Comic delay 29/11/10


Four Thousand Club
So, here's the story.

One, I got a new computer on Friday! Hooray! So I start it up and, the people who made it being foresighted, there's an automatic setup to take everything from your old computer and move it to the new one. This is rather simple with macs, presumably. I say "sure!". Of course, my old computer is so old that the firewire connections aren't compatible any more. It gives me the option to use ethernet, so I go ok, I'll use that.

... Now it's Sunday.

And it's not finished yet. It's barely half done! It's not giving me the option to stop, and it occupies both computers fully. I'm having to make this post from elsewhere.

All of my files and applications for making the comic are on my old computer. I can't make any new comics until it's available, and its not. I do apologise for this, for not thinking it might take this long and not having a buffer ready, but I'm not going to have a new page up in time. I'm hoping to make one on Monday, but chances seem slim. It might be a day, or two, or three. i might even just have to skip this update entirely, which I regret, because I always try to have something up on every day. So, there's an explanation for you, so you're not wondering. Spread it around.

That sucks. It reminds me of the time I bought a 2Tb hard drive, and spend the next 18 hours partitioning it. (with just one partition)
Jukashi said:
Psh, no apology is necessary AT ALL. I always look forward to your updates (your webcomic is the only one I read anymore) and continue to be impressed by your dedication to your comic. How many years has it been going now? So, Tuesday rolls around and there is still no update, I'm thinking "Uh oh." I logged into the forum just to see if there was any news on you. I'm glad to hear that it's just computer issues and not something serious. I'm really looking forward to the next comic whenever you are able to get around to it. :mrgreen:
Perfectly understandable. Your updates are larger and more consistent than most of the webcomics I read, and one of the most entertaining to boot. Sorries(What's the plural form of sorry?) are totally unnecessary, as even if you go down the path of Joe England, your readers still come out ahead with everything you've provided up until now. Not that I want you to update like him. Please don't.
Well, I've pretty much got everything sorted now, and I'm settling in with my lovely new computer. It's a bit... bigger than I expected, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. Everything seems to be working fine, though I've yet to really set into anything major.

Now... the comic. I have the next page written and in my head, ready to start production as it were, but at this point... well, if I tried to get it done tonight, I could have it up tomorrow. Then it'd be up for a day, maybe, before the next update, which I'd have to make another page for, tomorrow evening. This is not something I am looking forward to, and chances are high that a lot of people would miss the delayed update, leading to confusion on friday. Basically, I'm wondering if I shouldn't just skip the missed update altogether. It makes me uneasy to have entirely missed it, but uploading anything but a proper comic would make things bumpy in the archive.

Would you mind terribly if I just left it?
I personally would not but you would owe us forever

I take my payment in conspiracy theories.
I would not mind. Your consistent excellence in storytelling earns you a pass.

I mean, where else am I going to get actual characters running around Exalted's Creation? I've read all the novels already...
I was starting to get worried...I should've thought to check the forums earlier.

Hope the computer issues clear up, and glad you're well, Jukashi!
Yeah, I can't see any reason to complain over a single missed comic. Now if you reach the levels of delay in The Misadventures of Hello Cthulhu (About six months delay per comic strip) I suppose I might be perturbed but really, these are free comics people make just to please others. How can anybody reasonably complain about them?

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