~Clover Tea~ ACCEPTING Sign ups

Full Name- Chase Stihn

Nickname (optional)-

Age- 17

Personality- cold and sarcastic, he is protective of those he cares about, but distant towards those he is not.

Hobbies- Guitar, singing. not much else.

Relationships- Sola and Kael are friends, he otherwise lives on his own.

Crush (optional)- Sola, until further notice.(it wont stay this way)

Pet/s- none

Job/s- He works for a high-end high-paying music equipment shop.

Home- he lives in a small one bedroom apartment. the building may be run down, but he has taken care to fix his own apartment so it looks as though its was in a standard, comfortable building.

General Status- Loner Punk? something like that.

Brief History- Chases mother abandoned him to live with his alcoholic father as a child. when he entered middle school he and Sola somehow hit it off well despite both of them being unsociable. Chase quickly became friends with her and her brother, and after a few years developed a crush on her.Chase moved away the year they were supposed to start highschool without ever telling Sola his feelings. now that he is back....whats going to happen between them?

Other- Chase has a weakness for home made sweets and an odd fear of green foods. For Chase, a smile is as rare as the Hope Diamond.

Looks- View attachment 12003
Full Name- Cian (pronounced shawn) Dion

Nickname- none

Age- 16

Personality- Cian is a cheery guy, a little on the flirtatious side, and hates to see any sort of disrespect to girls. he is easy to get alone with, and is very sporty. he walks or roller blades everywhere he goes.

Hobbies- roller blading, ice skating, hockey, soccer.

Relationships- his parents, Rebbeca and John Dion are high ranking Marine officers currently deployed.

Crush (optional)-

Pet/s- a yellow lab named Georgia

Job/s- Cian works at a local petshop and also volunteers at the human society on the weekends.

Home- Cian lives in a modest home with modern furniture. his parents being military, he isnt rich, but he isnt poor. he is comfortable middle class.

General Status- slightly flirty jock with a soft side? i guess.

Brief History- Cians parent have been serving for many years, and he was homeschooled until he started highschool. he is popular with the girls at school however has only dated once, which ended in a mutual breakup. he is well like by many of the guys as well because he is easy to get along with.

Other- Cian, however flirty wont date unless he feels that he and said female are right. he loves making people smile and is a sucker for home-baked cookies.


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