Completed Chronicles

Moonsilver said:
I do give some extra XP out in a game themed quiz which occurs about once every three scenarios. They can all earn up to an extra 4 points in that.
Do you give them homework too?
Moonsilver said:
My guys get 1 xp per session, usually 4 a scenario. They start as demigods, no powercurve is needed.
Good grief! Unless you play more than once a week, how do your PCs ever develop any?
Well, actually if they have a base xp of 200-300, and start, as stated as demi gods... 1xp per session + 4 per episode ending is fine...

Anyway it's still more than the regular annual xp.
I don't know if that's what MS was talking about. Exalted are, essentially, demigods. Even at starting level. I may be completely wrong here, but I get the impression he gave out 1 XP from game start, with no additional XP. At least that's how I interpreted what he said. Again, I could be totally wrong.
My players are base Exalted Characters, which means they are incredibly capable. I guess the Combo Points they start with means they have +8 XP! Thing is they are totally new to the game, need time to settle and work out what they want to do and how to use their powers. Throwing XP at them does not help them do that.

For example they only got used to the idea of using powers in preparation for an attack last session, the less new stuff I throw at them the better.

Never set anything in your game in stone, after several senarios I could say OK time to quadruple the the XP or just give them +50. Whatever fits for your players and the difficulty of the scenarios you are running.
Just to chime in:

I finshed a campaign my senior year of college. The characters were Dragon-bloods from Lookshy who held off a Realm plot to uncover the command codes to the Five Metal Shrike. In the end, one PC died holding off the Fae in a Warstrider so the rest could escape and stop the Realm, one PC became an Infernal using the Broken Winged Crane to summon Octvaian to hold off the Realm forces temporarily, one PC tackled the main villain of the story off the wing of the Five Metal Shrike, one PC (a mortal) Exalted into a solar so he could pilot the self-destructing Shrike away from civilized areas, and one survived to tell the story.



I finished a campaign. But the characters *made* the campaign.
Workingboy said:
Just to chime in:
I finshed a campaign my senior year of college. The characters were Dragon-bloods from Lookshy who held off a Realm plot to uncover the command codes to the Five Metal Shrike. In the end, one PC died holding off the Fae in a Warstrider so the rest could escape and stop the Realm, one PC became an Infernal using the Broken Winged Crane to summon Octvaian to hold off the Realm forces temporarily, one PC tackled the main villain of the story off the wing of the Five Metal Shrike, one PC (a mortal) Exalted into a solar so he could pilot the self-destructing Shrike away from civilized areas, and one survived to tell the story.
Sounds like a cool ending.

I finished a campaign. But the characters *made* the campaign.
I have to completely agree.
Workingboy said:
Just to chime in:
I finshed a campaign my senior year of college. The characters were Dragon-bloods from Lookshy who held off a Realm plot to uncover the command codes to the Five Metal Shrike. In the end, one PC died holding off the Fae in a Warstrider so the rest could escape and stop the Realm, one PC became an Infernal using the Broken Winged Crane to summon Octvaian to hold off the Realm forces temporarily, one PC tackled the main villain of the story off the wing of the Five Metal Shrike, one PC (a mortal) Exalted into a solar so he could pilot the self-destructing Shrike away from civilized areas, and one survived to tell the story.



I finished a campaign. But the characters *made* the campaign.
Dude, I almost cried for them when I read the story... goddamn martyrs   :D
I'd like to say that I've ended one, but the one that I've been running for about a year or so real time is only going on hiatus, just after (almost literally) the characters Exalted from God-Blooded mortals to Exalts. 200 xp mortals can be fun to run, and they're at the point now where I think they would have been chosen for Exaltation. Can't wait to pick the game back up in about a year's time, and hopefully all of the players that were there the first run will be around for the continuation, though I think I can at least depend on the 3 that I started out the game with.

Now that everyone is used to normal combat and such, it is time for the new learning curce on figuring out how to do it with Charms and other stuff.

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