COD: Black Ops Zombies!!! (need one more person)

Doctor Disharmony

Senior Member
Basically, we, as awesome dorks, get sucked into the game itself.

You fight alongside the character you had started off as, and we have to battle our way through the rounds.

Nearly everything is the same. You find weapons on the wall, you can hit the box, turn on the power, so on so forth.

Now we just need somebody to play as Takeo, and we're all set.

Character sheets:(These are for your Original Character. You are playing them AS WELL AS a character from the game)



Picture (in the game):


Basic Personality:

Game Character You Chose: 
Name: Andy Sullivan

Age: 16

Picture (in the game):

Gender: Female

Basic Personality: Competitive, driven, sporty, anti-social, a tom-boy. She specializes in tactical strategy, which is exactly why she is so valuble in the game. She can make the most amazing shots due to her precision, and loves nothing more then to kill the undead (well, to kill anything, really). there isn't anything more funny to Andy then seeing one of those maggot-sacks get their brains blown out. She's reckless and compulsive, always getting into trouble (and loving it). But she is also very harsh and mean at times, especially under pressure. Her ego is a bit bigger then it should be, though this gal couldn't care less about that. She is very proud and sees failure as worse the death. Be prepared to hear a potty mouth that would send a sailor running for its metaphor, because she curses more then a witch at the stake. She hates having to follow others, and usually takes the lonesome route (going into battle alone). She always had a weird fan-crush on Richtofen, which is why she constantly chooses him when playing (she finds that they have certain....similarities, though she is honestly more rough and tough like good ole Dempsey). Don't think that because of her gruff personality that she isn't as smart as they come, because lemme tell you, her knowledge on technology and strategy will definitely save your ass in this situation. She sees this as a bigger battle that she finally gets to actual take part in, and is already prepared to head on straight into the hordes to blast some suckers.

Game Character You Chose: Dat drunken, Russian wife-killer Nikolai
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Name: Athena Macintosh

Age: 16

Picture (in the game):

Gender: Female

Basic Personality: She is more of the competitive silent type. To kill you must be quiet, its sufficient and an easy take down that way. Most of her time she is quiet, always expecting the worst. Always on her toes no matter if the situation has calmed down quiet a bit or there still stuck in code red. When she herself thinks the code is clear she brings out her more sociable side. Smiling and playing with peoples hair. She latches on to them when she feels the needs its necessary, usually when she's down or her comrade is down. She will follow orders but to her they must be given with a dominate town that over powers her. She must see you as the alpha to even think of you as her leader. She has no hesitation in her, and is no afraid to kill her own if they ever turn or if they get bitten. If her self is bitten she would take her own life.

Game Character You Chose: Edward Richtofen
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lol oh that was a given I have already marked my territory which is your girl up there ehehehehhe 
-drools- mmmmm
sweety when it comes down to a black female gamer who has 2 ps3 and will be pissed if her father does not pre order the ps4.....I am the gamers who are fearless and badass - throws a frag grenade - COME ON MEN HURRY IT UP WITH THE POST I WANT TO GET THIS MASSACARE STARTED
Name: Trevor Morrow

Age: 19

Picture (in the game):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1372646318.640529.jpg.f5884e68c76827575e0067a55c9e2893.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2333" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1372646318.640529.jpg.f5884e68c76827575e0067a55c9e2893.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: Male

Basic Personality: video games have always been an escape for him, having lived in a rundown neighborhood since he was born. The thugs and punks of his neighborhood have made him untrusting of new or unknown people, and being chased by them has made him quick and agile. When asked what his plans are for life he simply responds "I don't know…", and gets back to that epic gaming session he had paused.

Game Character You Chose: Tank Dempsey



  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk1372646318.640529.jpg
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Here is the thread, guys, see ya there!

I think what we should do is see if anybody wants Takeo later.

Until then, instead of wasting time playing him, we'll just take somebody else in after a few rounds.

How does that sound? 
Oh, and also, before the walkers come, our characters will have about 5-8 minutes. I thought that would be best to set a state of interaction and lift a bit of confusion.
Name: Alex Jones

Age: 16

Picture (in the game):

Gender: Female

Basic Personality: Alex isn't very social but loves to add those sarcastic or witty comments when she feels it's necessary. She has always been just a little bit competitive but is a major tom-boy so she loves any games that involve shooting. She, no matter what, is always on the edge because she knows that you have to always expect the worst or it will catch you off guard if you don't. Alex has been raised to use a gun so she knows how to handle those quite well and she is also really good when it comes to stealth because she is naturally quiet and her small size helps with that.

Game Character You Chose: Takeo Masaki
You guys keep making me laugh. Seriously, I find this to be one of the funniest threads I've ever joined so far.

What's really ironic is the fact that the guys haven't seen woman in a while, so I can only imagine what's going on in their heads.

Dang, I would love to join this and Play as Weasel (Albert Arlington).

Come flying in on a plane from Alcatraz with the afterlife ability. That would be sick.

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