Code Mafia: The Five Families of Grande City


Seven Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Kawashima Thunder submitted a new role play. @Kawashima Thunder, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

Character Sheet





Family (If part of the Five Families):


Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality):


Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too):

Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year):

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):

Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional):



-Saverino Crime Family: Vincent Saverino, Jr. @Kawashima Thunder

-Scarcella Crime Family: Chiara Scarcella @SayuriTokage

-Trentacosta Crime Family: Tritan Trentacosta @Sharpness

-Bonagura Crime Family: Faythe Bonagura @Karma200

-Rivara Crime Family: Joseph Rivara @MissPenny2

-Yakuza Oyabun: Tetsura Amadashe @Ahara

-Triad Dragon Head: Oliver Everston @AWarriorcat


-Saverino Crime Family: Alecsander Bellochio @Ren

-Scarcella Crime Family: Drake Scagliotti @dakup

-Trentacosta Crime Family: Avery Sorries Trentacosta @AWarriorcat

-Bonagura Crime Family: Michael Bonagura @dakup

-Rivara Crime Family: Vacant


-Saverino Crime Family: Robert Cicero @brainer1023

-Scarcella Crime Family: Vacant

-Trentacosta Crime Family: Vacant

-Bonagura Crime Family: Vacant

-Rivara Crime Family: Ralph Orina Rivera @AWarriorcat


-Ashton Silver Saverino @AWarriorcat


-Adam Shane Hilton (Bonagura) @AWarriorcat

-Blake Aaron Droons (Scarcella)@AWarriorcat


Nichole Olivia Trevor (Trentacosta) @AWarriorcat

Grande City Police Department:

Police Chief: Mick Harper @LonesomeWizard


-Juliet Reid @Shadow Michaelis

-Perinne Thea Oaks @JustAPasserBy

-John Phelps@LonesomeWizard

-Shen-Fang La @Kawashima Thunder

Police Officers:

-Sergeant Anastasia Rivara @MissPenny2


-Ida Walsh @noir birdie

-Deadpool @Kawashima Thunder




Komon: Daisuke Satoshi @Noah




Wakagashira: Naoki Azuma @SayuriTokage









-Chiharu Kawashima @Kawashima Thunder

Grande City Triads:

Deputy Mountain Master:


Incense Master:

White Paper Fan:

Red Poles

-Jin Zhang @Ahara

Straw Sandal:


Blue Lanterns

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Name: Vincent Saverino, Jr.

Age: 26

Personality: Vincent is like the arch-typical antihero, as his motives tend to be ego-centric and he has been known to be both arrogant and selfish by the other four families. Despite his arrogant and self-centered ways, Vincent is not devoid of compassion, as he has a soft spot for both orphans and children. Despite being the head of the most powerful crime family in all of Grande, Vincent has shown to be incredibly lonely and wishes to be more open with others, but is unable due to the life he has chosen. However, there are times where he opens up momentarily, performing acts of kindness for both his own Family and the other Crime Families. Vincent still treats his subordinates with care, despite having a cold exterior. Like most Mafiosi, Vincent has strong morals, as he is against stealing from others to get ahead in life, whereas he had to work hard to get where he is.

Faction: Five Families of Grande

Family: Saverino

Rank: Boss

Half-Italian or Full?: Full Italian

History: Vincent was born into the Mafia life, although he wasn't aware of it until he was thirteen years old. His Father, Vincent Sr. was the head of the Saverino Crime Family. The eldest of four siblings, Vincent is also very protective of them and they are the only people that he has been known to treat with love and care next to his parents. Vincent became a Made-Man when he was Eighteen, making his bones after killing a man that shot and killed his Mother in a Robbery gone wrong. He had reached the rank of Capo at the age of twenty-one. A year later, he became the Underboss and Heir Apparent, both feared and respected by other members of his Family and the other Four Families alike. His Father died of a Heart Attack around the time he was twenty-three, so he took over as the Don when his Father was on his deathbed. He swore on his Father's Coffin that he would make peace between the Five Families and unite them as one, just as his Father dreamed of, but sadly would not live to see it. By his Father's bedside, he held his Father's Hand, saying "I'll make you proud, Father. I will make peace between the Five Families and unite them...". Those were his last words to his Father.

Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too):


Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year): 1967 Lincoln Continental

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/lincoln-continental-suicide-doors.jpg.de840a9dc23e7ad034680fd0fc16821e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14424" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/lincoln-continental-suicide-doors.jpg.de840a9dc23e7ad034680fd0fc16821e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Seto-Kaiba-seto-kaiba-8605760-500-604.jpg.093337d75d9f2600ae92d23220dca0f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Seto-Kaiba-seto-kaiba-8605760-500-604.jpg.093337d75d9f2600ae92d23220dca0f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional):



-Trained in Armed and Unarmed Combat

-Expert Marksman

-Likes Trench Coats




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Name: Chiara Scarcella

Age: 24

Personality: Chiara is usually very playful. She enjoys messing around with those in her Family and getting to know everybody. Because of this, she gets easily attached. To her, her Family is the most important thing to her. Chiara opens up to anyone she likes and may even invite them to join the Scarcella Family, though this is rare. She is usually known to be the one who isn't taking matters seriously at meetings and such. However, during tight situations, when she becomes mad, or when another in her Family is hurt, her personality flips. She becomes cruel and serious, as if she was a completely different person.

Faction: Five Families of Grande

Family: Scarcella

Rank: Boss

Half-Italian or Full?: Full Italian

History: Chiara's father, Lucio, was very protective of her. He would constantly tell her not to go outside and ask a trusted member of the Family to tutor her. Everyday, a different member would come in and teach what they excelled at. This gave her the opportunity to get to know the different Family members, who eventually became very close to her. As she grew up and stayed by her father's side, Chiara saw her Family members being hurt many times. Of course, this made her very sad. She did her best to care for those who were wounded, but there would always be one who died. When she was 20, her parents died in a shoot out, leaving her to take over the Scarcella Family. However, she did not care much to take over the city. She only cared to protect those she held dear, her Family.

