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Fandom Colliding Timelines 2 ( A HP Multi-timeline RP)

Phoenix Doyle

Phoenix had been sitting with Callie for a while by the time it happened. Long enough to get absorbed by their book. Phoenix was the kind of person for whom, when they got really into a book, the whole world disappeared only to be replaced by the one they were reading about. It was to such an extent that Phoenix didn't even notice when the compartment disappeared around them - they had already been utterly oblivious to it for some time. There was no sensation of flying, no blur of colors, no oppressive silence. Only the world of the 1500's. Until, that is, they were pulled out of their book with an unpleasant jerk by the sudden sensation of a person beneath them.

Phoenix lowered their book with a slight frown as they looked around them, taking a second to reorient themself as they came back to the real world. They became aware that they were in a whole new compartment on the other side of the train. Across from them Callie had disappeared, only to be replaced by a different student reading a book, a brown-haired boy with dark eyes. They didn't think they had ever met the boy, though he looked to be around their own age. And out the window, the weather had changed slightly into a heavier rain. Though that could have happened just while they were reading. How on earth had Phoenix wound up here? They hadn't moved - they'd just sat in one place ever since they'd opened their book! Right? Could they have been sleep-walking? Or more like sleep-reading? They'd never done it before but there was a first time for everything.

And then Phoenix registered properly what had brought them out of their book - they were sitting on someone's lap. How the hell had that happened?! "Sorry, sorry," Phoenix said, hastily sliding off the person's lap and into the seat next to them. It wasn't their fault they'd invaded the person's personal space - they had no idea how they'd wound up here - but they probably could have moved a little faster, if they hadn't been so dazed and confused.

Phoenix took a moment to take in the boy whose lap they'd appeared on. He was another stranger who looked to be their own age, with dark-brown hair and hazel eyes. Phoenix glanced between him and the other occupant of the compartment and asked uncertainly, "I don't suppose you know how I got here?" Perhaps they'd seen something they had missed, absorbed as they had been in their book.

( Zombie. Zombie. wolfstar wolfstar )
Callie Simpson

Callie was rather less oblivious to the world around her while reading. The instant the world disappeared into a blur of shapes and color, she closed her book neatly on her lap, hands folded on top of it as she looked around. She didn't pull out her wand, not yet. Instead, she simply waited a minute to see if it would pass. Sure enough, it did, well before she would have been inclined to draw her wand.

All of a sudden the blur of shapes skidded to a halt, leaving behind a compartment. Small details told Callie it was a different one than she'd been in a moment ago, with the trunks in a different location, a scratch on the seat beside her. Across from her, Phoenix had disappeared. They had been replaced by a different student, one Callie had never seen before. With all the time they spent in the Hospital Wing, Callie saw most students at some point or other. And she had a truly incredible memory so she rarely forgot them. But... maybe this girl was a new transfer student from a school abroad? She had a kit with string out next to her and seemed to be weaving them together.

"I have no idea how I got here," Callie admitted with her usual bluntness, getting straight to the point. "Do you?" she asked hopefully. She didn't think the girl had done anything to land her here - the girl didn't even have her wand out, so how could she have? But surely there was a reason why Callie had wound up in this compartment specifically? But then Callie tilted her head to the side, processing the sounds around her. It seemed like there was chaos in the corridor and other compartments as well. "Though I suspect it's related to whatever's happening out there," she admitted, getting to her feet to poke her head out in the corridor. She saw some classmates she recognized out there but also plenty she didn't. Which was unusual. She turned back to the girl in the compartment and asked, "Where did all you new students come from?"

( wolfstar wolfstar )
HOUSE: Gryffindor

ERA: Golden Trio

LOCATION: A train compartment
Hermione, Ron, James, Remus

The above
TLDR: When someone that looks exactly like a younger version of his deceased father appears in the compartment, Harry can't find the words to speak.
harry potter
The Boy Who Lived.
Part way through Hermione's response to his news, all of a sudden and very seemingly out of nowhere, a fifth person (sixth, if one were to include the Animagus hiding in Ron Weasley's pocket) materialised into the compartment. More specifically, he had materialised onto the floor of it. The compartment door hadn't opened—Harry was sure of it—yet somehow, the young wizard that Harry now watched very carefully had made his way into the room without anyone else seeing how he'd done it.

