~Clover Tea~ ACCEPTING Sign ups


One Thousand Club
~Clover Tea~

Amicizia, amitié, 交際, vänskap, amistad, or whatever you'd like to refer to the term "friendship" as. It is a closeness barely describable by words when true friendship is established, a bond that lasts forever. Losing these friends leaves an unmistakable pit of dread, a grief that can't be spoken. The term love is tossed around too carelessly nowadays, the true meaning of love is something to die for; where the bond between people is so strong that they simply feel only partial without one another. But how does this, you may ask, even remotely relate to any sort of story? That's the tale you create for yourself. It is said that in this city strange things happen. People change here, there must be some sort of dark underside here. The suburbs outside of the city make up the most darling little community, with cozy well-constructed homes. Farther down the road is more of a city environment, with apartment complexes, cramped conditions, shops, schools, and an abundance of new things to do.

Poverty ranges from unbelievably rich to horribly impoverished, there is much diversity here. The children in the city are often told by their mothers not to play near factories, because it could damage their health. This is the world some people live in, where each corner leaves them the fear of being mugged or jumped. Almost every young person here wants to leave if they are in this darker side of town, they are on the lower side of life. However, the people living fancier and happier wouldn't leave for the world. They are top dog around here, they have their money, their nobility, their superiority to a majority of people around them. They commonly live on the outskirts of town, in bigger homes in cozy neighborhoods. What is the meaning of that? Why, I've given you a setting. That's where our story begins... (Hopefully a "Generations" RP)

There were four best friends, who became close despite being complete opposites. They represent a four-leaved clover, of one of the luckiest things in the world... but the hardest to find. One was popular, high esteemed and well cared for with artistic prosperity and an undeniable sense for fashion, the other was a sporty goofy clown, another was a puny shy girl with a bubbly personality despite her fragmented past, the final was what used to be one of the high school's most highly-feared bullies. They found true closeness, but how? How could such opposites find peace, harmony, and relief within one another's company. You met these four not too long ago, it all started when the new girl moved into schooling systems- as she'd been homeschooled her whole life...

(That's where it starts :nuts::nuts::nuts: ... It's actually based off of a manga I am illustrating and I need to do some story and character development, it's still in its roughest phase so please help! xD )


* No powerplaying

* No supernatural beings- Sorry it's slice of life ;)

* Do not make your character a Gary-Sue or Mary-Sue, but also don't overdo their past if it's going to be bad.

* Could we not use "cutting" in this RP? (I've seen it in others) and it makes me uncomfortable because I've had a past with it, and I wouldn't like to remember it :P

* NO explicit sexual content, stick to "Fade to Black" but however, there can be more mature themes (as long as its not intensely described. Ugh)

* BE UNIQUE IN YOUR CHARACTERS! I am sick of seeing the emo singer-chick who had a bad past and is a rebel but ends up being the nicest best perfect person ever.. I prefer more layers to a character, I really try to connect with mine :rolleyes:

* Use anime and realistic pictures if you can heehee


* Please use proper grammar and have short-paragraph posts, it keeps things going. However, brain-farts are understandable :P (Everyone has them!) ^_^

* If you read these rules put "The peanut calls at midnight" on your character fourm post

* Don't use meaningless drama, but we will need to discuss how to keep the story progressing and not just make it one unfortunate event after the other. I want whoever joins this RP to be prepared to connect with their characters and others, but this can only be achieved through bonding and through having realistic characters who have real hardships and are in real situations.

* If you read this put "Pooper pan and tinkerbell" on the bottom of your character fourm post (do not ask, it's an inside joke between a friend and I)


Full Name-

Nickname (optional)-

Age- (diversity, my friends)

Personality- (no "meet me")

Hobbies- (diversity.)

Relationships- (BF/GF/Fiancee/Spouse/Siblings/Parents/Grandparents/Family/Etc.)

Crush (optional)-

Pet/s- (No exotic animals like tigers or whatever, also optional and the main characters are humans not animals so don't have too many)



General Status- (in school/society/etc. What is your character viewed as? Crazy cat lady? Hobo? Rich snooty man? Gentlemanly goodnatured old man? ETC.)