Signature Weapon:


Vehicle(s): 2005 Chrysler 300




Style: (Shown above. :P )

Other: She knows how to use throwing knives (A member once taught her). She can get along with anybody who doesn't threaten her or her Family.

Name: Tritan Trentacosta

Age: 24

Personality: Tritan was always brought up to take over the Trentacosta family and has little interest in anything but the family. He is fairly laid back and doesn't get serious unless it is necessary. He is very confident in himself and very involved when it comes to his subordinates. For the most part he appears not to care about people, but does whatever he can to help the people he cares for.

Faction: Five Families of Grande

Family: Trentacosta

Rank: Boss

Half-Italian or Full?: Full

History: Tritan was born into the Trentacosta family as the heir. His father was the head of the family for thirty years. He was bred to take over the family from an early age. He admired all the work his mother and father put in for the family. He grew up with two younger brothers who now work under him as subordinates. Three years prior to the present his mother and father were killed in a car bombing, which Tritan expects to be an inside job. When his parents were killed he assumed power and spent the last three tears earning respect from the people under him.

Signature weapon:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.0c88decfd54996844b1247d417626ece.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14449" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.0c88decfd54996844b1247d417626ece.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vehicle: 2014 BMW 7

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.23d4c3e5f88234bed24d74cd0669751a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14450" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.23d4c3e5f88234bed24d74cd0669751a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.53af63491ae9d9e328681eaa17d76e2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14451" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.53af63491ae9d9e328681eaa17d76e2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Style: (just like shown above.) Tends to wear darker colors.

Other: Carries a knife hidden on his person at all times.




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Name: Tetsura Amadashe

Age: 47

Personality: Ruthless leader. Always trying to live up to his fathers image.

Faction: Yakuza

Rank: Oyabun

Half-Italian or Full?: Neither, Japanese

History: Came to America as a boy. His father was the first leader of the Amadashe yakuza syndicate. His father was an amazing leader for the gang and established the yakuza in a territory primarily run by mafia families. When his father died Tetsura took over. He was 30 when he became the boss. He still lives in his dead father's shadow. He prefers not to kill people himself, preferring to have his subordinates do the dirty work for him. Tetsura only kills when his or his family's lives are in danger.

Signature Weapon: Walther P38


Vehicle(s):2009 Mazda 6



Other: Very liberal with punishments

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Name: Faythe Bonagura

Age: 22 years old

Personality: Faythe can smile one minute but the moment she has a sniper in her hands and she gets trigger happy. Actually... give her any sort of gun and she'll get trigger happy. She is completely loyal to her family and would do anything to protect them even if it means getting a bit of blood on her hands. Not many are sure what Faythe's true nature is since she tends to have both a smiling and cold face, she usually hides her cold face but will not hesitate to let her merciless side out. When it comes to romance Faythe only wants a man who is close or above her abilities, it wouldn't be very fun if she was the top dog all the time would it? Faythe dislikes using knives but she if she is forced to, she dislikes knives because she'd rather get rid of her enemy quick and simple; plus knives always made things messy.

Faction: Five Families of Grande

Family (If part of the Five Families): Bonagura

Rank: Boss

Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality): Full

History: In her teenage years Faythe had a lot of red on her hands before she became boss of the Bonagura family, she use to snipe any enemy that the previous Bonagura leader (Father) allowed her to and she soon gained the nickname 'Ghost' because she would soon disappear after getting rid of her target. People in her school knew that she was part of the Bonagura family and knew not to mess with her so Faythe was pretty much isolated at school her entire life but she didn't really pay attention to it since she never really thought to deep about it. When she took charge of the family Faythe focused more on her family then on anything else, temporarily putting her name 'Ghost' to sleep but she can just as easily bring it back.

Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too):

She has a barrett m98b

Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year):

2014 Corvette ZR1

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):

Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional): She loves hand-to-hand fights but she's a professional sniper and has never missed a shot since becoming a professional

Other: Loves candy and shopping

Name: Juliet Reid

Age: 25

Personality: Jules comes off as calm and levelheaded and works best under pressure. She is very courageous and headstrong at times. She's also very caring and friendly towards others.

Faction: Detective

Nationality: 'Murican

History: She was orphaned at a young age and bounced around foster homes until finally being adopted. Her adoptive father was a detective, and is the reason she is one today. He died on the job, and Juliet dedicated her life to becoming a detective to honor his memory.

Signature Weapon: Glock 19

Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/anime3.gif.a92cbb4a18e0803690ef97bd80155f3b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14484" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/anime3.gif.a92cbb4a18e0803690ef97bd80155f3b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):

Style): Normally suits or skirts and heels, so that she looks sophisticated but still feminine.

Other:She has a cat named Sergio




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Character Sheet

Name: Mick Harper

Age: 47

Personality: Mick has circle of trust which usually consists his family and old police officers. He bases everything off of loyalty and hard work, you keep loyal to the force and push to get the job done your not on his shun list. He's persistent at his job and keeps a ever so diligent eye on the families while spitting whenever he hears "yakuza".

Faction: Grande City PD

Rank: Chief of police

Nationality: Scottish-American

History: He's been a cop for twenty-one years and has been the chief for seven years and before that was a patrol cop who's been tracking the families since he joined after his friend was gunned down in cross-fire between gangs (or mafias) and ever since has been trying to get leads to the names of these two gangs (or mafias)

Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too): Colt 1911


Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year): Dodge Charger 2012

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too


Style: Suits that usually have bullet proof vest under or over it and a hidden shoulder holster. He uses all the normal police weapons but uses his own pistol instead of the normal police issued glock.

Other: Has two german shepards named Zeus and Timber

He also has a private gun collection.


(I will post pictures tommorow!)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Name: Avery Sorries Trentacosta

Age: 26 years old

Personality: Avery has a badmouth and is overall, a tom boy. She hates being flirting with, advances, and just romance advances in general. She is harsh, with a sharp tongue but she is really sweet with her friends. She can have a bad mouth but she loves her friends with all of her heart. Avery doesn' trust instantly and it's hard to get onto her friends list; she knows how to fight and sometimes gets in bad moods where she'll provoke fights. Avery is not a girly girl, and nothing about her is girly, she's a great leader with smart and cool head.

