Collision Wars

Name: Jon Loxing

Age: 20

Race: Human

Powers: Mind control (on low-intelligent characters)

Clothing/Armor(If any): Average leather armor.

Appearance: Tall, lean, has a scar on his forehead.

Backstory: Grew up in the country of Germany. Got attacked by bandits when only 15, causing him to get his scar. When 18 he left his hometown of Stuttgart to travel the world as a mercenary. Now 20 he is known across Europe as a ruthless killer mercenary.

Personality: Friendly, thinks before he acts.

Forms(If any): None
Name: Xion

Age: 15

Race: Blood Elf

Powers: Blood Bending (control people) life drain telekenisis pyrokenisis teleportation

Clothing/Armor(If any): mage blood red cloth robe

Appearance: baige long pointy ears with blood red ear rings magely sharp teeth and cobra fangs

Backstory: I was an orphaned child and my step dad gave me a falcon and told me to make it obediant so i pet it and stroked it and fed it untill it would trust me so i gave it to my step dad thinking he would be so proud but then he said "i told you to make it obediant yet you made it love you and then he snapped its neck from then i never cried or feared anything again and since then i have been trainig rogue in the forest until i have mastered my tallents and i never back down from a fight.

Personality: Paranoid, friendly, strong

Forms(If any): can dissapear into nothing

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