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Futuristic Collected- Keep Calm and Join My Private Army! - Personnel Index



Totally human, I swear!
Gender and Pronouns:
Interests, Hobbies, Powers, and Skills:
Core Beliefs:
Life Events:
My Characters so far

Name: Korley Skough
Age: 47
Gender and Pronouns: Cis male, he/him
Homeworld: Wick Shores, Kranford, Skolta Republic, Arknest
Species: Human
Position: Owner of Dockley Inc, City Councilman of Rhile Pointe, 4 times candidate for president of Skolta, "future emperor of Skolta"
Species: Human
Interests, Hobbies, Powers, and Skills:
  • Strategies for doomsday prepping
  • Very rich
  • No superhuman powers or anything
  • He's just a normal human, and not very athletic, so without his bodyguards he's pretty vulnerable.
  • Not very rational at times
  • Much of what he's doing with Star Village is illegal, particularly the part where he's raising a private army.
Disposition: Level-headed, extroverted, arrogant, competitive, opinionated
Core Beliefs:
  • Wealth and power are to be pursued as a sacrosanct ideal, but there is no point in having it if you don't utilize it.
  • Rules are a pain to follow, but are necessary for keeping others in line.
  • You should make people happy so that they are more likely to do what you want, and if they don't do what you want then they're ungrateful.
  • Ecumenism within Revisive Dualism is a useful tool for uniting the people against their enemies.
  • Families should stick together and care for each other no matter what.
  • Misleading people is acceptable if it's for a worthy cause, and it's often the only way to unite people.
  • Being powerful
  • Flaunting his wealth
  • Minimalist interior design
  • Raptor type birds
  • Collecting exotic creatures, plants, and artifacts
  • Bright colors
  • People who speak too softly
  • Ascribers to the Monodeicist faith
  • Son of Mylto Skough and Korla Mrkut
  • Elder brother of [sibling name] Skough
  • Husband to Rinta Murtio (deceased)
  • Father to Kalon Skough
Life Events: (Non exhaustive)
  • Age 5
    Began childhood education at Wincedon Academy
  • Age 15
    Meets Rinta Murtio, a week later they begin dating
  • Age 18
    Senior year at Wincedon Academy, graduated class of 3009, proposed marriage to Rinta
  • Age 19
    Began political science education at Northling University
    Marries Rinta
  • Age 20
    Drops out of University
    His son, Kalon is born
  • Age 21
    Rinta is diagnosed with endometriosis
  • Age 22
    Rinta is diagnosed with stage 3 serous adenocarcinoma, which takes her life 11 weeks later.
  • Age 29
    The death of his father, Miylto in a parasailing accident
  • Age 34
    His mother, Korla, suffers an Ischemic stroke
  • Age 35
    He begins plans for Star Village upon acquiring an eclectic tech company.
    He moves his family to Rhile Pointe
  • Age 38
    He wins a city council seat in Rhile Pointe, now able to hasten land aquisition
    Construction of Star Village begins
  • Age 40
    Star Village is secretly mostly functional.

Belongings: Far too many to count, him being a multi-billionaire and all, but he is especially proud of his collection of taxidermy.
Wardrobe: Mostly navy blue suits, with white and light blue shirts. His neckties, most of which have matching pocket squares, are all in some shade of brown, save for the ones Kalon picked out: A wine-red one, an olive green one with canary yellow paisleys, one with a rearing horse hand-embroidered on it, and one striped in light mauve and dark indigo. His shoes are mostly black or dark brown loafers.
Voice: Sounds like opera singer, Michael Spryes
Appearance: A tall man of average weight, whose skin is light with warm, saturated undertones. His face is oval and clean-shaven, with a straight nose, a high brow, and a thin mouth. His eyes are oval, with down-turned corners and irises of a dark, de saturated blue.

