Competition Among The Wolves


New Member
Food is scarce, hunters are everywhere and winter is drawing near. The wolf packs are competing more than ever. Some are getting sick and dying, pups are being orphaned and left for dead. Even entire packs are being wiped out. Can anyone survive in this harsh land or can make the dangerous journey to a new home?





Pack (or loner):





Name: Chizuka

Age: 8 weeks

Gender: female

Pack: none, orphaned

Mate: none

Pups: none

Pregnant: no

Description: A simple black pup with a blue flame marking on her right eye. Seemingly helpless but seems to have something special about her. She's sweet but can also be a little trouble maker. She may pull mean pranks but she only does them to those she cares about.

The Alpha positions are open as of 10/25/11 8:35pm my time.

Please bare with me as I am new here and if you cannot post here for whatever reason feel free to send me a message.
Ah, welcome then! :3

Name: Antonia

Age: 3 1/2

Gender: Female

Pack (or loner): Loner

Mate: None.

Pups: None.

Pregnant: Nope.

Description: Antonia has emerald eyes with a light brown pelt. She is mid-sized, but fast. She's very bubbly and happy, with or without a pack. She wont stand for bullies and will speak against an Alpha if he, or she, makes ludicrous orders. She loves to play with pups and adults alike, although the adults think it's childish.
((Hurr... I'll join. >3 Hmm... What should I name 'em..))

Name| Caligula

Age| 9 Years Young

Gender| Female

Pack| Loner (but will form a pack eventually)

Mate| None

Pups| None

Pregnant| Yes (Heh... why not, right? ^w^)

Description| Rational, superstitious, and loving. She's like a supreme mother figure...that occasionally mauls "bad guys" and can seriously kick butt when necessary.

Image| View attachment 998
Name: Schrei (Shh-rye)

Age: 6 Years

Gender: Male

Pack: Exiled (Loner)

Mate: None

Pups: None

Pregnant: Nope 0.0

Description: Quiet, composed, likes to follow but can lead. Prefers to not fight but can kick it hard when needed.

Name: Rose

Age: 4

Gender: she-wolf

Pack:Just Released

Mate: None

Pups: Still in Captivity

Pregnant: Nope

Description: Rose was born in captivity where she was experimented on by scientists. One day in the recent past the lab was shut down and Rose was saved. Just a day ago she was released into these woods wearing a tracking collar. She is still a little thin and a few patches of fur are missing from some of the old experiments but other than that she is mostly healthy.

Other: She is blind but her hearing is so fine tuned she hardly misses it but she is still nervous.

Name: Amethyst

Age: 1 year

Gender: Female

Pack: None, abandoned

Mate: none

Pups: none

Pregnant: no

Description: Black shaggy fur with streaks of purple. She appears small and helpless but once you fall for her trickery she will spring. She is kind but rude to those she wishes to be nice or mean to.

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