

Four Thousand Club
So, I posted Cluivnarihe's backstory, and got some good response to that; so, I figured I might as well lay it all out mechanically as well. I've had the rough idea in my head for a while now; I'd just like some advice on the small particulars, as well as perhaps how to streamline it a little, since as it is it's a complicated artifact. I am going to reveal all this eventually in the comic, by the way... if you'd prefer to enhance the awesomeness when that happens (but not for a looong time), maybe you'd prefer to skip reading this.

So, first of all: Artifact 5. Yep, you heard me. This thing was made by a Deathlord, for himself. Nothing but the best!

His original idea was a soulsteel weapon that could fulfill all his needs as a weapon while being easily portable/concealed and, of course, being worthy of his stature. Hence the shapeshifting. The rest comes from what went wrong.

Cluivnarihe is made both from soulsteel (specially designed to be as flexible as possible) and moonsilver (which was obtained by gruesome means); the weapon consists of a single thread of soulsteel (guess who that is?) inside a core of moonsilver, overlayed with more soulsteel. The moonsilver also forms the grip, which is the only safe part of the blade to touch (even the flat of the blade both gnaws and chills any flesh that encounters it, dealing 2 dice of raw lethal damage every tick). Thus, Cluivnarihe is both a soulsteel weapon and a moonsilver weapon, and therefore gets both the moonsilver and soulsteel MM bonuses and can be fully attuned by both abyssals and lunars. However, Cluivnarihe offers no mote regain; though it drains motes as all soulsteel weapons do, it keeps them all for itself. In fact, if the user uses an attack-based essence regain ability with Cluivnarihe, it steals half the motes gained thereby. I'm not sure what the attunement cost should be yet.

The sword feels cold. Colder than most soulsteel weapons. After hundreds of years trapped in a block of ice, Cluivnarihe demands the warmth of living blood to dull the eternal chill that has settled in its core.

Normally, when someone tries to use Cluivnarihe, it will simply turn and go for their throat. The only way the weapon will accept you is if you have sympathy with the spirits inside the blade; you must either be someone who has betrayed something important to them or who has been badly betrayed themselves. Preferably both. If you fulfill one of these requirements, Cluivnarihe will permit itself to be wielded and will shift between sword, bow and concealed form at the user's direction... if the user gives the sword at least 1hl of blood for each time it changes. Not necessarily their own. If, within one day (or shorter, depending on the sword's mood), this debt has not been paid, the sword will take it for itself, generally in a painful fashion. If you fulfill both conditions, the sword will permit use of a more powerful form; the cold of the blade inhibits its shapeshifting powers, however, so it can only take this form when it has already inflicted at least 5 health levels of lethal damage. In this form the blade becomes long and whip-like, moving of its own volition to defend the user and to follow up their attacks with its own; it has greater reach, greater speed, and every attack made with it applies twice.

It should be noted that it is impossible to do bashing damage with Cluivnarihe. The sword will always turn itself on its edge, or grow spikes, or whatever it takes to draw more blood. I think that aside from the MM bonuses, the sword and bow forms of Cluivnarihe are essentially just a reaper daiklaive and a long powerbow. Except that they do more damage. The whip form is tricky; aside from the already impressive attack-doubling effect, I reckon its stats should be higher too.

All this pales in comparison to Cluivnarihe's ultimate form, which is the real reason for the Artifact 5 rating. To call it out, though, you not only need to fulfill both conditions for the lesser powers, you not only need to give it five lhls of blood first, but you also need to recite a formal request for its aid in Old Realm, during which you must call the silver snake's real name. The name which was, by the way, stolen from her when she was killed.