Name: Kalon Skough
Age: 16
Gender and Pronouns: Cis male, he/him
Homeworld: Wick Shores, Kranford, Skolta Republic, Arknest
Position: Janitor, Heir to Dockley Inc
Species: Human
Interests, Hobbies, Powers, and Skills:
  • Playing frunsf
  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • Cleaning things and other janitorial duties
  • Wants to learn to cook
  • Atrioventricular septal defect- He's had the surgery to correct it, but there is a risk of blood clots and abnormal heart rythm.
  • Can't cook very well, not for a lack of trying
  • Below average verbal articulation skills
  • Below average cognitive skills
  • Can't stand uncleanliness
  • Doesn't have any superpowers or anything like that.
Disposition: Loyal, cheerful, focused, curious
  • Feeling accomplished
  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • Sneakers
  • Cleaning things
  • Action movies
  • Sports
  • Spicy foods
  • The color blue
  • Making mistakes
  • Being bored
  • Vandalism
  • Seafood
  • Hot weather
  • Son of Rinta Murtio (deceased) and Korley Skough
  • Nephew of [NAME]
Life Events:
  • Age 3
    Kalon's mother, Rinta, dies of endometrial cancer.
  • Age 4
    Kalon says his first words.
  • Age 6
    Kalon gets a pony named Acorn
    Kalon says his first sentences.
  • Age 9
    Kalon is introduced to a small in-home educational group, consisting of other young boys with trisomy 21 as well as some the sons of rich families that his family knows.
    The death of his grandfather
  • Age 12
    Kalon's family moves to Rhile Pointe
  • Age 15
    Kalon decides he wants a job, becomes janitor at Star Village
Belongings: Far too many to count, but his favorites include his sneaker collection, his Wick Shores Warriors memorabilia, and the saddle of his childhood pony.
Voice: Sounds exactly like Race Eberhardt.
Wardrobe: Mostly loose-fitting clothing, encompassing different colors depending on his mood. Sometimes the colors clash.
Appearance: An average height, overweight teenager whose skin is light with warm, saturated undertones. His face is oval, with a straight, flat-bridged nose, a high brow, and a wispy mustache. His eyes are round with prominent lower eyelids, the irises being a dark and de-saturated blue and having Brushfield spots.
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Name: Garan
Age: 28
Gender and Pronouns: Male He/Him
Homeworld: Elantris (Cosmere Universe)
Position: Prisoner
Species: Human
Interests, Hobbies, Powers, and Skills: World Hopping, Archery, Dueling. Feruchemy (Chromium), Wind Running (First ideal)
Weaknesses: His Loyalty, Mental
Disposition: Quiet and Shy, often sticking to shadows- though protective of friends
Core Beliefs: Loyalty
Likes: Sleep, Training
Dislikes: Combat, Killing, Losing Friends
Relationships: Bridge 19,
Life Events: Family Taken by Shaod, Disfigured and left mute by father and mother, fleeing to Roshar- joining Bridge 19- taken as the final battle ended
Belongings: Copperminds, Crossbow, Shortsword.
Wardrobe: Black cloak with Wind Runner Sigil along with Aols- Black mask that covers face
Voice: Often not used, but when he works up strength it is garbled and quiet
Appearance: Garan would have once been attractive- before his wounds. The damage is mostly along the left side of his face and neck
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Name: Raimie Wiles
Age: 21
Gender and Pronouns: Cisgender female, she/her
Homeworld: Deadland, Rashby, Skolta Republic, Arknest
Position: Orientation specialist, internal security level 3
Species: Human
Interests, Hobbies, Powers, and Skills:
  • Combat
    Can fight fairly well with a bec-de-corbin, or alternately a machete
  • Negotiation
  • External conflict resolution
  • Vigilance
  • Horsemanship
  • Takes things personally all the time
  • Easily distracted
  • Not good at multitasking
  • Suffers from occasional idiopathic knee pain
  • Has poor vision and severe photosensitivity in her left eye
Disposition: Hot-Headed, authoritative, attentive, gregarious,
Core Beliefs:
  • The survival of yourself and your loved ones are worth compromising ideals for.
  • Public schools should be abolished in favor of private schools.
  • Nonhumans don't have souls, even sapient ones.
  • The voting age should be raised to 20 years
  • Korley Skough is suitable to rule the the entirety of Arknest
  • Old Faith Dualism is archaid and illegitimate
  • Her job
  • Horses
  • Polearms combat as a martial art
  • The color red
  • Frunsf (Her favorite team is the Deadland Reapers)
  • Being at hgh heights
  • The idea of a vampire
  • Any hematophagous creature, but especially ticks
  • When her knees hurt
  • Plot with me!
Life Events:
  • Age 5
    Begins childhood education
  • Age 13
    Her family moves to Deadland, Rashby from Buckley, Rashby
    Her dad buys her a riding horse, a chestnut mare named Swift
  • Age 14
    Falls out of a tree she was climbing and injures her left eye and eyelid on a sharp branch
    Decides to lie to her classmates for the first week about how she injured her eye, claiming that she got the injury in a wild hawk attack
  • Age 18
    Graduated from high school
    Seeks employment, but has trouble finding a job that will take her, decides to take up polearms fighting as a hobby, specializes in fighting with a bec-de-corbin
  • Age 19
    Is hired as a guard for Star Village
  • A bec-de-corbin
  • A machete
  • The paraphernalia required for caring for and riding her horse
  • Lots of red button-up shirts in various patterns
  • A white pintuck blouse
  • Red and black brocade dress pants
  • Some denim jeans, most of them dark in color
  • Some red dresses
  • An eyepatch bejeweled with red sequins on the outside
  • Some guard uniforms
  • A plain, black eyepatch
  • A round, silver locket with a picture of her grandmother inside
Voice: A soft, sweet-sounding mezzo soprano
Appearance: A short, muscular woman with broad hips. Her skin is light with moderate undertones and she has a hypertrophic scar on her lower left eyelid. Her eyes are rounded and amber, with her left iris and pupil looking distorted when she isn't wearing her eyepatch over it. Other facial features include an upturned nose, thick eyebrows, high cheekbones, and a rounded chin.