Blinking hard a few times to make sure he was really seeing what was in front of him, Harry initially assumed he hadn't put his contact lenses in properly after all, and had just been... Imagining that his vision had been fine up until that moment. No. That couldn't be right. His vision wasn't blurry at all, yet the young wizard that appeared just seconds ago looked exactly and unmistakably like his father. The only problem with that was that his father was most definitely dead—let alone young enough to be a student. The adult that had previously been sleeping in the compartment got up impressively quickly after being woken by the commotion on the train.

Harry's mouth opened as if he were about to say something, but after a moment of hesitation he closed it again, instead just furrowing his brow. He might have been fooled by deceptive magic a few years ago when he gazed into the Mirror of Erised, but now he at least knew to remind himself not to fall for such nonsensical illusions. It sounded easy enough, but when Hermione quietly addressed his father's apparent twin by name, Harry's eyes couldn't help but momentarily glisten with hope in its purest form as he waited for the intruder to speak.

He knew it was naïve of him to hope even for a moment that there was an ounce of truth to Hermione's remark—but he couldn't help it. There wasn't a day that went by he didn't long for his parents. Harry thought about following up his friend's question with an 'Are you really... him?', but if he asked that, there would have been a chance the answer would've disappointed him.. So he remained silent, his perplexed blue eyes not once leaving the male's face. By the sound of it, their compartment wasn't the only one that had received a visitor.

When the wand-bearing adult positioned himself between them and the intruder, Harry found himself slowly standing up too, as if being on his feet would somehow either help him make more sense of things or ready him for whatever was about to happen. Which, in that moment, could have been anything. The scene in the compartment was tense, but at no point did Harry feel the urge to reach for his own wand. Perhaps that was naïve of him too, allowing something that was most probably the result of trickery to lower his guard—and not even an hour after Mr Weasley had very specifically warned him to keep it up.

Harry never could have foreseen that the first thing he'd have to be cautious towards was his own deceased father.
code by valen t.
somnus prince
hogwarts express
in post

Somnus was albeit more than annoyed at the presence of the two gryffindor pranksters in his compartment now…..first off that they woke up his companion and for them disturbing his tranquil peace. He was very much trying to remain civil even with his wand raised which he had only felt called to due as He was well aware how unpredictable the ginger haired twins were. And his caution was well due as the twins had attempted to cast two spells at him. Which was honestly not very called for as He had not even taken the initiative to cast any spells and was merely holding his wand as a warning. But just as luck would have it a male student had appeared before him.

Whom the spells had unfortunately hit in his stead. Though Somnus to be frank was rather relieved it left his own face unmarred. He did pride himself a bit on his good looks after all. But He did still have to remain cautious as the twins were yet still very unpredictable and now a random student appearing before hand. He glanced over at Celaena with a cautious raise of an eyebrow. “ What a strange occurrence…..” He mumbled to her. As this wasn’t even the first strange phenomenon that both students had witnessed that day. But keeping his wand pointed at this stranger as He cautiously kept his feet firmly planted on the compartment floor. Moving himself on instinct to block Celaena if need be. Although He was more than aware she could fend for herself and was just as formidable as He was.

Caution was something that seemed to be rather needed that day though. Aware of the duo of the Weasley twins on the other side of this stranger. Somnus gritted his teeth together and glanced over at Cel once more trying to gauge her reaction to this whole situation deciding to be silent for the moment. He didn’t know exactly who this stranger was but their was an air of familiarity with them and that made him a bit extra cautious. Keeping his wand pointing, his grip firm in his hand. Deciding to let anyone else make the next move so He had time to carefully calculate his next move. Carefully creating a list of pertinent spells in his mind.

coded by natasha.

Lady Lyrei







  • home (filler tab)

Beth Crowley

I'll Find A Way

Celaena eyed the newcomer carefully. Her eyes flashing dangerously as she bounced her piercing gaze between the twins and the newcomer in their compartment. Her lips twitched slightly as Somnus murmured to her - though the pureblooded girl managed to wrangle her amusement under control. Her Slytherin mask pulling forward as she gently placed a hand on Somnus's arm. Fondness hidden in the silvery-blue gaze as she shook her head slightly.
"Somnus, wait just a moment. Let's not get too hasty here."
Her accented voice was calm, soothing almost as she stroked the venomous snake around her neck fondly.

