as she pushed open the doors to the school and readied to begin her first day there.
Bailey felt herself brighten. Hilary was a good friend to her. They had both been there and Bailey was surprised by her friend. She was taking it much better than her she was.

"That would be good," Bailey asked. She then nodded fervently. "Yes, of course I can help you out. The Salem Witch Trials is one of my favorite historical stories. The-" Bailey cut herself off, blushing a little. She knew she was about to ramble. "Well that is for lunchtime."

She saw the bus pull up and let out a sigh. But she recalled they were going to have to pass by the woods on the way to school. She just hoped her homework would distract her well enough.


Natalie grind her teeth when she heard her cousin call out to her. She stopped and turned, waiting for her to catch up. Laura was taller than her despite being younger and much more pretty. She didn't like it when she arrived and her family tried to get them to be close. Well her parents. Uncle Chris wasn't all that active in his daughter's life. Not as far as she could tell.

"Why are you wearing make-up? You look like a clown."
Jethro let out a low growl, and Elri bent to put a hand on his on his back. the German Shepherd gave her a nudge as a scream rang out nearby, followed by an unplaced and disturbing low-frequency sound. the images of the landscape and nearby objects she had roughly painted in her mind by sound and past experience were corrupted and darkened, and Elris senses dulled. "Jethro, somethings not right." she pulled out his leash, which was almost never used, and clipped it to his collar, "Let's go, before i become anymore disoriented."

Elri was woken by the sound of feet thundering down the hall accompanied by childrens laughter. she groaned as she lifted herself out of her bed. the wooden floor was cold beneath her bare feet as she walked to the door. "TIM!" she shouted into the hall. "What Elly?" her younger brother called back from downstairs. "Come quiet the two elephants up here before they wake the dead!" there was an 'ok' and Elri went to take a shower and when she was done she headed down to make breakfast. the two 'elephants' Sam and Abby were sitting at the table coloring on some blank paper Tim had given them. Elri set a plate of scrambled eggs out for the three of them and dished some up for herself. "you three clowns have all your homework done?" she asked, answered by a cumulative "Yes".

After breakfast Elri whistled, her canine companion came to the door and she patted him lightly on the head. "be a good boy and take the kids to school?" she said, giving him a treat, then turning to Tim. "Jethro will walk with you to the kindergarten to drop off Sam then escort you and Abby to the elementary." Elri informed. Tim nodded, as was their usual schedule. "Mom and Dad will pick you up today." she finished, before walking them to the end of their block.

As soon as she reached school she went to the library, as she was almost 30 minutes early. she ran her hands along the shelves of braille the librarian had found upon her request. she had read through at least 50% of the books, so the librarian had no problem ordering new ones for her.

Everyone was laughing, Cian included. minus a few guys being protective of their girls, most people had no problem talking and making friends with him. though notorious for being a flirt, many people knew him well enough to know he had his reasons. as Cian laughed at a few drunks stupid antics, refusing any drinks offered to him. when they all heard a scream and saw Jacob being consumed by the earth, Cian was one of those who helped the terrified ones home. he didnt know what to think of the situation, however it would most certainly stick with him.

Cian gnawed on a granola bar as he rolled down the sidewalk on his roller-blades. the chill November wind nipped at his cheeks as he waved at classmates walking to school. as he arrived at the school he spotted a girl standing outside the gate. he stopped, motioned for her to wait and stooped to take off his blades, retrieving his red converse from his bag.

once he was off wheels and in shoes he looked at the girl, and put a hand against the wall just above his shoulder. "good morning miss, to what do i owe the pleasure of your company?" Cian asked in a low voice. the girl fidgeted uncomfortably, "well i..." the two of them murmer to each other till Cian spotted a guy walking their way. he gave the girl a look and saw the guy approach faster. "see ya" he said to the girl before walking away. he dodged behind a tree to listen to the ensuing conversation. "why were you talking to him? you know how he is right? he is probably just going to go flirt with another girl." a masculine voice started. "well, maybe he isnt so bad, why wold you care?" the girl form earlier asked. "well i... because i do ok? maybe i do care." the male voice said. "you know, thats all you had to say." the girl said. after a few moments they walked past Cians hiding place smiling, and Cian caught the girls eye. she mouthed a thank you, and Cian nodded.

