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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Commence Heroism

Character Sheet

-C.S Format-






Spells:(Magic users only)





Reason to become an adventurer:(optional)


  • No Op Characters
  • Your character is only officially in when I have accepted it
  • Don't be afraid to Pm me with questions/comments
  • You may (for now) only one character
  • You may only choose from the listed races/classes, UNLESS you pm me
    with an Idea.
  • Remember to add the password to the end of your character sheet.
  • Please add a DIGITAL picture for your apperance



  • Fighter
    The most common of the melee classes, the fighter is very close to the Archer, as they are usually trained by an army or small militia, or a private master. They also may use both a Long sword and a Long bow, a Long sword and shield, or a two handed weapon (Long sword may be replaced by a one handed axe). Along with their chosen weapons, they also have either leather or basic iron plated armor, the basic adventurer's pack, and 20 copper.
  • Barbarian
    The Barbarian is a rage based melee class, close to nature. They are usually trained by their clans/ tribes. The Barbarian is one of the more heavy hitting classes, but normally just use their mastered weapon. The Barbarian can choose a two handed weapon. They also have hide armor, the basic adventurer's pack, and 20 copper.
  • Paladin
    The Paladin is a religious, and righteous melee class. They specialize in their swordplay, but they also have a bit of magic, mainly used to heal their companions, and smite undead, and evil creatures. The Paladin will have Iron armor, either a Long sword and shield, or a two handed sword, the basic adventurer's pack, and 10 silver.
    Lvl.1 Spells-
    Smite [Damage undead (2xday)], Minor heal [small heal on yourself or another (3xday)], and create light (3xday)
  • Monk
    The Monk is a skilled, unarmed, spiritual, melee fighter. They are usually trained by a master, or an order of monks. They are deadly and acrobatic/agile. Most monks like to travel light, and so choose to carry little, but the necessities. Monks will have monk robes, the basic adventurer's pack, and 5 copper.


  • Archer
    An Archer is the mainly combat oriented ranged class. Usually accompanied by both a long bow and a short sword, and is skilled in both. Normally an archer is trained by the army, or by a master. The Archer will start with leather armor, 20x arrows, a short sword, the basic adventurer's pack, and 5 silver.
  • Ranger
    The ranger is a more nature oriented ranged class. They specialize in the use of the long bow, and often have a side arm, but not as a priority weapon. Rangers are usually taught by their parent, a master or self taught. The Ranger will start with Leather Armor, a long bow, a skinning knife, the basic adventurer's pack, 10 copper, and an animal companion I have agreed to.
  • Rogue/Thief
    The Rogue is a normally mischievous, and skilled individual. Although I've placed them in the Ranged category, I will leave to the player whether they use two daggers, a long bow and dagger, or a short sword and dagger. Most Thieves or Rogues were self taught by desperation, but some learn from masters. Along with their choice weapons, they will be given a simple lock picking set, leather armor, 5 silver, and the the basic adventurer's pack.


  • Druid
    The druid is a somewhat religious, magical caster, that focuses on nature magic/religion. They have the ability to channel their spirits with that of nature's.The Druid usually learns their magics from a clan or a master. The Druid will have robes, a dagger or staff, a mortar/pestle and an animal spirit they may call on (that I have agreed to).
    Lvl.1 Spells-
    Animal form [Wolf, Spider, Owl, Eagle, or Bear (1x Day)], nature's call[Call upon a weak minded animal to fight with you(1xday)], talk to animals (1x Day), and root [Root a small group or single person in place 2xday.]
  • Wizard
    The Wizard is a studious type of spell caster. They train their whole lives, either by themselves or with a master, or at the academy, to master spells, and incantations, usually using runes, tomes, and their own spell book. The Wizard will have a staff, a dagger, their spell book, wizard robes, the basic adventurer's pack and 5 silver.
    Lvl. 1 Spells-
    At Lvl 1, the Wizard will be able to use, Magic missile (5xday), summon familiar (pm me), Mage's armor (1x day), Light [Create a light source 5xday], and Translate [Allows you to understand any written/spoken language for 10 seconds (2xday)].
  • Sorcerer
    The Sorcerer is a naturally talented magic user. They don't need any incantations, runes, ect to cast their spells,which gives them a certain freedom, but are sometimes limited because of it also. The sorcerer is usually trained in a school, the academy, by a master or self taught. The sorcerer also has the choice to either wield a short sword, a dagger or a crossbow (and 20x bolts). The Sorcerer also has sorcerer's robes, the basic adventurer's pack, and 5 silver.
    Lvl.1 Spells-
    At lvl. 1, the Sorcerer will be able to use Magic missile (5xday), Summon familiar (pm me), Blink [teleport a very short distance (2xday)], Mage's armor (1xday), light [Create a light source (5xday)], and Minor tricks (prestidigitation).
  • Cleric
    The Cleric is closely related to the Paladin, but they focus on healing and light magic, and use their weapons secondarily. A Cleric is a religious magic user who is blessed by their god/goddess, to spread their message, or goodness through the world. A cleric has iron armor, their choice of wither a one handed weapon and a shield, or a one handed weapon and a free hand. They also have their holy symbol, the basic adventurer's pack, and 5 silver.
    Lvl. 1 spells-
    At lvl.1 Clerics may use, Small heal [Heal a small amount on yourself or another (3xday)], Large heal [Heal a large amount on yourself or another (1xday], Purify [Purify food or water (2xday)], Bless weapon [Enchant a your, or a party member's weapon to do extra damage against evil or undead creatures (2xday)], Smite [Damage undead (2xday)], Create light (5xday), and detect evil (2xday)]
  • Bard
    The Bard is the only magic class that uses music and poetry to create magic. They usually have/ had a master that taught them their skills. The Bard is an acrobat, a performer, and a magic user. The Bard may choose an instrument, and one one handed weapon, or two one handed weapons, they may also choose to have a short bow or crossbow. The Bard will have leather armor, the basic adventurer's pack and 2 silver.
    lvl.1 spells-
    Song of small healing [heal a small amount on yourself or another (3xday)] ,Lullaby [Makes a creature tired or even fall asleep (2xday)], Mage's armor (1xday), light [Create a light source (5xday)], Minor tricks (prestidigitation) and "Inspirational Melody [Give a small buff to ally defense/attack for one round (2xday)]


