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One x One Collision of the ex's.


Formerly JessieCarrie







?Min Se-Ra?
  • tumblr_o10dt81R221sk2kqwo1_500.gif


    Min Se-Ra




    24 December 1995


    Cis female



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Han Min Hyeok


  • name: han min hyeok

    nickname(s): minnie

    age: 21

    d.o.b: 21/03-1995

    birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

    gender: cis male

    sexuality: heterosexual




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Park Chae-Min




February 1st 1995


Cis female




Dark Chocolate






105 pounds


Big sweaters, yoga pants, workout sneakers, hair in bun; light sweaters, plaid skirts, keds; tshirt dress, ballet flats. Chae-Min likes to keep things simple since she isn't a fan of fashion. The only makeup she uses is clear non-flavored lip gloss.


TAEYEON (when she was brunette and had bangs).


Fate has never seemed to be on Chae-Min's side. Her family has always struggled financially, her parents fight nonstop, and her younger twin siblings, Ha-Na and Jin, are disabled. Chae-Min's parents believe that their life would have been so much easier if they were rich. "Rich people never have to worry about anything, Chae-Min! They get to live in beautiful homes, put their children in good schools, and they never go hungry like we do!" Chae's mother would tell her since she was a little girl. So Chae-Min made a promise to her mother and father that, no matter what it takes, she would become rich and successful. She would live in a big house, make sure her children were well educated, and that her family would have more than enough to eat.

Things changed when Chae-Min met Han Min Hyeok in school. She fell in love and all of a sudden becoming rich and successful was not as important as having the love of her life by her side forever and ever. For a while, she kept her relationship a secret as she knew that her parents would not approve of such a man---a man who was not rich. However, Chae-Min's mother grew suspicious of her daughter's behavior. The girl was more giggly than usual and she seemed to be losing focus on school. She would be gone from home for too long "studying with girlfriends" instead of studying at home and her grades were not perfect as usual. That's when Chae-Min's mother asked neighbors to do some spying around and soon enough, a friend of the family found Chae-Min at the park---kissing a boy!

Chae-Min's parents were furious. Not only was she sneaking around town with a boy but he didn't even have any money. He could not offer Chae-Min the luxurious lifestyle she was working so hard to achieve and therefore was not worthy of her in their eyes. Chae-Min pleaded with her parents to be more open minded and to remember what it was like to be in love, but they wouldn't listen. They threatened her, telling her that if she did not break things with off with her boyfriend, they would not pay for her college. At first, Chae-Min didn't care. So what if she didn't attain a great career and lifestyle? Love was all she needed.

Still, Chae-Min longed to have her dream career in law and even though she could have gotten a scholarship, the money her parents had saved up throughout all the years would make things a lot easier. When Han Min Hyeok saw how conflicted she was about the whole thing, he decided to do the selfless thing: break up with her. Chae-Min was confused, angry and hurt. She wanted so badly to make things work with him and she worked so hard to keep him…just for him to give her up like that. Perhaps her parents were right. Perhaps he was no good for her. After the break-up, Chae-Min numbed the pain by throwing herself into her studies and working hard to make her family proud.


Chae-Min is a loner. She doesn't party or go out at night. She doesn't take a day off to hang out in her PJs and watch movies. She doesn't even have any friends left because they all got fed up with her not answering their texts and calls. No, Chae-Min's life is all studying, studying, studying…and more studying.

She often pulls all-nighters and gets two to three hours of sleep a night.

Since her life is spent in books, Chae-Min has almost forgotten how to interact with other human beings. She avoids eye contact, is extremely awkward in conversations and hasn't laughed in two years. The only person she talks to is the school rich boy she is currently seeing, Kim Eun. She doesn't like him that much though, thanks to the fact that all he does is talk about himself and how popular and rich he is.

Coffee is a huge part of Chae-Min's life. Some would say she has a problem. She denies it, but truth is, she does since she shakes and gets easily upset if she goes more than four hours without a latte or cappuccino. It's the medicine that helps her continue to work hard and she would be neurotic (and maybe have a meltdown) without it.

Chae-Min still dreams of being in love someday and enjoys reading romance novels and watching Korean dramas while eating chocolates. She's not so sure if love is meant for a girl like her, but love stories and the handsome men in her dramas and novels serve as a sweet escape for her.

