

Netherworld Overlord
They told you it was only your imagination.

But it wasn't.

In the small town of Applubree, Maine things have gone on as they always have. Kids go to school and cause trouble. Adults go to work and try and keep the kids out of trouble. They are mostly a self-contained town as well and small enough that most people know one another. It's hard to find a person who doesn't know your family and probably tons of embarrassing stories.

Things have always been fine in Applubree. Or as fine as things can be for a town that is supposedly cursed. Way back in the days before the town was created it was a place where a tribe of Native Americans lived. When the colonists came to claim the place as their own, the leader of the tribe told them that it was a bad idea. But they were free to take the place. Rumor had it that the place was once the home to a dark, malevolent spirit that use to feed on the negative emotions and would lure off children to their doom of the tribes until it was sealed under the ground never to return. In order to ensure that it did not get set free a tribe was set over the place it was sealed.

But the tribe was tired of watching and keeping it at bay as they lost people to the spirit as it worked to break free. The colonists thought this was stupid and took over the spot.

And so it was peaceful.

Yet there are reports of children disappearing each decade. Strange happenings as well. Things that cannot be explained and some that is better off left with no one knowing. It has always been this way. Those who believe in the old tale think it's the spirit effecting the town as it slowly moves back to the surface world to do as it wanted once again. Though these are few and far between.

Until that night.

The night of the Halloween Festival.

You weren't suppose to have gone off, but you did. Deep into the woods with a few others as well. Some of you may have been drinking. Regardless you all witness the same event. One of the drunks stumbled a little away from the group. It was dark and no one was really paying much attention. There was a blood curdling scream and you come upon the person, bloody and cut up, crying for help. Before being devoured by the very earth.

All agree not to speak of it, but it is impossible to run from something that wants you. That calls to you and invades your dreams.

You all saw the spirit at work and now it wants you. Maybe just to feed, maybe to get free, or maybe just to have some fun. Very few will believe you and information on the spirit is rare to find and mostly nonsense or so it seems. But you have a feeling it won't quit until it has you all.

Of course you really aren't the types people put much stock in in the first place. Misfits, outcasts. The weirdos mostly. Or those who are shy and awkward. Though this may be why the spirit is after you in the first place.

No matter what happens, you're going to have to stick together and fight against this thing. Unless you want to get eaten? I thought not. It has been a week since the event and the pull is weak, but present. Have fun my dear children.


  1. Follow the normal rules of the site please.
  2. The compulsion is weak right now, but it will not progress the same for everyone. Some may be more weak willed or strong minded than others.
  3. You can have as many characters are you can handle.
  4. You can have characters that weren't there to witness the Event. They must either be outsiders who get dragged into it or those who know about the legend of the spirit.
  5. Also note this is a close knit town. You will most likely know all the other characters, even if it's just barely and most certainly all the witnesses will know each other. You may create pre-existing relationships in conversations/pms or do it once you see a character you wish to establish one with. Of course you must discuss it with the other person(s).
  6. PLEASE be literate. No one-liners or short little paragraphs. But some thought into what you write.


Age: (All witnesses must be between 13-17. All others can vary as much as you like)



Witness?: (If not how will they be related to the story?)


Name: Bailey Pond

Age: 14


History: Bailey was born as the only child to a semi-rich family. Her parents were rarely home when she was a child and so she was raised mostly by a nanny. Bailey had always been intrigued by dark things and was seen as creepy as a child. She was not really all that creepy or dark herself, but her interest in the occult and other strange things caused people to believe she was. She spent the entire sixth grade being called a witch and listening as people would insult her and call her names. It wasn't until the middle of seventh grade, where she scared off a bunch of students who was picking on a kid, that she embraced her status as a weirdo and the "dark, creepy chick". And despite not being a bad person and rather friendly, Bailey never stopped or lost interest in the darker things. In fact one of her favorite tales was of the spirit, although she rarely believed anything she would read or watch.

The worst thing was last year when her locker was vandalized and all her books and items were thrown all over the hallways. She lost a few things and many of her stuff got ruined and people didn't care and many of them trampled over her things or took them or threw them away. Bailey actually stayed out of school for a week and joked to a few friends she attempted voodoo to get revenge. This is what eventually lead to her breaking up with her then boyfriend as she was "too bitter" about the event, along with a few other things.