Name: Phosphora Kitely
Age: 21
Gender and Pronouns: Transfeminine, she/her/hers or they/them/theirs
Position: Sorted conscript, fighter, researcher
Homeworld: Rural New York in an alternate Earth in the near future where mythical creatures have made their presence known for over a century and have faced discrimination since revealing heir existence.
Species: Raptoid (non-magical genetically modified combination of human and bird of prey)
Interests, Hobbies, Powers, and Skills:
  • Heals faster than the average human
  • Chemistry, particularly the re-creation of a drug known as "vulnagnil" which suppresses voluntary magic from being produced by those dosed with it.
  • Fire-setting
  • Cooking
  • Flying, not in an aircraft but with her own wings
  • Hand-to-Hand combat, both on the ground and aerial
  • Shooting
  • Macrame
  • Finger-loop braiding
  • Leathercraft
  • Modifying clothing to fit around her wings
  • Overly aggressive in fights and doesn't back down even when it would be to her advantage
  • Hates magic users and will burn bridges with them without getting to know them
  • Doesn't have their shotgun or dart gun, so their shooting skills are pretty much useless.
Core Beliefs:
  • Hiding who you are isn't just hard to do, but dishonest, though it's alright to lie to gain the upper hand if it's for a worth cause
  • Raptoids are superior to all other creatures and naturally suited to leadership
  • Using magic, even if it's for survival, is cheating at life
  • Magic users are invariably conniving and dangerous
  • Religion is troublesome and should be abolished, whether or not there is a God or gods
Disposition: Competitive, resilient, optimistic, ambitious, stubborn, sardonic, impulsive
  • Flying
  • Sparring
  • Starting fires
  • Pyrotechnics
  • Making crafts
  • Meat
  • Stone fruits
  • Forests
  • Magic
  • Eating vegetables
  • Citrus fruits
  • Transphobia
  • Swimming
  • The human donors of her biomaterial are unknown
  • They were raised in a laboratory by multiple scientists, alongside many others of her kind
  • Feel free to plot existing inter-character relationships with me
Life Events:
  • Age 7
    First field trip outside the laboraory
  • Age 11
    Is enrolled in a private day school outside the lab
  • Age 12
    Witnesses another Raptoid get cursed by a magic user
  • Age 14
    Begins to question their gender
    She privately begins to identify as a girl, begins picking out new names for herself and settling on "Phosphora" after her favorite chemical element, phosphorus.
  • Age 15
    Joins the effort to snuff out magic from the world, working on the development of a new drug known as vulnagnil.
  • Age 16
    On a trip outside the lab, she meets a nonbinary person for the first time, questions her gender again, decides that they/them pronouns also suit her.
  • Age 18
    Phosphora, now living away from the laboratory, publicly declares their official name and pronouns.
    Phosphora arrives at Star Village
    At first reluctant to fight alongside magic users, Phosphora agrees to join Korley's army if only to prove herself superior to magic users, convince him to start working on creating Raptoids, and help produce more vulnagnil.
  • Craft supplies
  • Sewing machine
  • Some books about chemistry
  • Other chemistry paraphernalia
  • Two pairs of combat boots with retractable blades under the toes
  • A pair of ordinary sneakers, green with gold accents and black solles
  • A hot pink long-sleeved t-shirt, modified for her wings
  • A field-gray camouflage print long-sleeve button-up shirt, also modified for her wings
  • A pair of khaki cargo Capri pants
  • Multiple sets of the conscript's uniform, the shirts and jackets of which are modified for her wings
  • Several bracelets which she made herself, some made of leather, some out of chord
  • Lots of different headbands, some of which she made herself
Voice: Mid-pitch, with a warm timbre which develops a slight crackle when she's experiencing stronger emotions
Appearance: Appearance: A tall woman with broad shoulders and a sturdy build. She has a gigantic pair of wings like those of a whistling kite and instead of hair on her scalp and eyebrows, she has the bird's feathers. Her hands and feet are clawed, and her skin is medium tan-beige. Her facial features include an aquiline nose; wide, dark brown eyes; buck teeth, and freckles. She has a tattoo in red ink of the alchemical symbol for phosphorus on the back of each of her hands.

