COD: Black Ops Zombies!

Athena was having a hard time with this. When the chime rang and the second wave was approaching she yells down to Andy.


She points toward Nikolai with more of a stressed face.

" you stay here."

She had walked down the stairs and toward the back of the main room. Grabbing the doctor she flung him out of his spot and took his.

" we're switching "

The doctor groaned as he left walking up the stairs toward the drunkan bastard. He had his gun up and ready to fire as he took the place of the girl but leaning against the wall.

" look what ya did now I can resume my test on the little miss down there."
Alex heard the ding which signaled the second round and smiled, still holding her knife to use. She also heard one of the girls yell out and shook her head, glad that the drunken bastard and the doctor will be teamed with each other for some time. Two zombies approached her window and she took them both out silently, satisfied with the small thump they made when the landed on the ground.
"But....But, wait, don't...."

Athena as gone.

"Go." Nikolai cursed turning to Richtofen. "I'll need more alcohol then usual."

"Thank God.

Thank God.



She shook her head. "Athena, I have gotten groped, harassed, assaulted, cornered, and hit on by a fictional German from a video game I have supposedly gotten trapped inside of which involves me killing hordes upon hordes of walkers." She raised her eyebrow.

"Best. Day. Ever"

She leaned into the barrier, hitting a zombie with the back of her Ak. She stabbed it's chest, then sheathed her weaponry once more. Andy picked up a hammer.

"I guess....I should rebuild?
"Sure go ahead I'll watch you."

She sighed as she leaned up against the wall. She put her hand around her waist then toward her head.

"Fictional character my ass being next to that hot piece of Russian I would mind yelping like dog for him. I need to keep a cool head though. If I don't ill loose myself. "

She snorted as she looked away toward the upstairs.

"God what I would do to get in to that.

Edward snorted as she shot one that was running up the stairs. He looked toward Nikolai as he smirked.

"You got to be smooth, but rough at the same time. About a few minutes ago I pinned little miss down against the wall....she couldn't do a thing. Cute she was, what you need to do man if find the personality. I can read little miss like a book. She is tempting in so many ways.
"Thanks a bunch."

Andy picked up the first fallen board, careful not to touch any of the rusty nails holding it together. She placed it on the others, aiming the hammer carefully. The girl laughed.

"Pllleaaasee. Just give that arse some vodka and he'll be the one yelping like a dog for you."

She hit the nails, one by one, slamming them into place.

"It still hasn't really hit home for me, the fact that a few hours ago I was PLAYING as these douches, and now I'm actually COMMUNICATING with them."

Several zombies were walking up from behind the barrier. Andy raised her Ak-47.





She blew a strand of hair from over her eyes. It was easy now, but pretty damn soon....things would get dirty.

What made matters worse was the fact that her pain was returning. Andy shook her head, grabbing onto the frame of the window to release the agony in a fierce grasp.

She gave a confident smirk to Athena. "We're currently living the dream of nearly every gamer in the universe."

"Pfft. You're in over your head, Edward. Remember, first comes liquor, then comes power, then comes woman.You'll only scare off the females. Be like me.....smooth."
Alex continued to stab the rest of the zombies that came to her window before going to the middle of the room after making sure her window was secure. She wondered if other players saw them or if anyone got sucked up in the actual game but got put inside a different map. She shook her head and looked around after making sure Takeo had his window protected.

"Anybody have a suggestion on what round we should open a door?"

She called out while heading back to her window.
Athena snorted little as she nudged her arm.

"Got any on ya."

She picked up her Ak and shot three at the barbed wires. She shot two by the other entrance. It was the third round and this was going to get crazy.

"Follow me."

Athena wrapped the gun around her and two stepped up the stairs . She yelled at the girl who she really didn't ketch her name and Taeko. She looked toward Edward and Nikolai and motioned them forward. She stood by the door with her gun behind her. The chime that was ending for round two was over and the chime for round three began. She took this time to tell them in detail what was going to happen and how they were going to do it.