But it's impressive. The sword shifts and forms to coil around the user's body like armour, adding to any sort of soak they had before without actually counting as armour. If anyone attacks them unarmed, this "armour" forms spikes that plunge into their flesh, and pity the sap who tries to grapple them! I'm not sure how much damage this should deal, though. It extrudes a thin blade from each of their hands, each of which has the stats of its reaper daiklaive form but with Speed 1 tick lower. These can shift at will into a bow form. It also extends two large bladed "arms" from the user's back, each of which will make attacks completely independently of the user, again with the reaper daiklaive's stats, and each of which adds +1 to the user's Parry DV. And that's just the beginning! The form the blade takes immediately is still weaker than it should be. But the more blood it's fed, the more the blade warms and the more its shapeshifting powers increase. Every 10 levels of lethal damage dealt by the weapon allows it to grow two more "arms" out of its back, each with the same effect as the original two; at the point where 50 levels of lethal damage have been done, these arms can, at the user's will, form into a giant "tail" which the user can use to make a large, devastating attack (again, unsure of the stats) or to glide, snakelike, over and up any solid surface at high speed (leaving significant damage in its wake, since it's still all bladed). At the 100 lhl level (at which point, I remind you, it is making 22 attacks on any warm-blooded creature in range completely by itself), the weapon is so responsive and flexible that it can reflexively form itself into a shield against any attack, thereby forming an automatic, constant perfect defense for its user. At this point the only way to defeat it is to use mental or social attacks, to starve the weapon of the warmth it needs (either by removing all blood-bearing creatures for an hour) or by using a large piece of ice from the elemental pole of air) or to simply hope the user dies. While they're wearing this form of the weapon, you see, it deals 5 dice of damage every time they move. Soak, fortunately, applies.

So, what do you think? I think it's kind of cool, and has that "We need to stop it now before it becomes invincible!" flavour that too few artifacts in Exalted have. Also, I think it's the only Artifact 5 weapon I've seen that manages to reach that level of power based solely on blood everywhere.

... Speaking of, do you think the health level requirements should be higher?
I love it.

as for the health levels maybe the rquirement (for at least the ultimate form) should be more than the base weapon damage for any one attack, otherwise it's just "whop HENSHIN!" *cue awesome tf sequence here*
Must have :)

I would say attunement should be fairly low, 5 or 6 as it's two primary weapons have - maybe even lower. The reason for this is that all it's powers are self powered by health levels.
Pretty nice. It might be just a little overpowered (and it's rendered nearly unusable after the ~50hl level. Each action of the bearer would take half an hour), but the concept is awesome.

Now only one thing is left mysterious about the sword: how to pronounce its name.
Perhaps past a certain point, the effect of the multiple arms should be simplified into something like the area damage of Terrestrial Animas, only much more devastating? In addition to the DV bonus. And perhaps some sort of Mass Combat mechanics should be made.

The reason I wondered about the health level requirements is that, as it stands, anyone who has the requirements filled only needs to slaughter 34 extras to become an unstoppable automatic killing machine. You could just catapult yourself into a mortal army and in a few minutes they'd all be dead without any need for any particular exertion.

Oh, and I completely forgot to add two things; one, in addition to the whip form, at the two-requirements level the sword can also be asked to turn into a snakelike form in order to go off and kill something on its own, like a clockwork assassin. Two, the requirements aren't a sure ticket. If the sword just dislikes you, you can't use it anyway.
whoops, missed the 50 hl part.

this is the weirdest thing though, I have the stats for an artifact orichalcum whip somewhere that's got a magical snake spirit that talks to you as part of it.

still very cool though.

any sort of ideas about the swords personality (apar from bloodhirsty) what kind of people would she like?
Well, she obviously hate draogon-blood and may quite possibly hold a grudge against sidereal, solar and lunar i think she could tolerate and i see her as having a mild distrust of abyssal mostly because i't the same type of essence that killed her.