Faction: Five Families of Grande

Family: Trentacosta Family

Rank: Underboss

Half-Italian or Full?: Half Italian

History: Avery was actually adopted into the family but easily proved that she belonged there, she grew up in a terrible family before so she was strong and unfazed. Growing up, she was a bit of a bully as a child but learned to be a leader, in her highschool years she ran a gang that was unbeatable and when she graduated, she was accepted into the Trentacosta Family Gang

Signature Weapon: Knuckle Brace and Katana

Vehicle(s): 2014 Dodge Charger. Click Here


Style: Avery is a fist fighter more, learning to use her muscles, she was always underestimated, giving her a fighting chance since the beginning, she is also great with knives and swords but will use guns if necessary, she's always been an up close person, so guns are out of her comfort zone but she uses them. Avery usually wears a tight business shirt with a leather jacket over, to keep her knives and swords ready and hidden along with hightop, flat Vans shoes but when she's ready for a business meeting between familes, she'll wear a business skirt and black high heel boots with a stripped, tucked in, business shirt

Other: She loves getting tattoos and has a pitbull

Name: Ashton Silver Saverino

Age: 26 years old

Personality: Ashton is a jerk, he's arrogant, pushy and a bully. He gets what he wants, one way or another, and is very cruel to others. Ash is incredibly good at fist fighting, as well as gifted with leadership, he is rude, mean, short tempered and ignorant. It takes a lot to become friends with him, but once you do, he's really not a bad guy. He's loyal to his friends and enjoys violence, he's reckless at times but knows how to form a plan.

Faction: Five Families of Grande

Family: Saverino Crime Family

Rank: Caporegime

Half-Italian or Full?: Full

History: Ashton's mother was taken away by the police for drug abuse when he was only three and his father kicked Ashton out of the house so he lived alone on the streets usually, getting his anger out in fighting.

Signature Weapon: Desert Eagle Pistol and This Machete

Vehicle(s): 2014 Dodge Challenger. Click Here


Style: Ashton can fist fight but he's more of a pistol person, or a knife fight, he enjoys up and personal but has great aim with his pistol. Ashton wears the same basic outfit, as seen above. wife beater shirt with skinny jeans and untied hightops

Other: He has a great dane

Name: Ralph Orina Rivera

Age: 22 years old

Personality: Ralph is easily excited and pumped person. He hangs with the girls and the girls love him, he is hated by most guys for 'stealing' away all the girls. He is a kind heart but isn't the type to rush in and be the hero, if a child ran into the street and was going to be hit, he would yell for her to look out, but not rush in and save her. He can be annoying sometimes and a jerk but he does it unintentionally. He's always popular but labeled as a gangster by teachers; they don't believe his hair is natural (It is). He can be very cruel unintentionally, and has broken a lot of people. His jokes can be cruel and rude, but he's never noticed because people usually laugh at them, except the person he teased; he doesn't mean to be a bully but it comes naturally

Faction: Five Familes Of Grande

Family: Rivara Crime Family

Rank: Consigliere

Half-Italian or Full?: Full Italian

History: As a young boy, his brother kept him isolated after their parents died, because he was afraid that he would lose him too, so Ralph lived 2 years isolated, until he was 5 and than he started attending school, his brother accompanied him to and from school and often scared away his friends. Ralp was friendless and alone, everybody avoided him for he was known through out the school to have a 'scary monster brother'. He never earned any friends through out his middle school life, because of his brother.

Signature Weapon: Combat Shotgun

Vehicle(s): 2014 Ford Mustang. Click here


Style: He's a bit of an overkiller, he's great with a shotgun and likes to shoot people in the stomach, making them suffer before the headshot. Ralph wears tank top shirts with slightly baggy pants along with running shoes.

Other: His hair is naturally white. He also has a Bloodhound

Name: Blake Aaron Droons

Age: 24 years old

Personality: Blake is a lot more mellow, then his gang members, but is they are similar. Blake is a bad mouthed guy with an attitude, mainly when he's with gang members, which is all the time. Alone, he's quiet and avoids people, with zero confidence. With other members, he's loud, smart mouthed, pushy, arrogant, and mean.

Faction: Five Familes Of Grande

Family: Scarcella Crime Family

Rank: Soldier

Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality):

History: Blake was born in Britain, when his mom left his dad, they moved to Ireland when he was six. His dad was crushed, he often left to drink, leaving Blake and his brother to cook for themselves. When his dad died of achohal poisoning, when he was fifteen, his brother took custody over him and they left for America. They bounced around the country but when Blake was seventeen, he left her brother so he could be with his fiancee. Hee moved to Grande and joined the Mafia.

Signature Weapon: Silenced Submachine Gun

Vehicle(s): 2014 Honda CR Z. Click Here


Style: Blake is a more of a hit-them-all guy, and tends to shoot a bit wildly but he can focus when needed.

Other: Omerta and he has a Bluetick Coonhound

Name: Adam Shane Hilton

Age: 23 years old

Personality: Adam has a really bad temper and despite being cold he has a very large heart. He will protect even his enemies at times. When he gets angry, he loses control and can seriously harm things. He hardly ever talks, but when he does he's usually mad. He hates life at times and suffers from depression, but with his friends, he acts happy and things. You would never imagine what he's actually like.

Faction: Five Familes Of Grande

Family: Bonagura Crime Family

Rank: Soldier

Half-Italian or Full?: Full Italian

History: His family shunned him when they found out that he wanted to join the Mafia. He grew up with just his father and three older brothers. His mother died when he was four.

Signature Weapon: Dual Swords

Vehicle(s): 2014 Ram 2500. Click Here


Style: Adam can manage to avoid a single hit when he's surrounded because of his heightened senses, he's actually half blind but he can basically sense movement behind him so he's great in the center, fighting against multiple enemies. Adam wears a white tshirt with a blue, plaid tie and black, fabric pants with blue Van shoes

Other: He's half blind. Almost fulling blind in one eye and has a mutt that's blind in one eye too

Name: Nichole Olivia Trevor

Age: 25 years old

Personality: Nichole is a kind person when she's alone, catching her alone is the best time. She's cheerful, happy, honest with a permanent white smile on her face but once her friends appear, she turns into what she thinks they would like. She does what she's told with no questions but shes learning, slowly, to stand up for herself. She takes good care of herself, she's very strict on stuff like brushing her teeth, her hair and washing her hands. Nichole is use to being alone from her childhood that's why she struggles to be what people want her to be.