"Ok round three we open the door. Last time I remember their going to flank up from both side . There are stairs once you pass the second floor, that's where they'll be coming from the most. We need to go down there to turn back on the power. And once we do that's when all shit is gonna let loose. Main objective is to get out side and head toward the other building. Andy and Edward, your going to need to turn on the power, you'll be going ahead of us. You girl and Taeko ..yes will be watching the back side of them. Me and Nikolai."

Her voice cracked when she said his name as she looked back.

"Well be in the middle shooting them from above and below the stairs when they get through. if you understand this then node your head."

The doctor clapped as he nodded his head.

"Very well done little miss"
(I just noticed that all of our names start with an A)

Alex nodded her head and puts away her knife while loading up her Ak-47 so she could use it.

"Sounds good and I'm Alex if you didn't hear me before."

Takeo finishes off his zombies and he hears the third round signal chime so he meets up with the others and nods his head at the plan.
Andy followed Athena, quickly going up with ease. The third round, also known as the round when the gates of hell opened and shit REALLY began to get intense.

With each step she took, the girl found herself having to shoot another undead soldier.

"Yeah, yeah yeah." She reloaded. "I got it. Been through this a million times, ya know."

She looked Richtofen up and down. "Don't call me, or anybody for that matter, "little miss". I don't do nicknames, and I'm pretty damned sure Athena would appreciate your silence. Understood? Yes? Great." Andy gave a sarcastic salute to the others. "I'll take point."

Sporting a knife in one hand and her Ak-47 in the other, she started walking ahead.

"Let's go!" Andy called back, her voice a mixture of agitation and anticipation. The pain was fading, but she knew it would be back.

All the girl could do was hope it did not arrive at an....inconvenient time.

Nikolai nodded. "Yes, whatever. I think we can handle this." He looked to Athena. She was here before.

This wasn't right. He must confront her about these abnormalities. But, only when they were alone.

He didn't trust that Takeo hearing in.
The doors were opened and Athena picked up her weapon. The doctor rushed passed her giving her a fake salute as he took the lead with Andy. In all seriousness, he wasn't able to crack jokes or talk about his lab test. He was serious. His hat was down and his gun positioned to where he could shoot at anything if he just turned his body about. The stairs was their destination. It was quiet, but you could hear some sliding feet against the cold ground below them. Athena entered after Edward, her gun held up toward the ceiling of the building. Just like always there was that hole .

They always came down that way. Don't know how really didn't care. She pointed her gun toward the side of her then toward her right. She had a crouch to her to make sure she could move from any surprised. She happened to glance back at Nikolai. The forward again.

"If only I had Vodka"
Alex followed after them and Takeo last, aiming her gun in front of her for a second before looking back making sure she could shoot anything that got near.

Takeo adjusted his uniform before pointing his gun forward, ready for anything that would appear. He was confused on how these girls knew who they were and how they knew this area so well but he wouldn't question it much because he would get distracted and that would never be good.
Slowly Trevor's eyes began to open as he was laying on a floor, he thought maybe after smoking all that he had passed out and fell in the floor. As he stood up he stretched with his his eyes beginning to open fully… he looked around the room dumbfounded,

"Where the fu-" Trevor said before seeing the Speed Cola machine, strangely the only thing he could think of was the fact that he had a glitch and spawned in the foyer, not even realizing the full extent of his situation. "FUCK YEAH!!!" Trevor shouted as he celebrated the glitch. His celebration however was short lived as a cold steel barrel rested on the back of his head.

"Where the fuck is my team!?" The familiar voice questioned, Trevor began to panic remembering times in his neighborhood where people pulled guns on him. He threw his hands up shaking.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?" Trevor said nervously, hoping his life wouldn't end in this fucked up place. A big bloody red one appeared and the gun was pulled from the back of his head, he turned quickly and realized what was happening.

"Can you shoot?" Tank Dempsey asked… TANK FREAKING DEMPSEY!

