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Coming Back to Reality


I drink coffee, oh and I love my fish waifus :>
Cold. Empty. No one...and nothing. This, is my reality. I see people, living their lives. I see life, death, stories both real and fictional...this, is my reality. Mistakes. Those tiny little screw ups that just mount on to one another, till there are so many that they come toppling down on you. That's what got me here...where exactly is 'here', anyway? I don't know. Where I am...where I was...to sum it up easily, I'm everywhere, and nowhere. The most basic explanation, is I've somehow become...completely transient. But the parts of me that leave one place, just get filled back up with another part of myself. Like millions, no, billions or even trillions of atoms, split all across time and space. Spanning the entire multiverse. This, is my reality.

I've come to accept this. I feel it's a fair punishment for my crimes. Giving me the ability to see everything in creation, but experience none of it. Banished from ever interacting with the real world, and forcing me to exist in this state of being. It's funny though. From all the times I've died, someone or something always brings me back. There's still a tiny part of me that's hoping, gripping to the little faith it has, that someone will revive me. Save me. But that's not possible. I recall a conversation I had with Death. When he figured out what exactly Merof and I were doing, all he told me was there was no going back. If I did this, and somehow died, it was game over. I wonder if the God before me had to suffer this fate. If so, he might still be floating around like I am, just trying to comprehend everything.

Maybe if I...wait, hold on. No seriously, give me a second...no...nonono, please no! God dammit NO. GO AWAY. STOP IT! Dude, fuck off! Just give me this, let me face my damn sins for once! NONONO, I SEE THE LIGHT. My body...it's reforming, stop dammit! SHIT-

A singular floating stone hovered in space. On it, stood what was once a dark purple throne, which now lay in ruin. Only the steps of the throne were intact, while most of the rest of it floated about in the destroyed dimension that was the birth place of the new god. Lucifer's Gate, the only place someone can overthrow God himself. In this place, once stood only ten stones. The center stone was the largest, bearing on it the throne, and two crooked, lifeless trees. The other nine stones orbited the first, and were all only big enough for a single person to stand on. Before the ascension, this place was once...oddly beautiful. From the stones, all you could see was space. Spiraling star systems, nebulae, and even a sun or two. But now...only three of the nine orbiting stones remained in their path, the others out of sight. The 'space' you could once observe, now lay cracked on distorted.

Such destruction was fitting. After all, two major events took place here. First, Lucifer's Ascension, and second, Lucifer's Demise. The rise, and fall, of a God. But now, after many years, it was no longer barren. A red Tardis rested on one of the three stones, and a man stood expectantly on the steps of the throne. Just above the throne, a sort of 'black hole' was swirling about. But unlike a normal black hole, this one was releasing something. At first it was a foot, then another...then two legs, followed by a torso. Then two hands, arms, and finally...the cursing head.

"-head! Why would you-" Lucifer tried chewing Michael out, but he proceeded to fall on his face after the portal-like thing disappeared. Shakily getting back on his feet, Luci stared at his 'savior'. Many thoughts ran through the Time Lord's head, and he had some rather conflicting feelings. Part of him wanted to cuss out Michael, another part wanted to thank him. And the last part just wanted to sulk. He went...with kind of all three. "Why...why exactly am I here? I shouldn't even be here! I died dammit, game over. Thanks, for, playing. Did you do this?!"
There Michael was, at the pinnacle of both creation...and destruction. Gazing out upon the eerie scene before him he was certain of only two things. How far he had come, and how far he was willing to go. Looking down at himself he wondered if the price he paid was worth this, bringing his friend back from a place known to only a very few. He let his thoughts wander to the events that led him here.

"You... I told you never to return here Michael." Commanded a powerful voice.

"Yes. I remember." Replied Michael. "You must know how desperate I am to turn to you ."

They were both sitting at what appeared to be an altar. Neither glancing over at one another, they held their gaze to what was on the pedestal at the end of the room. An obelisk of sort. Inside contained what was left of the forerunner, an enemy that very nearly brought about the destruction of the multiverse. On the opposite end, a red TARDIS. A belonging of a friend.

"From how I see it, you owe me a favor." Michael asserted, knowing it would get a rise out of the entity sitting next to him.

It was quiet for a moment. Then the entity questioned, "And how exactly do you see it?"

"Do you remem-" Michael was cut off.

"Because if I remember correctly, and I always do, you have come to me thrice in the past to help clean up your mistakes. I am not a redo button. I am here only to ensure one thing. Balance. A thing you seem dead set on throwing off." The entity claimed.

"I understand that. Believe me I do, however something is coming. I can feel it. Something on the scale of the forerunner. I know you feel it too."

There were ominous signs that something was approaching. It was coming for Michael and he was scared. He needed his friends. He needed his family. The entity understood the warnings that something was bound to happen. A great shift in the paradigm of life. Michael was on the verge of third war. A true war, one that encompassed all of reality. And Michael was taking no chances, he was gathering all of his pieces and setting up the chessboard yet again. Hopefully for the last time.

Michael snapped back to reality when he saw a black vortex appear above him. And from that vortex formed a body.

"-head! Why would you-" Lucifer cried out. He stopped and climbed to his feet to look down at Michael. Gathering his thoughts he quickly said in a mixed voice "Why...why exactly am I here? I shouldn't even be here! I died dammit, game over. Thanks, for, playing. Did you do this?!"

Anger. Disgust. Contempt. Reluctance. Pity. Acceptance. Joy. All at once he experienced a catharsis. A rush of emotions. Acting on these emotions he embraced the Time Lord.

Not expecting this action from Michael, Lucifer flinched.

"Lucifer. Welcome back man. It's good to see you." Michael said while wrapped around the Time Lord.

"But-but..." Lucifer stuttered out as Michael released him and retreated an arms' distance away. "Why?" He asked in a softer tone.

Michael's gaze hardened as he looked away. "There...have been whisperings. Of something coming. Something powerful and I'm not quite sure I'm able to handle this one. At least...not alone." He smiled as he gazed up at the Time Lord. "Plus, I just can't let my best friend stay dead now can I?" Michael grinned. This was a facade of course. He intended to let Lucifer stay dead this time. His final resting place. All of space and time. It was fitting. However the situation had forced his hand. He needed him now more than he has ever had. But there was one problem. Michael had no idea why he needed Lucifer.

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