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Fantasy Comets

Salt Lord

┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴

Character Sheet




Job: (student, teacher, or something else)

Appearance: (image, description, or both)

Magical Ability:

Inhuman Traits:

Personality: (minimum of three sentences)

Friends: (none required)

Enemies: (none required)​
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Name: Hagdon Yapas

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Job: Student

Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes, and a bit of a scruffy beard, standing at 6'7, he dresses pretty casual for going to aurora academy.

Magical Ability: Lava

Inhuman Traits: Eyes glow red when using his ability

Personality: An average student, He tries hard but doesn't really get that far. He tends to care for everyone even at his own expense, and even if that persons a stranger. Hagdon has a tendency to be pretty lazy which can get in the way of him trying to do good things. However even though he's lazy nothing comes before those he cares about.

No friends or enemies yet.
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Name: Riley Speculo (A.K.A Mrs. Mirror)

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Job: Teacher



Magical Ability: Mirror & Wind

Inhuman Traits: Her eyes are reflective pools of silver and platinum, and she has shifting glass wings:


Personality: She is a passionate person, taking on challenges head on. Her will is strong, and normally she forgives easy. She does trust people before questioning, then observes their intentions. If she doesn't trust them, that means they've done something against her morals. Still, she will protect those she cares for, and try her hardest to please them. Some basic terms to describe her are:

Enthusiastic, Passionate, Wild, Knowledgeable, Somewhat Mischievous & Protective

Friends: TBR

Enemies: TBR

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Name: Erica Graham

Age: 19

Gender: F

Job: (student, teacher, or something else) College Student

Appearance: (image, description, or both)



Magical Ability: Void

Inhuman Traits: Her left hand turned black. The reason why she always wear long sleeved shirt and a leather gloves.

Personality: A quiet girl, won't talk unless she needs to voice her opinion or to answer a question. Erica is a friendly girl, she is willing to befriend someone thought it will take time. Her trust and loyalty is something that most people don't usually get, even her closest of friend might not be trusted by her. Erica hated someone who lie or someone who breaks the rule.

Name: Jaecer Klein

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Job: Freelance Worker



Magical Ability: Water

Inhuman Traits: A large gem embed into his chest.


Personality: Jaecer is calm and a little too carefree at times. Mostly sociable, he has a hard time initially making friends but becomes a worthwhile companion. There is however a darker side to him, something from his past that he hopes will remain a distant memory.
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Character Sheet

Noah Warren

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Job: Student

Appearance: Noah is a short boy with pale skin and a thin build. His hair is identical in colour to his deep blue eyes. His hair is long and messy and curls ever so slightly at points.

Magical Ability: Lightning

Inhuman Traits: N/A

Personality: Noah is a quiet boy. He pays close attention to his surroundings. He does whatever he can to be the best and obsesses on surpassing those who are better than him. He can be quite blunt and rude, not wasting time on being kind or mincing words. He didn't like making friends and - perhaps subconsciously - pushes people away. He vastly prefers solitude to the company of people and spends most of his time improving his skills to ensure nobody bests him.

Friends: N/A

Enemies: N/A
Name: Robyn Harper

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Job: Student

She stands at 5'11" and normally wears black. When using her powers, not only does her hair shine, but the tips of it becomes almost a reddish orange.

Magical Ability: Fire

Inhuman Traits: Her eyes are the constant color of embers, and they often glow like them as well.

Personality: Robyn has a quick temper that can go off easily. On the outside she's a hardcore kick-butt teenager who normally keeps to herself. Yet on the inside, Robyn is a passionate and determined, as well as quirky and surprisingly awkward if you get to know her.

Friends: None yet

Enemies: None yet
Wow. I did not get notifs for these. Very sorry. My character will be up soon.

Name: Lucian Glas

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Job: Headmaster of Aurora Academy


Magical Ability: Light

Inhuman Traits: Hair and eyes glow upon use of Light

Personality: When in the presence of students, Lucian is fidgety and catlike; saying things that have nothing to do with the current situation or doing things that are just flat out useless. When in the presence of teachers, he's slightly less useless, and will actually help with planning.

When Lucian is scolding others, he turns into a completely different person. He lashes out not with full on insults or anger, but with subtle words that are enough to make someone stop talking.

