Completely Ignored


Ignored and Forgotten
Hi i'm Forgotten Please just call me Forgotten.I have past experience in Role Plays but i'm usually forgotten in about 3 days.I like Fantasies and modern role plays,like anyone cares.Well i might as well talk about myself. Well I enjoy reading and also i am pretty good at video games. my favorite color is Gray and for some reason i have white hair.Well if you want to know more just ask,though i don't think anyone will. So thats it and i hope i make at least make a friend that lasts a day.
Omg I did t think I'd meet anyone else who's favorite color is gray! I love the color gray! I usually read or write in I'm not on rpn, but I'm not the best at video games but I can hold my own. And don't worry, I promise not to ever forget you!! xD
Oh wow some one actually replied.You like gray too?! Its the best!Anyway i hope you don't forget because every other place i've been to forgot about me in two days,it sucked.Also can you help me figure out how everything works here,i'm new to the site.
The thing is, I dyed my hair purple and it stuck like that after the undue date. xD . So yeah.

Hope you enjoy your stay here. Also, I like the color gray, but... I like Grey. The difference is massive in size but in length, not so much.

Also, good job on getting an original!

Forgotten said:
Oh wow some one actually replied.You like gray too?! Its the best!Anyway i hope you don't forget because every other place i've been to forgot about me in two days,it sucked.Also can you help me figure out how everything works here,i'm new to the site.
Yeah! I can help!! xD I think I'm not the best at giving instructions
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Thanks you two and what do you mean by "getting a original" i don't need instruction just a little guidance
'An original' is a name that you got that's one word and pretty relevant in the dictionary.




Stuff like that, those are originals. Pretty rare to get this stuff.

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Oh that makes sense.Oh wow some many people noticing me,i didn't except this many to.Thanks so much Pyro,Sharkiee,Jaykuro.
@Pyro thank you ^^

What device are you on? Like a computer, phone, tablet etc..

If your on a computer or tablet then look up at the top of your screen. There you should see a blue bar that reads forum, gallery, bookmarks, members, roleplays, and dice. Click on roleplays and then it should list a few categories like fandom, fantasy, modern, futuristic, and dice. Click on anyone you choose and there should be a bunch of different roleplays that you can join and they are labeled as closed, which you can join, simple, which you only have to do one liners, casual, which you have to do a paragraph, and detailed, which you have to do three or more paragraphs
oh wow thank you. but how do i join in roleplays?what i mean is how do i jump into the roleplay and start actually rolaplay? is there like a thing i need to do first? sorry i'm asking so many questions
It's okay! Well first you have to ask in the ooc if they're are still accepting or not, and if they say yes go to the character sheets and make your character and wait until they approve to start role playing after that you can jump in at any time

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