Despite this treatment, Bailey had a close group of friends. She also had a few boyfriends, which tended to be a few years older than her mostly. Bailey had just recently broken up with one as well, although they are still trying to make it work as friends, although Bailey still has feelings for him. She is not happy to finally be in high school either and has already endured some bullying from her upperclassmen and even her teachers have said that she needs to brighten up. She was with her ex when she was a witness to the Event, completely sober as well and had only gone off because of her ex.

Witness?: Yes

Other: Bailey carries around a mini doll key-chain on her backpack

Name: Finnley "Finn" Kingsly

Age: 17


History: Finnley was born second to his twin sister Becca. As children he and his sister got along well enough. Even if they weren't as close as some twins were, they still cared about each other and were usually seen together. Finn was a shy kid and had a rather wild imagination, always dragging a friend or his sister off on some wild adventure. As he got older, he mellowed down and turned into something of a bookworm and a nerd. Finn also did his best to help out with school activities and ended up on the school's student council.

In high school though he changed. He became less involved in school activities and although he was still a nerd, he tried to get involved more with other people. Still he had some trouble as he looked creepy to some people and he didn't always present himself well either, not always comfortable in social situations. He is also a known sort of teacher's pet and this drove him to be at the bottom of the social ladder in school. He still has a rather large imagination and works in the school's library as well. Finn was talking to a few of the people who went into the woods and decided to go as a way of trying to make friends.

Witness?: Yes


Name: Rebecca "Becca" Kingsly

Age: 17


History: Becca was born an hour ahead of her twin brother Finn. In their childhood, Becca was always the more levelheaded one, although she enjoyed playing make believe with her brother. Unlike him, she was rather good at talking to people and making friends. She had a wide circle of them and would always be off having a fun time. Becca is also an athletic after being recruited into track and field as a sixth grader. She found that she loved to run and kept on with it. She is also a soccer player as well and has done some other sports in her years of school. She also had a fondness for baseball and made the first co-ed baseball team at her school so that both boys and girls could play together.

Becca was somewhat blind to her brother's activities as they aged, but she always kept an eye on him and kept people from bullying him. Sometimes she worried if it was okay for her to interfere and try and protect him, but Finn never said about it. She was friend's with a lot of the popular kids as a jock and so she was able to make sure that Finn was okay. Still she became a little distant as he focused on school and she focused on sports. She was with Finn during the festival, but went off before he joined the group into the woods. She has a feeling something happened, but she doesn't know what yet.

Becca wants to be a professor soccer player.

Witness?: No; Twin sister to Finn

Other: Captain of the soccer team, pitcher in co-ed baseball, one of the top runners in track and field

Name: Natalie Becquerels

Age: 16


History: Natalie was born into a family of two brothers. She was somewhat bullied by them as a child, but because of this, Natalie started to defend herself and become more aggressive as a result. She would fight with her brothers and sometimes win them as well, wanting to prove she was just as good as the boys. Even in school, she would have an attitude and would pick fights and try and show that she was better. She got into a lot of trouble and also had a hard time making friends, especially with girls.

As she got older, she only got worse. She became a troublemaker and would cause all sorts of problems. She cared little for school and little for authority. She did have a few friends, mostly those who could either tolerance her aggressive behavior or were just as bad as her. She became sort of a rival to the popular girls and would always go out of her way to make their life hell. Still Natalie was not unaffected by their comments and this only made her hate them even more. In ninth grade, one of them, a girl that Natalie was brutal to in middle school, ended her relationship through lies and gossips. In tenth she spread a rumor, trying to paint Natalie as a whore, but it only kind of worked. Natalie retaliated in the best way she knew and beat her up.

Natalie was suspended and as a result was forced to take summer school so she would not have to repeat. Her father is gone, having left while Natalie was still in elementary school and her mother has no energy to try and tame her wild daughter, although Natalie is better at home and cares for her mother. She went along with the trip as she was drinking and was thinking it'd be fun to try and scare some of the others.