[There may only be one of each, with the acception for Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, and Dwarves.]

  • Human
    Humans are one of the most common races, found everywhere, and usually never alone. Their lifespan ussualy reaches to 70-100yrs old.
  • Dwarf
    Dwarves are a stout people with a small stature, usually with a lot of hair. They are sturdy, and normally good crafters. Their lifespan usually reaches 100-120yrs old.
  • Elf
    Elves are a normally slender, and beautiful race to most races. They have a natural connection to nature, and magic. Their lifespan usually reaches to 160-200yrs old.
  • Half-Elf
    Born from both a Human and an Elf, a half Elf is both naturally talented in many areas like a human, and has a bit of natural magic. They are more angular and slender than a human, but more sturdy then an elf. Their lifespan usually reaches to 100-110yrs old.
  • Golem [Taken]
    Golems are the creation of the Dwarves. They were all made to serve a purpose, ussually as free labor, or as protection. They are infused with magic, and such is their life force. Only a highly skilled craftsman can create one. They are all created-mainly by a singular material, such as iron, rock or something similar. Their lifespan usually depends on their materials, as soon as their bodies are gone, so are they.
  • Goblin [Taken]
    Goblins, although normally seen as a vicious, and mischievous race, has begun to join their Ocrish brothers and sisters in the new world of advancement, many becoming regular parts of society, although the stigma remains, as does many feral goblins. Their lifespan usually reaches to 30-50yrs old.
  • Orc
    Orcs are usually closed off people who rarely like to interfere with human and other races. They are a naturally large, strong and wild hearted race. Their lifespan usually reaches to 40-60yrs old.
  • Half Orc
    Born from both an Orc and Human parent, a half orc is an uncommon oddity. Their stature is larger than that of a human, but smaller than that of an Orc. They are often times abandoned by both parents, but some are raised by a clan, or by humans. Their lifespan usually reaches to 70-80yrs old.
  • Gnoll [Taken]
    Gnolls are a humanoid race, rarely seen in civilization, and in general. They are a mixture of a hyena and a humanoid. The creation of such a beast is unknown, but they have a large stigma put on them, as such an unknown. Their lifespan usually reaches to 40-50yrs old.


  • The Goddess of Light, Maria
    Most Paladins or Clerics of goodness will worship the goddess of light, purity, and innocence, Maria. The savior of the damned and the Survivor of the underworld, Maria works closely with her followers, and is often seen interfering with the lives of mortals, for their good, much to her father, Dasiph's displeasure.
  • Queen of the underworld Silvania
    The Evil Queen of the underworld, worshiped by creatures of evil, and necromancers, she is seen in the eyes of most evil creatures, and destruction of good, she wants to destroy her father, Dasiph, and take over the overworld.
  • The Goddess of Nature Es'marith
    Worshiped mainly by elves, but also those who live close to nature, Es'Marith is the elven goddess of Nature, growth, and the wild. She is believed to save mortals on occasion, from losing their way, by taking the form of a pure white wolf, or other animal, showing them to safety.
  • The God of the Overworld Dasiph
    The God of the overworld and father to the Goddesses of both Light and Darkness. He smited his evil daughter to the underworld after she began to torment mortals, for her own needs. Dasiph rarely interferes with the lives of mortals, and prefers to be a silent guide for the world.
  • The Champions of Evermore
    The religion of most Orcs, and some other warriors of Evermore, they worship their honored dead, and Evermore, as a whole plane and idea. They believe that Evermore is a living plane that welcomes true and honorable Warriors of Evermore into after life.
  • The Prince of Chaos, Parador
    The sinister prince of Chaos, reckless nature, and change. He loves to mess with mortals, and play games with them, usually leading them to their destruction or ruin. He is Worshiped by feeble minded mortals, and some creatures of darkness, for his mother is Silvania, the goddess of the underworld.

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Name: Nozuri Orland

Race: Goblin

Gender: Female

Age: 18

S.O: Heterosexual

Class: Fighter

Equipment: See image.


3'4" and 44lbs, Nozuri is a bit tall for a Goblin, but is still small compared to other races. Unlike most Goblins, Nozuri has deep red eyes and oddly colored pink hair. Her physique is thin and lightly toned, housing a strength that doesn't match her size. Despite her choice of weapons being almost as tall as herself (if not taller), she can wield them without issue.