Brief History- (BRIEF)

Other- (put anything extra you want here, if you have nothing to say just say something random! xD )

Looks- (Anime and realistic photo pleease)


Full Name- Felicity Kiyoko Kaneko

Nickname- Kiyo, Felicia, Kit (or any other little nicknames that come up, her mother calls her "Boo")

Age- 16 (just turned 16, but due to her excessive homeschooling she's a year ahead with the juniors)

Personality- Bubbly, modest, considerate, innocent, and caring

Hobbies- She enjoys reading books and drawing

Relationships- Mother- Caroline Madison Kaneko (Maggie or Carol), Father- Ko Kaneko (She never really knew him, he wasn't her real father anyways), Cousin (who she is close with)- Celia (Coco) Elizabeth Bell

Crush- None yet, she doesn't focus on love-life.

Pet/s- A somewhat unappealing scruffy, hunched black male cat named Scribble. He has massive amber eyes that actually scare people, and is a rather skinny large cat. He always seems bored with things, unless that thing is Felicia

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Job/s- None yet, she always gets a summer job though at either ice cream places, or various other popular spots in town.

Home- A small apartment complex with her mother and cat, it's very cluttered and unkept.

General Status- The new girl

Brief History- She was born as an accident, and her real father didn't want her and left her mother as soon as he discovered she was pregnant. Felicia's mother soon met a Japanese man who got engaged to her, not caring she was pregnant with another man's child. This is why Felicia, although being American, has a Japanese middle and last name. He was very kindhearted and hardworking, providing well for both of them. As life seems to hate Caroline Kaneko, her husband died in a car accident when her daughter was only four years old. Soon after her mother fell into a depression, working two consecutive jobs and always unbelievably stressed trying to raise Felicity. Her name is very unusual, Felicity Kiyoko Kaneko. She'd always gone by many nicknames; Felicity, Felicia, Feli, Kiyoko, Yoko, Kiyo, and even odd ones that didn't make sense like "Bee" and "Boo." People seemed to like her when she met them in public, but her mother was anxious that the only thing left for her would be taken away by someone. She homeschooled the girl quite fabulously until she was 15, then decided to enroll her in school.

Other- Felicity is only 4'7 and a half feet tall. She is one of the smallest people you may have ever met, but despite being so short she is very, very thin and slender with large hips and a moderately sized bust. She has a bit of a pear shape to her with her wider hips and bigger arse. So even though her face is childish, her body is matured. Since she's never been in a school before she is a bit awkward and unsure of what to expect. She also doesn't have much money, and her mother is ALWAYS working and stressed out. She literally comes home and collapses into bed, this is the way things have been for Kiyo since she was a little girl; she's always had to fend for herself.

Looks- Her eyes are actually a rich sky blue, her natural hair color was blonde as a little girl (but it became brown) She is into pastel colors and occasionally dyes her hair full sky-blue because it matches her eyes perfectly. However, at the moment her hair is brown because she isn't sure if she's allowed to have her hair an unusual color in school.

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Full Name- Celia Elizabeth Bell

Nickname- Coco, she hates her original name

Age- 15

Personality- Hotheaded, stubborn, "tsundere" (as anime geeks may put it), independent, and competitive.

Hobbies- She plays soccer and cooks

Relationships- Mother- Suzanna Bell, Father- Richard Bell, Cousin- Felicity Kaneko

Crush- No one :wacko:.... Maybe ;D

Pet/s- A female kitten named Mitzy

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Job/s- None, she doesn't need one.

Home- Beautiful home with her parents in the suburbs, she doesn't ever seem to appreciate what she has

General Status- Bad-tempered small girl, you don't want to get on her bad side

Brief History- She's had an easy life, but just gets away with way too much compared to most of her peers. She is a free-spirit, a rebel, and does whatever she wants. There's also a very sweet underside to her, but she shuts people out completely- as she was never liked all through growing up. She fears being abandoned. Felicia's mother would always leave her at Coco's home, and that's why they are like sisters. It's because Felicia's family doesn't have much money, and her mother was always working and couldn't always leave the little girl completely alone (although that is how things usually ended.)

Other- She is very small like Felicia, it runs in the family. She is only 4'10, but being around her cousin makes her feel tall. She usually wears heels to be at least 5 ft. But when she doesn't, people aren't surprised by how small she is- only wonder how so much hatred could be held by such a small body.