Witness?: Yes

Other: Natalie started a band but it broke up quickly. She plays drums.
Name: Adrienne Widow ( Adri )

Age: 16

Witness: Yes

Appearence:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/33068.jpg.84d776e5bf9b6cc5ad5ec8c1fda0ce50.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="367" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/33068.jpg.84d776e5bf9b6cc5ad5ec8c1fda0ce50.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Adri was born and Raised in the town known as Beverly Hill's. A rich Neighborhood, but she had always remained quiet there. Many were to believe she would be a snobby girl, as she aged, but she was down to earth. People considered her odd as to how she dressed and appeared. Her mother was her only parent as her father died before she was born. He had only seen her once, that was over computer. He was A Soldier in Iraq. His passing was what made her so Respectful.

As gime progressed, Adri and her Mother moved to Applubree, where she had redeemed the tital "The Widowed Child." Her mother, quite truthfully was insane. She talked to herself, as much as she talked to her late father. Always sayin stuff like, He's coming back or He won't be happy with. This drived Adri crazy, she became antisocial to not have anyone anymore. This is when her career began.

Adri's main goal in life was now to be a writee. She was very good at it to. Unyil one night, Adri had been ruhed into the wrong crowd as they trailed through the woods. Perfectly somber, she remembered every detail that still haunts her.

Other: Loves to Write and Draw



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Name: Laura Becquerels

Age: 15


History: Laura grew up in the west. She lived in Washington state for a while. She lived mostly with her mother after her parents divorced. They asked who she wanted to stay with and Laura choose her mother as her father was usually working on his books. He told her it was fine and that he understood, but Laura felt bad for making the choice.

Her father lived in Maine where he wrote books on myths and legends and histories of the places. When Laura would visit him, he would tell her all the things he had heard. She never read any of what he wrote.

When she was thirteen her mother got put in the hospital with cancer. After some fighting in her family, she moved in with her father in Applubree. Her cousin Natalie lives there but they don't get on well much due to Laura's more gentler nature.

Laura was with her father and "behaving" when the incident happened. But she knows the myth of the spirit well and believes it.

Witness?: No; Cousin to Natalie/Believer of the Myth

Other: The black stripe in her hair was "accidental" but she likes it

Name: Carlton Michelson

Age: 17


History: Carlton was born the middle child of a family of five. He always struggled for attention in this situation. He was one of two boys and because of this, he was subject to many of this sisters' games and experiment. They made him go to school dressed as a girl once in second grade but got in trouble when he came home crying. Once the other brother, Brent, was born, some of the focus was taken off him.

Carlton has lived a somewhat average life in Applubree. He has chased some girls and maybe a boy or two. Carlton focused on music in middle school, but it changed to computer graphics once he reached high school. He made a few comics online as well, but has focused on computer programming and plans to attend college for it. Carlton tries to hide his braininess.

Carlton was not with the group, but searching the woods for one of his sisters but stumbled upon the incident instead.

Witness?: Yes


  • Name: Lisa Evan Moore

    Appearance: Deep violet eyes, always wearing her signature wireless headphones as well as two hair clips on either side. Dangling from the front of her outfit she always wears a cheap plastic pendant depicting a cute black cat. This description supersedes the chosen image.

    Age: 14

    History: Lisa Evan Moore was the adopted child of late Oscar and Lillian Moore. Around the age of ten, both of her parents were discovered dead at the edge of the town through apparent double suicide. Despite the fact that Lisa was in school at the time, popular rumor suggests that she not only drove her adopted family to death, but her original family as well.

    Lisa, despite her young age has already graduated high school and is currently working on her last year of college studying computer science. She currently lives alone in the home that was owned outright by the Moore family, working odd job's to pay for necessities such as food and heating.

    On one of her rare personal outings from her home, Lisa followed a small cat towards the halloween festival where she eventually became a witness

    Witness:? Yes

    Personality: Nobody really know's for sure what Lisa is like. She very rarely speaks and almost always has a distant air about her. Numerous rumor's rise up around her varying from being a psychopathic killer, to a witch seeking isolation from prying eyes. She very rarely leaves her home except to work or for school.

    She loves cat's but the feeling is far from mutual. She drink's milk almost obsessively and can almost always be depended upon to be seen at the edge of town at sunset (the same time it is believed her adopted parents committed suicide)

Name: Elri Nari

Age: 16

Appearance:she is naturally blonde however since she dyes her hair you never see it. despite her blindness she likes to dress in eye popping colors.


