COD: Black Ops Zombies!

((Andy's expression cycle with this situation: :confused: :eek: :mad: :banghead: :mad::mad::mad::mad::eek::sorry::oops: :mad::meh:))

Andy honest to god did not expect that. Anything but that.


She was in a momentary state of shock. But that only lasted a second, as she instantly became fuming with anger. He k-k-kissed her? Hell no.




Instinctively, the girl began firing bullet after bullet all around her, not particularly aiming at anything.

Regaining her balance from the push, Andy slung it over her shoulder and was suddenly overcome by an eerie calmness.

She took a deep breath.

Then walked in the direction he had gone.

Nikolai nearly tipped over. Upon realizing his comrade did not have a a shirt on, he was as confused as confused could be."Richtofen, I am not yet drunk enough to like you in that way!!!!"

He growled.

"What the f*ck did you do this? Just make it four and you have a deal, heh."

He noticed the other female, Was it Addy, Andry, whatever, walked through where Richtofen had. Her arms were crossed.

She didn't look amused.

"Hey, Doc, I think you lost something." She raised an eyebrow. Was he now hugging Nikolai? That was just sad.
Athena blocked Andy's path. Right now they needed to make it to level ten. And seeing how the doc was goofing off, taking off his shirt and Athena was close to having a conniption but not filled with rage , they weren't going to make it. After touching Nikolai ,her fingers running through his hair, his breath was on her. She was more than just excite and needed... Release herself. She wanted this break to come quicker than it sounded. They all were getting antsy and she didn't know how much longer she could take it .

"Four your wasting my money but I gotcha four."

The doc looked toward Andy and smiled.

"Oh that old shirt, its weighing me down."

Athena turned around and gave more of a forced smile.

" I'm sure the rest period is between four and the fifth round. The four is coming up and we need to reload."
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As the second to last Necro-Nazi (lol) of round three fell Dempsey trained his weapon on the last one but Trevor shouted "Wait!!" As he ran for the Stakeout up stairs. Dempsey led the Zombie around but it came closer and closer,

"Hey Kid!!! This reekass nasty squag is trying to cuddle with me!" Dempsey yelled as he shoved the Nazi back, as it regained its balance it's head was suddenly obliterated and stained the floor, as it fell Dempsey looked to Trevor who was halfway down the steps reloading his Stakeout. "Not bad, kiddo… are you feeling the juice yet!?" Dempsey said in his angry excited voice.

"Thanks, you know I never planned on doing this today…" Trevor said sickly,

"Neither did I…" Dempsey replied as the sound of the fourth round came into the air. "That shit really creeps me out…" Dempsey remarked as he loaded another clip into his MP40. "Stay on your toes kid… these aren't your average puppies…" Dempsey raised his MP40,

"Got it…" Trevor replied as he lifted his Stakeout and moved slowly toward Dempsey as he pointed the shotgun all around the room. What looked like lighting began to pop up on the ground as Dempsey and Trevor were back to back, the vicious decaying canines slowly circled them, bloody disgusting drool dripping from they're teeth, and then they stopped and snarled violently… Dempsey opened fire on two that had started running down the stairs, Trevor put buckshot into one that was circling them. The second that had been circling them was making way for Dempsey's blindside, Trevor cocked the shotgun and placed lead in the demons head. The fight was on as dog after dog fell until Dempsey and Trevor stood alone in the middle of the room…low on ammo and panting. Trevor felt bad that he actually subjected them to this type of torture… forcing them to do this everyday? It's mad now that Trevor knew how it felt.
((Lore, where are you and Tank located? I'm going to have Andy and *shudder* Eddy head over there to pick you guys up and maybe lend some ammunition))
((Okie dokie, give me a few minutes and I'll type up a reasonable post for going there)) 
Andy grit her teeth in anger, using a hand to push Athena aside.