Friends: None

Enemies: None

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Dysis Rahgot (Miss. Rah)








She has a thin yet muscular build, ebony hued hair, soft blue eyes, and a pale complexion. Dysis weighs in at about 135 lbs and stands at 5' 8'"

Magical Ability

Florae & Water

Inhuman Traits

Her entire back in concealed in plant growth, flowers, leaves, etc. It's usually hidden under her clothing but since it blends with her hairline it isn't too rare to catch a bit of green among the black. Yet, the only downside of having the very thing she controls with her 24/7 (aside from a bit of embarrassment) is that is has kinda turned her body into a walking plant. If you have never taken a biology course or live under a rock, this means that her she can't eat food and her body must perform photosynthesis. Kinda a win-lose situation.


Dysis has an...interesting personality. A disarray of various things, all transformed into one. Most often, to everyone's displeasure, she is immature. The one that has to make that one joke at the wrong time. Sarcastic, has to combat most things in that manner no matter the situation. And somewhat emotionless, rarely you will ever see Dysis have fits of rage, or misery without a good reason. But, this doesn't mean that she is unable to show fear, because trust me, she can. More antisocial than others, not wanted to get involved with unnecessary social interactions, yet Dysis isn't a loner. Once she has warmed up to one you will be sure to have numerous discussions on diverse topics. All of these make her harder to "Get used to" than most people. Learning how to deal with Dysis is a taxing process, although more than one person has succeeded in this.

Now, when called upon, Dysis can somewhat become an opposite of herself. She is exceedingly intellectual. A great joy of her's is to solve problems of assorted degrees and to test her mental ability. Serious, yes it is possible for Dysis to become quite pensive in certain situations. Taking the utmost precaution even when doing the slightest action. A very rare sight is to see her become emotional with not a single justification. It does happen, if one were to see this that is, then you are of the very few.​

Babylon Cypress


Cypress, Cy, and if you dare, Baby.






Student at Aurora Academy

Magical Ability:


Inhuman Traits:

Thick, long, thorn covered, whip like tail that is actually a vine

Leaves randomly sprout (and in a week or two, wither) all over her body (usually the arms, legs, back and stomach)

A small, dark vine grows from her collar bone, up to the cheek, stopping just below the eye, where a small flower is always in bloom.



Babylon stands at 5'6 with a lean body. She has cherry blossom colored hair that extends to a length just below her chest. Her skin is a natural whiteish-pinkish color with microscopic, green, vein-like features that appear around a leaf when it sprouts. Her eyes are a darker pink than that of her hair. She has a very visible collar bone, a small vine grows from the right side of it, up her neck, and onto her right cheek where a white flower displays itself. Her tail is as thick as a Smart Water bottle (couldn't think of anything else to compare it to) and is ten feet long in length. It is a deep shade of emerald green and covered with thorns and leaves.


Unlike the majority of the born passive Flora wielders, Baby is primarily hostile. She tends to seem a bit rude with her constant sarcasm and snide remarks. She enjoys her own company and is easily annoyed by others, especially if she has to repeat herself or is interrupted. She is the exact opposite of a procrastinator, getting everything done as soon as possible relieves her, though when she does finish her schoolwork she always asks for extra credit. She avoids your average teenage activities such as: parties, sleepovers, or hanging out. Her whole life revolves around strengthening her skills and conditioning herself into the person soldier. She is diligent in this plan and cannot be easily thrown off her course by everyday stresses. Others see her as a prude, a buzzkill, a nerd and a goody-goody, though few would actually say it to her face. She has a silver tongue and speech laced with venom. She likes to make sure everyone knows she's trained in combat, and if they have a problem they can file it into her drawer of fucks, which is currently empty. Babylon is grouchy, grumpy, feisty and difficult to get along with. She's quite gutsy and undaunted.

Brief History:

It's hard to believe given her current personality, but Babylon used to be your everyday, passive, gentle, oblivious-to-the-troubles-around-her, little Flora born. She lived a happy life with her parents and brother in a cottage by the border of the Light. Her mother and father divorced when she was six, leaving the cottage to Babylon and her mother. The separation was sudden, her parents never fought or complained, but Babylon blew off the news by reentering her fairy tale world. Not even watching her father walk away with her brother choked up the cherry blossom topped child. She understood the concept of loss but simply persuaded herself to believe a false truth.

Babylon was bullied as a child due to her uncommon traits. Several Floras lived in her countryside area, but having an extra limb was unusual in every born magic. This lack of socializing left Baby to act strangely and quietly. Throughout the small town they lived in, Baby was known as the 'weird kid', even by the adults. Babylon's mother was the only person that understood her child, and she didn't mind it.The children were cruel to her, so cruel that Babylon's mother decided it was best to move Baby to homeschooling. Babylon's mother, Magnolia Cypress, worked as General of the Army. Her natural talent and extensive training in the arts of Flora drove her to be one of the strongest plant manipulators known. She made a big impact in driving back the Darkness and made her name known throughout the land of Light.

