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Fantasy Commence Heroism

Name: Jonathan Greene

Nickname: Jon

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 47

Class: Fighter

S.O: Heterosexual

Spells: Never did he touch a tome nor does he possess the aspiration to become a magic user.


His armour, one that consists primarily of iron plates and a chain mail, has been designed lightly to allow ease of evasion and movement, and protect his vital parts from getting skewered from the sharp end of a sword.

His primary weapon is a bastard sword, which is a sword that defines itself as between the stature of a shortsword and a long one. His secondary one is a crossbow, used in a more lesser frequency than his sword, of course, considering that most of his efficiency lies in close combat.



Bearing a fairly great height of 6'4, and weight of 210 lb, he may seem as a rather intimidating figure in the battlefield. Although he does have a decent amount of raw strength, he seems to lack an athletic or wholly muscular figure, instead possessing a balanced physique, although leaning more towards the fat side a bit more nowadays, which is wholly due to his rather old age.

Personality: Most people who are well acquainted with him, describe him as an honest, hardworking person, with a composed, level-headed attitude, and a tendency to not break down so very easily in the face of danger. Moreover, he's been further conditioned by his time spent in the military, having conducted multiple operations, and participated in numerous battlefields, which helped him to build his calm, almost a bit too sincere attitude, despite what his rough career might suggest. Although, he's a smart guy in general and tends to think decisions, or might I say a bit too thoroughly, he's more of an engaging fellow rather than an observant one, being quite bold in the process.

Generally, he's a confident, vigorous man, being as such since his birth, and which is one of his more defining points, leading to a more increased proficiency in combat. Whenever the situation isn't too serious, he'll scrounge some time to crack a joke, witty or otherwise, and get a bit on the cheery side.

Bio: Jon was born in a small, humble human village, which unfortunately didn't make its mark yet, bordering the more greater, urban cities, which often seemed to overshadow the lesser city. Nevertheless, his father was a rather strict, bitter man, who worked as a miner, whilst his mother was an ill-tempered and irritable women, and from both of whom, he obtained no traits whatsoever, mostly assuming a personality similar to his uncle, who unfortunately, died in an heroic attempt to rout a goblin infestation, or should I say, an evil goblin infestation.

He was quite the mischievous and adventurous kid, which often annoyed his father, as his antics proved to be a budding nuisance to both his parents and the neighbourhood, and unfortunately, not of the easily avoidable kind either. His father, in an attempt to curb his behaviour, got him an apprenticeship under the local stonesmith, and to his father's delight, the plan did work. Jon developed a more serious personality, at the expense of spending most of his time invested in work, a bit too much invested, I'd say.

His father died due to an infection, due to a simple cut, which was further contaminated by contact to rotten human bodies, as the village experienced a series of unfortunate events, which resulted in the deaths of many, and which kept the able-bodied busy digging graves and burying people into it.

After he finishing his apprenticeship, he found an opportunity to start his own business, which he declined, much to his mother's grievances. Feeling a bit on the adventurous side, he joined the military, fighting in many a battle, and experiencing quite a few of mature subjects.

Alas, finding no need to continue any longer, he left the military to return to his village, and hopefully work somewhere a bit less risky, having been mellowed and humbled by his numerous close brushes with death. Finding no more jobs opening up, he was compelled to take up blacksmithing.


+ Honourable combat

+ Alcoholic drinks

+ A fine strategy

+ Storytelling

+ Good morale

- Deceptive people

- Recklessness

- Sluggish people

- Conflicts without reason

Reason to become an adventurer: After his career as a blacksmith declined due to an increasing competition from other trending blacksmiths, which resulted in his usual earnings getting drastically decreased. This was also coupled with a feeling of restlessness, and nostalgia for his old days. Compelled by these two facts, and the budding sense of exploration and adventure, he took up his sword once again and decided to attempt at being a mercenary, and perhaps even come up with a lot more exaggerated, heroic tales to tell to the folks back home.

(Tacos forever!)
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