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Realistic or Modern Coast Waters High School | High School Roleplay | Accepting Applications!


Ah, junior year.

You're not too young to be the newbies, but not too old to be top dogs. Just in the middle, but a little above it, I suppose.

Anyway, as a new student you have a lot of introducing to do. You don't know anyone here, which is a bit concerning(optional: but good because they don't know your past). You'll do fine, though.

Especially with the Homecoming games and dance coming up soon, you'll really have to figure this out of you'll be screwed.


-Name must be first and last, middle is optional

-It's junior year, so ages must be 16-17

-Please be detailed when describing your character in the form

-In the character form: Red means it's required, black is optional

-Please fill out the character form below and wait for approval before beginning roleplaying :)

-One character per person

-There will be a character limit, so please do not apply once that limit is reached

-Please do not argue with people outside of the roleplay, if you have matters to solve, take it elsewhere
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Hayley Eastwood yawned loudly, sitting up on her bed. Hayley wasn't much of a morning person but she had to go to school so she had no other choice. She got out of her bed, making her way to her wardrobe as she picked out her clothes for the day. ''Perfect'' She said, smiling softly as she ran her hands down the material. She changed into her outfit before staring at herself in the mirror.

She grabbed her bag and made her way down the stairs. ''Hayley, darling!'' Her mother cooed as she made herself breakfast. ''How about a small bowl of fruit for breakfast?'' She asked her. Hayley looked down at the little bowl of fruit she had prepared. ''You know, prom is coming up at the end of the year. Gotta keep that fi-'' She began.

Hayley rolled her eyes again. 'Not this again' She thought to herself. ''Shut up!'' She snapped. ''I'm skipping breakfast'' She said bitterly, not wanting to listen to her anymore. She shook her head as She left the house before her mother could say anything. Getting into her car and making her way to school.

She parked her car in her usual spot in the parking lot. Smiling to herself as she did so. ''Another day of hell'' She muttered, looking at herself in the rear view mirror. She stepped out of the car, taking her bag with her as she entered in the school.


Alie yawned and streched out of her hanging bed, sighing as she did. New day, new school year, which also means new outfits! She walked over to her closet, after managing to get out of bed for once and glazed over her outfits. She picked out her red flannel and white shirt dress, with some boots and a flower crown. She squealed and clapped happily, before rushing of to shower and getting herself organized. Afterwards, she quickly got dressed and made her way downstairs.

It was extremely quiet in her house, but she shrugged it off and continued to smile. She played some music to help her speed up breakfast because she was as hungry as a angry kangaroo during mating season. Once she had finished her cooking and meal, she went over to the living room to lace up her boots. She sighed but smiled sadly at her family photos, before grabbing her keys and black backpack, and leaving for school. She hopped onto ber motorcycle and drove off.

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Crystal's eyes shot open and as soon as they did, she could feel her stomach twisting and turning. Ew, school.

But not just another day at school, the first day a Junior.

Also, new school.

Crystal rolled out of bed and stayed on the floor for a minute or two before getting up and getting ready. She went to her closet to get an outfit and ended up going with high-waisted jeans and a white slim-fitting cropped top. She also grabbed a black plaid flannel and tied it around her waist. After she got dressed she went into the bathroom. Having showered last night, she took her hair down from its bun to see that, to her delight, it was mostly dry. She styled it as usual, with a part down the middle, and then brushed it. After doing this she brushed her teeth.

Whe Crystal exited the bathroom she heard her mom cooking eggs. Crystal hated eating eggs so she just walked over to the front door. She grabbed her black snapback and put it on so the bill was in the back, then put on her shoes (black glossy combat boots). Without even a simple goodbye, Crystal was out the door and driving to school.
Adrian stepped out of the shower. She heard her father watching some religious programming in the living room, as per usual. As she got herself dried off and dressed in a loose-fitting band shirt (Tonight Alive, something she had just recently gotten into), skinny jeans, and combat boots, she thought over how today was gonna go. Totally new city, new school, new start. Nobody knew who she was, that she came from a religious family, or that she used to be so much so that she condemned the very idea of the piercing in her lip and tongue. Plus, she wasn't an underclassman anymore (except to the seniors), so that took the hazing out of the equation as well. She could start fresh, hopefully not get herself in as much trouble here.