Magnolia hired a private teacher for Baby's academics and socialization but taught her herself in magic and self-defense. Baby's life progressed this way until somewhere near her tenth birthday. Her cottage was attacked by traitorous Fire wielders. Magnolia was sorely outnumbered and cared only about safety of her precious 'Cherry Blossom'. She took down several of the attackers, but with several powerful Fire users, not even Magnolia's superior Flora could destroy them. In a final, desperate act to save the helpless child whom she hid behind her, she used the last of her strength to grow an impenetrable covering of the strongest roots she could summon to shield her daughter before flames consumed her.

The covering left Baby in a small, dark space, terrified of every sound she herd outside of her bud of plants. Magnolia's last effort had paid off, and in the morning the whole Light Army was at her house. They had made it to her house during the attack, but came too late to save the lionhearted Magnolia. After driving off the Darkness and capturing the traitors Water wielders extinguished her burning home. They had found Magnolia's scorched corpse protectively guarding the bud of blackened plants. It took other Flora wielders several hours to convince Magnolia's plants to recede and uncover whatever they were hiding. They weren't surprised when they found Baby's small, trembling form, completely unharmed other than a few smudges of ash, but they were all emotional about it.

Baby was supposed to be sent into the care of her father, but they found out that he had died several years ago due to cancer. Her brother had gone missing shortly after that. Instead, Baby was taken in by a Veteran and good friend of Magnolia's. Maliki was a Light and Water wielder but continued to teach Baby in physical combat. She re enrolled into school, now miles away from her hometown and her bullies, but this time she didn't want to make friends. She went to school, worked on academics and her power, then came home and trained with Maliki.

Years past by but eventually she said goodbye to Maliki, the only father figure she could remember in her life, and moved into Aurora Academy after passing the entrance exams with flying colors.








None, though she doesn't particularly like people.


Babylon is absolutely petrified of fire.

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Character Sheet

NameAnthem Dike

Nickname • Atlas



Job • Student, café worker

Appearance • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Anthem11a2-1.jpg.b6532d09a16eecdca1f033b99f81a30c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76045" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Anthem11a2-1.jpg.b6532d09a16eecdca1f033b99f81a30c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Magical AbilityWater

Inhuman Traits when using his ability his eyes and hair turn white then fade to a furesent blue, tattoos along his arms and hands appear.

PersonalityAtlas is very cunning, knows how to solve problems off the top of his head, and is very good with direction (his name, duh)

Friends non yet

Enemies non yet



  • Anthem11a2-1.jpg
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Sorry for my bad timing. Every character is accepted.

Although I do have a few problems with Cypress' backstory. Sorry I didn't elaborate on the information, but the radius of the Light is only a few states. That's hardly big enough for people to start wars against each other. Even if this isn't true, why would there be traitors? Are they siding with the Darkness? Well that wouldn't make sense either, because it's like trying to get a tsunami to sign a treaty.

As for Cypress' father dying from cancer: Flora users don't get cancer. If they have foliage growing, they can preform photosynthesis. If they don't have plants growing from themselves, they're still cancer-resistant.

But don't worry. I'm not going to make you change it because it was my fault I didn't elaborate on alot of the things I mentioned.
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Sorry for my bad timing. Every character is accepted.
Although I do have a few problems with Cypress' backstory. Sorry I didn't elaborate on the information, but the radius of the Light is only a few states. That's hardly big enough for people to start wars against each other. Even if this isn't true, why would there be traitors? Are they siding with the Darkness? Well that wouldn't make sense either, because it's like trying to get a tsunami to sign a treaty.

As for Cypress' father dying from cancer: Flora users don't get cancer. If they have foliage growing, they can preform photosynthesis. If they don't have plants growing from themselves, they're still cancer-resistant.

But don't worry. I'm not going to make you change it because it was my fault I didn't elaborate on alot of the things I mentioned.

Actually, Baby's father wasn't going to be a Flora, he was going to control Water. Yeah... I should of said so, huh?

Also, I'll change it, don't fret, though I will have to think of an entirely different and rather stereotypical reason for Baby's personality switch, which will in turn make me a bit grumpy because you know, I was rather quite fond of her current one. Kinda reminded me of this girl from this anime I used to watch, it had zombies in it and stuff.

As for the traitors part, some people just want to watch the world burn (puns~). Aside from my pun, just think of it as a sort of gang assault? Maybe they were a cult that believed only Fire wielders should be alive? Kinda something like the Holocaust, but replace the blonde haired, blue eyed people with fire wielders. I can always take out the 'Darkness attacking' part for it to make more sense.

