Completely Ignored

I'd help you, but I figure I'll just get pushed aside and you preferring the others...
Forgotten said:
I would love your help! there is still a lot i need to know
Depends on what you need help with...

First off, I recommend making a character. An original character, an OC.

I have one myself, and I occasionally make OCs for people.

This is very important, actually.

Any questions, ask...
yes is there a special sheet for ooc?s because i have a character named Forgotten Soul ?

Arn3m said:
Depends on what you need help with...
First off, I recommend making a character. An original character, an OC.

I have one myself, and I occasionally make OCs for people.

This is very important, actually.

Any questions, ask...
Forgotten said:
oh do i use the new thread button. Thanks your helping me so much
Yes, and use what idea you have came up with.

The threads have multiple tabs, take note of that.
Ok that sound great! I just joined yesterday and i am doing one roleplay but you can join it unless you know of any open roleplays i can join?

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In scrolling to the bottom of this thread, ignoring almost everything else, I came across the absolute gem that read "fuck winter." I have no clue what any of you are talking about but I had to say something about that piece of gold. Also I need 10 posts, continue with your conversation and have a nice day.

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