Colony - Pathfinder Kingdom Sandbox

Lord of Chaos

Elder Member
The Roaldan Imperium has grown. Over the past two centuries, it has conquered much of its home continent, becoming the greatest power in the region, though not completely dominant. Seeking to expand its wealth and holdings, the Empress has decreed a series of colonies to be formed in the outlying islands. You have been chosen to lead one such colony, and as one of the most promising candidates, you have been given first pick of the islands. However, there are dangers lurking on the isles; beasts and monsters live there now, along with any natives who can survive such hostile lands. Lead your new settlement to greatness, glory and, perhaps, independence.

This is a Pathfinder chat game focusing on Kingdom building and Exploration.Ultimate Campaign will be used extensively.

One player will be the Ruler, and other PCs may fill any leadership role they choose. Any mandatory role not filled by a PC will be filled by a minor NPC with a +2 bonus in the relevant attribute.

Starting PCs have:

4th Level

20 Point Buy

Max HP


Max results on anything that must be rolled during character creation or level advancement (you may pick if it is a table)

Anything that is not Core must be approved (Tome of Secrets is banned outright)

Starting Settlement has:


Alignment matching the average alignment of the PCs, rounded mathematically (Chaos=-1 Neutral=0 Law=1;Evil=-1 Neutral=0 Good=1)

A single settlement and no more than four explored hexes

A tribute that must be paid to the Imperium


Game will be Thursdays at 7pm central (I can also do Tuesdays at the same time, but would prefer Thurs)

Game will support up to 5 players

Players will vote on which island after the roster is established

PvP is permitted only with permission from both players. Try to get along, the Empress is watching

I'm in. I was the town's elected president for the last one.

Super Genius Guides allowed?
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]On a case-by-case basis. Most of their stuff is good, but not all of it. Which do you want?

Time Warden, Dragon Riders?
I am intrigued. Chat game, is it?



The word is paid. The verb is conjugated to paid. Not payed. Never payed.

Sorry, that's been really bugging me all over the net lately.
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]Time Warden is fine, no Dragon Rider

Why can't I be a dragon rider :P ?
Grey said:
I am intrigued. Chat game, is it?


The word is paid. The verb is conjugated to paid. Not payed. Never payed.

Sorry, that's been really bugging me all over the net lately.
Yup chat game.

Though arent the hours very late for you where you live?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Yup chat game.
Though arent the hours very late for you where you live?

Yep, but I'm routinely online between 6PM and 6AM.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Why can't I be a dragon rider :P ?

Dragon rider has some iffy mechanics and allows for constant flight a bit too easily in a largely open game
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]Dragon rider has some iffy mechanics and allows for constant flight a bit too easily in a largely open game

Fair enough.

Wizards or Time Wardens Mhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmh decisions.

Edit: perhaps a heal this time or a necromancer . . . or a paladin. omg so many choices.
This would be a great deal of fun, and would love to be a part of it. But I can't make the chat time.
Going for a Illusion/Dream/Enchantment Wizard, been talking a lot about it with Kaza on skype and working towards some sort of imagination lich(its just a lich but fluffed differently and maybe not so many undead powers, I really don't like the whole undead theme at the moment).
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]So are you in? it would be cool if you were :3

Hm, that'd be 1AM Friday for me.

Put me down as a 'maybe' for now and don't hesitate to replace me.

Might play outside my comfort zone as a knightly military commander.

What roles were needed specifically for the running of the kingdom?
There are a lot of mandatory roles, more than there will ever be players. Remember that you get free NPCs to fill them (although not very GOOD ones), and can recruit allies in-game to get better leaders

The mandatory roles and their associated stat are:

*Ruler-Charisma //Makes all the big decisions, improves any trait

*Councillor-Charisma OR Wisdom //Deals with the common people, improves loyalty

General-Charisma OR Strength //Leads the military, improves stability

*Grand Diplomat-Charisma OR Intelligence //Interacts with foreign powers etc. boosts stability

*High Priest-Charisma OR Wisdom //Sees to kingdom's religious needs, improves stability

Magister-Charisma OR Intelligence //Handles magical affairs and knowledge, improves economy

Marshal-Dexterity OR Wisdom //Defends kingdom's borders, improves economy

*Spymaster-Dexterity OR Intelligence //Keeps an eye on crime and the underground, improves any trait

*Treasurer-Intelligence OR Wisdom //Manages the money, improves economy

Warden-Constitution OR Strength //Enforces law in settlements, improves loyalty

Those with a * are the most necessary to fill, as their absence causes recurring penalties or prevents certain key actions from occurring
Hmm, could a Magus or Witch work as Spymaster? They have the right stats, after all.

EDIT: Also, are we allowed to use alternate favored class racials?

What is the game world's attitude towards the various races?

At the moment, I'm leaning towards a Tiefling Bladebound Magus or Kensai, though that may change depending on the world's attitude towards, y'know, demonspawn.
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]There are a lot of mandatory roles, more than there will ever be players. Remember that you get free NPCs to fill them (although not very GOOD ones), and can recruit allies in-game to get better leaders
The mandatory roles and their associated stat are:

*Ruler-Charisma //Makes all the big decisions, improves any trait

*Councillor-Charisma OR Wisdom //Deals with the common people, improves loyalty

General-Charisma OR Strength //Leads the military, improves stability

*Grand Diplomat-Charisma OR Intelligence //Interacts with foreign powers etc. boosts stability

*High Priest-Charisma OR Wisdom //Sees to kingdom's religious needs, improves stability

Magister-Charisma OR Intelligence //Handles magical affairs and knowledge, improves economy

Marshal-Dexterity OR Wisdom //Defends kingdom's borders, improves economy

*Spymaster-Dexterity OR Intelligence //Keeps an eye on crime and the underground, improves any trait

*Treasurer-Intelligence OR Wisdom //Manages the money, improves economy

Warden-Constitution OR Strength //Enforces law in settlements, improves loyalty

Those with a * are the most necessary to fill, as their absence causes recurring penalties or prevents certain key actions from occurring

Can you be more then one?

Because as a Wizard I was thinking of going Int + Cha or Int + dex.

So i could say fill . . Ruler and spymaster or Ruler and Treasurer.

if I was Councillor as an illusionist guy, I'd strive to make people's lives happy and make their lives bliss ;D!. Etc.
Alright, I'm gonna go Tiefling Kensai, and maybe fill in Spymaster or Magister.

As for the filling two roles thing, that seems a little iffy, plus, you know, an actual ruler of a nation of any considerable size wouldn't count their own treasury or coordinate their own spies. I say go councillor, from what you've told me about your character concept, it seems to fit better.
[QUOTE="Unbridled Originality]Alright, I'm gonna go Tiefling Kensai, and maybe fill in Spymaster or Magister.
As for the filling two roles thing, that seems a little iffy, plus, you know, an actual ruler of a nation of any considerable size wouldn't count their own treasury or coordinate their own spies. I say go councillor, from what you've told me about your character concept, it seems to fit better.

What do you think the Illusion/Enchantment/Dream guy should do then?

I could really use any and all suggestions, I'm having a hard time thinking about this right now.

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