But the artefact is very cool. I like i't a lot, but 50 hl is relatively easy to acheive in exalted depending what you are fighting. I would not allow my player( them being bloodtrusty and all) to have that. I't will make for an interesting story in the hand of an abyssal who is seeking redemtion as secret is. The attunement cost i reckon should be in the normal for a level 5 artefact mostly because of All the potent power. Ià't is in my mind a high end 5 or a low end 6. so the attument cost of 5 middle seem good. Beside that i look foward to seing i't in action.
I would say that to get the final forms it is not enough to take health levels, it must drink the hearts blood of foes to get extra arms, say one extra arm for every 2 permanent essence, and you have to stab threw the heart, 25 arms gets you the tail and 50 arms gets you the shield. Also the extra attacks shouldn’t be able to kill for more attacks

Also war becomes an issue. You will want some way of determining how many kills you get when you are in war. The GM will probably need to run this on the fly. For the purpose of offence each extra arm counts as an extra in your unit, calculate your magnitude accordingly, unit skills and damage is based on the attacks the extra arms are making might is 2 (artefact weapons). For defence you are still considered a solo character in war.

Before I read your wall of text... Where may I find this back story?

Oh wait... That was the not-a-comic you posted? I always had this idea that Secret used a bow.
Well, she did stab the gobbo a few strips back. With a sword. And the one Abyssal guy (gods I suck with names, and don't feel like looking it up) she traveled with in her backstory tossed her a sword at the end of it...

And if you read that wall-o-text...Cluivnarihe has three forms. Sword, bow and uber whip sword thing of death. Or something along those lines. *nods sagely* :)

And it can also become a belt?

Just for starters I'd make sure the wording prevents the user from getting away from the weapon's self-damaging effects by simply wearing artifact armor- I'm specifically thinking of the 5 dice of damage every time they move thing. Hardness 5 is not that hard to get.

Did you define how good the weapon is wielding itself? (The extra arms?) Is it the idea that it would be as mighty as if a Celestial Exalt were wielding it, or many weaker (but very damaging) attacks to support the wielder? Having an idea of its Accuracy pool is nice. Can it use Charms on its own?

The extra arms should probably be modelled as a mass combat unit, come think of it. It sounds like it should be Might 3- in fact, if your idea is to make it into an army-destroying artifact, you could define rules to make the Artifact count as a ridiculous number of combatants. (There's examples of this, like Leviathan's Charm to count as much more Magnitude by himself...)

An idea would be to keep the first two extra attacks as a boon on the commander's attack profile, and instead of granting extra attacks, each 10 health levels done make it count as another level of Magnitude for the unit. The weapon would start making the wielder itself count as a Fang of troops initially... and by when it hits the 100 HL mark, the wielder alone would be fighting like an entire legion of Terrestrial troops. It also has the added fun of allowing arms to be cut off (kind of like the classical Hydra monster from D&D), thus stopping its growth somewhat.

It's a really, really cool concept though. :)

I'm usually wary of writing ideas like this because they feel too doomsday-ey for my games, but then again I've always disliked high-level mechanics...
It's interesting to notice that the "snake" inside is probably a Lunar shard, and not an actual snake. Freeing it would probably just release the exaltation.
that's a scary thought thought, if the Deathlords have the ability to cage Lunar Essences...

could be a good plot hook, the deathlord that made Cluivnarihe turning up with a new weapon made from another Lunar, "old news? meet Mark II..."
Arthur said:
It's interesting to notice that the "snake" inside is probably a Lunar shard, and not an actual snake. Freeing it would probably just release the exaltation.
It's probably just the ghost of the Lunar.
iiiinteresting, is that some sort of hint Jukashi? or are you just poking that fact in because it's amusing to watch us squirm?
You know, a question just occured to me...

Does Cluivnarhe only judge current incarnations for her requirements, or prior incarnations? If it's prior incarnations as well, or even only acts undertaken as a soul-shard alone, every single Solar and Abyssal, and most Lunars, would automatically qualify for one due to the massive betrayal of the Usurpation, and Secret would qualify for unlocking Cluivnarhe fully; she was betrayed during the Usurpation when her First-Age Incarnation was subjected to the treason of treasons, and she turned her back on the Prince, her Neverborn Patron, when she decided to seek redemption, thus completing the cycle of betrayal and treason.

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