History: Elri lost her sight at the age of 8, however she never lost her sense of independence or strength. as of now she lives with her foster parents and adoptive siblings. all of her siblings, like her were adopted. her three younger siblings Tim(10), Abby(6) and Eli(5) and all very close, their family is like any normal happy family(they all use the surname Nari, being their foster parents name. their mother and father are Sandy and Andrew Nari, both owners of a local pastry shop.)

Elri was a witness(by hearing i suppose) of the incident. she was taking a stroll away from the noise of the festival when her canine companion, a german shephard named Jethro became unnerved. although he usually didnt need to 'guide' Elri, he desperately tried to lead her away. there was a scream and noises coming from the earth and she knew something wasnt quite right. there was a strange sensation behind her eyes, her small visualizations built on what she had learned before losing her sight were distorted by dark and corrupt images.

She wasnt sure if anyone from the group had seen her in the woods, but as long as no one asked she preferred not to tell anyone she had been present during the incident.

Witness?: Yes

Other: She owns a 3 year old German Shepherd named Jethro who accompanies her as a service dog(however she usually doesnt require assistance)

Name: Cian Dion

Age: 17



History: Cian is the son of Shannon and Leroy Dion, two of the towns most decorated Marines. they are currently deployed and have been for a few months. Cian can be a bit flirty, however he likes to stick to the story that he has never had a real girlfriend, when he first started high school he somehow managed to land himself the unfortunate position of 'matchmaker' and not in the way you would think. for someone like him, the most effective way he worked was to become the 'bad guy' so to speak. pushing another guys buttons, making them jealous or otherwise just pretending to pester the girl until the guy finally manned up. this was a surprisingly effective technique, and somehow Cian managed to make friends after each ordeal, however he so far has not been able to find someone who wants him for who he is rather then to have him match make.

Cian was hanging with the group in the woods, tagging along and having a good time. he didnt drink, however he still had as much fun laughing at those who did. upon hearing the scream and witnessing the terrifying incident, he decided that he would hav eto be careful, he had heard rumors and he didnt want to leave an empty house for his parents to return to.

Witness?: Yes

Other: Cian is a great cook, and has a fear of heights, enjoys soccer and hockey
Name: Axel Vanhurst

Age: 17


History: Axel was his parents pride and joy. As a young child he was coddled and adored. He excelled in music and most of his studies, and due to his parents urges, was given some of the best they could afford. Despite this, they werent a wealthy family, though his family liked to pretend they were. Even when his younger brother was born, he was still treated as though the light of heaven shone down on him. He got away with a lot and thus was raised to believe he could get away with anything. This made him a bit of an arse towards others that were outside his circle and a bit of an unliked student when the teachers were involved. HIs ego exceeded his skills, but he liked to believe that he was, in all aspects, somewhat of a high school 'god'.

At the insistance of some of his posse, he befriended the high school 'freak'. Eventually he found that he quite enjoyed her company and it became a bet to see if he could score with her. Convinced he could, he took on their little bet, and then realised later that he didnt want that. He ended things and had been trying to make things work when halloween came around and the dare popped up again. A party with his friends turned into a drunken game of truth or dare, which resulted in a text message sent to Bailey, the ex, asking her to meet him in the woods.

Witness?: Yes

Other: considers himself a novice rock god

Name: Mason Williams

Age: 16


History: Mason was the middle child of five. Two sets of twins either side, and then him, smack in the middle. He always felt like the outcast, like everything was either his fault or his parents werent paying attention to him. Of course, with five children, that little bit of personal time was a lot to ask for. His parents were juggling work, play and children and it wasn't something to be laughed at. In Mason's mind, they ought to have been applauded for their efforts. However, while his respect for his parents remained at a high level, he became withdrawn, barely confiding in many, being used to becoming invisible and thus, remaining so. He had few friends, those he did trust knew him to be a gentle, kind hearted person who cared deeply for those he let in. Those on the outside saw him as a brooding nobody who spent his time drawing and writing song lyrics that would never see the light of day in a record company.

He had discovered the solitude of the forest a few weeks before, when he had decided that he was sick of the noise and abrupt activity of his house. He knew the rumours, knew the tales, but decided it was an idiotic joke started years back, like a superstition with no truth behind it, and so he went that night to escape the hustle and bustle of his home, his siblings dressing up for halloween. Now he wished he hadn't, although he isnt sure if the stories are really true or if it was some sick halloween prank.Witness?: Yes

Other: Carries a sketchbook with him at all times and an array of pencils.

