Colton & Lily(Lori & I)

Everyone talked and mingled with each other. Isaac rolls his eyes every time Amber says something stuck up or snoody about someone. He looks around the room and smiles to himself a little, seeing that all the hard work he had to go through to get here and with his team supporting all the way. Isaac spots Sylvia out of all of them, seeing her sitting alone.

He stands up with his glass of Vodka in his cup. "I'll be back." He says to Amber before she can protect. He walks over and looks over Sylvia's shoulder. "You know you're shift ended at 7:30 PM. It's about 10 PM right now." He says, sitting down next to her.

(Heads up. I'm starting my classes soon this week so I won't be on all the time but I'll keep posting.)
(Okay then! No biggie!)

Sylvia smiled sarcastically. "Well, never hurts to over work right?" She said with the same tone as her smile. Sylvia smoothed her dress and closed her notebook.
"Whoa, it sounds like someone is in a bad mood." Isaac says in a cool and calm voice while taking a sip of his drink. "If you're bored, you don't have to be here. Go home." Isaac stands up. "Your sarcastic attitude isn't something people want to have a good time around." He turns on his heel and walks back to his table.
Sylvia rolled her eyes annoyed then got up. "Fine then. Why didn't you just fire me in the first place!" She shouted and ran out the door to a taxi, and tried to hail one, but didn't succeed.
Isaac groans under his breath. "What the hell was that about?" James ask but Isaac ignores him. Leaving out and following Sylvia, seeing that she didn't get that far. "What the hell is your problem!?" He ask firmly, coming over to her. "It's a business dinner. You're suppose to socialize with people in there to get us more clients and funds. You don't go and cause a f*cking scene!" Isaac looks down at Sylvia.
Sylvia scowled. "I cause drama? Well I wasn't the one making googly eyes with another woman!! Business? Yeah right." She said, and just as she finished talking, a cab came along. "Thanks for the dinner, but I'm gonna have to go home." She said, then got in to the cab and closed the door, telling the driver her address.
Isaac narrows his eyes, walking up to the cab drivers side. "She won't be needing a ride." He says firmly handing the driver a wad of cash before opening the back door. "Get out." He says to Sylvia. "Because it's pretty clear that you've been watching me all night and still don't know the difference between looking annoyed and 'googly eyes' as you like to put it. I'm taking you home."
Sylvia wanted to protest, but got out anyway. She wanted to say something against him, but couldn't think of any insults. 'What am I thinking.. He's practically perfect.' Sylvia thought, then snapped at herself, surprised at what she was thinking. "Fine, but make it quick." She said, trying to hold up an annoyed face.
Isaac smirk, closing the cab door behind Sylvia as he begins walking her to his car where his driver is waiting for. He opens the back door and they get inside. "So, want to tell me what's bothering you?" Isaac says, pulling out his phone and sending a quick text to the others.
"Um.." She wanted to be truthful and tell him that he deserved better and better as in herself, but Sylvia wasn't confident enough about herself to say that. "It's just, I've been stressed lately. Work's getting harder and longer. I just need a break." She lied and felt bad about it, but what other choice did she have?
Isaac looks at Sylvia, wanting to tell her how beautiful she looks even when she's stressed but knowing that won't be a good idea because 1) she's his employe and he can't have a relationship with her and 2) she doesn't even like him. "I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know I was working you and other so hard." He says, looking down at his phone. "You have a week off of work. I don't want to see you back at the office until Monday when you're well rested." Isaac states calmly.
Sylvia looked at him with an expression of surprise. "No, really I don't need it. I'll just drink an extra dose of coffee." She said smiling up at him. There were many reasons why she didn't want to have a break. 1) Her boss is hot. 2) Free coffee! Come on! Who could say no to that! 3) She has practically nothing to do at home. "I would make you a list of reasons why not, but I'll just hold it for now. Anyway, I don't need a break, and I don't want one. Thank you, but no thank you." She said.
The car soon comes to a stop and they are parked outside Sylvia's home. The driver gets out, opening the door for them as Isaac walks Sylvia to the front door. "You're taking a week off." He says, looking down at her. "If I see you in the office tomorrow you're fired." He smirks, taking her hand and kissing it gently. "Good night Sylvia." Isaac turns and walks away. "Remember, one week." And with that he gets in the car and drives off.
Sylvia tried not to blush when he kissed her hand and then walked into her house dazed. She walked up to her room and pulled off her close. Sylvia pulled on some pajamas and fell asleep right away.

Isaac wakes up early than he normally would on weekends. Probably because he didn't drink at all last nigh, didn't bring some random bimbo home, and he couldn't keep his mind off of Sylvia. Wondering what she's doing or if she has a boyfriend. 'Stop it Isaac, she works for you and isn't interested at all!' He thinks to himself as he gets up ad takes a shower before getting dress. Decided to have a work day in the park since he doesn't need to be at the office at all today.
Sylvia woke up at 6:00 A.M as usual as she would everyday. Then she got her clothes on.

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Sylvia walked out and decided to go to the park.



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Isaac sits in the park under a tree for some shade. Wanting some peace and quite as he starts on the paper work for the office and since he gave Sylvia the day off, he's doing some of her work as well. "God I must be getting soft.." He mumbles under his breath.
Sylvia was walking her maltese dog when she came across Isaac, I mean Mr. Frost under a tree. She took a deep breath and sat beside him holding her dog in her lap.

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Isaac was to lost into his work to notice what's going on around him until he looks at his side and sees Sylvia. " hey." He says calmly, having to look away so he doesn't stare at her for to long like a creep. "So, you spend your days off at the park huh?" He ask, petting her dog.
Her dog, Blair liked being petted and hopped onto Isaac's lap right away. "Yeah. Yeah, I do." She said looking at her dog. Sylvia then looked up at Isaac. "And you? Why are you here?" She asked.

(Sorry I didn't press post reply!)
(It's fine!)

Isaac smiles, petting Sylvia's dog in the head. "I just thought I'd get some fresh air on my day off." He says. "Nature helps me clear my head and what not." He looks at Sylvia. "Did you want to get some lunch with me?"

Sylvia looked at him in surprise. "Me, and you, lunch?" She asked, then gave in to the offer. "Sure why not." She said smiling.
Isaac smiling, putting his things away in his bag before standing up, helping Sylvia up. "There's this nice burger joint if you want to go. Unless you're one of those girls who care and how they look so much that they can't eat." He smirks.
Isaac smiles as they begin walking to the burger joint. They get a table by the window where they sit across from each other. The waiter comes and takes their orders. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He ask calmly out of nowhere.

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