Nozuri is proud, mature, and independent with a high sense of honor and a serious, level-headed nature not often seen in Goblins. While she isn't the most intelligent being around, she isn't stupid, and actually despises individuals who lack moderate intelligence (including most of her brethren). Due to this, she's often ostracized by other members of her species as 'a stick in the mud', but she still earns the respect of her brethren for her wisdom and combat prowess.

She hasn't completely shaken off a Goblin's nature, however, and can often lose most of her reason if she's angered enough -- something she's never been proud of.

As for interpersonal relationships, Nozuri doesn't mind interaction with anyone and everyone, so long as they offer her a base level of respect.


Nozuri was the daughter of an Elven mother, who had been captured and raped by a feral tribe of Goblins while traveling to the city of Vi'Lora in a merchant caravan. The remains of the caravan was freed by a small punitive force sent by Vi'Lora to patrol the surrounding area within only a couple of days. After all of the Goblins were subjugated, the Soldiers escorted the remains of the caravan the rest of the way to their destination.

On the way back, however, Nozuri's presence was soon discovered as her mother's stomach swelled abnormally within only a couple of days since her conception. Not even a week after the event Nozuri was born with traits resembling her Mother, but still being 100% Goblin due to the nature of inter-breeding with the Goblin race. Nozuri's Mother despised her child, as she was a constant reminder of the savage Goblins that had taken her innocence, and so Nozuri was forced into the hands of the Soldiers when they reached their destination. Rather than kill the young Goblin, however... They raised her in the barracks, training her as she grew to adulthood (which is only ~5 years for Goblins). Once she could hold her own, she was given a proper rank among the Soldiers and was stationed with the punitive force her Mother had been rescued by. Their objective: subjugate any wild beasts causing disturbances in the surrounding area -- a duty she was happy to accept.

In the 13 years since then, Nozuri gained fame for her level-headed attitude in combat, and wisdom beyond not only her species, but also her age. On the dawn of her 18th birthday her adopted father, Moris Orland: Vice-Commander of Vi'Lora's guard, decided it was high time for the young Goblin to live her own life. With the order to 'explore the world' Nozuri left her fellow soldiers and left to join the Heroes Guild.

Likes & Dislikes:

++ Wild Boar meat

++ Camping outdoors

+ Soldiers

+ People who follow orders properly

+ People who don't discriminate based off of appearances

+ Honorable combat

+ Intelligence

+ Strong alcohol

- Dullards

- People who underestimate her

- People who treat her like a child

-- Cats (the feeling is mutual)

-- Feral Goblins that cause harm to befall others

Reason to become an adventurer:

To explore the lands away from Vi'Lora.


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Name:"Betty" - Model name & Number - BET-2001 [bodyguard Emulator Technology]

Race: Golem

Gender: Male.

Class: Fighter

S.O: Ahahahaha. Heterosexual. [Though I doubt BET can reproduce.]

Spells: None.




BET is a 10 foot tall hunk of a thick weave of Chromium and Vanadium Steel. Neither corrode, so he's basically immortal [unless he's killed of course]. Weighing at 4600lbs. He has no visible face and his exterior looks super worn out. His 'armor' which is actually his skin, is thicker near the chest, shoulders, and head. His Right shoulder pauldron seems to have been broken off, his left shoulder being way more armored. His Joints are exposed at his knees whenever he bends them. He has a large hole in his chest, it's used for storage, it's big enough that a person could climb in. Inside, there's a small space that someone could hide in. The hole can close. He carries a Flaming Axe, and a very Large Tower Shield that's about the same height as his body. The shield is bent near the middle. One arm is noticeably longer than the other. He has '2001' welded into his frame on his back.


Personality: He's very protective of himself, and others around him. He cares a lot for others, even if they're evil and trying to kill him. He acts very Dense, even though he's quite intelligent. He's quite stubborn, and if he has an idea, no matter what debate you throw at him, he'll carry through with his plans. He's dumb as hell. But you don't really learn a lot when you do the same thing every day - work. His OS can be volatile, being nice mostly, but he can a real nasty person.

Bio: BET was extremely expensive too make, his build process took about One Year, due to how hard it is to work with Chronium's brittleness, and Vanadium Steel's cost to make. Dwarves mined out entire mountains for its materials. BET was made Pre- Great War. His original intent was guard to Important People and Structures. But by the time he was finished, the Great War had ended and the project was nearly forgotten, as his builder had passed. Months later, a few dwarven mining team rediscovered BET's builder's building facility. BET at the time was finished, but remained Dormant. It only took the flick of a switch to pull him out of that state. BET was an extremely Sentient Golem, who could form his own opinions based off of his own Logic, Past Experiences, and His own Personality, which he developed himself. He was almost like an infant when he was first activated, he lacked a wide vocabulary and knowledge of the world. BET was recovered and 'raised' by the Dwarves that found him. He works in the Dwarven District.


+ Everyone that's alive

- Undead

+ Heights

- Impoliteness


Reason to become an adventurer: He became bored working day after day with other Dwarves and Golem's. He wanted to see more of the world and its miracles.


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Windows98 said:
Name: Archais
Race: Golem

Gender: Male.

Class: Fighter


Spells: None.