She brushed through her damp hair and tousled it a little, and spent some time carefully applying eyeliner and mascara. When she was pleased with her appearance, she shrugged on a leather jacket and hoisted her electric guitar case over her shoulder. She carried pencils and a notebook in the front pocket, all she figured she would need. She walked through the living room to grab the car keys, past her father, who grudgingly asked if she was "going to do anything to hide that hole in your face." She only rolled her eyes, muttered "Love you too, Dad," and left out the front door.

She placed her guitar in the passenger seat, started the car, and lit up a cigarette she had stolen from her father. This is gonna be fun, she thought cynically as she backed out of the driveway to head to the school.
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As soon as Crystal arrived at school, she parked her car in the usual place. She could tell that there were very few people here as she arrived somewhat early but she didn't care. She preferred anywhere but home because it was always so dull and boring there. Every new day here was a new adventure waiting to happen.

She locked the car doors and walked over to the school, entering the main hallway. As she entered, she took in her surroundings and then went down to the library. Nobody was in there, not even the librarian, but she went in anyway to go on her phone and maybe read a bit.
Alié arrived at school moments later, yawning still. She got off her bike, her black boots hitting the ground. She took a deep sigh and walked to the main entrance. As she entered the school, it was extremely quiet, since it was still early. She lugged on her backpack and started to head straight for the library. She was tired of reading her books over and over again, although she still loved them. She entered the library, and went to the literature section. She looked across from her and saw a girl on her phone. She slightly shrunk away, hoping that she didn't see her and took out a book from the shelf. She smiled as she sat down on the carpet floor and began her reading adventure.

Crystal looked up from her phone when she heard the library doors open. It took one quick glance to show to Crystal that it was a girl, one that she didn't recognise, thank god.

She looked back down at her phone and felt the girl looking at her, and then watched her take a book and sit down.

"Hello," Crystal said quietly, eager to make new friends.

Alié jumped at the sudden greeting, looking up with a small bit of fear in her eyes, but a happy small. She pulled a lock of hair behind her ear and waved at the girl.

"Hiya..." she softly, for introductions were kinda hard for her. She closed her book, using her hand as a bookmark and scooted near the girl.

Ali nodded, and smiled. "Yeah...Same here.." she paused and started to twiddle her thumbs. "I'm Aliénor, or Ali. Its easier to say" she chuckled. "Nice to meet you, Crystal"

"Nice to meet you, too. What's your business being here so early? At my old school it'd usually be packed at this time, but I guess not here."

Ali looked down sadly, and sighed. "Well, it was kinda quiet at my house, since...my parents left early, so i thought why not spend the morning in the library?" she smiled, but a glint of lying was in her eye. " What's your reason?"

As soon as Ali asked Crystal why she was here early, she didn't want to answer truthfully for fear of making a bad first impression. With a bit of hesitation, she replied, "Just wanted to come early since I'm used to being here early." She hoped her white lie sounded believable.
Ali tilted her head a bit but nodded. "Fair point...So what do like to do?" she smiled, and raised up her book. "Reading is my number one, other than art and skating"

emotionalroadshow said:
As soon as Ali asked Crystal why she was here early, she didn't want to answer truthfully for fear of making a bad first impression. With a bit of hesitation, she replied, "Just wanted to come early since I'm used to being here early." She hoped her white lie sounded believable.
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Zen stood, stretching. He rubbed his eyes, and sighed, remembering that it was the first day of junior year. He tried to push it out of his mind, however, and began to focus on more pressing matters, like his outfit. As he dressed, he checked the time repeatedly, not wanting to be early, but not wanting to be in the house when his dad came home from his shift. He looked around the house, and quickly found it empty. He sighed a breath of relief, and brushed his teeth before stepping into the kitchen. There, he grabbed his bag and keys, and walked out, locking the door behind him. As he sat in his car, he tried to mentally prepare for the upcoming day, but quickly tuned out his thoughts with music. Noticing the time, he rapidly pulled off, shooting towards the school.
*6:30 a.m. alarm screeches*