"I'm better than nothing!" Trevor replied, Dempsey shrugged his shoulders and handed him a M1911 before pulling an MP40 next to the window. Trevor looked at the gun in his hand, he had shot guns before but he had never thought this would happened… he always thought fighting zombies would be cool but never really wanted it to happen. He then noticed a knife on his belt and that he was dressed in an old U.S. Army uniform. That's when he noticed it… a freaking undead nazi tearing at the windows, Dempsey's MP40 began ringing out shots from upstairs. Trevor drew his knife and stuck into the nazi's head, killing him instantly. More of them began to appear, Trevor lifted the pistol and fired missing completely the first time, he steadied himself and shot the zombie in the eye. One after another he landed head shots… BOOM! But this was only the first round… this would get terrifying before long.

The round ended and Dempsey leaned over the railing from upstairs,

"Grab that MP40 off the wall! Your not bad at killing bone junkies!" He yelled. Trevor ran to the wall and pryed the MP40 off. Shortly after round 2 started, and the deadheads began hunting. This time they broke through the barricades and pushed Dempsey down to where Trevor had his pistol out conserving his MP40 ammo. In the brief pauses Trevor received he thought about he played the game, fuck the windows repairing them is just a waste of time… its time to go hard or… can he die? The reality of this was setting in… eventually everybody dies on Zombies! Round 2 ended allowing a quick break for the two tired men. "So are you with the Army or just trapped in this Zombitch hole like me?" Dempsey asked, he even said the shit from the games… at least Trevor would laugh before he dies.

"Man… I don't know what the fuck is going on… I just know we better find Nikolai and the others." Trevor said remembering if they were there then the rest of the gang would be here somewhere… likely in the lobby. Dempsey looked at him strangely,

"How do you know about them?" Dempsey said slowly tightening his grip. Trevor sighed,

"You don't have to believe me but… I've been controlling you from another dimension in something we call video games…" Trevor explained before gulping. Dempsey looked at him oddly but then relaxed,

"Fuck it, I've heard Richtofen say even stranger shit!" Dempsey chuckled before another noise signaled the start of round three… where the hell were the others?
Andy frowned.

This was f*cking it.

She kept her Ak locked firmly under her arm, cradling it in the matter required for extensive shots. The girl expected to bust some heads, and to do it soon. "Finally, the real fun is starting. I don't know about you guys, but I'm in the mood to send these f*cking meat sacks back to hell." Round three is bigger and better, as things would only continue to be.

They had accessed by opening the upstairs door of the lobby. It contains four barriers (only two cannot be boarded), a PM63, pictures of the group (along with the Mystery Man) and an Electro Shock-Defense. Andy knew it is not advised to stay here for very long. There is the Perk-a-Cola Mule Kick seen in the corner just before the stairs that lead to the Lounge. Because of recent updates now include this Perk-a-Cola, which allows you to have a third weapon, so the girl assumed this to be true here as well. She also knew that all five pictures are interactable.....but even without the time or intent to explore that more.....she couldn't help but have the sinking feeling that she was being watched. Andy immediately jogged ahead to the chalk outline of the PM63. But unlike what she did with the Ak, the girl found herself holding her pistol opposed to using just her empty hand. She placed the gun in the outline and coolly observed the bright flash of light that followed.

Then, in the place of her handgun, was her desired weaponry.

"Hell yeah! You f*ckers good to go?" She shouted back, slinging her gun over her shoulder. "It's time to pump lead into some new and improved bastards! Haha!"

She knew that the next "room", it's actually an alley, is very tight and can be difficult to maneuver around, but it can be easy to defend. She recommends to go by the side closest to the Back Room during a Hellhound round. Double Tap Root Beer is located on the end closest to the starting area and it's right by a Zombie spawn point. An Ak-47u is also located in the area. She had to note that Zombies will, more often than not, jump down from the roof of the building. At the end of the alley is a maintenance room then a narrow passage way to the Stage.

But this wasn't what was troubling her.

Nor was it the upcoming dogs which they all expected at some point.