Name: Felicity Lance
Age: 30
Gender and Pronouns: Cisgender female - she/her
Homeworld: Freggis, a vast, rural land with no distinct nations. In terms of technology, it is much like a fairy tale combined with a Beatrix Potter story.
Position: Unsorted conscript
Species: Unicorn
Interests, Hobbies, Powers, and Skills:
  • Shapeshifting
    Can switch between the form of a human, a unicorn, and something in between. In unicorn form, her clothing is magicked away, and is retrieved when she needs it.
  • Enhanced speed and agility
    Can run somewhat faster, jump somewhat higher and father, and maneuver more accurately than an ordinary creature of the same size, shape, and musculature when in full unicorn form.
  • Healing
    Able to heal other's injuries and illnesses with her magic
  • Chemical instinct
    Can detect poisons when within four feet of them
  • Electrokinesis
    Can generate and conduct electricity through her horn
  • Semi-immortal
    Cannot die of old age
  • Cannot use her magic to heal herself
  • Can still get sick or be injured, lethally even
Disposition: Ambiverted, self-assured, confident, receptive
Core Beliefs:
  • In most cases, war is a foolish endeavor
  • Life should be enjoyable.
  • If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
  • New technology is interesting, but not always necessary
  • Apples
  • Mulberries
  • Purple carrots
  • Light colors derived from natural sources
  • Poetry
  • Floristry
  • Gardening
  • Lies
  • Being confined
  • Being homesick
  • Felicity is a newcomer to Star village
  • Mate of a unicorn named Dexter Lance
  • Mother to three sons: Alabaster, Chicory, and Light
  • Plot with me if you want to make a character from her homeworld!
Life Events:
  • Age 18
    She meets her husband, Dexter
  • Age 20
    The birth of her first son, Alabaster
  • Age 22
    The birth of her second son, Chicory
  • Age 27
    The birth of her second son, Light
  • A basket of apples
  • A hoof pick
  • A red cabbage
  • A light yellow, Pre-Raphaelite looking dress with wide, elbow-lengh sleeves, the skirt of which is mid-calf length and embroidered with apple trees around the hem
  • A white apron with green ash leaves embroidered around the edges
  • Brown boots with a short heel
  • A plain straw hat
  • A white hair ribbon
  • An elaborately embroidered tie-on pocket, worn at the hip.
Voice: Her voice resembles that of Suki from Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Human form
    A tall young woman, with light tan skin and a lithe build. Her hair, nearly white in color, is mid-back length and loosely curly, framing a slim face. Her facial features include a daintily downturned nose, angular eyebrows, and thin lips. Her eyes are wide, with the outer corners pointing downwards, and dark brown irises that are larger than most people's.
  • Unicorn form
    Shaped something like a hackney pony, but with longer legs, a longer and slimmer neck, cloven hooves, and a long, tufted tail. Her coat is a light palomino, with a light blaze oh her face. Her mane is long and curly, much like the hair in her human form. Her horn is short, straight, and spirals tightly; It is placed in the center of her forehead.
  • Intermediate form
    Much like her human form, but a couple of inches taller. In this form, she is built mostly like in his human form, but retains her horn, ears, tail, and some symmetrical patches of fur from her unicorn form.

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