"How about you all join us yes? We are all students I believe - hmmm?"
The Australian witch hummed lightly as she delicately sat back down, crossing one leg over the other primly before gesturing with an elegant hand. Her eyes flashed to Severus for a split second as she raised a delicate eyebrow
"And I am including you as well. Come and sit. We all shall put our wands away."
It was times like this that some forgot the girl was a Slytherin and very much every inch of a pureblood as her figure showed. No one back at her island dared disagree with her when her tone got the way it did just then - cold, calculated and eerily calm.

Arryn hissed dangerously from around her neck, her body tightening around her chosen protectively. Her fangs gleaming as she wound her way down to the lap of the witch.
"They ssshouldn't come any clossser they disturbed you misstress."
Her fierce hissing was obvious as she wove her body back and forth until a soft hand rested against her scales, calling the attention of the rapidly annoyed venomous reptile to the witch under her wound body. Her tongue flicked as soft words echoed throughout the compartment, sibilant hissing causing the snake to pause and almost pout.

"Arryn, behave. They won't do anything with me being right here and with you being so protective yesss? Relax my dear."
A soft laugh escaped the parselmouth as she scolded her snake fondly. She honestly didn't care about her use of the parseltongue language. She treasured her talent - it wasn't like it was a secret much. The question now was would the twins and newcomer relax enough to heed her words or would she have to have Arryn chase them off?

♡coded by uxie♡
MOOD: Wtf is going on?

OUTFIT: school uniform

LOCATION: hallway of Hogwarts Express

MENTIONS: Remus Martzi Martzi
TL;DR: chaos pure chaos
Sirius Black

Sirius was just happily settling down next to Remus so ready to get this year started. It was indeed their final year and He wanted to make every last second count of course. But before He could even settle down more against his boyfriend, everything around them seemed to start disappearing and going dark. One by one their friends seemed to disappear from around them but by some good fortune. He could still see Remus and feel his arms around him clinging to him deeply. Nope, He couldn’t loose him. Nope not ever. No thank you!

But by the time, It was over Sirius had blinked, readjusting to the light again after several long moments of darkness. More than relieved to still see Remus. But no sign of either James nor Peter. Which was still odd and a little creepy. Nor did He reconize anyone else around them. But He didn't really think too much into it at the moment. He was more curious on how the heck did they get from a compartment to a hallway on the train. He didn’t really spend much time getting any more information around them. He was definitely the more impulsive on of the pair and He just tended to rush into things. Thinking things through wasn’t exactly his way. And Honestly he would have probably ran around trying to figure stuff out if Remus wasn’t holding his hand. But that probably wouldn’t honestly last long later. Taking a few moments to quietly get his head wrapped around being whisked into a different part of the train. His gaze looked at Remus quickly before quickly glancing out the window. And even the weather had changed…..so whatever this was definitely wasn’t something of simple origin.

Nor did He really recognize most of the people around them and for someone who was frankly pretty popular now that was odd. But now He turned his complete focus onto Remus now. They could talk whatever this was later as far as he was concerned. First things first was to check on Remus and then find their other friends. He hadn’t realized how long He was lost in his own thoughts before He heard Remus speaking to him and He looked up at him with a nod. “ Yes Remus. Sorry…..” He replied quickly with a reassuring smile. “ any idea what just happened and are you alright?” He asked using his free hand to reach up to cup his boyfriend’s cheek looking up at him equally as concerned. Wanting to make sure He was alright before they did anything else. He did have his top priorities after all. But a moment later, and just his luck with being a dog animagus did seem to have it’s perks at times. “ I can smell James , Moony” He whispered softly. Staying put for the moment to make sure his boyfriend was okay,

what is life without a little risk
~ Padfoot
code by valen t.
Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and Severus Snape
1717947324624.png 1717947303295.png
At the sudden appearance of a new person in the compartment, right between him and Somnus and therefore in both their personal space, George stumbled back slightly into Fred. Fred used his free hand to stabilize his brother though he, too, was looking unusually startled. He'd been braced for a duel to start but not for someone to appear out of thin air. "What the fuck?" he exclaimed. His wand flickered between the newcomer and Somnus, braced for either to cast a spell at them. But when Somnus turned his wand on the newcomer, Fred did as well. The person with a wand actually pointed at him was clearly the bigger threat.

