Colosseum Gods. [Inactive]

"You guys are making big progress. Argo, your 3 or 4 fights away from getting a shot at removing your bracelets. You're getting closer too Vinnie" Jesse told them smiling. "The crowds love you, hopefully this will be over soon."

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Vinnie, in a good mood, rubbed her temples almost comically. "Tell the bloody shitheads to stop cheering! Ive had enough of praise. bring the lot in the ring and lets see who feels like throwing roses."
"I've been moving around a lot lately, I've become close to the emperor. He's.. A monster.." Jesse said as his eyes widened.

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"The way he relishes the blood, the death. The way he tortures his servants, their children. He has to be stopped. He has to die! He just has to!" Jesse said as tears filled his eyes.

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Vinnie looked at Jesse in pure terror. Was he.. going to cry? What does one do for a crying person? Honestly, she has had her fair share of blood lust, buthe sounds demented. "Umm.... there there.. we'll kill em.." she replied, eyes wide.

(Vinnie doesnt do feelings)
Argo walked up to Vinnie "Jesse has seen the worst of it. The worst of how truly evil that man is. We need to survive, we need to fight, we need to win to end all of this."

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The emperor approached Aegon and Samantha in the tunnel as he stopped them to say "Excellent work Aegon, I've noticed your slave has been fighting. She's rather lucky to be alive"

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The emperor clenched his teeth as he stormed back into his tunnel, as Aegon and his guards laughed.

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