Name: Hilary-May MilsonAge: 16


History: Hilary is that seemingly shy, but surprisingly outspoken girl that isn't afraid to point out her oppinions or to shut someone down. Due to this attitude, she doesn't have a lot of friends, and didn't even in primary school. She was the nerdy girl with glasses that would sit with her nose in a video game or a comic book and then kick sand in the eyes of the boy that was pulling the little girl's pigtails in the sandbox. Her stubborn nature came from her no nonense up bringing. Her father, a policeman with the big papa bear attitude but the heart of a kitten, raised her to stand up for herself. She began self defense lessons at age five, and could knock a mugger down on the ground before he could even thrust a gun in her face. It was also her father that encouraged her to look out for the little person. Which is why she became friends with Bailey. They'd both attended the same primary school and she made it her personal mission to befriend the strange yet intriguing girl after she witnessed some of the teasing. She was one of the few people that stood up for Bailey and that would stay by her side through anything. Because of this, Hilary had followed Bailey the night that she went out to meet with Axel, knowing that something wasn't right. She hadn't much liked the guy in the first place, and the text seemed a little too much like ex bait for her liking. Worried for her friend, as they'd been hanging out with some of their other group, Hilary followed her to the woods.

Witness?: Yes

Other: Is a firm believer that the stories are true, another reason she wanted to stop Bailey. Has a crush on Finn but doesn't voice it, believing it would be a pointless piece of knowledge for him. Is intelligent but not to the point that she brags about it.
Name:Quinn Winners

Age: 17

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Hosaka.jpg.0422b1344fe145814cfc97aa0d38de9b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="369" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Hosaka.jpg.0422b1344fe145814cfc97aa0d38de9b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Hosaka.2.jpg.6029918fdca5622c8cdd890400889c88.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="371" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Hosaka.2.jpg.6029918fdca5622c8cdd890400889c88.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Quinn's family moved here 3 years after he was born. He comes from a loving household with a single mother and a little sister. He is a momma's boy and loves his little sister Riley who is 12 beyond imagine he dotes on her and bends to her beck and call. upon moving here he immediately butt heads with Rebecca Kingsly his eternal rival as he declares. She lives in the house across the street from his family. Throughout his youth he has challenged her to every competition kids could do. As he reached the start of 6th grade, He tried out for every club sport when he was in middle school and excelled higher than every other participant. He could only join 1 club each year, sometimes if he was lucky since money was tight at home. Upon entering high school the school offered to cover some of his fee's in order to join in the sports program. Every year since freshman year he has been on the football team as linebacker and captain of the team during the fall time, winter he is on the boy's soccer team, and spring he is a co leader star runner and anchor in track. He is a sports prodigy but is unfortunately not gifted in the studies of math or science... His family life has become mottled as his single mother has been going out on dates with men trying to find someone to fit the empty slot in the family. Quinn if he is not at practice or is training is usually either out of the house with friends, pestering his rival Becca or locked in his room playing with his sister.

He is either loved or hated there is no tolerance to his personality. He is a large focal point of all of high school being the shining star of the schools male sports program. He keeps a watchful eye out for Finn as he treats him like his little brother. He believes he will become a man like him one day strong and powerful.

Witness?: Terra was not apart of the forest spelunking group. He had found Becca at the at the festival and they went to the different attractions together.

Other:A narcissistic, exhibitionist in every sense, he gives the illusion that he thinks he is the single most important thing in the entire world. He is full of himself and proud. He is a teddy bear when it comes to his family, and loved ones.. He also has developed feelings other than rivalry towards Becca. He has a soft spot for adorable things that might be his one weakness


"Q always and will forever come before R." to Rebecca

"I work out so you have something nice to look at." to Rebecca

"Second place is the first loser." to Rebecca

"I don't get it." Every lesson in math and science.

"Zing!" pointing out other people insulting each other



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Name: Gretchen Fairfield

Age: 16


Not obvious in the sketch, but her hair is brown in colour.