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Full Name- Theodore Samuel Green

Nickname- Teddy, Ted (these are what he goes by) or Teddybear/anything else pertaining to bears

Age- 17

Personality- Happy-go-lucky, friendly, sporty, and funny

Hobbies- He does various sports- such as track and swimming. He just enjoys being active

Relationships- Mother- Marissa Green, Father- Richard Green, Little Brother- Charlie Green, Little Sister- Abigail Green

Pet/s- Two dogs- Brandy and Chase

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Job/s- He's usually too busy with sports, but during summer he works (usually changing jobs each summer)

Home- A nice little home in the suburbs with his family, they are moderate middle class.

General Status- The sporty guy you can always rely on, even though he is a bit crazy sometimes

Brief History- Teddy has always been very lovable, a true character. He is a bit hot-tempered and can get mad, but he is the most reliable person you will ever meet.

Other- He is rather popular, standing at about 5'10 (full grown) with a slender strong body.

Looks- (Anime and realistic photo pleease)

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Full Name- Gregory Eugene Parker

Nickname- Greg, G,

Age- 17 (but a little over)

Personality- Coldhearted, rebellious, loner, and overprotective

Hobbies- He enjoys walking, being in control, and snowboarding

Relationships- Mother- Elise Parker, Father- Jasper Parker

Crush- ....

Pet/s- none

Job/s- Works at animal shelter

Home- A small apartment complex of his own because he ditched his parent's house

General Status- Tough guy, top bully, ex-football player

Brief History- He grew up in a bad household; Drunk father, and abused mother. At 16 he saved up money and bought a small apartment, deciding to move in there and live on his own. His parents don't really care where he is or what he does, he could've been such a great person...But instead he gave up on himself and life and became a person he swore he wouldn't be as a child.

Other- He's very large, 6'3 with a strong body from his years of football. However, he's very odd and off- hides a lot of things, very mysterious and full of hatred.

Looks- (Anime and realistic photo pleease)

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Full Name- Rosemary Jane Peterson

Nickname- Rosie, Rose

Age- 16

Personality- Calm, compassionate, sweet, and reserved

Hobbies- Photography and piano

Relationships- Grandmother- Clara Maude Peterson, Grandfather- Louis Albert Peterson

Crush- None

Pet/s- Kiku- Female dog

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Job/s- Doesn't work, but looks forward to helping out at the animal shelter this year

Home- Beautiful big suburban home

General Status- Lucky artsy girl

Brief History- She's always had it easy, except for losing her parents. They didn't die, they just were too unprepared and young for her (due to having her very early) and just handed her over to her grandparents, which she is quite satisfied with. She doesn't have much connection with her parents anymore, but she isn't upset about it. Just accepts it.

Other- Is roughly 5'1 and always fashion-ready. She has a big thing for vintage looks and artsy clothing.

Looks- (Anime and realistic photo pleease)

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((this is awsome, ive been looking for a good deep story (hopefully generations, as you said,) RP to join! if i need to adjust anything in my characters, do tell~))

Full Name- Sola Evans

Nickname (optional)- her brother calls her Soul

Age- (diversity, my friends) just turned 17

Personality- she is intellegent, always seeking answers, and shy around those she doesnt know, but can carry on a good conversation. she is easily irritated and can seem short tempered. she is also very prideful and hates asking for help.

Hobbies- star gazing and astronomy, flute, tinkering with electronics

Relationships- Late Mother-Mariam Evans(once a florist), Father-Thomas Evans(currently cheif of medicine at the local hospital), Brother-Kael evans

Crush (optional)-none yet, she is tough to get :)

Pet/s-Ice paw

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Job/s-she gives tours for younger kids at the local science museum

Home-she lives in a wealthy home with a modest pool built into the back patio, and a small garden dedicated to her late mother.

General Status- Nerd/Geek, little of both.

Brief History- Sola and Kaels mother died when they were in elementary school, so they were raised by their father. she occasionally has moments of sadness when she thinks of her mother, but doesnt let them last long. she was a studious child and grew to be an intelligent young lady.

Other- she never plays her flute in front of others because its one of few times she shows a more sensitive side of herself, she is also afraid of the dark.

Looks- long chestnut brown hair, amber eyes, average height and weight, fair skin, small bust and curves.

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Full Name- Kael Evans

Nickname -none

Age- 18

Personality- Kael, unlike his sister is sociable and out going, he treats others kindly and enjoys making new friends. he gets along with everyone, and can talk to just about everyone. he is as cheerful as his mother was, and gentlemanly as well.