Cian plopped down on his butt at the base of the tree with a sigh. "all in a days work i guess." he mumbled to himself. it seemed like every request he completed took a little more out of him then the last.
Quinn re zipped up his bag as he stared at Becca. "Gone soft what do you mean it's just a jacket you know." unaware Quinn instantly took the meaning out of his mothers purpose of him offering it to Becca. Quinn began shake his legs out and stretch his arms across his body. "All this walking is boring... wanna jog to school?" Quinn gave her a little half smile as he laid down another challenge to his rival. He had no intention even if it was a fun run to be behind Becca at any point in the jog. His goal was to get to the soccer field before her. He may acknowledge her intellectual superiority in secret but there is no way she would ever be faster than him. Quinn readied for his chance to beat her again tightening the straps on his duffle bag and backpack "What's the score 100-1" Quinn and Rebecca have had their little challenges ever since he moved here. There wasn't an exact number but there was one time he remembers vividly that Rebecca won and he swore that would never happen again whether it was in a game or outside he would be better than her. It was his only way to show Rebecca what he was good in. His challenges were a chance to be with Rebecca spend time with her. Sometimes she would help tutor him, but those always ended in him just shooting baskets though the basketball hoop in his room.
Becca just shook her head as she put it on, zipping it up. This was why she couldn't see him in that light. Becca didn't date often, but she didn't really want to get involved with a clueless guy like Quinn. Besides it'd take all the fun out of teasing him sometimes.

"Actually I was planning on jogging in the first place." She grinned. So she'd get her exercise and be able to beat Quinn? He did beat her more often than she had, but it was still fun to race against him. She never was too far behind. Still she was going to win this time if only not to listen to him gloat on the field.

"Ha you wish it was. I am ready to start when you are."
Quinn smirked at her... "On go just like always." He looked ahead of him then at Becca it was all happening in slow motion. "3..." He tightened the duffle bag so it wouldn't sway. "2...." He breathed in and lowered his stance as he put his hands out in front of his chest. "1...." He smirked as he swung his head to look at Becca they always looked at each other in the eye before they took off swinging both their heads back in front of them. They had raced enough to know the timing on his count down to the nano second. "GO!" Quinn shouted as he inhaled through his nose and shot off like a rocket. exhaling on the second step as he flew his arms swung beside him in perfect tandem with his corresponding foot. His 6'4 and 6'5 in the summer let him fly with his long strides and smooth strides. Being a good chunk taller than Becca was a huge advantage he had over her. It wasn't like that though when she hit his growth spurt in a girls early puberty he fell behind making him have to work harder to keep up with his rival. Just watch me shine Becca. The cold wind against his face refreshed his skin. As he pumped towards the high school flying past other students making their way to the campus as well. No student was surprised to see this in fact most of them that made morning travel by foot or bike usually witnessed these little competitions. Yelling and cheering for the person they wanted to win that day. A slight smile spread across his face Quinn was leaping for joy inside his mind, he lived for this the competition and to compete with his rival.
Gretchen scoffed at the newspapers, slapping the side of it with the back of her hand, obviously displeased at the standard of the supposed long hand of the law. A boy who went missing and yet no one knew where he was. Jacob Winsted. There were plenty of witnesses that night, and yet no voice dared tell the world of the truth? She rolled up the papers and smacked the head of a boy who sat on the grass frolicking with his girl as she passed. Laughing cheerily, she dumped the papers into a nearby bin as the voices of apprehension rose from the couple.