History: Born and raised with a very healthy rivalry with her elder brother, Faustus, Gretchen and he have always been competing for the spot of being the apple in the eye of their parents. Faustus desired to be in the cybernetics firm, while she was set on becoming an archaeologist. As such, she spent most of her school days just studying her time away and letting her hair get out of hand. This raised a lot of eyebrows in the school, but trying to withstand her lectures when trying to comment on her choice of fashion was nigh-impossible. She was about 14 when her family moved to Applubree, and her brother, now 19, moved elsewhere to attend university. Placed in a school without the distraction of a brother who warred with her over the attention of her parents for once in her entire life, she was lost, and seemed to lack a meaning of life at that point.

It didn’t help. The change of scenery did nothing to the younger Fairfield, and instead, she decided to lock herself up more in her own room and binge-studying. Two years straight of anti-social behavior was all that her parent could take without bursting. With indignation, her parents pushed her out of the house during that fateful night so she could go ‘enjoy herself like normal girls without blinding bangs do’. Gretchen tried to argue that the terminology of ‘enjoy’ in modern society was highly subjective, but had the door shut in her face as she reached the word ‘terminology’.

Disgruntled and uttering curses that would have sent the moon running, she trudged off in a self-directed tour of the town. Apparently, there was supposed to be a Halloween festival or something that night. Why would mortals suffer to celebrate such an event? Out of curiousity, or perhaps an innate sense of wanting to point and laugh at people being the idiots they were, she started off towards the main event, where she ended up becoming a witness.

Witness?: Yes


-Gretchen will be rather tough to communicate with, seeing her inability to associate herself with people. Making a mistake in any technical term or explanation would raise hell from her. Anything, really, raises hell from her, so…happy mine-treading. She does appear meek and/or aloof when not interacting with others, though, and would be adorable if she wasn’t such a spiteful monster. I think she might have a brother complex as well, so the best bet is to approach her with a brotherly smile.

Okay, I might be kidding there, but hey, you don’t know what you don’t try.

-Yes, she can see you. Don’t try waving your hands in front of her face.

-She is merely 167 cm in height, no more than 5”5’.
Name: Perrault 'Perry' Carradin

Age: 16

Appearance: Here

History: The Carradin's have been a longstanding family in the quiet town of Applubree. Perry's father often tells him that their family was one of the founding families and that they were actually descendant of the Native American tribe that once roamed the area but could never recall the name of the tribe or the ancestor they were descendant from. His father also said once that the Carridins' were responsible for documenting the history of Applubree; every single event even the ugly stuff that most small towns tried to hide and that that was why the Carridins owned and ran the town Library.

People often ask "Perry? Why do you like books so much, don't you ever get sick of them, working in the library and all?" Perry simply shrugs since they never actually listen to his answer, most people just write him off as an epic geek and leave it at that but Perry's mother read to him when he was a child and when she died she had made him promise not to stop reading she had always said "Like people there are great secrets in books Perry, all you have to do is read between the lines." Since her death though Perry had buried himself within the fictional worlds created by writers like David Gemmel and Robert Jordan or Tolkien himself.

Perry has actually begun his first year of college studying Journalism and Classical History despite his young age and looks forward to the challenge. Perry is not socially adept but is not such a shut in that is shy and timid, in fact he has taken some traits from the heroes in the books he reads and is quite bold and confident, living with his father for the last 7 years has taught him to be self sufficient and independent though he still feels uncomfortable around girls not that he's had the social interaction with people to know who he likes yet.

Witness?: Halloween is a blast for Perry, his pale skin, deep voice and dower demeanor makes him the perfect vampire (not the sparkly kind). On that Halloween night he and his father had set up the library to be as spooky as possible and Perry was only too happy to oblige when a group of kids his age saw him and invited him to follow them into the woods. He knew that their intentions were not very honorable and that they were probably going to pick on him when they got into the woods but he never expected to see someone get swallowed by the ground itself.

After the incident he returned home and spoke to no one, not even his father. The pull however kept tugging at his mind, quietly but consistently, eventually when he got the guts he had begun researching but whenever he had asked his dad about the woods he never said thing. Perry had initially thought that his dad didn't speak about the woods because that's where his mother died but now he knew better and he was scared.

Other: Perry can be found all over town searching for the perfect reading or study spot
Accepted but I have to ask. Are you okay with your character being in college when the rest are in high school?
Yup, simply because I wanted someone almost completely cut off from the group, but I can change that if you think it better for the story.
No it's fine. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with being sort of isolated, although there will be chances for interaction with all characters.

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