Hobbies- gardening, viola

Relationships- mom and dad-same as Sola, Sister-Sola Evans. his girlfirend of 3 months moved away recently, requesting that they break up because she didnt want a long distance relationship.

crush (optional)-none yet

Pet/s- Eddy, his dwarf hamster which rides on his shoulder or in a shirt pocket almost everywhere.

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Job/s-he works at a local flower shop

Home-see Sola^

General Status- gentlemanly people person

Brief History- (see Solas history)+ Kael got his cheerful personality from his late mother, he has always looked after Sola even though she prefers to do everything on her own. he has no sadness about his mothers death, and cherishes her memory with joy.

Other- Kael plays viola.

Looks- Grey eyes, very tall-about 6'1, brown hair. he has average muscle tone for a guy, and long legs.

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((pooper pan and tinker bell......lmao xD ))
The peanut calls at midnight (Sorry, I forgot ^^)

Full Name- Xavier McMullen

Nickname (optional)- Zane

Age- 19

Personality- She's the kind of girl people love to hang out with just to see what her new faze is going to be, her most recent obsession has been steampunk/victorian. Although she loves to talk and and tease her friends mercilessly she is a bit insecure about where she stands because she is the only of her close friends who are taking an online course for college.

Hobbies- Being 'there', Reading emails, her two tattoos, talking.

Relationships- Mother and father, big sister, little sister

Crush (optional)- Haha- No.

Pet/s- A crazily expensive parrot she named Cracka due to an inside joke she has long since forgotten. Cracka normally narrates Zane's conversations with 'The girl smiles. A cat is not paying attention to me.'

Job/s- She owns a small boutique that her sisters normally help out with.

Home- she lives above her boutique- A Victorian-era brick building

General Status- She is the girl people seek out in a crowd because of her crazy antics

Brief History- She moved away from her parents at the age of 14 with her big sister who was 16 at the time with her younger sister, who was 12. They were living with their grandmother who passed away a few years later. They own the building and while the big sister is off on tour with her band, the younger sister is very busy with schoolwork

Other- My nacho's are having an affair with the muffin man!


Full Name- Amelia McMullen

Nickname (optional)- Mickey

Age- lat 14’s

Personality- To most, Amelia seems like that preppy little blonde all the popular students flock to, although Amelia loves to feel wanted, she would much rather be alone in a corner with one of her thick leather-bound books. Her two close friends are the only ones who prefer the real Amelia over the bubbly little freshman. Overall, Amelia is shy, has a sharp toungue, no filter between her brain and her mouth and is also a bit flirtacious. Only because she was taught by the biggest flirt in the world, her sister Zane.

Hobbies- She loves to swim in her free time and always seems to be caught in a pair of shorts and her sports bra.

Relationships- Her two besties, Kenna and Jay. Her sisters and her parents

Crush (optional)-

Pet/s- She’s alergic to cats and dogs so… no, although her sister’s parrot is cool

Job/s- Student, sometimes helps with Zane’s shop

Home- -see Xavier-

General Status- A bubbly girl with a huge mouth

Brief History- Life with her parents was were she learned to act, her father was a director for films and her mother is a retired actress. They both took pride in their daughter, but once the father started drinking and abusing his children, Cordelia (the eldest) moved off, dragging her sisters aong to live with some asian gandmother

Other- Amelia has a very weak heart and is known to faint when scared.

Looks- ( Long golden hair, sea foam coloured eyes, taking after her mothers chestiness and her fathers leanness.)

( Pooper pan and tinkerbell
holy mother of long posts! your intro for each character is loooonngggg. lets see if i can be your equal. my posts are generally half that size, but i will pout my best foot forward, cant wait~
Try to get a few more people to join! ^-^ haha we need a little more for characters, I have one brilliant character who is inspired by a real person :P Hehe So far we have 5 girls and only 3 guys :P
I'll join. I can't actually make one today, but perhaps tomorrow. Do you think an uber-intelligent type would fit in. Not to social, although he is nice to be around if you get to know him, and he has a dry sense of humor. Basically, a smart Brit, which isn't something you see a lot xD . (BTW, I'm British, so no hard feelings to my fellow Brits ;)
(The peanut calls at midnight.)

Full Name:
Niklaus Ryker

Nickname: He doesn't have any real friends, and his parents refer to him by his full name.