There had been four people in the Xbox Live party. That's her for Nikolai (but somehow now the Doctor, uh...), Athena, Originally Richtofen (but now with her dreamboat Nikolai.), and that poor soul Alex whose stuck with Takeo.

That leaves Dempsey and the asshole who popped up here with him.

Where the f*cking hell are they?

Nikolai snorted once more. "I guess we have more in common, eh? I would kill for some vodka!!

Well, as I am going to do now, right? Heh."

He kept closely by her back, literally back to back, walking in sink with her. His gun pointed up towards the hole as well, yet again fiercely planted into a shooting position.

"It is okay, Athena, you are covered for now."

(For some reason, at some point in the game I can picture Andy and Dempsey getting into a total pissing match.

Dear God, not the real kind, the metaphorical kind! Keep that in mind....sheesh)
She had followed right after the doctor. Following them her steps in sync with Nikolai's. They were coming up on the next gun and she had already had her hack for this game. All she needed to do was pick which gun. Of course she only had four and she was going to use up her second one. She had looked back toward Nikolai with a frown but made sure for him not to see. You can't falter while in a mission. She flung her gun on her back when the smoke signling the hounds were coming in passed over her feet. She had already switched guns to a more ....heavy piece of work. Taking what Nikolai saying about handling bigger things. Shit why not start now, he could always help her like he did before. She had a more cunning smirk on her as she lifted the gun from the outlined wall.

Stepping back a little since the equipment was heavy enough for her to. It was the big brother of the light machine gun. It wasn't light though, that what was so deceiving about it. The HMG. She had to hold it under her arm and have some support using her back leaning a little. Her fingers wrapped around the trigger as she let out a huff. It was huge but she didn't want to trade it in, not if she could help. Hopefully Nikolai would see this , and aid her. The machine though she could handle it a little but why not let him do the work.

"I got mine"

The doctor looked back and did a tsk sound. He ran to the wall and touched the outlined. Buying his new gun, the Scarl. This mug was locked and loaded. Ready to bash the heads of the hounds who would appear at least in three minutes maybe four. He went and grabbed a derp cola. After than he ran in to a single room and jumped on top of the desk. He then turned and jumped off that on to a cabinet. Height was the best way to kill them off. He pointed his gun down toward the floor and smirked.

"In here little miss, locked and Read...let them SONS OF BITCHES COME"
Alex saw the smoke appear beneath her feet and smiled as she knew that the dogs were coming. She always thought it was a slight shame on how they became zombie-like but you couldn't change what happened. She got out her Ak-47 and crouched down on top of a desk next to Takeo, aiming her gun at the door as she heard the familiar howl of the incoming hounds.
She looked up towards him, momentarily sporting an annoyed look. He was right. Too start off, she would begin at higher grounds, then gradually get lower and lower to clear a pathway.

The female walked over to the desk, pulling herself up with ease. Her boots made a "thump” sound against the structure. She didn’t want to go on the cabinet unless she had to, there was less room there. So for now, Andy would make do with this wooden device.

“Yeah, well by the looks of it, actual sons of b*tches will be here any second now. Make sure you don’t trip on your pantyhose, Richtofen. The last thing I need to do is save your ass when I should be covering my own.”

The smoke provided and eerie and haunting look as it curled and swirled through the air. Soon enough, the streaks of lightning which released their canine opponents would be striking the fog-like mists.

Nikolai grunted. “Can you handle that? I know we talked about big things, but you are not very big yourself.” He raised an eyebrow, pushing up the now-tilting barrel. “You must support gun with legs. Stand like you are fighting with fists, yet instead with weapon.” He lightly pushed the small of her back with the hilt of his gun. “Roll shoulders, straighten neck, keep pressure on knees. Only time you change stance that is when running.” Turning his attention back to the hole, he smirked. “You’ll be fine.” Nikolai gave her butt a pat before returning that hand to his gun. “Remember, don’t lose sights.” The smoke was growing even thicker around them.

Time for Hellhounds.