Archais is a 35 foot tall hunk of thick Tungsten. Weighing at 42000lbs. He has no visible face and his exterior looks super worn out. His 'armor' which is actually his skin, is thicker near the chest, shoulders, and head. His Right shoulder pauldron seems to have been broken off, his left shoulder being way more armored. His Joints are exposed at his knees whenever he bends them. He has a large hole in his chest, it's used for storage, it's big enough that a person could climb in. Inside, there's a small space that someone could hide in. The hole can close. He carries an Axe, and a very Large Tower Shield that's about the same height as his body. The shield is bent near the middle.

Personality: He's very protective of himself, and others around him. He cares a lot for others, even if they're evil and trying to kill him. He acts very Dense, even though he's quite intelligent. He's quite stubborn, and if he has an idea, no matter what debate you throw at him, he'll carry through with his plans. He's Loyal as hell.

Bio: Archais was extremely expensive too make, his build process took about One Year, due to how hard it is to work with Tungsten and its rare appearance in the earth. Dwarves mined out entire mountains for its materials. Archais was made Pre- Great War. His original intent was guard to Important People and Structures. But by the time he was finished, the Great War had ended and the project was nearly forgotten, as his builder had passed. Months later, a few dwarven mining team rediscovered Archais' builder's building facility. Archais at the time was finished, but remained Dormant. It only took the flick of a switch to pull him out of that state. Archais was an extremely Sentient Golem, who could form his own opinions based off of his own Logic, Past Experiences, and His own Personality, which he developed himself. He was almost like an infant when he was first activated, he lacked a wide vocabulary and knowledge of the world. Archais was recovered and 'raised' by the Dwarves that found him. He works in the Dwarven District.


+ Everyone that's alive

- Undead

+ Heights

- Impoliteness


Reason to become an adventurer: He became bored working day after day with other Dwarves and Golem's. He wanted to see more of the world and its miracles.
He looks awesome, HOWEVER you may not be that huge. Too big. He's meant to be in cities, villages, and exploring, he also was meant to be exploring with human sized people. He can be at most 10ft, and weigh around 300lbs. Sorry.
@DragonBanner finished

Name: Alphoron Bahamiat

Race: Dragonborn

Gender: o-> (male)

Class: Sorcerer

Spells: The same as the ones listed, except he has a poison breath attack instead of summoning a familiar. And various non-combat oriented tricks.

Appearance: An anthromorphic dragon about 6 and a half feet tall, with dark green scales, amber eyes, and horns that branch off like antlers. His clothing consists of a vest, a pair of fingerless gloves, a kilt-like garment that almost touches the ground, and a pair of boots, all hidden under a hooded cloak. His arms, legs, face, and neck are wrapped in black cloth.


Personality: Alphoron enerally keeps to himself, content to read a book on monsters while others socialize and converse with one another. However, his past is an incredibly sore subject, and, should it be brought up, he will go to great lengths to change the topic.

Bio: When he was younger, due to Dragonborn culture etc, he was chosen for a role in the governing body. Normally, it would be considered a privilege. However, his sister was very sick, and he wouldn't be allowed to take care of her if he were to take the position. Unfortunately, one does not simply "decline" the job, and soldiers were sent to take him by force. He was severely wounded, and barely escaped with his and his sister's life. He lost consciousness in the woods outside of the city, and he awoke in a human sorceress's house, his wounds gone and replaced with a patchwork of scars. The sorceress explained that she found him almost dead in the forest. His sister woke up and explained what happened and agreed to a memory-loss spell so that she wouldn't have to testify against him, and was sent home, fully cured and with no recollection of the events that transpired. Alph, meanwhile, had taken three days to wake up. The sorceress offered to take him in as an apprentice, and he accepted. After he had learned the basics, he set out on his own to take on the real world.

Other: He uses a sword, and I don't really like tacos or burritos. Can I choose pizza?
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Windows98 said:

Name: Archais

Race: Golem

Gender: Male.

Class: Fighter


Spells: None.




Archais is a 10 foot tall hunk of a thick weave of Chromium and Vanadium Steel. Weighing at 4600lbs. He has no visible face and his exterior looks super worn out. His 'armor' which is actually his skin, is thicker near the chest, shoulders, and head. His Right shoulder pauldron seems to have been broken off, his left shoulder being way more armored. His Joints are exposed at his knees whenever he bends them. He has a large hole in his chest, it's used for storage, it's big enough that a person could climb in. Inside, there's a small space that someone could hide in. The hole can close. He carries an Axe, and a very Large Tower Shield that's about the same height as his body. The shield is bent near the middle. One arm is noticeably longer than the other.


Personality: He's very protective of himself, and others around him. He cares a lot for others, even if they're evil and trying to kill him. He acts very Dense, even though he's quite intelligent. He's quite stubborn, and if he has an idea, no matter what debate you throw at him, he'll carry through with his plans. He's Loyal as hell.