"I'm not taking anymore orders. This is ridiculous, and you'll all end up dead because of your hormonal lack of control." Her glare tracked all the people standing in the room, mostly resting on Richtofen. "I don't know about you guys, but I plan on living through this shit. So......I'm going back." Andy brushed aside her bangs, slinging her Ak-47 on her shoulders once more. "I'll be following the path we came, hitting the other door, going from the theater to the dressing room, so on so forth. It will be the coverage we need from those sectors, and I'll be able to reach the power at a quicker rate." Andy walked to the other entrance, the one which lead to the place she had described. The girl smirked. "See ya later. Try not to get eaten alive while your pants are down, kiddos." The bell had just chimed. This meant that even more flesh-sacks would be heading here. If she moved fast enough, Andy knew she'd be able to hit the perks (especially jug and speed, which are in her top priorities at this moment, aside from the power). When she got to the foyer room, she'd be able to grab an MP40, which is just the kick she needs.

The smile that crept onto her face was blood-hungry, yearning for a fight.

And boy of boy, was she gonna get one.

((short post is short, sorry. Next one will be longer, I promise))
Edward had shrugged. He took out a cigar and lite it while it was in his mouth. Putting away his lighter he took a drag then blew out the smoke. He checked his ammunition then looked up toward Athena and Nikolai. "Well then...we will be splitting up for now, I am sure I will see you in the next building. "He took another drag before cocking his gun. "I'll follow her, if she's not careful she will die." He gave them a salute and walked away. His gun against his shoulder as he whistled his little old tune. Following the girl who wanted to take charge ,he wasn't close to be spotted but he knew where she was going. Dumb move he thought, but what the hell. He was crazy, this would be a party he couldn't miss out on.

Athena watched her leave and Edward leave as well. This gave her the advantage. She didn't like sharing her perks or her cheats. She smirked as she walked over to the outlined gun on the wall. Pressing her hand against a board popped up with cheats she made and stole. Scrolling down the list she tapped on the one max amo. She then took the nuke that would burn the suckers alive. After that she scrolled down to the guns. She got a scarl and a commando. She had wrapped the commando around her back then the scarl around her waist. She took the ak-47 in hand and cocked it back. She looked toward Nikolai.

Would it be best to leave him. She worked better alone. She could get serious. She sighed as she walked over to him. " you ..want to pair up." Her voice was low. A little shy of asking him.
"I do not think we have another choice, right? Heh. Don't worry. We do not need the German or the angry girl. I've got this covered." He pointed to himself with his thumb, a cocky smile planted on his face. "We will keep going forward, yes?"

Ridiculous as this was, it was also her best move of the day. They were only holding her back, not watching her back.

Of course, she wasn't stupid. Andy was fully aware that she was being followed. It was simple logic. But for now, the girl would simply ignore that factor and “play along”. She had already passed through another door, and was now nearing the next which would lead back to the staircases.

This situation was growing dire. They were missing two people. Nobody was seeing things straight. The rounds were going up and up. Honestly, Andy couldn’t blame the others for reacting towards this the way that they did and still do. In fact, she is surprised that they are taking it so well. Yet they clearly don’t understand that this is no longer just any game, this is life and death, and until they realize that there is no room for mistakes, EVERYBODY’s lives are in serious danger. They couldn’t get caught up in romancing or petty arguments, it was absurd, it was f*cking annoying, it was a real shit load.

Andy came to the next door, pushing it open with the tip of her gun.


She proceeded, turning it to every corner as to be ready to shoot the moment she saw something in any way or form suspicious. For a second, Andy stopped, thinking that she heard the distant moans of some undead soldiers. No, nothing. Continuing forward, she found herself going down a familiar hallway.

Ah, she was almost to the door that would lead to the dressing room. From there on out, it would be smooth sailing.

She nodded her head yes as she held up the gun. Walking out of the curtains and in to the small skinny room that led down the stairs and toward the opening. This was a blind spot so no zombies would enter there unless they were all horded behind the door that was around the corner. She head the gun pointed up and toward the door as she watched he sides. She took a deep breath as she stopped in front and closed her eyes. With much force she kicked open the door making it slam against the wall. The Zombies came running and she began to let fire spray. Each Zombie going down one by one.