George, recovering himself, found his balance and asked in an impressed tone, lowering his wand slightly, "How'd you manage that?!" He didn't think the other boy would, after he and Fred had both jinxed him, but he hoped that the boy would teach them that trick. It hadn't been apparition, he knew that much. So maybe he had another way of appearing somewhere at will? How useful would that be! Or maybe he'd been there, silent and invisible, the whole time? But that would be equally invaluable.

At Calaena's words, George glanced over his shoulder at Fred, wand lowering still further until it was very nearly at his side. It was less out of fear of Calaena - he wasn't likely to admit to fear in anyone - but more because he was curious. He wanted to know how this stranger had appeared in their compartment. And there was something about the stranger that looked slightly familiar... It was hard to tell with his expression marred with boils, but there was something about his greasy hair, hooked nose, and black eyes that struck a chord with him. But... how was that possible?

Fred hesitated a moment, glancing briefly at George before returning his gaze to the newcomer, his own wand lowering ever so slightly. It was a small change but enough to look on guard rather than about to attack. In that brief look the two seemed to reach an understanding because George turned his attention back to the newcomer, as well. "You first," Fred told the newcomer with a grin. It was an almost friendly grin rather than his trademark troublesome one. The two had decided they were willing to put their wands away and figure out what was going on but they weren't going to do so until they knew that the newcomer - and Somnus, for that matter - were not about to jinx them in return.


Severus' eyes continued to flicker between the occupants of the compartment, mind whirring quickly as he thought of his options. Could he take all four? He was a skilled duelist, if he did say so himself, but the odds were not exactly in his favor with those kinds of numbers. But he wasn't the sort to back down and flee, even if that did seem possible. If there was one thing that his encounters with Potters gang had instilled in him over the years, it was a desire to fight back. He would never lie down and let people jinx him, not ever. So... he would fight, even if he lost. He braced himself for the duel to break out in full force, calling to mind his next moves. Surprisingly, the others seemed to be holding back, though. Still, he was about to cast his first spell when the girl spoke.

Her words shook Severus enough to stop him mid-cast, his wand movement faltering but leaving his wand up, guarded. Somnus. The name echoed in his brain. He'd heard it before. His mother had gotten word from an old friend, and Severus had heard her lamenting that she'd never know her nephew. Somnus. Severus would have thought it a coincidence, despite it being a rather unusual name. Except hadn't he thought the teen looked familiar? Like Severus? Like a Prince? The only problem was, Somnus was a newborn and the boy in front of him looked to be in his late teens. What the actual fuck had happened?

Severus was actually considering doing as the girl had suggested, wanting answers now more than ever. But he sneered at the Weasley's words, wand raised a little higher to defend himself. "You attacked me," Severus reminded the jerk, voice level and calm despite the anger coursing through him. Severus' temper could be explosive but it took a lot to reach the point where he lost control of it. Still, he wasn't about to put his wand away while the people who had jinxed him still had theirs out. That was just about the stupidest move he could think of.


"In fairness, we were trying to hit him," Fred reasoned, nodding at Somnus. Perhaps not the best defense in the world. In his mind, they'd been provoked. But he and George had cast the first spells. Still, why should the newcomer care? They still hadn't been trying to attack him! Though, they undeniably had, as the newcomer's face now bore evidence to.

"Yeah, you just have impeccable timing," George said, chuckling. It really was impressive that the newcomer had managed to appear just as they cast their spells. He couldn't help but find it a little funny. Because a second earlier and they wouldn't have cast, a second later and it would have hit Somnus. This guy must have the worst luck in the history of mankind. But he wouldn't have put his wand down either, in the newcomer's shoes. So, he compromised, "On three then?" No-one wanted to put down their wand until they knew they weren't going to be attacked so the only way to do it was all together.

"Oh, in that case, it's perfectly fine that I'm covered in boils," Severus said, voice dripping in sarcasm. But he did want answers. Where was he? How had he gotten here? Was this really Somnus Prince? And if so... well, that opened up a whole other list of questions. So, Severus reluctantly nodded his agreement, glancing at Somnus to check that he would put his wand away as well.

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