"Hey, you freak! Come back here and-"

Gretchen spun around, a flash of unbridled cruelty shot from the small glimpse of her eyes as inertia disrupted the curtain of her hair, and struck the poor straight in the heart. Without further complaints, the boy sat back down, obviously dissuaded by the pure evil that is Gretchen, muttering something under his breath. Smirking, Gretchen went back to thinking about the case. Yes, there were witnesses indeed, including her. Her silence was sealed for only one good reason: to watch the reactions of those who have seen the Event. As it stands now, none of them dared to speak. Cowards, all of them. She chuckled under her breath, before spotting a familiar face on a boy slumped by the tree with the characteristic swagger. One she had seen on that Event, and one she so despised for all of his reputation in the school. Despite this, she would try and make do with it and attempt to pull out some infromation out of him. She could try being social with him.

Or maybe she could....

"Hey, you. By the tree." Gretchen directed an unwavering finger at the boy, her commanding voice piercing the air, arousing the attention of others around her. "Cian, no? I wish to speak with you."
Cian felt that he had sulked enough, and took in a deep breath, followed by a long exhale. he let himself relax for a bit, at least todays request had been early in the day and gone over smoothly. the girl had actually approched him a few days before his little encounter that morning, which was why he got straight to the flirting as soon as he saw outside the gate. it had worked quite easily, and as happy as most people would be upon any success, he hated it. while he wished people would just do their own matchmaking, he also had a hard time saying no.

He turned as he heard someone call out to him. He stood up and brushed himself off, looked at the girl before him. he was a bit surprised. "you're probably the last person i would expect to approach me" Cian commented. "not to burst your bubble or anything, but im not taking anymore requests today." he gave a slightly apologetic look. "of course, if you'd just like to chat, im fine with that." he said with a smile. as long as someone wasnt approaching to insult him, he always welcomed a good chat. "youre....Gretchen, right?" he asked. he was usually good with names, however she was not someone he talked with often, if at all.
Hilary smiled as Bailey began to ramble about the Salem witch trials. 'Awesome! Oh, what do you have first?' She asked, referring to classes as they climbed on the bus. She gave a friendly smile to the bus driver, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose so they rested properly and taking the window seat before gesturing for Bailey to sit next to her. She wanted to ask her how she was really doing, if she'd told anyone about what had happened, if she even knew what happened, but she didn't want to risk anyone overhearing them. She bit her lip, looking out the window and pulling out her deadpool comic. 'Bailey... Have you..' She bit her lip again, sighing, unsure how to say what she wanted to. 'Have you told anyone?' She asked after a moment's pause, closing the comic and looking at her friend in concern. 'Has anyone spoken to you about it?' By that she meant 'has axel contacted you since?', But she didn't like to say it aloud and make Bailey think she was judging. Hilary was just protective was all. She didn't believe Axel had Bailey's best interests at heart and would make it her own personal mission to prove it.
"You're probably the last person I would expect to approach me."

Gretchen nodded slightly in agreement, folding her arms in progress. She hardly tried to socialize with anyone, even with those in her class. "...but I'm not taking any more requests today." Cian continued. That, however, made her bristle. A request? What made this fool in front of her think her to be one of those kinds of girls, wantonly requiring attention from the male populace so they can secure a temporary relationship where they will no doubt proceed to fornicate in one of their rooms? Gretchen swore on that moment she would make the boy pay for his poor choice of words. Now was not the moment to lash out at him, however. Other matters were at hand.

"Yes. Chat." She said the word with a sense of hostility as if the word did not appeal to her. "Indeed, my name is Gretchen. Your name is Cian. This rids us of unnecessary introductions, so let's get to business, shall we?" Gretchen stepped closer to the boy, who towered over her short stature, her hidden eyes burying into his own. "I'd like to confirm if you were at..." Gretchen paused, as if thinking, then continued, "that place on Hallow's Eve."

Yes. A great conversation starter. Well done, Gretchen. A metaphorical pat on the back would be underway after this
High-School was never on his list of things to do before dying but life had a funny way of pushing you away from your goals and taking you down roads you could never have planned for. Teenagers milled about him, they ignored him or were entirely indifferent to his presence, though some did make expletives when they tried to push him out of the way and failed. He ignored them all though his heart beat from the angst of being around so many people he barely knew by name. Perry shook his head and took a deep breath before he started walking towards the main office where he found a rather surly woman who took the sheet of paper he held in his hands and pointed him towards the school library with a nod of her head and a disgruntled grunt filled with a sort of misery one can only have when dealing with teens everyday.

