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Fantasy Code - I 0 0 [Action/Drama/Survival Superpowered Interest Check] {ONE SLOT OPEN}

I'm just going to post what I have so far and I'm going to hope for some advice and help.
I'm just going to post what I have so far and I'm going to hope for some advice and help.
Hm, well, I really like his power so far! Much more interesting and unique than I think I usually expect from these kinds of RPs. I think the thing that sticks out most to me is that his personality is a little generic. "Athletically fit, cynical, brutally honest, loyal" are all some of the most common personality traits on RPN. Some of it also seems a little contradictory. He's apathetic, but caring and helpful? Brutally honest, but nice? I'm having a hard time parsing whether this is a nice, social character, or someone who is withdrawn and bitter. My best advice at this time is to maybe try to make his personality a little more tight and focused, and maybe make it stand out a little more. My personal suggestion would be to maybe focus on what might have led him to develop paper based powers. Was he particularly creative? A sketch artist, or a poetry writer perhaps? Or a bookworm of some kind? Or maybe he was emotionally delicate, like paper? These are all just suggestions, of course, you're free to come up with your own ideas, but these are things I personally think would be interesting.
That makes a lot of sense. I honestly wasn't sure where I was going with the personality, I kinda just wanted to put something down. I understand on having a more focused personality and not having a generic personality. I also like the suggestion on having him develop it because of some artistic quality of him. For me, making the personality unique is the second hardest part about this. The first hardest part is actually roleplaying as the personality as I just want to do what I would do in the scenario. I've kind of gotten better at it, but not by much. Still, I will keep trying and I appreciate the feedback.
I have changed the personality traits to (hopefully) have fixed them and I have changed completely the hobbies and skills section (probably not done with it but it's good enough for now.)
DramaMyth DramaMyth
Are you going to be adding people to the actual forum/Discord server one at a time or is it going to be simultaneous?
Ok, I'm almost done with my sheet as well, I only have to finish my background and then I'll have everything done (unless I need to change things)
Character creation is in progress! I have a long ass worokshift today, but i should be finished later tonight. Took me a while to get a character concept I iked but I finally figured it out.
Character WIP is up. Mostly done but I got sort of carried away with how I was formatting the CS and had a little too much fun with the "gift" section. Sorry for the long ass read :{
There are a few cameos in the CS though, hopefully, you all can enjoy that at the very least.
I wonder how long the recruitment will last?
The Centennials will all already have been there for some time. Regardless of age and maturity certain people will have been there longer. Also, the notion of their day to day schedule and all they've experienced & been through has a twist on it as well, but won't be revealed until the IC for the accepted characters.
We have quite a few character sheets now - any idea when they'll finally start getting accepted/when the rp will start? Are we just waiting for the last wip bits?
DramaMyth DramaMyth finished my character. It's a tad long-winded, but it was fun to make so hopefully you enjoy the character. Excited to see all of these centinels in action, lots of variety here.
Characters posted as I see them now:
A boy who is simply every introvert's wet-dream (Lance), literally Tenacious D's "Young Nasty Man" (Guy), pyromancer but goth (Nicholas), origami master 3000/ that guy at every party who thinks now is a good time to show off that magic trick he's spent a solid 5 hours practicing in front of the mirror (Landon), "I'm Baby" (Theodore), Kevin Levin from Ben 10 (Dorian), someone who just really needs some personal space (Anna), "CHaOs CoNtRoL!" (Sofia), a dumb fucking magic 8 ball (Credence), and a Russian who opened a portal to escape this allegorical Gulag (Kostya).
Very excited for the cluster fuck that is to come.
Characters posted as I see them now:
A boy who is simply every introvert's wet-dream (Lance), literally Tenacious D's "Young Nasty Man" (Guy), pyromancer but goth (Nicholas), origami master 3000/ that guy at every party who thinks now is a good time to show off that magic trick he's spent a solid 5 hours practicing in front of the mirror (Landon), "I'm Baby" (Theodore), Kevin Levin from Ben 10 (Dorian), someone who just really needs some personal space (Anna), "CHaOs CoNtRoL!" (Sofia), a dumb fucking magic 8 ball (Credence), and a Russian who opened a portal to escape this allegorical Gulag (Kostya).
Very excited for the cluster fuck that is to come.

Oh my god I'm crying

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