Positive traits: Hard worker | smart | respectful | disciplined | loyal

Negative traits: Antisocial | Takes jokes too seriously | workaholic | easily angered

Likes: Studying | books | libraries | her siblings | Coffee shops | working out

Dislikes: Loud music | crowds | parties | dogs | clowns | her ex


Lee Inseo




January 25th, 1995


Cis Male




Dark Chocolate


Light Brown




160 pounds


Grey, black and dark blue suits; sweaters and slacks; jeans and long sleeve shirts. He likes to wear dress shoes. Very business casual.




When he was only a toddler, Lee Inseo was abandoned by his teenage mother and left to live with his grandparents. Inseo will never forget the day he witnessed his mother and grandparents arguing in the living room. He will always remember his grandparents sobbing and begging mama to stay, and mama being so cold to them. He still has nightmares from the memory of running to her and grabbing her leg, begging her himself not to leave them, and her screaming and pushing him off of her. The image of her climbing into her boyfriend's car and leaving him forever still haunts him to this day.

Inseo's grandparents did their best to make his childhood as happy as possible, but there was only so much they could do in their old age and so Inseo had to learn how to take care of himself as well as them. He began working odd jobs at 15 and he studied religiously. Inseo did everything he could not to be a bother and not to make his grandparents regret raising him.

Tragedy hit at 17, when his grandfather became ill and passed on. Inseo tried to be of comfort to his grandmother, but only a few months later, just days after his graduation, she died from a broken heart. When it came time for college, he took the money they left him and went on to pursue his higher education. Inseo soon became part of the party crowd, drinking and flirting with cute girls in order to avoid thinking about how alone he was in this world. It wasn't until he met Min Se-Ra that he felt like he could move on and be happy again.

Inseo was madly in love with Se-Ra. His friends would often tease that he was whipped, and he was totally was (and proud of it!). She was his queen, and he would have done anything for her. He just loved her fun and energetic personality that kept him on his toes. To Inseo, she was like this little playful angel that came into his life to bless him with her beauty and love. Inseo was so sure that Se-Ra was the one that he had been planning on proposing to her. But then rumors spread, and his friends warned him of how girls like her were not the marrying kind because they were unfaithful. Inseo didn't believe it, thinking that others were only jealous, until a girl showed him a picture of another guy all over Se-Ra. He confronted her, and after seeing how she could care less about his feelings, they broke up. Even after Se-Ra broke his heart, Inseo still longs to have her back.

It kills him to see her roll her eyes at him, or worse, flirt with his friends.


Inseo is a gentleman and a total sweetheart. He opens doors for women and helps little old ladies cross the street. He'll buy a little kid a toy if her mother doesn't have enough money to buy it and is known for befriending the campus nerds. He's just a really nice and trusting guy, and that makes it super easy for people to mess with him and his emotions.

He tries to be strong and act like he doesn't care about people and their opinions, but he's as soft and vulnerable as a marshmallow on a stick next to fire.

The guy is also extremely romantic. If he had it his way, he would already be married (to Se-Ra) and he wants to have a little cottage in the country and two, three, or you know, twelve kids running around. Inseo wants to grow old with his wife and their grandchildren on their lap, then die peacefully with his love in his arms. He dates like crazy, trying to find someone else to take the place Se-Ra holds in his heart, but no one compares to his sweet, little feisty angel. His friends always complain that he needs to be more of a man and treat girls like shit so they'll want him more, and he tries to, but being rude and cruel is not in his DNA. Besides, the only girl he could ever want happens to be Se-Ra and it's impossible not to care about her.

Inseo loves music, especially American Pop, R&B, Oldies and even that odd but catchy genre called "Country". When he isn't studying or hanging with friends, he likes to play piano and even sing. He's shy when it comes to singing in public and will only do karaoke if he's straight up drunk. He tends to drink a lot, too, since his break up. So he often finds himself at the karaoke bar singing sad love songs off pitch until he gets thrown off stage and out of the bar.

Positive traits: Loving | sweet | caring | romantic | faithful

Negative traits: Naive | Overly sensitive | Clingy | Easy to manipulate

Likes: Movies | American pop culture | music | elderly people | dancing | fireplaces | history | his ex

Dislikes: Going a day without a shower | mean parents | heavy metal | rap | sometimes his ex


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