Age: 14


To those who don't know him: closed off, cold, polite, formal

To those who know him: sincere, warm, caring

These two personalities are strictly for these different classes of people. However, to everyone, he is very independent, extremely competitive, and can come off as arrogant. He has leadership skills, but they aren't utilized because he doesn't know anyone... yet. He is quite sarcastic, and he has a dry sense of humor, perhaps due to the fact that he is British.

Hobbies: He enjoys playing the violin and the guitar and reading anything he can get his hands on. His passion is science, particularly nuclear physics. Although he isn't very good at it, he enjoys playing basketball as it is his favorite sport. Niklaus also enjoys creating stories, although his genre is science-fiction and fantasy in which he can create entirely new worlds, characters, history, lore, economies, cultures, etc. The possibilities, to him, are endless. (That is actually a description of me. xD )

Relationships: Mother - Caroline Ryker; Father - Daniel Ryker;Older Brother - Cyrus Ryker

Crush: He doesn't have one since he doesn't really have any close friends.

Pet(s): Niklaus has an curious, playful, and intelligent young cat named Michelangelo. Click here for picture.

Job(s): He doesn't have a job because his parents are wealthy enough to pay for anything he may need. However, he secretly plays both his instruments in a band that performs at the local cafe. He plays under a pseudonym, and not even his bandmates know his real identity.

Home: Niklaus lives the recently built manor on the edge of town. It is, in a word, huge. The estate itself covers a good number of acres.

General Status: He is known as the mysterious new guy who gets the top grades in class, but isn't really seen around anywhere else.

Brief History: Niklaus was born into the aristocratic family of the Ryker's. His brother was an internationally ranked chess player, a model student on his way to a full ride to his choice of Ivy League school, and a great athlete to boot. Niklaus was the second in line, and it was difficult to live up to his brother. He was constantly in his brother's shadow, and eventually, he began to flourish in it. Whereas his brother was an athlete, Niklaus became a musician. When his brother loved chess, he loved science. However, they both had the traits of child prodigies in terms of academics. His mother and father used to push his brother to succeed. When Daniel did succeed, Niklaus expected the same treatment. However, to his parents, he will always be just another kid. After all, how could anyone surpass what they'd accomplished with their pride and joy, Daniel? Right now, Niklaus is the current first place winner of the International Menuhin Violin Competition. He is also a senior at the age of 14, although technically, he is taking the advanced classes of a college sophomore. His current ambition is to gain admission to Princeton, the premier science school in the Ivy League.

Other: Secretly, Niklaus is a half-vampire, half-werewolf hybrid who was raised by the surviving velociraptors of Jurassic Park. He was trained as a ninja and assassinated the President of the United States of America, which he then covered up by fast-fowarding time with his demi-god powers to 2012, the year of a new presidential election. If you cross him, he'll punch you back in time to 1976 where you'll be strapped in a chair and forced to listen to Britney Spears, the Annoying Orange, Justin Bieber, One Direction, and Mr. Trololo until you die from bleeding out of your toenails. (How's that for random? xD )


Realistic - Click here for picture. Add a pair of black glasses, as shown in the anime picture, and you've got Niklaus pegged.

Anime - Click here for picture.

(Pooper pan and tinkerbell.)
Full Name- Elenor Baxon

Nickname (optional)- Elle

Age- (diversity, my friends) ...

Personality- (no "meet me") shy, sweet, caring, loves nature and animals.

Hobbies- (diversity.) animals! volleyball

Relationships- (BF/GF/Fiancee/Spouse/Siblings/Parents/Grandparents/Family/Etc.) SHE WISHES!

Crush (optional)- if anyone needs one...

Pet/s- (No exotic animals like tigers or whatever, also optional and the main characters are humans not animals so don't have too many)small bear. (cub with a disorder)

Job/s- writes for Consumer Reports

Home- 2 bed room apartment

General Status- (in school/society/etc. What is your character viewed as? Crazy cat lady? Hobo? Rich snooty man? Gentlemanly goodnatured old man? ETC.) shy, sweet, baby-sitter and caretaker nextdoor

Brief History- (BRIEF) Her father supposedly killed her mother. Her brother ran from home and so did she (3 years later) looking for him. He's looking for her, and so is her father, but she's staying put until she get's married.