Faction: Five Families Of Grande

Family: Trentacosta Family

Rank: Associate

Half-Italian or Full?: Full Italian

History: Nichole grew up with only her brother, who was part of the Malfia, after he died, she joined, beating him at sniping.

Signature Weapon: Shotgun With Scope and Sniper Rifle With Silencer

Vehicle(s): 2004 Mazda MazadaSpeed Miata MX-5. Click Here


Style: Despite her girly appearence, this is for show, she is a great sniper, even with a shotgun with a scope, she's great at it and has missed only once, ever. Nichole likes to wear a gray, jacket that ends below her chest and a yellow shirt that's been cut above the stomach with matching yellow shorts and yellow high heeled boots

Other: Has a poodle
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Name: Perinne Thea Oaks

Nickname: Perithea

Age: 21

Picture [To be followed]

Faction Grande City PD

Rank: Senior Officer, Intelligence Sector

Nationality: Japanese-British

Personality: Wrapped in a bubbly temperament, Perithea often brightens up the precinct with her signature smiles and shoulder pats. Even in the most serious of discussions, she would always find a right time to crack a joke or pull something up that would make everyone laugh or at least smile. But in this light-heated psyche, she is loyal to her job and is dedicated to make the city a bit more peaceful.


In a lineage of known criminals and gangsters, Perinne Thea faced a reality of evil and hate. As a child, often, she would see people getting slaughtered, raped, robbed and killed. Her mother managed a system of brothels while her father was a boss of one of the many warring criminal faction. In this family setup, no one expected that she'd turn into someone who would oppose tradition.

It but one thing that inspired the young girl to take on the gun for law. Browsing through numerous old photo albums, a stunning portrait of his grandfather, faded and slightly torn but undeniably clear. A picture that showed a man in uniform and an expression that bore pride and dedication.

With this, she decided to leave her home in Plymouth England to move to London and take up Criminology specializing in intelligence and tactics. In school, she experienced a new outlook on how the world, a gentler and kinder one which she formed her personality and perspectives in life.

Signature Weapon:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/P90_by_Mikecontrol.jpg.3728617785e1948985c87fa37f88dbc9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14504" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/P90_by_Mikecontrol.jpg.3728617785e1948985c87fa37f88dbc9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Volvo-Coupe_Concept-2013-wallpaper.jpg.7d1b44c5d005c1720d74b79396705c10.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14505" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Volvo-Coupe_Concept-2013-wallpaper.jpg.7d1b44c5d005c1720d74b79396705c10.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Volvo Coupe

Others: Loves MMOs and would find time to play to run a dungeon or two.


(This is my first time joining a RP so I hope I did all right. Please do tell me if I made any violations/mistakes and such. Will follow up the pics and other stuff.)



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Character Sheet

Name: John Phelps

Age: 27

Personality: John trys to act "Cool" when he can but when he is on the job its like a religion. He hates sea food.

Faction: GCPD

Rank: Detective

Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality): Full Italian but American accent

History: John joined the military leaving behind his family when he got back his brother was in the mafia and his mother on her deathbed; not long later was his brother shot and killed in shootout later he committed his life to destroying the families. When his brother died John went to the academy, he aced in the shooting range and fitness and did alright in the other tests. After graduating he became a patrol officer and rose quickly to detective level. In his mind it was going from parking tickets to foul-play and homicide. When he wasn't on duty he tried to find someone who knew something and on several occasions hes almost been shot, stabbed, and face pounded in but never gives up.

John has several problems with himself including survivors guilt and PTSD but keeps pushing on for his brother and mother.

Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too): AR-15

Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year): 2014 Dodge Camaro (Unmarked Police car)

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):


Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional): Hes great with rifles and any other small arms and aims for the legs and arms and any other not fatal shots but if he has to kill he will.

Other: He was a US Ranger. He owns a German Shepard Lucy.

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Name: Joseph "Joey" Rivara

Age: 32

Personality: A no-nonsense, hard customer, Joey gets what he wants-no questions asked. Anyone who knows anything about him knows that when you're dealing with the Rivara family, you don't mess around. If word gets up to Joey that there's been any sort of issue, you better hope you caught him on a day when he's too busy with other things to care about the low-level deals. Intelligent, detached, and to the point, he oversees his ventures with a tight grip and an impatient trigger finger. It would seem that Joey only has a soft spot for his younger sister, though the two don't speak frequently. She wanted nothing to do with the "family business". (See Anastasia Rivara.)

Faction: The Five Families of Grande

Family: Rivara

Rank: Boss/Don

Half-Italian or Full?: Full Blooded Italian

History: Joseph and his sister, Anastasia, were the first two children of Thomas "Tommy" Rivara, the previous Don. It didn't take the children long to learn that their family was different from those of their friends. By the time they were in grade school, adults would turn heads or think twice at the mention of the children's last name. To young Joey, the fact that his father was Don was never a huge deal. Tommy was simply a father; a loving and generous man in the eyes of his own children. It wasn't until Joey had entered high school that he began to learn about the other side of his father, the side that wasn't all warm smiles and bedtime stories.

Soon after Joey's twenty-seventh birthday, his father was diagnosed with lung cancer. He passed away soon after, refusing to be trapped in the hospital to only stall his death until a later date. Not hardly thirty years of age, Joey had the position of Don handed to him, and he had no idea what to do with it.

For the first few years, he primarily worked behind the scenes. He let others continue as they always had, simply making any major decisions and leaving the rest alone. However, once he'd had some time to adjust to receiving the honor so young, he took advantage of it. Over the past two years, the Rivaras have been raking in much more cash than they did under Tommy's leadership. Joey found a few connections, called in a few favors, did his research, and catapulted them to the top, or rather, the "underground", of America's largest industry; sports.