The Library wasn't too far away and was a welcome sight to Perry, there at least he could feel comfortable amongst the musty smell of books that hadn't been touched since they were bought.

Inside the library was dark, the beams of light that poured through the windows and pooled on the ground, there were dust motes flitting in and out of the light, it looked like a tiny universe devoid of gravity and in constant motion. Breathed in the stale air of the library and coughed at the dryness of the air. The librarian sat at an archaic computer from the 90's typing away, She looked up at him for a moment and frowned trying to figure out why he was there without having to ask him.Perry sighed audibly "Hi, I'm Perry, I'm your new assistant." He stated. The woman stared pointedly t him for a moment and then pointed at a trolley full of books to be stacked into their appropriate places. "You know what to do I presume?" She asked looking him up and down. He nodded and took the trolley of books and started what he though ws going to be a long day.
Cian smiled pretty wide when she said 'chat', ignoring her tone and giving a nod, "thank God! its been way too long since ive gotten to talk without someone bringing up my request or my slowly dying reptutation." there was a bit of light in his green eyes. whenever he talked to people it was always 'how are you so good with the girls?' or, 'i need help, im too nervous to ask this guy out...' or otherwise someone insulting him for being a flirtatious a**hole.

When she asked about the Halloween indecent he frowned, however, did not hesitate to answer. "yes, i was there, one of the sober ones to be precise." he folded his arms across his chest. "it was so disturbing i dont really know what to make of it, why do you ask?"

Elri had spent a good 10 minutes looking for a particular book when she heard the cart rolling up. she turned and trained her sightless gaze in the general direction of the sound. "oh good, is there..." she hesitated a moment, noting the lack of stenchy perfume that usually came attached to the librarian. "you must be the librarians new assistant? otherwise the librarian ,must've stopped bathing in whatever wretched perfume she wears." Elri had no disrespect for the librarian who so kindly took all of her book requests, however, she did find her taste in perfume to be rather distasteful. "anyway, you wouldnt happen to have an old copy of War of the Worlds on that cart? i requested a copy in braille." she asked politely, her pale blue eyes now looking in the general vicinity of where this persons face would be.
"I have...Math first," Bailey said taking her seat next to Hilary. She frowned at the thought. It wasn't because she disliked Math, not that she was all too fond of the subject, but the teacher was a pain to deal with. She hated having to listen to her first thing in the morning. "What about you?"

Bailey looked down at her phone, the half-text still there. She finished it and hit sent. Maybe Axel wouldn't get it. It wouldn't be the first time.

[TXT]: Good Morning. [MESSAGE SENT]

Bailey looked up at her friend's question. She shook her head. "My parents barely ask me anything. I doubt they'd be interested in hearing anything about it. It's all "so sad" and whatever." Bailey looked back at her phone. "Just you. I wanted to...but we haven't talked about it."


Becca locked eyes with Quinn, ready to go. Once he shouted GO she took off after him. Her backpack moved as she ran, flopping against her back. She could feel her school books hitting her, but she ignored it. She was use to it, having done this plenty of times.

Quinn was ahead, but she was almost on top of his sneakers moving behind him. She let out a laugh of glee and tried to push herself harder to get more ahead. If she could tie with him that would be something.

"Ha I am getting faster!"


Finn arrived at school and pulled up to a parking space. He sat in the car for a moment, not wanting to get out. He hummed along to the song playing in his car. Some rock song. He didn't change it from the station Becca had left it on.

Finn looked at the school building. He could see some people outside. He wondered if Becca was here yet. He let out a heavy sigh and rubbed his forehead. He had gripped the wheel rather tightly when he drove past the road that would lead to the woods. He got this odd feeling, almost as if he wanted to turn. He even felt his hands twitch.

