Coden Plague

Yush yush, mi apunar la infectido con un tenador, ja ja ja, muy interesante y rescourceful, pienso lleva afiet, ja ja ja
I speak many languages. Dova, old dwarvish, wish I spoke elvish, but I can't, dragontounge is basically the same as old dwarvish, and spanish. And geek. I am first and foremost a geek.
this is what I got from google translate:

"my apunar the infectido with tenador , ha ha ha , very interesting and rescourceful , leads afiet think , ha ha ha"

so thats all I got

?????????????????????????? DRAGONTOUNGE ???? is that a skyrim reference????????? *Kills self if it isnt*
Dova is the language of skyrims dragons. Dragontounge has been used in multiple things.

I'll tell you what I said in spanish as soon as it happens.

I'm not a complete nerd though, I still need an alphabetical key to read Dova xD

May I introduce one of the first accounts of the Coden Plauge @Junniper ?
A man's going to get a bloody nose and start ranting, what I said in spanish was "Rifty's going to stab the infected with a fork, hahaha, very interesting and rescourceful, i plan for it to rain after that, hahaha"

really I'm, not rifty, but its the same thing.

Lolz, you're proably right. However, I'm not sure once Yana learns more about Rifty's "work" if she'll like him as much. Oh well, we shall see where it goes.
I'm planning for Rifty's smile to show up on the setelements that he was at before that were hit with the virus, he used to like, vandalize all over the place. He was a teenage boy afterall.

If we even move out of this one to go to others, why, idk.

My point is, he's a man of many names, but one smile. This one in particular.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c60e7f52b3dd48257bb20ce3cb155568.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54393" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c60e7f52b3dd48257bb20ce3cb155568.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I am here

Also when Yana finds out about your line of work, she will avoid you for a day or so and she will get all depressed but then she will be okay with it cus she kinda likes you <3
Wheawl who gon' b postin' nxt 4 tha conclusion of teh day? We gotta do something at night, like maybe ther's another one of tha crazies murdered, like, Jack and the other girl need to get home, Yana is home, and Rifty's sleeping. Oh, how bout we make Rifty and the medic neibors, I said Rifty lived in that area... One of the crazies gets killed outside her house and the police start questioning people, that's how rifty meets the medic

Medic as in akana, as in new girl, as in narwhale. If jack goes home with her then Rifty'll meet them too, What's his face will be there for cleanup cuz he's in the military, and Yana will be there to oversee everything.
Ok wait... is it just me or... in Jun's pic on his CS. Look at where his pecs are and where his abs start... now look at where his belt is. What does he have a 16 pack? o-o

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