The Kentucky Derby? Rigged. The World Series? Rigged. The Super Bowl? Oh yeah, rigged. Through specifically placed associates, "friends", and money, the Rivaras contain the information to rig, stack, fix, and bet on the winning team of every major sporting event across the North American continent. You could say that Joey has done well for "the Family", and he will do anything it takes to protect his newly reformed empire.

Signature Weapon:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.285e4a06940b26e88483b977fc92fe3f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14534" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.285e4a06940b26e88483b977fc92fe3f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vehicle(s): 2014 Bentley Continental GT Coupe V8 S

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.340534d27cae9227d54b5a1e2a01f847.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14535" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.340534d27cae9227d54b5a1e2a01f847.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.54dd8b53b8f1f9dc985817bf1fc2b38c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.54dd8b53b8f1f9dc985817bf1fc2b38c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Style: Joey typically wears just a white collared shirt and black pants paired with a nice suit jacket and maybe a tie. He's hardly ever seen in anything else.

As far as ending a life goes, he rarely does the deed himself. He's not squeamish, far from it. He simply sees that as someone beneath him's job. Joey doesn't get his hands dirty for just any corner drug dealer that tried to pull the wool over their eyes.

Name: Anastasia "Annie" Rivara

Age: 26

Personality: Anastasia is sarcastic and impatient in every way, shape, and form. Growing up in a male dominated household, she's far from your "perfect little princess". Her childhood was spent keeping up with her older brother, Joey. She can run and fight and debate with the best of them. Annie can have you completely convinced that she is correct one minute and argue with you until she's blue in the face the next. Her skills of persuasion have come in handy several times throughout her school and work careers, but it's the argument she never could win that drove her away from the Family. Annie wanted her father out of the "business", and it just wasn't something he was willing to give up.

Faction: Grande City Police Department (Formerly-The Five Families of Grande)

Family: Rivara

Rank: Sergeant

Half-Italian or Full?/Nationality: Full Blooded Italian

History: When Anastasia and her brother (See Joseph Rivara.) began to realize who their father truly was, Anastasia's reaction was very different from Joey's. Joey didn't seem phased, perhaps even finding it exciting and interesting. Anastasia found it cruel and unethical. From the time she was fifteen, she began her attempts to convince her father to step down from the position of Don and let the whole thing crumble, just leave "the Family" in the past. Of course, it was never on his radar to grant this wish to his daughter. He did a lot of things for his little girl but his learned way of life was something he simply could not bring himself to give up.

Before Annie finished high school, she started to show amazingly promising test scores. Thinking they may have a promising doctor or, even better, a lawyer on their hands, her parents enrolled her in a prep boarding school in northern New York. There, Annie was appropriately academically challenged, but she didn't fit in with the "snootier" class of young teens. It was senior year that she decided that if her father wasn't going to change, she wasn't going to do anything to help him out. Two days after graduation she enrolled herself in the Police Academy.

When her father passed away, Anastasia couldn't help but feel that she'd done something wrong by involving herself in the law. However, with her brother then promoted to Don himself, Annie knew she'd made the right decision by staying out of that life. She still cares for Joey, but is cautious to stay away from any cases that look like they may lead his direction. Having to imprison her own brother might be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Signature Weapon:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.e9197f326584f1fb8c932f34bbf4d3b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14537" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.e9197f326584f1fb8c932f34bbf4d3b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


2014 Dodge Charger

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.d429aef236153eaf119094a6be8a4a7b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14538" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.d429aef236153eaf119094a6be8a4a7b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

2012 Mazda 3

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.edf81c665bd20f8156fecedd0b545fde.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14539" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.edf81c665bd20f8156fecedd0b545fde.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.432a713d8b1330a3f17c9892a0683ef6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14536" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.432a713d8b1330a3f17c9892a0683ef6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Style: Obviously, while on duty Annie is dressed in her blue police uniform. However on her days off she's a fan of tastefully styled animal print and dark jeans. She never removes the silver band from her right ring finger. It's a simple ring that was given to her by her father on her sixteenth birthday. The inscription reads "To my dearest Anastasia. You will always have a home.".

Her weapons and shots are standard training and issue, though she did graduate from the Police Academy as head of her class.




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Name: Jin Zhang


Personality: power hungry. As the enforcer for the grand city triads he takes great pride in managing the people under him. He is very smart but when things get rough he tends to lose his head. Faction: Triads Family: N/A

Rank: red pole

Half-Italian or Full? : Neither Chinese American

History: he was an orphan from the age of two. He was found by the triad leaders wife and she brought him home. He was raised as one of their own and taught in the ways of the triads. People who meet him with an unkind face usually don't live much longer

Signature Weapon: Glock 18.

Vehicle(s): kawasaki ninja




Will finish later
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Name: Daisuke Satoshi

Age: 40

Personality: Level-headed, knowledgeable, and wise. Daisuke is a intellectual man who thinks first before his actions. Often in times of chaos, he still can make insightful thoughts and good decisions. Even though he likes comfort and respect,Daisuke is a man that does not like too much responsibility, especially now that he feels that soon he well be an elderly person. This is why he has chosen to remain at the role of Komon and has no intention of rising any higher. Since Daisuke likes respect, he tends to snap at anyone who steps out of line, and typically maintains a dignified aura around him. Due to his history with other criminal gangs, Daisuke despises any gang other than the Yakuza.

Faction: Yakuza

Family (If part of the Five Families): None

Rank: Komon

Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality): Full Japanese.

History: Daisuke's parents were once peaceful civilians living in the city. They always told him to beware and respect others, for they may be Yakuza, Mafia, etc. Unfortunately, the parents had gone out for dinner and gotten rather drunk. While under the influence, they had upset another criminal gang. This resulted in a beating of Daisuke's parents, and their eventual death. Daisuke was forced to grow up as an orphan, being taken care by foster parents. As he grew, Daisuke grew more and more intelligent. He loved to learn new things. One point in life, he had decided to learn about the criminal gangs in the city he lived in. He hated the gangs that had killed his parents, forcing him to live a life in foster homes. However, what could he do? As an adolescant, Daisuke joined the Yakuza's ranks with an agenda to gain power and oppose the other criminal gangs he hates.

Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too):

Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year):

Nissan President. Daisuke typically has an armed chaffeur driving.
Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):

Man on left is Daisuke.
Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional): Likes to dress in black and white suits.

Other: Speaks some Japanese, but not a lot. He is also a good swordsman.
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Name: Robert Cicero

Age: 28

Personality: Very cold and professional around people he doesn’t know and during business meetings. He tends to lighten up around the Family and friends.

Faction: Mafia

Family (If part of the Five Families): Saverino

Rank: Consigliere

Half-Italian or Full? : Half-Italian

History: A childhood friend of Vincent Saverino, Robert “Rob” Cicero was always very close to the Family. He was with Vincent every step of the way and there was no question when Vincent named him Consigliere. He learned to control the most egocentric things Vincent would try to do, often keeping him from getting killed or jailed. He is cold and calculated, his mind trained to see the dangers in things and not let emotions get in the way. He had trained himself on hand to hand combat, revolvers and high caliber pistols.

Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too): Snub nosed .43 revolver<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Revolver.jpg.798847e38ff43941148e4085b0613362.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14619" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Revolver.jpg.798847e38ff43941148e4085b0613362.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year): 2014 spyker c8 aileron

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Aileron.jpg.c8cb61bc18a804de9640dfaae68760eb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14620" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Aileron.jpg.c8cb61bc18a804de9640dfaae68760eb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Robert.jpg.fa136fc6ac1c4b2b114e3f33bef843e8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14621" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Robert.jpg.fa136fc6ac1c4b2b114e3f33bef843e8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional):

Wears black baggy hoodies to conceal his handguns in the pockets.

Other: Trained in unarmed combat and handguns



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Name: Oliver Newton Everston

Age: 29 years old

Personality: Oliver is strict but kind to his gang but has a heart of steel, he can keep his cool in tough situations and always has a backup plan. He puts his trust fully into the gang, so when they fail him, he is always furious, and when a betrayal happens, he's careful to not leave any trace of the murder, and sees to it personally. Unlike many leaders, Oliver likes to know his gang as his friends and treats them with the upmost respect, he is an understanding leader but can be a bit of a control freak. The boy also enjoys being involved, often going on small missions just because of he doesn't like being bored.

Faction: Traid

Family (If part of the Five Families):

Rank: Dragon Head (Aka Leader)

Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality): Russian and Chinease

History: Oliver's mother died after giving birth to him, and his father started to suffer from drinking and depression, and finally did suicide leaving the boy alone in the world

Signature Weapon: Baseball bat with a Remington Shotgun

Vehicle(s): 2014 Lamborghini. Click here


Style: Oliver's signiture look, is a bubblegum bubble, holding his baseball bat over his shoulder with his shotgun slung over his back

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Name:Drake Scagliotti

Age: 33

Personality:Drake is always angry, but he tries to keep his anger from clouding his judgement. His memories haunt him sometime. He isn't easy to impress.

Faction:Five families

Family (If part of the Five Families):Scarcella


Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality): full Italian

History: "I was born in italy, but grew up here My name changed because the immigration people couldn't hear. In this damnable city.... My father was in the mafia. Sometimes he wouldn't come home for days. But I didn't notice, at least not until he came home one day, covered in blood. I was afraid, I didn't know if I was going to be hurt. But he got better, and still worked for the mafia."

"I joined, after high school.... Hell I was still in high school when I joined. Junior year, I was in the band, and I would sell stuff in the high school. I had a record, and a police escort to prom. But I worked my butt, off even as my father died. At the funeral, Their was no fighting and I was happy. But I still hated every other family."

Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too):

nick name: Delilah

Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year): 1969 dodge charger

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):

Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional): He just like to obliterate stuff. And delilah helps in obliterating stuff. He fights close up, and he like his bowie knife.

Other: He is is a master at playing jazz, and owns a bari sax.

Name: Chiharu Kawashima

Age: 24

Personality: As a member of the Yakuza, Chiharu is quite ruthless, cruel and sadistic. Despite this, she is not devoid of compassion. She has a soft spot for children, especially orphans. Despite being a part of the Yakuza as well as rivals of the Five Families, much like Don Vincent Saverino, Jr., and his late Father Vincent Saverino, Sr., Chiharu wants to make peace with them as well as the Grande City Triads. Chiharu is also both very obedient and will follow orders, solely for the reason that she fears that she will die if she rebelled. However, she still has morals, which often leads her to question the oyabun the most compared to the rest of the Yakuza.

Faction: Yakuza

Family (If part of the Five Families):

Rank: Onee-san

Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality): Neither; Japanese-American

History: Chiharu was an abandoned child, having been living in the streets since she was ten years old. Her parents were killed when she was about eight years old in a robbery gone horribly wrong. Tetsura Amadashe took her in when she was about sixteen. Chiharu made her first kill when she was eighteen years old, executing an insubordinate Yakuza member who was working with the Grande City Triads. While her true rank remains unknown, it is hinted that she is Tetsura's Personal Assassin and Executioner. However, she desires for her Master to make peace with the Five Families and the Grande City Triads. Will she be successful?

Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too): Katana

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/madrka.jpg.0ad79c304f4b02468fe73d8a7c9bce99.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14728" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/madrka.jpg.0ad79c304f4b02468fe73d8a7c9bce99.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year): 2007 Kawasaki Ninja ZX 14I

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/2007-Kawasaki-NinjaZX-14i.jpg.62fb8b24c4c8b119914ec4e7a194161e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14727" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/2007-Kawasaki-NinjaZX-14i.jpg.62fb8b24c4c8b119914ec4e7a194161e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/011-Daily-Inspirations-14.jpg.7cf592bcd4dcbb145776a814302f8d4e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/011-Daily-Inspirations-14.jpg.7cf592bcd4dcbb145776a814302f8d4e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/VE121E01Z-802@1.1.jpg.74449e2dc00e1a0a0161209803a54195.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14722" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/VE121E01Z-802@1.1.jpg.74449e2dc00e1a0a0161209803a54195.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/wjeb0037_blk_large.jpg.784a09d83c186383415d46eb23622dd1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14723" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/wjeb0037_blk_large.jpg.784a09d83c186383415d46eb23622dd1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/OLSblog_post2_pic1_022310.jpg.ab4205238874efc87315dc45edbd4d14.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14724" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/OLSblog_post2_pic1_022310.jpg.ab4205238874efc87315dc45edbd4d14.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