Other- (put anything extra you want here, if you have nothing to say just say something random! xD ) ZOMG PANDAS

Looks- (Anime and realistic photo pleease) View attachment 9560

Full Name - Noah Mason King

Nickname - N/A

Age - 13

Personality - Noah is a nice kid. A very nice kid. He goes out of his way to help others, even those who are mean to him or are using him. He has a hard time saying no and is too self-conscious to stick up for himself. He rather people use him than have them ignore him. Noah is kind-hearted and rarely has a bad word to say about people. He likes seeing others happy. Noah gets nervous easily, but he tries not to let things get to him.

Hobbies - Volunteering where ever he can, learning other languages, old movies/tv shows

Relationships - Davis (older brother who he admires), Juliet King (owner of a jewelry store), Maxwell King (mechanic)

Crush - Celia

Pet/s - A small bunny named Copper

Job/s - N/A

Home - Lives on the first floor of a two floor apartment

General Status - Dave's little brother is how most people view him. Others view him as the nice guy you can get to do anything for you

Brief History - Noah is the younger brother of Dave and he is not soon to forget it. He has always lived in his brother's shadow, but he does not mind so much. His family had struggled in the past, but they have always survived. When Noah was seven he almost drowned in a river and does not remember who rescued him.

Other - Has a habit of inserting other languages into his speech

Looks -

Full Name - Davis Shawn King

Nickname - Dave, Tank Brain by some of the other students, King

Age - 16

Personality - Dave is a nerdy type and has a passion for learning. He usually places his grades above social interactions. Dave can come off cold and haughty, feeling he is "better" than everyone else, but he just has trouble interacting sometimes. He finds people to be much more complicated than schoolwork and so he finds it tiring to try. He can be helpful but only if you're willing to put up with his attitude. Dave never brags though about his intelligence because he finds it pointless.

Hobbies - Doing his homework/Learning new things, has a love for math and science more than the other subjects, performing random tests on unsuspecting victims

Relationships - See Noah/Noah King (younger brother who he tolerates)

Crush - None he be willing to share

Pet/s - A white rat named Albert

Job/s - Tutor at his high school and for middle school as well/Cashier at Health Food store

Home - See Noah

General Status - Brainiac/Nerd who has a stick up his ass

Brief History - Dave had always come out on top in his classes from a young age and almost once got the chance to skip a grade, but turned it down. He has been tutoring others since he entered high school. Dave only works at the Health Food store as it provided some money and he wanted to help his family out. He plans to quit soon though.

Other - Has an IQ of 121 but has never revealed this information to anyone.

Looks -

Full Name - Charlotte Isabella Mycroft

Nickname - Charlie, Lottie

Age - 18

Personality - Charlie is a bit of a scatterbrain at times and is usually quiet. She is a very organized person and likes to have things planned out. She is quite mature as well and doesn't let petty things bother her, but she also struggles to be what people expect of her as well. Charlie is a bit stricted as well and doesn't like it when people break rules or are nasty to each other, but she rarely interferes where she feels she shouldn't. Charlie likes to relax, but she finds it hard as she is anal about so much and is constantly worrying that she won't make it as an adult.

Hobbies - Planning things, listening to music, she also likes playing tennis and chess. Secretly Charlie also plays the drums which is an instrument she learned in school

Relationships - Chloe Mycroft (Mother, Middle School teacher), Jones Mycroft (Father, businessman), Julius Mycroft (Younger brother), Maria Richardson (Older sister). Charlie's family is a few states away from her, but she tries to keep in contact

Crush - Kael and Greg

Pet/s- N/A

Job/s- Works at the town's library

Home - College dorms

General Status - The mature girl who knows where she is headed

Brief History - Charlie grew up in a different state entirely but left her hometown once she graduated to attend the college in this town. She had trouble leaving her family behind, but feels she has adapted well to her new surroundings. She is currently going for a degree in social work.

Other - N/A

Looks -

Pooper pan and tinkerbell
Full Name- Aribelle (AR-UH-BELL) Riana

Nickname (optional)- Ari (AR-EE)

Age- (diversity, my friends) 7

Personality- (no "meet me") Ari is the quiet, quaint type. Nearly everyone in town has stumbled across her, yet no one is able to describe her. She speaks very little and shows only a happy go-lucky emotion, never really expressing what she truly is like under her fake grins. She may appear happy, but not a soul knows the true pain and sorrow eating away at her.

