Coming of Storms


The Geek Shall Inherite the Earth
(feel free to make more than one character)


Nickname: (optional)





Moral alignment:









Powers: (Up to 2 and optional)

Weapon: (Optional)

What lies in their heart:



Name: Alice Longstride

Nickname: (N/A)

Age: 19

Gender: female

Species: human

Sexuality: heterosexual

Moral alignment: chaotic good

Class: wanderer

Subclass: warrior

Rank: peasant


Personality:brave, funny, clever, reckless, just, kind, arrogant, poorly mannered, socially awkward due to lack of companionship, antisocial


:she grew up in small village with her mother and father. When she was ten years old her home was attacked by bandits and her family was killed, she was able to hide an kill her attackers but she couldn't save her parents. After they died, Alice left her home and lived by the sword as a wanderer.

Crush: takers?



Powers: none

Weapon: longsword

What lies in their heart?: kindness, justice, loyalty, love


~Can't read or write

~blames herself for her parent's death

~pretends not to care about anything but is actually very lonely and wishes to be loved

~doesn't find herself attractive or desirable

~will do anything to not be bored

~hates injustice

~has a secret soft spot for children
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Name: "My name is Phosphora Ciel Elizabeth Whitlock I, though you should already know that."

Nickname: "Empress Phosphora but it's more like my title than my nickname."

Age: "How many years have my feet been resting upon our beautiful planet? Twenty-Two"

Gender: "Are you visually impaired? You poor soul you, allow me to aid you. I am a female whose beauty rivals even goddesses!"

Species: "I am a human with dragonblood but that is a family secret, you should feel honored I told you."

Sexuality: "Ahaha! Don't delude yourself, your chances of bedding me are lower than dirt!"

Moral alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Leaning towards Chaotic Evil)

Class: Warrior

Subclass: Sorcerer

Rank: Noble

Personality: "Oh? You want to know about what I'm like? Oho, I'm afraid I can't tell you that. You'll have to see what I'm like instead."

Phosphora is a very...different kind of girl. She is nothing short of beautiful and dangerously intelligent. She has outrageous levels of charisma and is loved by many. She is somewhat full of herself in terms of her appearance, she often says that her beauty rivals even the goddesses. As a result, she has no problems with anyone seeing her in the nude, and will even offer to model for them as she truly believes that her body in a work of art that is to be admired by all. Phosphora is also a very deadly tactician but she often hides this for reasons unknown. Phosphora also has a way with dragons

Bio: "You want to know more about me? I'm afraid my tale is nothing special, in fact it's quite bland. Sorry to disappoint you."

In actuality, Phosphora's story is far from bland. While it is unknown how she and her family is considered nobility, her birth was rather interesting. Upon her birth, she was injected dragonblood, which allowed her to manipulate draconic energy and she gained the ability to talk to dragon and cast Dragon magic alongside the magic she would master as she grew up. Phosphora would grow up and learn how to be a proper lady from her mother while her father secretly trained her to use her magic and he also trained her in the art of the sword and a few other weapons and her father's sister would teach her everything she could about strategy and tactics even those exclusive to war.

Crush: N/A


Powers: Dragon Magic and Dark Magic

Weapon: A longsword known as Aestus Estus


What lies in their heart: Unknown

Extra: Without the hilt, Aestus Estus is 5 feet long. She is able to wield it like it weighed nothing because of the dragonblood in her veins. The blade has the inscription regnum caelorum et gehenna (the kingdom of heaven and hell).

Phosphora also has a millatary dress that she wears sometimes in combat. She takes with her in a bag she carries during her travels. She will often change into it before engaging in combat, she doesn't care if her enemies watch her. She will embrace, calling her body a work of art and that there is always time to admire beauty. One of her deadliest skills where she combines her swordplay with magic. Her lucky number is 13 and she has a love for steak.

Name: Jace Raiden

Nickname: The Lightning Emperor or King of Lightning

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Heteorsexual

Moral alignment: Heroic Good

Class: Warrior

Subclass: Royalty

Rank: King



Personality: Wise, Commanding, Bold, Heroic, Energetic

Bio: Jace was the son of the previous King and Queen, he was born with his unique power to wield Esoteric Lightning. From an early age he was trained to be the best king he could be, he was taught the art of the sword which would eventually led to him becoming skilled enough to wield various numbers of them at once. He perfected his skills with his lightning on his own though so no one knew he had it until he had taken the thrown.

The previous King and Queen were killed when the demons first arrived. This happened when Jace was 15 so he had taken the throne when he was 15 and led the armies of Neflelle against the demon warlord and came out victorious. It was the third year of the war when he met the woman he would make eventually make his Queen which was the lowest point in the war but with the introduction of his queen to his life the war turned in his favor.

Over the years he would have several children and treat them all with love and kindness as well as grow them to be the best they can be.

(Rest RP Revelation and what Queen and their children put in their bios)

Crush: Queen though....... you never know


Weapon: Main weapons are his six swords

What lies in their heart:

The Kingdom of Neflelle

His family






Extra: His official title is King of Neflelle

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