Bio: Archais was extremely expensive too make, his build process took about One Year, due to how hard it is to work with Chronium's brittleness, and Vanadium Steel's cost to make. Dwarves mined out entire mountains for its materials. Archais was made Pre- Great War. His original intent was guard to Important People and Structures. But by the time he was finished, the Great War had ended and the project was nearly forgotten, as his builder had passed. Months later, a few dwarven mining team rediscovered Archais' builder's building facility. Archais at the time was finished, but remained Dormant. It only took the flick of a switch to pull him out of that state. Archais was an extremely Sentient Golem, who could form his own opinions based off of his own Logic, Past Experiences, and His own Personality, which he developed himself. He was almost like an infant when he was first activated, he lacked a wide vocabulary and knowledge of the world. Archais was recovered and 'raised' by the Dwarves that found him. He works in the Dwarven District.


+ Everyone that's alive

- Undead

+ Heights

- Impoliteness


Reason to become an adventurer: He became bored working day after day with other Dwarves and Golem's. He wanted to see more of the world and its miracles.

Very cool. Just add the password, and he'll be accepted. (on the main screen)
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Windows98 said:

Name: Archais

Race: Golem

Gender: Male.

Class: Fighter


Spells: None.




Archais is a 10 foot tall hunk of a thick weave of Chromium and Vanadium Steel. Weighing at 4600lbs. He has no visible face and his exterior looks super worn out. His 'armor' which is actually his skin, is thicker near the chest, shoulders, and head. His Right shoulder pauldron seems to have been broken off, his left shoulder being way more armored. His Joints are exposed at his knees whenever he bends them. He has a large hole in his chest, it's used for storage, it's big enough that a person could climb in. Inside, there's a small space that someone could hide in. The hole can close. He carries an Axe, and a very Large Tower Shield that's about the same height as his body. The shield is bent near the middle. One arm is noticeably longer than the other.


Personality: He's very protective of himself, and others around him. He cares a lot for others, even if they're evil and trying to kill him. He acts very Dense, even though he's quite intelligent. He's quite stubborn, and if he has an idea, no matter what debate you throw at him, he'll carry through with his plans. He's Loyal as hell.

Bio: Archais was extremely expensive too make, his build process took about One Year, due to how hard it is to work with Chronium's brittleness, and Vanadium Steel's cost to make. Dwarves mined out entire mountains for its materials. Archais was made Pre- Great War. His original intent was guard to Important People and Structures. But by the time he was finished, the Great War had ended and the project was nearly forgotten, as his builder had passed. Months later, a few dwarven mining team rediscovered Archais' builder's building facility. Archais at the time was finished, but remained Dormant. It only took the flick of a switch to pull him out of that state. Archais was an extremely Sentient Golem, who could form his own opinions based off of his own Logic, Past Experiences, and His own Personality, which he developed himself. He was almost like an infant when he was first activated, he lacked a wide vocabulary and knowledge of the world. Archais was recovered and 'raised' by the Dwarves that found him. He works in the Dwarven District.


+ Everyone that's alive

- Undead

+ Heights

- Impoliteness


Reason to become an adventurer: He became bored working day after day with other Dwarves and Golem's. He wanted to see more of the world and its miracles.


HAHA! Accepted, but it was meant to be your answer on the initial thread! xD
Name: Marco Littlefoot

Race: Halfling

Gender: Male

Class: Bard

S.O: Heterosexual

Spells: lvl.1 spells-

Song of small healing [heal a small amount on yourself or another (3xday)], Lullaby [Makes a creature tired or even fall asleep (2xday)], Mage's armor (1xday), light [Create a light source (5xday)], Inspirational Melody [Give a small buff to ally defense/attack for one round (2xday)] and Minor tricks (prestidigitation).


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/halfling-rogue1-e1411315086505.jpg.5adf724ba4ec5bd6f45ee3a27c4088ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138084" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/halfling-rogue1-e1411315086505.jpg.5adf724ba4ec5bd6f45ee3a27c4088ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marco stands at 3'6" and weighs almost fifty pounds.

Personality: Marco is a whimsical, gregarious fellow; he talks to everyone, always looking to make friends. Throwing caution to the wind, Marco will never resort to violence immediately, always trying to talk his way out of dangerous situations. Of course,that doesn’t always work, so he does carry his trusty crossbow whenever he travels.

Bio: Marco was born and raised in a small, uninteresting halfling village. Even as a child he had a love of music, constantly asking his mother to play for him. When he was six she finally gave him his own flute. He picked it up on his sixth birthday and he never put it down. At fifteen he was afflicted with that treacherous disease that seems to infect all halflings: wanderlust. Marco traveled the world, leaving his small village behind him. Marco ran into a wandering troubadour, an elven woman, sometime near the beginning of his adventure. She bonded with Marco through their mutual love of music. The elf taught him to channel his musical ability, showing him the ways of the bard. They became good friends, even lovers, but eventually they parted ways. Their paths have crossed a few times since then, and their relationship is still strong. His travels eventually took him to Vi’Lora.

Why Adventurer: He is a halfling and a bard, so it is doubly against his nature to stay in one place for too long.

T a c o s



  • halfling-rogue1-e1411315086505.jpg
    64.2 KB · Views: 80
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Kencen said:
Name: Marco Littlefoot
Race: Halfling

Gender: Male

Class: Bard

S.O: Heterosexual

Spells: lvl.1 spells-

Song of small healing [heal a small amount on yourself or another (3xday)], Lullaby [Makes a creature tired or even fall asleep (2xday)], Mage's armor (1xday), light [Create a light source (5xday)], and Minor tricks (prestidigitation).