That was not good. He got out of the car and headed to his locker.
Hilary bit her lip, nodding, not noticing the slight movement of Bailey's hands as she finished the text, not even realising what she was doing. 'Chemistry' She paused, looked around to make sure no one was listening and then continued in a hushed tone. 'I tried to tell my dad... He thought I was lying..' She took her glasses off to clean them as the bus rumbled to life and edged back onto the road, beginning the brief trek to the school grounds. She wasn't sure if she wanted to look up and see the woods when they went past but at the same time she felt like she was compelled to do so, to see if the ground was still gaping open like a monstrous mouth, or if it had closed. She'd been having an eternal battle since halloween as to whether she should go to the site and see what had happened with the ground. Would it be marred? Would you even be able to tell that anything had happened there? She wasn't sure. She wanted to ask Bailey her opinion but was worried she'd upset her. Instead she asked, 'Has he contacted you?'


Axel fell out of his thoughts as his phone chimed at him, signalling a text. He frowned, confused as to who was texting him. When he saw it was from Bailey he couldn't help but smile a little, before fighting it off. He shouldn't be reacting like that. They were over, right? That meant they should try to act as friends did. But friends could send messages asking how the other was, he reasoned, replying.

[Text] Morning, How are you feeling?[ Message Sent]

He wondered if she would reply, wondered if she was with Hilary. If she was, would she reply? He sighed, slipping the phone back into his pocket. Get over it. You broke up for a reason. You're a jerk. Deal with it. her friend has a right to hate you. Remember what you did to her. He didn't want to though. He wanted to do what was right, but he knew he became a jerk when he was around others. He walked to his locker, putting his books in and grabbing the ones he needed for first class. As he closed the locker door he noticed Finn. 'Yo, Finnegan, what's happening?' He asked, deciding he needed a distraction from his thoughts. The kid was always interesting in any case.
Sober. That was the only state Gretchen had been since birth. It hit her like a truck that her socializing was revealing truths about her every second. Resisting an urge to recoil from the inner pain that struck her, Gretchen just winced slightly, but maintained her ground. "Hmph," she scoffed, "who wants to know about your stinking reputation anyway?"

She waved her hand dismissively. "But I digress. We are here to discuss about the incident, yes? Well," Gretchen looked up once more to stare into Cian's eyes. "I want to know something. Why haven't you said anything about it to anyone? Is it the fear of something that lurks beneath this town? Is it the guilt that you survived that night while Jacob Winsted was swallowed up by the ground?" All this while, she kept her voice low, but the tension from her voice cut the air, and those who knew of Gretchen's ferocity wisely decided to push their friends who had not away. Gretchen relaxed her stance, stepping back slightly. "I do admit. I have not spoken either, for I have my suspicions," she offered her own reasoning, an action, she had read, that would unlock the hearts of men, for they so needed the empathy of others before opening the doors to the truth.
Quinn's eye's flashed with a sudden seriousness. He lowered his chest down slightly as he truck the ground with more force pushing himself off like a rocket. They were coming up on the school quickly as this would be the last 100 yards. Sprinting with a new found surge of speed let the wind rushed by him as the cold now felt like it was freezing his nose. This was Quinn's over zealous sprint speed one that let him be the anchor and runner for the track team, a force to be reckoned with on the football field and soccer. He huffed like a locomotive as the warm breath streamed out of his nose warming his lips slightly before they re chilled from the wind. His hands moved to resemble someone karate chopping the air as they increased in motion just like his legs. Quinn hated to lose so much so that these little competitions turned into a serious race for him. He would never let Becca win out of chivalry or some unfounded goodness in competition within him. The dufflebag and backpack held on for dear life as he flew to the school.

Quinn had soccer practice in the morning and football practice after school, his plate was filled with athletic development. Most people would tire from it but it was actually the opposite he was reinvigorated for the chance to shine brightly on the field. During school and classes was when he tired the most sometimes sleeping during a class or leaving the class to walk around the campus.

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