-Proud carries her Katana out in public

-Trained in Ninjutsu, Kendo, Judo and Jujitsu

Omerta<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/CI_46077_1337458943.jpg.8cd0700df3b68779a2c0e76ef33b04f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14725" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/CI_46077_1337458943.jpg.8cd0700df3b68779a2c0e76ef33b04f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Alecsander Bellochio (fondly known as 'Alec')

Age: 27

Faction: Five Families of Grande

Family: Saverino

Rank: Underboss

Nationality: Half Italian half French, his passport says American

Personality: Alec is the out-going kind, talkative and charismatic. He's reasonably self-confident and relaxed in general, and while he can be a sensible and thorough thinker, he will go very far for his bit of fun and entertainment. It's not all rainbows and sunchine though. Having become a mafiosi partially against his will, he has developed somewhat of a unique scowl that appears whenever he has to deal with any Mafia matters, and he can have a terribly short temper if provoked. However, no matter how much he curses the Mafia deep down he is very proud of his Mafia family, and he is willing to go to great lengths to protect it, though he prefers to avoid confrontation simply because he finds it troublesome. Thankfully, he is able to get out of most situations quickly with his notorious silver tongue and either his winning smile or his gun.

History: Alecsander is the love child of Vincent Saverino Sr's brother-in-law and some French artist who was Bellochio's mistress at the time. Mrs Bellochio was not at all happy, so Mrs Saverino agreed to take in her brother's 'mistake', despite expecting a child herself at the time. She treated him well, though not many others in the Saverino family recognised him as part of the family. He hid this pain with smiles and laughter, and he was somewhat grateful for it, because it pushed him to work harder for his recognition. However, at the age of 19 when Mrs Saverino died, he lost any desire to become part of the mafiosi and went abroad for university. Growing up with Vincent, their opposite personalities worked well with each other, and the two were pretty close, but he was still somewhat surprised and very hesitant when Vincent asked him to take the place of underboss after Saverino Sr's passing. He only agreed in the end out of loyalty for their friendship over the years.

Signature Weapon: .38 2.5 revolver


Vehicle: Bentley R-Type 1955

Appearance: 6ft something, with a lean build and angular features, light olive skin and a large tattoo down the right side of his back.

Style: Smart, fitted black suits, black shirts, some kind of white flower in his breast pocket.

Other: Speed is his strength. He's not very strong physically but he is a sharp strategist with killer reflexes. Also, he has that delicious European accent.

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Name: Michael Bonagura


Personality: Family oriented, He loves his family. even if it is only by the way of the mob. Willing to die for his family.

Faction: Five families

Family (If part of the Five Families):Bonagura

Rank: Underboss

Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality): Full

History: Michael always loved his family. His little sister, who baffled him by becoming the boss. He didn't have a problem with her becoming the boss. He knew his place, that was number two. From his first breathe, he was going to be in the in the mob.

Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too):

Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year): 1975 ford mustang

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):

Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional): support oriented, He aims for shoulders and hands, trying to keep people to shoot and kill his family members.

Other:A big shooting nut, He loves competitions. And racing.

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Name: Naoki "Nao" Azuma

Age: 27

Personality: Naoki is incredibly stubborn. He will not take orders from any other than the oyabun and doesn't resort to violence unless it is necessary. He also does his best to set an example for those under him.


Family (If part of the Five Families):

Rank: Wakagashira

Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality): Japanese

History: Naoki's family has always been involved with the Yakuza. His grandfather and father were trusted members and when it came time for him to join up, he was asked to take the role of first lieutenant. Of course, Naoki took the offer and now stands as a role model for the kyodai and shatei .

Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too):

Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year): Yamaha R6 2011

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):


Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional): Suits. :D

Other: Omerta
Name: Shen-Fang La

Age: 26

Personality: Shen-Fang was raised in both Hong Kong and the United States, he was given immense familiarity and understanding with both cultures. Shen-Fang never had a strong Father Figure or Male Role Model when growing up, so he is able to adapt more easily to certain situations that most Police Officers and Detectives cannot. As an Officer of the law, he is known by Gang Members to use excessive force. This stems from his Sister's death as well as his Mothers. Shen-Fang also possesses a strong sense of loyalty, especially to the Police Force.

Faction: Grande City Police Department

Family (If part of the Five Families):

Rank: Detective

Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality): Neither; Chinese-American

History: Not much is known about Shen's early life, other then that he grew up under the wing of a single mother. He also had an older sister. However, he is now alone due to his sister dying in a drive-by shooting and his mother committing suicide. After burying his mother and sister, he swore revenge on the Triads, which served as primary motivation to become a cop. You'll have to get to know him to learn more about his past, otherwise, just focus on the job.

Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Walther_P99.jpg.5d83ec63accea74db1528865ad2fab0b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Walther_P99.jpg.5d83ec63accea74db1528865ad2fab0b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year): 1991 Toyota MR2

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/1991-toyota-mr2-1.jpg.c663d517f4f8081bad1349ee91724794.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14733" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/1991-toyota-mr2-1.jpg.c663d517f4f8081bad1349ee91724794.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):


Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional):



-Wears Suits as a Detective

-Has several Tattoos, but keeps them covered for Professionalism

-Master of Martial Arts

-Can speak Cantonese, but usually speaks English

-Has a Personal Vendetta against the Grande City Triads




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(are there any vigilantes yet? Also, I’m not religious, so if anything looks funny about her personality, please tell me! This group looks very fun, by the way)

Name: Ida Walsh

Age: 23

Personality: Ida is extremely pious, often saying a prayer to the lord before “sinning”. She is delusional in her ways because she thinks all the crimes she is committing are for good and to protect the innocent. Despite being a devoted Catholic, she is rather arrogant and believes herself to be smarter than she is. Ida will often throw herself into dangerous situations without thinking of the consequences first. She has a slightly higher IQ than most, but not enough to be considered a genius (except in the field of toxicology). She posses what many would call the “Gift of the Gab”. She has an irrational fear of fire, and if somebody nearby is smoking it will annoy her. There are only a select few people she cares about, but if it came down to it she would allow one of them to die if it meant saving many people. Her reckless behavior will most likely get her killed one day. She has a rather dry sense of humor.