The electric weave-lengths exploded within the air as Andy had seen them do countless times before. But now she actually felt the seering heat they provided, and the static-like sensation which was forced into her body.

Soon after, as expected, streaks of fire followed the lightning. The scent of burning, rotting fur was as thick in the area as the smoke itself. Then the vicious beast leaped forward, shooting out of this bright portal. A mournful and hungry howl escaped its jagged lips, teeth long and yellow, claws slashing forward with the speed and sharpness of talons. Flames curled around the wolf-like creature, licking its entire body in their unnatural heat. Without hesitation, Andy shot it once.

“Who let the dogs out?”

She shot it again.

“Bam.” And again. “Bam.” Then again. “Bam”, the bullets forming the beat of the tune. With one final blow, the creature imploded in a fury of flesh and blood, not even yet reaching the table on which she stood.

“Ha! I may not have baked bones, but Satan’s lapdogs are in for a special treat!”

(((I was thinking that at round ten, everything goes at a standstill and the gamers/characters/whoever are provided with a break. Just for interactive purposes, ya know?)))
(lol sounds good.)

Athena nodded her head, the but tap was nothing special , she got that a lot at boot camp. She decided to do something her major taught her. She spotted a corner and ran, sliding in to it. Her back slammed against the wall as she slammed the mags of the gun down on the floor. She had spread her legs evenly apart so the gun would be in the middle. Her finger was still wrapped around the trigger, It was comfortable then standing, but she was a little worried on the kick this gun had. The first one came from the upstairs and started to run toward her. She smirked as she pulled the trigger letting loose on the mangy mutt. The kick was stronger than she thought. The mutt died with in four bullets , but the back of the gun banged against her which made her back come up and hit back down against the wall.

She remembered that one little joke her major made. Act as if your making love with it, and the kick shouldn't be as powerful. She inhaled as the next two came running at her. She squeezed the trigger the gun banging back against her again. She bit her lip as she fire more off toward the next three. Her eyes lowered as she started to blush. The gun was amazing. Minus the kick it was giving her , this gun was a true alpha. More waves came in as she smiled more , firing and killing them off, one by one.

Edward was so mean to not do a thing. They were in the same room and she was handling things. He fired off a shot toward one that had made its way passed her. He sat his feet dangling from over the cabinet.

"My panties...girly I were nothing under these pants."

He pointed toward his gems as he gave a wicked smirk. He looked away licking his lips as he started talking to himself.

"Mmmmm my knife against your other miss...wont that be a treat."
“Nothing, you say? Well, that explains a lot. You’d need to have balls to use underwear.

And you, Doctor, you still need to grow a f*cking pair.”

She grit her teeth, firing another set of shots. The kick of the gun wasn’t too bad, but it did give a slight rattle to her teeth. The terrible smell of fire and smoke only worsened, but that was the least of her worries as dogs clawed and snapped to the front of the desk. But one by one, they all imploded.

“The last thing you need is a treat, Rikky. Good luck with that, seeing as it’ll never happen.”

She gave a small grunt as she shot off a round towards a particularly large hound.


Andy chucked a grenade towards a dog running through the hall towards Athena and Nikolai. Hearing a satisfying explosion, she grinned.


The girl let loose a triumphant laugh. This was even better then she had previously imagined. It was heavenly.

Nikolai chuckled. "Ha! Very, very good. You're skill with the bigger guns will come in handy." He laughed at his own joke, firing off the monster pups as they came, enjoying the familiar scent of their annihilation. "I wish I had tied a steak onto that Japanese bastard......" he grumbled under his breath, watching as a random grenade hit off the shot he was about to take. "F*ck, that was mine." Nikolair caught a glance at the female Athena. He was genuinely surprised at her ability with aim, especially being so young, and a girl, and with that damned big gun.
The doctor smirked as he put his gun down and stood up on the cabinet. He took of his hat and dropped it by his feet. He un buttoned his top shirt , sliding off the belt with it. He had a smirk across his face as he ran his finger through his hair. He took of his under shirt and balled it up in a ball. His body was toned and the muscles and abs were refined. He had stayed like that as he looked down at the girl