View attachment 305807

Personality: Marco is a whimsical, gregarious fellow; he talks to everyone, always looking to make friends. Throwing caution to the wind, Marco will never resort to violence immediately, always trying to talk his way out of dangerous situations. Of course,that doesn’t always work, so he does carry his trusty crossbow whenever he travels.

Bio: Marco was born and raised in a small, uninteresting halfling village. Even as a child he had a love of music, constantly asking his mother to play for him. When he was six she finally gave him his own flute. He picked it up on his sixth birthday and he never put it down. At fifteen he was afflicted with that treacherous disease that seems to infect all halflings: wanderlust. Marco traveled the world, leaving his small village behind him. Marco ran into a wandering troubadour, an elven woman, sometime near the beginning of his adventure. She bonded with Marco through their mutual love of music. The elf taught him to channel his musical ability, showing him the ways of the bard. They became good friends, even lovers, but eventually they parted ways. Their paths have crossed a few times since then, and their relationship is still strong. His travels eventually took him to Vi’Lora.

Why Adventurer: He is a halfling and a bard, so it is doubly against his nature to stay in one place for too long.

T a c o s

Name: Caeda Valcyne Lennith

Race: Wood Elf

Age: 42

Gender: Female

Class: Ranger

S.O: Bisexual


Caeda stands at 5'8 in height and weights just about 97lbs. If one word was to describe Caeda's form it would be willowy. Tall, slender and graceful. Caeda have cooper-ish dark hair going just below her collarbone in length, she mostly hides it away under her hood, or ties it into a ponytail, her eyes are hazel in color and her skin, somewhat pale, still have the same bit of copper-ish hue to it like her hair.


Caeda carries with her a eloquent in appearance long bow, her armor compromises of leather armor with wooden strips around her arms and legs and abdomen. She also carries with her more typical forest-wanderer tools, and small bags for miscellaneous objects such as food for Horus, a small journal with ink bottle and a owl feather attached.

While not equipment, Caeda have befriended a great horned owl, whom she promptly named Horus. Caeda have taught Horus many small commands from scouting forward and giving calls if anything is there to attacking her foes. Horus seems to be watchful, obedient and show great content at being by Caeda's side, somehow more talkative than Caeda most of the times.



Caeda is somewhat reclusive and autonomous in her approach and manner of speech, preferring action over words, careful planning rather than rushed thinking, yet she also shows a deep curiosity and interest in the unknown. While not thinking herself superior, she tends to look down at others who have not "proven" their worth in her eyes, her trust to that is slow to gain but she holds it dearly once gained, her emotions can seem rather calm, even when danger and chaos runs amok, Caeda can be seen as a figure of systematic order. She becomes a bit more relaxed when moving through forests, most likely because it reminds her of her home. At the basic, Caeda's personality is one of earned respect, Prove and be proven.


Caeda was born in a nomadic clan/group of Wood elves, who were quite more traditional and disliked living in the major cities, so ever since from a young age, Caeda have traveled quite a few forests and lands, most which she hardly remembers or explored much of as her family moved regularly, as Caeda grew up she joined up on the sentinels of her clan, the elves who acted as scouts, hunters and defenders of their nomadic home.

Caeda grew more and more restless, as even though she traveled far and wide, she was forbidden to explore away from the clan and much to her dislike, the feeling of being caged grew too much, At the age of 42 she left her family, home and people, knowingly she would not be allowed to return to them, Caeda made her way for Vi'Lora, doing small odd-jobs to survive, hoping to find something to make a goal for her life, her curiosity have fallen on the Heroes Guild. With nothing more than her owl Horus, and the clothes on her back, Caeda is prepared yet cautious to see the world in new eyes.


++ Tranquility

++ Forests

++ Careful planned tactics

+ Trying out new things

+ Horus

+ People who proves their worth.

+ Fruits

+ sketching things, mostly grand sights

- Rushed action with little to no planning

- People who makes other do their job/Lazy people.

- Taking more than needed

-- Claustrophobic, greatly dislikes not being able to move freely.

Reason to become an adventurer:

To see the world in new eyes, get away from her old home and life.

Tacos.. Burritos? Tacorrito!
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Sigismund said:
Name: Caeda Valcyne Lennith

Race: Wood Elf

Age: 42

Gender: Female

Class: Ranger

S.O: Bisexual


Caeda stands at 5'8 in height and weights just about 97lbs. If one word was to describe Caeda's form it would be willowy. Tall, slender and graceful. Caeda have cooper-ish dark hair going just below her collarbone in length, she mostly hides it away under her hood, or ties it into a ponytail, her eyes are hazel in color and her skin, somewhat pale, still have the same bit of copper-ish hue to it like her hair.


Caeda carries with her a eloquent in appearance long bow, her armor compromises of leather armor with wooden strips around her arms and legs and abdomen. She also carries with her more typical forest-wanderer tools, and small bags for miscellaneous objects such as food for Horus, a small journal with ink bottle and a owl feather attached.

While not equipment, Caeda have befriended a great horned owl, whom she promptly named Horus. Caeda have taught Horus many small commands from scouting forward and giving calls if anything is there to attacking her foes. Horus seems to be watchful, obedient and show great content at being by Caeda's side, somehow more talkative than Caeda most of the times.