Vic's eyes shoot up awake, as he shuts off the alarm. He pulls his phone from the charger and checks it for any texts or emails. So far, there is just a few messages on a couple of the group texts which he ignores, nothing too important. He crawls over to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth, taking his phone with him. Vic scrolls down and opens up a playlist he created the night before, dedicated to Norwegian indietronica band Lemaitre. "Cut to Black," opens up the playlist as he steps into the shower, thinking about the day ahead. Despite just finishing summer vacation, Vic didn't really have a break, he spent the week before finishing summer assignments for his classes, including two novels for English, "In Cold Blood," and "The Right Stuff." As he finishes up his shower and begins brushing his teeth, "Closer," finishes out the short playlist as he begins his day. He dresses in a white V-neck, black denim jacket, blue skinny jeans and brown Timberland boots, with a black watch to top it off. He packs his soccer uniform, a gallon of water, shin guards and cleats into a duffel bag to get ready for practice and grabs his back pack, which he packed the night before, which holds the two novels. Vic carries his other 4 textbooks, which he is going to leave in his locker once he arrives to school. He quickly microwaves a breakfast sandwich and toasts some poptarts, and finishes them down with a glass of milk to prepare his breakfast. For lunch and after practice snacks, he tosses in a few granola bars and two servings of last nights pasta into some plastic tupperware. As the school is only three blocks from his house, he walks it there and arrives at about 7:30 a.m.
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Adrian arrived at the school at what appeared to be a decent time. There were still kids arriving, though not in large numbers. She sat back in the seat to finish her cigarette, listening to the song on the radio--some new Theory of a Deadman song, she thought. She tapped her fingers on the steering wheel and nodded her head to the beat. When the song finished out, she turned the radio off, then the car, and put the butt out in the ashtray in the center console. She popped a piece of gum in her mouth before exiting the car and getting her guitar case out, hoisting it on her shoulder. She locked the car as she headed up toward the building. She had the schedule that she had been given upon enrollment in the pocket of the case. This building looked a lot bigger than her old school...she really hoped she wouldn't get lost...
"Oh, um... I sing, and write and stuff." Crystal answered. All of a sudden people began walking into the library. Crystal's mind switched and she decided to take a walk.

"I'm really sorry, I have to go. I hope I'll see you another time, though!" She told Ali and then got up to leave the library.

Once she left, she just paced back and forth behind the school.
Mason Everly woke up to his alarm, sat up and stretched, before he rubbed his eyes and got up and out of bed. As he shuffled to the bathroom, he heard someone downstairs, probably his mom, accidently clanking dishes together at an attempt to make breakfast. After he went to the bathroom, Mason walked over to his closet, got some clothes out of a few unpacked boxes and headed back into the bathroom to shower.

Mason placed his clothes down on the hanger on the door. He got undressed and hopped in the shower. About 5 minutes later he got out. As he got dressed he heard his mom yell at him "Honey, breakfast is done!". Mason went down stairs to bacon, pancakes, and eggs. He began to put his food on a plate and sat down. As he scarfed down his food his mom reminded him "Don't forget to take out the trash when your about to leave, and hurry up, just because your new to this school, does not mean you can be really late." He sighed and said "Okay"

He finished getting ready, and headed out the door, grabbing his car keys on the way. He got in his scratched up 2010 Nissan Altima and headed to school.
Mason arrived at school and went up to the front office to get his schedule. He looked around in the halls, he also saw a few people in the library and gym. Ignoring his schedule, Mason wandered into the library and sat down. He was not sure whether he was supposed to be in class or not, he was just hoping life would be like a movie scene, have some cute girl introduce themselves and then lead him to class.
Ali sighed as she finished reading her book, ever since that girl just left. She twirled a strand of her hair behind her head, and got up, returning the book to its rightful place. She stretched, looking for other books to read. She left the literature section, and went to more fantasy and sci-fi areas. She began to look through some more books, smiling as she did.
Vic arrived at school 15 minutes before class started and headed toward his locker. He placed his chemistry, Spanish and history book inside so he wouldn't have to carry them the rest of the day. He looked at his schedule, his classes consisted of Calculus, English and history, followed by honors Spanish, journalism (Newspaper) and AP Chemistry. As the bell run, he headed to calculus passing through the front of the library.
Crystal eventually got bored of walking with no purpose and sat down against the wall of the school. She saw the track; people were running laps before school started because it was the coolest time of day.

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