Colosseum Gods. [Inactive]

"We start training tomorrow Vinnie"

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Aegon smiled as he entered the ring and was introduced. He was fighting a person this time, someone who had rose to the top of the ranks and was able to challenge a god. He was a large beast of a man standing at 8 ft, with long hair, and an even longer beard. As Aegon entered the ring with him the man smashed his fists together and stomp making the ground shake throughout the city.
"Ladies and Gentleman! We have a special battle tonight, the champion, the god, the lion, Aegon faces of against a competitor who has rose through the ranks to face him, Muerte. He's torn every opponent he's faced asunder, can he defeat the champion? Let's find out!" the announcer shouted as the crowd roared. Muerte smashed his fist against the ground as the it went up beneath him. A large crater was all that remained of the ring.
Samantha gasped as she saw the crater. "Come on Aegon! You can beat him! He's nothing compared to you!" I continued cheering and pumping my fist.
When the dust settled from the mighty blows, Aegon leapt to the large Muerte and drove his sword into his neck. He was so fluid about it, it seemed effortless. Muerte stood for a moment, falling to his knees as he bled out, and perished. The fans in the arena went wild, their cheers louder than they had ever been. Aegon, sheathed his sword as he looked around into the stands.
Aegon walked away as his guards sitting with Samantha went to greet him

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"It was hardly a challenge" he told her as he the emperor approached them. 
(in the fighters barracks)

Argo walked in as he sat and told Vinnie "It's time to start training I hope you're ready".
Vinniehad been examining her sword for the time and looked to see Argo, nodding to him. She wasn't impatient, as she knew this would take a long time anyways, though she wanted to get down to business as quickly as possible. "Lets go then."
He handed her a pair of gauntlets and boots "These will help they're weighted, they make an intense feeling of density. They'll make you faster, and stronger, train in them, you'll be surprised at the outcome" Argo told her. "It will not be easy, but I know you can do it" 
"For the next two days you shall train in them, non-stop."
Vinnie put them on, immediately feeling the difference. She knew it would improve her speed and strength significantly. She grinning and accidentally replied, "This is great.. I will train with them until they are more than natural. Thanks Sebastian.." She didn't correct herself, not noticing what she said.
Argo put on equipment like hers and told her "We're going outside to spar. We will do so for the next two days."

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"These weights gain weight relative to the strength of the one who wears them" Argo told her as he tossed her a wooden sword. "I have reached a plateau" hopefully you will too eventually, in the meantime come at me!"

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Vinnie struggled a little trying to move about naturally, but managed asshe grabbed the sword swiftly and positioned, started with asafe abdominal slash.
Argo ended up behind her the end of his wooden sword in her back "I told you it wouldn't be easy" he said with a grin.

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Vinnie smiled widely, spreading her arms and dropping her sword. Then, she dropped to the ground, using theweights to create momentum as her hands hit the ground and her leg flew upto a hand stand, speed increased bythe weights, as well as the force which she kicked his arm with the sword. She landed without much difficulty. "I was getting started."
The sword flew in the air as Argo leapt up and grabbed it. "Let's continue this, it'll only become more difficult from here." He said as stood at the ready.

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"Very well. I apologize beforehand" he almost vanished as suddenly he knocked Vinnie's sword out of her hand to the wayside and the end of his wooden sword at her throat. "You'll have to keep fighting, you'll seen be able to follow the movements"

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Vinnie shrugged. Slamming her head into his nose, sliding through a bit of room to free herself from the hold and with wastinga single motion or second, propelled herleg into his head.
He stood unmoving "I'm probably stronger than you thought, soon you'll be as powerful." Aegon smiled warmly. Jesse walked over, "I need the two of you for a moment. I've got good news." He told them.

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