Caeda is somewhat reclusive and autonomous in her approach and manner of speech, preferring action over words, careful planning rather than rushed thinking, yet she also shows a deep curiosity and interest in the unknown. While not thinking herself superior, she tends to look down at others who have not "proven" their worth in her eyes, her trust to that is slow to gain but she holds it dearly once gained, her emotions can seem rather calm, even when danger and chaos runs amok, Caeda can be seen as a figure of systematic order. She becomes a bit more relaxed when moving through forests, most likely because it reminds her of her home. At the basic, Caeda's personality is one of earned respect, Prove and be proven.


Caeda was born in a nomadic clan/group of Wood elves, who were quite more traditional and disliked living in the major cities, so ever since from a young age, Caeda have traveled quite a few forests and lands, most which she hardly remembers or explored much of as her family moved regularly, as Caeda grew up she joined up on the sentinels of her clan, the elves who acted as scouts, hunters and defenders of their nomadic home.

Caeda grew more and more restless, as even though she traveled far and wide, she was forbidden to explore away from the clan and much to her dislike, the feeling of being caged grew too much, At the age of 42 she left her family, home and people, knowingly she would not be allowed to return to them, Caeda made her way for Vi'Lora, doing small odd-jobs to survive, hoping to find something to make a goal for her life, her curiosity have fallen on the Heroes Guild. With nothing more than her owl Horus, and the clothes on her back, Caeda is prepared yet cautious to see the world in new eyes.


++ Tranquility

++ Forests

++ Careful planned tactics

+ Trying out new things

+ Horus

+ People who proves their worth.

+ Fruits

+ sketching things, mostly grand sights

- Rushed action with little to no planning

- People who makes other do their job/Lazy people.

- Taking more than needed

-- Claustrophobic, greatly dislikes not being able to move freely.

Reason to become an adventurer:

To see the world in new eyes, get away from her old home and life.

Tacos.. Burritos? Tacorrito!

SP3CT3R said:
@DragonBanner finished
Name: Alphoron Bahamiat

Race: Dragonborn

Gender: o-> (male)

Class: Sorcerer

Spells: The same as the ones listed, except he has a poison breath attack instead of summoning a familiar. And various non-combat oriented tricks.

Appearance: An anthromorphic dragon about 6 and a half feet tall, with dark green scales, amber eyes, and horns that branch off like antlers. His clothing consists of a vest, a pair of fingerless gloves, a kilt-like garment that almost touches the ground, and a pair of boots, all hidden under a hooded cloak. His arms, legs, face, and neck are wrapped in black cloth.

Personality: Alphoron enerally keeps to himself, content to read a book on monsters while others socialize and converse with one another. However, his past is an incredibly sore subject, and, should it be brought up, he will go to great lengths to change the topic.

Bio: When he was younger, due to Dragonborn culture etc, he was chosen for a role in the governing body. Normally, it would be considered a privilege. However, his sister was very sick, and he wouldn't be allowed to take care of her if he were to take the position. Unfortunately, one does not simply "decline" the job, and soldiers were sent to take him by force. He was severely wounded, and barely escaped with his and his sister's life. He lost consciousness in the woods outside of the city, and he awoke in a human sorceress's house, his wounds gone and replaced with a patchwork of scars. The sorceress explained that she found him almost dead in the forest. His sister woke up and explained what happened and agreed to a memory-loss spell so that she wouldn't have to testify against him, and was sent home, fully cured and with no recollection of the events that transpired. Alph, meanwhile, had taken three days to wake up. The sorceress offered to take him in as an apprentice, and he accepted. After he had learned the basics, he set out on his own to take on the real world.

Other: He uses a sword, and I don't really like tacos or burritos. Can I choose pizza?
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Name: Maximus Silverblood

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Class: Paladin

S.O: Heterosexual

Spells: Lvl.1 Spells- Smite [Damage undead (2xday)], Minor heal [small heal on yourself or another (3xday)], and create light (3xday)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Hero.jpg.c31d09fde9e71d0ecb62012f668259b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138613" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Hero.jpg.c31d09fde9e71d0ecb62012f668259b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Sword_Shield.png.b5e285cbb496daad5d5a44aeeff938e9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138614" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Sword_Shield.png.b5e285cbb496daad5d5a44aeeff938e9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Maximus very serious by nature, taking almost everything at face value. To him good is good and bad is bad. He is not one to let any type offense to go without being punished, especially it was to an ally of friend. He tends to stay calm in the face of danger and has no problem running out on to the field of battle against 100 warriors. As he is still very young for his age he still is not experienced enough to know what do to when encountering the opposite sex. If one happened to like him he was not really good at picking up on the hints. Aside from that he is loyal, honest, and brave no matter what.

Bio: From a young age Maximus had lived as a devout worshiper of The Goddess of Light, Maria. This was more due to an attack that came

upon the village that he had lived in for his whole life. An unknown swarm of the undead had attacked trying to kill everyone. Half the village had been wiped out before the Paladins had come speaking that it was the will of the Goddess that they had come to smite the undead that day. They had saved him, his mother, and the rest of the village. From that moment on he devoted his life to becoming a Paladin so he could repay the Goddess who had saved his life.