Heh, look at my weak defense.
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Well maybe you don't have to change it. Could their be cults of people who think that helping the darkness destroy the world will restart it. Like they are obviously wrong and the darkness still attacks them, but there are or is a cult of people trying to restart the world. Could that be a thing @Salt Lord? Could that work for your backstory @RowdyPotato?
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Kulu said:
Well maybe you don't have to change it. Could their be cults of people who think that helping the darkness destroy the world will restart it. Like they are obviously wrong and the darkness still attacks them, but there are or is a cult of people trying to restart the world. Could that be a thing @Salt Lord? Could that work for your backstory @RowdyPotato?
Yes it could! You sir/madame, are very creative! Hopefully @Salt Lord will approve because I think that's a hella rad idea. (For some reason it reminds me of that weird pyro clan from Boarderlands 2 that worshiped Lilith. I don't know why though. xD )
RowdyPotato said:
Yes it could! You sir/madame, are very creative! Hopefully @Salt Lord will approve because I think that's a hella rad idea. (For some reason it reminds me of that weird pyro clan from Boarderlands 2 that worshiped Lilith. I don't know why though. xD )
Borderlands 2 is love, Bordelands 2 is life. Lilith = bae.
@RowdyPotato I am a sir, and thanks. It's pretty much my thing irl to try and get people to agree on middle ground things, so happy I could help.
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I wouldn't mind. It's not like the backstory was a required part of the character sheet anyway.

As long as it makes sense, I'll approve.

Miss. Matthews


Name: Miss Alaska Ebony Matthews

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Job: Teacher

Magical Ability: Lightning & Water but she prefers to use Lightning

Inhuman Traits:

Personality: Alaska can be a laid back person but a very strict person to the students as well. She has a passion for teaching as it can be very scary for newbies with powers and a bit uncontrollable. She will be easy on the students for a while but if they slack off she stiffens up. She only wants the best for her students but it might be hard to see that as a student's perspective. She loves to have a laugh and doesn't a mind a few jokes but she only wants the best

Friends: (none required)

Enemies: (none required)

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[QUOTE="Geek with Me]

Miss. Matthews


Name: Miss Alaska Ebony Matthews

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Job: Teacher

Magical Ability: Lightning & Water but she prefers to use Lightning

Inhuman Traits: Her wings (just ingore everything else but the wings xD )


Personality: Alaska can be a laid back person but a very strict person to the students as well. She has a passion for teaching as it can be very scary for newbies with powers and a bit uncontrollable. She will be easy on the students for a while but if they slack off she stiffens up. She only wants the best for her students but it might be hard to see that as a student's perspective. She loves to have a laugh and doesn't a mind a few jokes but she only wants the best

Friends: (none required)

Enemies: (none required)
Can you please fix the inhuman trait? If you don't control air, there is no point in having them because you wouldn't be able to create the force to-

Eh, I'm not going to get into all that science-ly stuff.

Character Sheet

Name: Kathliana Merin

Nicknames: Kat, Katy, Kathy, Kitten, Ana, Li, Lia etc.

Age: 17

Gender: female

Job: student



Thick curly red hair, hides tentacles beneath

Eyes glow an amber color

Magical Ability: void

Inhuman Traits: tentacles beneath her hair, glowing amber eyes

Personality: Kathlianna is a very shy and quiet when she first meets people. SShe can be very self-conscious at time, which is why she hides her tentacles beneath her curls.After she gets to know people she is more open and talkative with them. She is very curious, excitable, and loves shiny object and little trinkets.

Friends: tbd

Enemies: tbd
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OceanBunny said:
Character Sheet
Name: Kathliana Merin

Nicknames: Kat, Katy, Kathy, Kitten, Ana, Li, Lia etc.

Age: 17

Gender: female

Job: student



Thick curly red hair, hides tentacles beneath

Eyes glow an amber color

Magical Ability: flat space (magical satchel)

Inhuman Traits: tentacles beneath her hair, glowing amber eyes

Personality: Kathlianna is a very shy and quiet when she first meets people. SShe can be very self-conscious at time, which is why she hides her tentacles beneath her curls.After she gets to know people she is more open and talkative with them. She is very curious, excitable, and loves shiny object and little trinkets.

Friends: tbd

Enemies: tbd
Oooooo, tentacles Kinky Accpeted
"Accpeted" lol

By the way, I can't say I accept it. Flat Space isn't one of the abilities listed.
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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]"Accpeted" lol
By the way, I can't say I accept it. Flat Space isn't one of the abilities listed.

I didn't see a list of abilities anywhere

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