"Schau mal hier etwas vermissen, ich bin ganz oben und für Sie bereit schlanken Körper. Um es mit meinem Messer zu testen, zu stoßen und Punktion. Ich möchte eure Schreie hören, wenn Sie schreien." (Look here little miss, i am all up and ready for you slender body. To test it with my knife, to poke and puncture. I want to hear your cries when you scream out. )

He grabbed his gun and pointed down the sights. He licked his lip before firing off the hounds before they entered the rook. Weather your big or small, skilled or not. Edward had always good aim, and better firing than anyone.

Athena's suit was tight which made the kick of the gun hit her more. It was a thin layer but she didn't mind. Her chest however kept getting hit. It hurt but she would manage. The hounds kept coming , four minutes until the round was over. She leaned against the all more, her body falling down to the floor. The gun kept firing as the hounds didn't even make it pass the second door.

"One , two , three...come on give me a challenge."

Her voice had changed. More seductive and low. She continuely licked her lip when she shot one down and saw one coming.
((Am I the only one who just.....fell out....of my chair?

Great. So, we have a naked German who can't keep his pants on and his knife sheathed.

THEN we have a horny chick who is strangely attracted to a Russian soldier who would probably end up killing her after intercourse.

This is.....lovely.

Now, if you all will excuse me, I am going to crawl into a hole and think about my life.

I'll be back in a couple minutes will a reply, as right now I'm at a loss for words)) 
Andy was far to focused on shooting the hounds to notice his.....activities.

But when she heard him suddenly start speaking German. The girl swung around, obviously angry.

"What the Hell could you possibly wan--"

Her eyes widened in surprise. Was he....did he.....his shirt was off?

Andy blushed furiously, and as soon as she realized this, turned back to face her opponents.

Her cheeks were only red because of the temperature. Well, that's what she told herself, anyhow.

The female felt a bead of sweat trickle down her forehead.

Damn, it really was getting hot in here. Between the constant gun shots, the flaming dogs, and the smoke, it was nearly unbearable.

"Um...get your f*cking shirt back on, you German ninny! I have no idea what you said, but it obviously wasn't anything good. So just shut your damned mouth and pop some more skulls, will you?" She growled between shots, spinning around to fire a particular bullet mere centimeters from his face.

Just an attention grabber.

Then hearing everybody's worst nightmare, the clicking of her gun, she cursed and grabbed ammunition from her belt, spinning on her heels to keep an eye on the entrance WHILE grasping for the metal holder.

She was on her last clip. Wonderful. Throwing aside the empty container and attaching the new one, she squatted down and waited for more to come, unable to get that other....image....out of her head.


Nikolai leaned to the side, catching a view of her.

Man, he hadn't seen a woman for god knows how long.

This good view was a nice change.

"Heh, you keep this up, you'll be getting a challenge, girly."

But he let out a slight "gah" when a dog crept up from behind, viciously biting at his heels. He turned around, shooting the monstrosity in the head over and over and over and over again. Nikolai exhaled heavily, facing his "partner" again.

In the corner of his mind, he did wonder where the others were and what they were up to, but he did not pay this much attention.

Nikolai found his gun empty.

"Great. No ammunition. This must be my lucky day."

He reverted to his other gun, the Ak-47u.

The man muttered a "selectively perverted" phrase in Russian, waiting for more dogs to come. Was it the end of what the woman called "rounds"?
Four more dogs came their way. The gun finally ran out of ammunition. She threw the gun toward the dogs knocking them over. Pulling out the ak-47 she popped then in the head. The round was over , the stinch of the dogs lingering across the room. She had walked over to Nikolai , bending down . She had gotten on her knees and leaned in close to Nikolai. Her knee was close to his leg while her chest were in plain sight for him to see. She put her hand on the wall to give her support as she leaned over him to check his leg. Her cold hands brushed passed the bite marks, to sooth the pain.