Reason to become an adventurer: To repay Maria for saving his and his mothers life




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Prazh The Cursed










Animal form [Wolf, spider, owl, eagle or bear (1x Day)], nature's call[Call upon a weak minded animal to fight with you(1xday)], talk to animals (1x Day), root [Root a small group or single person in place 2xday.]


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.d4f47197997ad2e684cbd52f0cca2914.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138685" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.d4f47197997ad2e684cbd52f0cca2914.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Even though he has acquired some sort of hope, Prazh's terrible acquired personality still shines through. He often appears as an old man, too focused on the past and basking in his lost glory. He often thinks that he is better at everyone and won't always help someone in need, but if he is interested in someone or something, he may become more friendly. Also, in moments of danger or stress, most of the time he will stay calm and try to assume a position of leadership, to get himself and whoever is with him (if they aren't completely useless) out of there


The one now known as Prazh The Cursed was once a great orcish warrior, by the name of Prazh The Infinite. He had quickly obtained fame and glory, by felling mighty beasts and besting great enemies. But one day, within the lair of a powerful necromancer, the warrior was cursed to lose the strenght in his blows and the watchful eye that guided them, to become a husk of his former self, doomed to walk upon the earth of Gen'Flora knowing he shall never be one of the Champions of Evermore. Upon returning from the expedition, Prazh fell into some sort of depression. He became lazy, arrogant, selfish, ate too much for his own good, rarely came out of his tent and forgot the value of true honor. After losing any respect that other warriors still held towards him, and after years of living in this miserable state, one day, an orcish shaman brought him a bowl containing some strange liquid. That night, after drinking it, between terrible pains, the once-great Prazh had a vision. A vision of the Champions of Evermore, telling him that not all hope was lost and that he should seek the shaman, for it is through him that he shall become powerful as much as he was before the curse. And so, with hope in his eyes, Prazh The Cursed sought out the shaman and learned the arts of druidism, before finally feeling ready to adventure once again.


++ glory in combat

+good food

+ telling stories

+ the nature

-- necromancers

- unhonorable fighting

- dark magic

Reason to become an adventurer:

To Regain his former glory

(Now, imma tell you a secret... I prefer burritos)​



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Quinlan63 said:
Name: Maximus Silverblood
Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Class: Paladin

S.O: Heterosexual

Spells: Lvl.1 Spells- Smite [Damage undead (2xday)], Minor heal [small heal on yourself or another (3xday)], and create light (3xday)


View attachment 306943


View attachment 306944

Personality: Maximus very serious by nature, taking almost everything at face value. To him good is good and bad is bad. He is not one to let any type offense to go without being punished, especially it was to an ally of friend. He tends to stay calm in the face of danger and has no problem running out on to the field of battle against 100 warriors. As he is still very young for his age he still is not experienced enough to know what do to when encountering the opposite sex. If one happened to like him he was not really good at picking up on the hints. Aside from that he is loyal, honest, and brave no matter what.

Bio: From a young age Maximus had lived as a devout worshiper of The Goddess of Light, Maria. This was more due to an attack that came

upon the village that he had lived in for his whole life. An unknown swarm of the undead had attacked trying to kill everyone. Half the village had been wiped out before the Paladins had come speaking that it was the will of the Goddess that they had come to smite the undead that day. They had saved him, his mother, and the rest of the village. From that moment on he devoted his life to becoming a Paladin so he could repay the Goddess who had saved his life.

Reason to become an adventurer: To repay Maria for saving his and his mothers life

ThaDruid said:


Prazh The Cursed










Animal form [Wolf, spider, owl, eagle or bear (1x Day)], nature's call[Call upon a weak minded animal to fight with you(1xday)], talk to animals (1x Day), root [Root a small group or single person in place 2xday.]


View attachment 307095


Even though he has acquired some sort of hope, Prazh's terrible acquired personality still shines through. He often appears as an old man, too focused on the past and basking in his lost glory. He often thinks that he is better at everyone and won't always help someone in need, but if he is interested in someone or something, he may become more friendly. Also, in moments of danger or stress, most of the time he will stay calm and try to assume a position of leadership, to get himself and whoever is with him (if they aren't completely useless) out of there


The one now known as Prazh The Cursed was once a great orcish warrior, by the name of Prazh The Infinite. He had quickly obtained fame and glory, by felling mighty beasts and besting great enemies. But one day, within the lair of a powerful necromancer, the warrior was cursed to lose the strenght in his blows and the watchful eye that guided them, to become a husk of his former self, doomed to walk upon the earth of Gen'Flora knowing he shall never be one of the Champions of Evermore. Upon returning from the expedition, Prazh fell into some sort of depression. He became lazy, arrogant, selfish, ate too much for his own good, rarely came out of his tent and forgot the value of true honor. After losing any respect that other warriors still held towards him, and after years of living in this miserable state, one day, an orcish shaman brought him a bowl containing some strange liquid. That night, after drinking it, between terrible pains, the once-great Prazh had a vision. A vision of the Champions of Evermore, telling him that not all hope was lost and that he should seek the shaman, for it is through him that he shall become powerful as much as he was before the curse. And so, with hope in his eyes, Prazh The Cursed sought out the shaman and learned the arts of druidism, before finally feeling ready to adventure once again.


++ glory in combat

+good food

+ telling stories

+ the nature

-- necromancers

- unhonorable fighting

- dark magic

Reason to become an adventurer:

To Regain his former glory

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