Faction: Vigilante

Family: N/A

Rank: N/A

Half-Italian or Full?: Irish

History: Ida was born in the small Irish town of Inistioge, which was a large tourist destination. Her Father, Hank, tried very hard to uphold the old family tradition of owning a bakery, but they were less than successful. Hank loved his family, and when his second child was born, he moved the family the family to America and the city when Ida was thirteen. Hank soon became tangled up in some rather unsavory business, and eventually was killed by cops in a drug bust. Ida was shocked that her own Father could do something like this, and she fell into depression. She began dabbling in drugs, but when a wayward cigarette destroyed the apartment she lived in with her mother and baby brother, she changed her ways. Nobody was hurt, but Ida’s Mother kicked her out, afraid for her sons safety.

Ida wandered the streets, and eventually met a Catholic priest who helped her get through her darkest times. She decided that the only way to fully repent was to use God’s teachings and exact her own punishment on the scum of the streets. She has a small vendetta against the Saverino Family, because her Father made a few backhanded deals with them. She would like to see the entire family destroyed. She had always had an affinity for chemistry, and discovered that the easiest way to subdue or kill someone was through the use of poisons.

Signature Weapon: Ida prefers to use a syringe or to remotely poison her targets (preferably with Strychnine). Ida dislikes using pistols, as she can't aim very well and she likes thinking she's the best at everything. If she does need to do it herself, she will use this serrated knife:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/716564.jpg.4ead0be670cac5097c75bd59749c6e9c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/716564.jpg.4ead0be670cac5097c75bd59749c6e9c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vehicle: Harley-Davidson Sportster custom design, nicknamed Guerrilla. It’s not very fast, but Ida takes pride in her appearance and ride.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/harley-davidson-sportster-a.jpg.7adeec10ea0499f8dcd70a37edfe18b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14752" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/harley-davidson-sportster-a.jpg.7adeec10ea0499f8dcd70a37edfe18b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee99d649_ScreenShot2014-03-17at9.41.45PM.png.fc3b51e640d010cc67fa10243ed0800b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14751" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee99d649_ScreenShot2014-03-17at9.41.45PM.png.fc3b51e640d010cc67fa10243ed0800b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Style: Usually wears a leather jacket with a hood, combat boots, and jeans. She also wears clunky fingerless gloves, and a cross shaped necklace.

Other: Ida still retains her Irish accent, and almost always wears something with a cross on it.




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(Give a welcome to our Main Antagonist; also a guest character from the Marvel Universe, however his mutant powers will be absent for this roleplay; sorry folks)

Name: Deadpool

Age: Unknown

Personality: Cynical, EXTREMELY TALKATIVE, Wise-cracker

Faction: Vigilantes

Family (If part of the Five Families):

Rank: Leader

Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality): N/A


Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/samurai-swords-masahiro-tiger-katana.jpg.82a616007e472974a64abbd97e379633.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/samurai-swords-masahiro-tiger-katana.jpg.82a616007e472974a64abbd97e379633.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8beea3cd1c_DeadpoolCarShowroom.jpg.15edc37be67269c56f90f4143b3dd90a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14781" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8beea3cd1c_DeadpoolCarShowroom.jpg.15edc37be67269c56f90f4143b3dd90a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/deadpool-rodriguez.jpg.41e108ed1c44617f0b886afc13013b41.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/deadpool-rodriguez.jpg.41e108ed1c44617f0b886afc13013b41.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional):


-Main Goal is to purge Grande City of Organized Crime




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Name: Grace Winters

Age: 24

Personality: caring, respectful, sarcastic, moody, can be humorous, motherly, patient (depending on occasion)

Faction: Five families of grande

Family (If part of the Five Families): Rivara Crime Family

Rank: whatever the Don appoints her

Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality): Half-Italian/Half-White

History: Raised into a quite rich family, Grace was an only child with a loving mother and a semi-sexist father. Her father was a mob boss and despite him always telling her she wouldn’t achieve the greatness a boy could, her dad taught her all she knows. Working in the mob for her father since she was little, her father decides to pick the next-in-line to take control of the mob. Instead of picking his daughter of flesh and blood, he picks a low life boy as the next-in-line-Don. Seeing this as an act of betrayal, she kills her father and chosen inherent and takes rule of the family. After over a year of power, she is betrayed by associates of her family and jumped. She manages to escape with her life to seek her loving uncle in the well known Rivera family.

Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too): twin pistols/sniper gun


Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year): her uncle's 1954 Bentley R-Type Continental

Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):


Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional): (like in the picture) usual clothes are loose and sort of army like

Other: Likes: dark colors, getting what she wants, being in charge, money, food, revenge, followers, cute things (secretly)

Dislikes: bright colors, her past, her secret, rebels, spies, liars, back talk, annoying people, bullies, backstabbers, sexist people, weakness

Name: Albeto Mione

Age: 45

Personality: caring of family, respectful, sarcastic, patient (depending on occasion), usually serious

Faction: Five families of grande

Family (If part of the Five Families): Rivara Crime Family

Rank: Soldatos

Half-Italian or Full? (If Part of the Five Families; If neither, put Nationality): Full Italian

History: As older brother of Manuelo Mione (Grace's father), he resigned his inheritance of his father's mob and passed it down to Manuelo, not wanting very much to do with him for stealing his love, Grace's mother. He was more of a follower than a leader, so he decided to try in's at the Rivera family, to which he was accepted. He was always close to Grace and treated her like his own daughter more than his brother.

Signature Weapon (Picture is preferred, but the Weapon name is okay too):

Vehicle(s) (Include Make, Model and Year): 1954 Bentley R-Type Continental


Appearance (Real is preferred, but Anime is okay too):

Style (Descriptions are okay pictures are optional): business man look


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