Good thing hound marks did nothing , unlike dying from a zombie. She leaned back to where she was face to face with him. She narrowed her eyes as she wiped the sweat from his forehead. Her hand moving on it's own as it ran through his hair.

"Are you ok"

Edward pop them not giving a care to the warning shot. The smoke started to lower as the chime for the round started. He hopped off taking his hat but leaving his shirts. He walked over to the little miss and gave her a smirk. He was much taller and his body was dripping with sweat. His battle scar on his lower side plain as day. You could see the little part of the v below .

"You should hurry and re fill your amo ...I don't need you dying out there."
“No f*cking shit, Sherlock.” Andy clipped it in with a slight grunt. “And what would it be to you if I died? We just met, so ya hardly know me.”

She looked him over, shaking her head as she stood up straight and hopped from the table, landing swiftly on the ground. The girl stared up, her eyes connecting with his. “We have to get the power on, but our first priority is to survive. We can’t do that unless you at least pretend to have your head screwed on right, Doc.” She poked his chest with the butt of her gun. “As long as you keep your pants on, now that I think about it.”

Nikolai was seriously surprised, but thankfully too drunk to really do anything about that.

At least he got an even better view…..down her shirt.

If he didn’t know better, he’d say that Athena was flirting.

“I am better then okay, actually. In fact, if I had some vodka, I’d be perfect.” Nikolai winked.

“Um. Oh. Thank you.” Her touch was like a cool compress, nice on the injury, however small it was. His attention had been grabbed by the sudden chiming, but frankly he couldn’t care less.

A hot chick.

Zombies to kill.

The only thing really missing was alcohol.
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Edward nodded his head as he reloaded his amo. He looked at her with curious eyes before whistling a tune. He stopped as he lifted up his hat and looked at her.

"So when we get this so called break , you'll let this little mad dog go loose."

This wasn't really a question. He would do it anyways. When she poked his chest he made his chest move. With a slight smirk loving the reaction. He like his gals feisty , rude and foul mouthed. He loved how they can get serious much like he can. Sure she was a little up tight but he knew when was finished with her she would be looser and taste much better.

Athena coughed standing up. She looked away realizing she let her wall down to easily. Even If it was her dream man, that meant nothing on the battle field. She held out her hand to help him up, if he wanted to take it. She looked away avoiding eye contact as best as she could. She was cursing in her head. Honestly was there even a vodka machine, he was such a drunkard. She sighed as she put her other hand on her hip.

"Come on"
"No. In fact, I'll tighten up the leash." She flashed a humored smile. "And if we have time.....add a muzzle."

Andy liked messing at him. She seriously wondered when she would find the right emotional/mental nerve and make him go over the top.

That would be perfect.To see him actually get angry instead of enjoying her verbal blows. Blagh, that damned German was taking all the fun out of being rude.

Curse him to the pits.

Nikolai's gloved hand grasped hers, but he basically pulled himself up.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. What is the rush?"

Her sudden change of attitude was interesting. What had he said? Ahh, well, she'll come back around.....right? Right.

The soldier released her fingers, returning them to their position at his gun.

"Where do you plan on going now?"
Edward knew what she was playing at. He would have gotten upset maybe just a little. He grabbed the top of her head and leaned her in. He had bent town his eyes close to her. With a playful smirk he kissed her right smack dab on her lips. He pushed her off now running out of the room and down the hall. He was going to get hit so before that ever happened he would run. He came to a stop when he aw Nikolai. He quickly walked over and wrapped his arms around him.

"Ill give you three bottle of the finest Vodka if and only if you block me from Andy."

Athena looked toward the doctor and grew a slight glare. she saw him with out a shirt. Granted Edward was her second favorite but seeing a man like that with out a shirt. Her eyes went wide as she looked away covering her mouth. Her face flushed red as she walked back over to the corner. Whispering under her breath

"Cure these men with perfect bodies and arousing accents....why god do you torture me so."

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