Edward followed putting his gun on his back. He took a drag and got out his pistol. One came from his right and another from above. He shot three up top then four to the side. Both falling the one from the roof making a loud thud. He smiled as he looked around with glee. "Is that all."
Andy stopped in her tracks, only turning her head to the side so her eyes followed the sounds.

"Of course it's not all. And what the hell do you think you're doing, following me like that? Unless you plan on shooting me in the back get the f*ck up here, you asshole, and fight next to me like an actual man."

She faced ahead, met by the slow shuffling of zombies, their yellow eyes vibrant and intense, yet somehow dead inside.

Who could expect anything less?

Andy raised her Ak-47u, shifting her feet as to take on a more assertive and strong stance to withhold the kick. The heinous smell of rotting flesh dominated her nostrils, much to her immediate distaste, but the sudden whiff of gun-powder and fire was enough to make her smile.

The girl shot the head of the nearest zombie, putting a couple bullets straight into its open and drooling mouth.

"Next time, I'll be sure to stick some lead into that damned swastika."

Gritting her teeth, Andy's smile did not falter as she set off the next walker, watching with amusement as it dropped beside the crumpled body of its fellow. The others began picking up the pace, their hungry cries of anguish echoing within her ears, like screams from the pits of hell itself. She took a sliding step forward, not hesitating in the next shots.

Down, one by one, the average group fell in their running stances. Andy found that she had actually missed a couple of bullets, averting from their targets, which only drew closer.

"Grrr." The female growled in anger, firing off another round.

Andy smirked, pulling back the gun as she looked ahead.

Finally, the path was clear.

Not bothering to wait for the Doctor to catch up, she starting walking over the fallen soldiers, unable to ignore to squishing feeling as she stepped on spilled guts and rotten blood. She must be covered in it by now, the blood that is. It was already coating her boots in thick layers of this gushing fluid. Andy shook her head, keeping her sights on the door ahead as it drew closer.

A smile grew onto her face as her hand reached for the cracked knob.....

And then out of nowhere, she felt a shot of agony explode into the back of her heel.


Andy shouted in both surprise and pain, attempting to spin around as to face its source.

It was a shit-sack of a Nazi, missing both legs, its fingers sinking deep into the flesh of her leg. Shuddering from loss of stability, the hell spawn pulling its yellow jaws closer and closer to her now exposed limb. She tried pulling back but found the creature being to strong. "Son of a b!tch!" Andy lifted her other leg and instinctively slammed the boot onto the thin skull of her enemy. It splattered like jello beneath her foot. Using the very same leg she now kicked the corpse aside, grumbling a wide variety of colorful curses as she continued to the door, sporting a slight limb with her injury. Andy raised her gun, pushing the door open with its front as she had done with the last, still wearing her smile.

He nodded back as she held up her gun. In return, Nikolai sported his. He walked out of the curtains and in to the average, slender space that would lead down to the stairs and the nearing entrance. He kept his weapon aimed in sync with Athena's, toward the door as she watched he sides. He grinned, watching her forcefully kick the door open. The Zombies came running and she began to let fire spray. Each Zombie going down one by one. Nikolai joined within the fire, letting out a couple "wooping sounds" as he watched them fall, their screams of terror following.
" see now wouldn't it be better if I was back her to watch your back. " He aimed his gun behind him toward one that was crawling. Laughing a little as he turned to look toward Andy. " this is what you be when your rush ahead. Not paying attention to all four size. He had already took one but step and a few small ones to get behind her. Spot one is your lovely little racks you have. He whispered in her ear as he shot one that was coming for them. " two is your tight rear end, three is your lower area and four is your cute little face." He chuckled as he blew in to her ear before backing away. " mmm. How lovely."

Athena had walked out into he dirt ground. Shooting one one by one. She smirked a little when she kept killing them. Her body heating up against due to he force of her weapons. They feel so good against her small body.

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