Hobbies- (diversity.) Aribelle's ways of entertainment and joy are also her ways of living and surviving. When her mother was alive, she loved the movie Enchanted. The old movie theatre a mile away played the movie nonstop for 10 cents, and every week her and her brother would go and watch it. Her favorite song was "That's How You Know". She always has her miniature keyboard handy when she sits down and sings the song for the public, earning her an average of $2.45 per song. Though most would hate it, it reminds her of happier times. Her singing is one of the few times people ever hear her speak.

Relationships- (BF/GF/Fiancee/Spouse/Siblings/Parents/Grandparents/Family/Etc.) Her older brother Broady dissapeared 5 months ago, and know one knows where he is.

Crush (optional)- (as a close friend of mine would say) SHE'S TOO YOUNG FOR THAT, BROSEPH!

Pet/s- (No exotic animals like tigers or whatever, also optional and the main characters are humans not animals so don't have too many) It was a rainy day when it happened. lighting flashed, and of course Aribelle was cowering under the weak shelter of soggy wood. A small bark echoed, and she couldnt resist crawling outside. She was met with the eyes of a small pitbill puppy, who (after many hours of whining, crying, pouting, and begging) became Giselle, the heart-warming pup of the family.

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Job/s- Street Singer, uh, no real occupation.

Home- Homeless. Lives in a very unstable, poorly-crafted house of plywood and rusty nails. It's big enough to fit a small fire, the two sleeping bags, and a small, worn table.

General Status- (in school/society/etc. What is your character viewed as? Crazy cat lady? Hobo? Rich snooty man? Gentlemanly goodnatured old man? ETC.) Hobo.

Brief History- (BRIEF) Aribelle used to live in an apartment with her mom and brother, but when her mom got cancer and died, she was pushed in to tragedy. Her brother dissapeared 5 months ago, and no one is quite sure why. Aribelle still believes he's coming back, but odds are he's not.

Other- (put anything extra you want here, if you have nothing to say just say something random! xD ) Why, it so happens to be midnight. And, what's this I hear? I'd recgonize that call anywhere! ITS THE PEANUT! CALLING AT MIDNIGHT!

Looks- (Anime and realistic photo pleease)

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(I've been on Tumblr and work, so if I don't reply within half a day that means I'm busy. It won't take me so long to throw out a reply!)


Full Name: Minako Kirijiro

Nickname: She typically goes by 'Kirijiro' in her homeland, but here, she goes by her normal name, Minako.

Age: 17

Personality: Minako is the quiet girl in the back of her class, she's fearful of people at most. She always is plugged into electronics, like her portable player. To secure her fear of people, she listens to music and closes her eyes to shut out the noise. The red-haired girl prefers at the very least to sit in the front of the bus, sit in the back of a restaurant, and be in the corner of a library.

Even though she is typically quiet, she can be cheerful but rarely noisy. Her voice is soft, but that being said she also does not always be kind. Sometimes due to her [fairly] wealthy past, she may put her nose in the air like a snot. When she is at home, she acts like a snotty, annoying female.

Relationships: Mother- deceased; Father- alive, Rin Kirijiro; Friends- none

Crush: To be aboe to get the inquiry of such information, you must interact further with her, so she has a love interest.

Pet(s): Minako typically dislikes animals, them being filthy to her and unclean. When approaching a dog, she will walk away or not let it touch her. She can not stand them, usually staying away from pets to begin with.

Job(s): Since her father, apart of the illustrious Kirjiro Group in Japan, she has no occupation. If filing your nails while watching anime late night counts as an occupation, then take Minako for it.

Home: She lives in a flat to herself, funded by her father. It is decked with two floors (a two story apartment?) filled with objects to her liking.

General Status: Strange, rich girl at the back of the class and the daughter of the Kirijiro Group.

Brief History: Minako, a Japanese transfer student has quite the wealth. Her father owns the famous Kirijiro Group, responsible for all the schools of Japan as well as a lot of chains of malls. She came here, already nervous of the people. Her friends who had visited said they were strange and she should not try interactions. So, she had her alias as that girl in the back of the class for ghe rest of the year.

Other: I'm too much of a serious person! So I'll tell you the idea of my character. It is based on a Japanese game, called Persona 3, developed by Altus. Minako is the adapted Female Hero route name for the manga, so I decided to use that. Mitsuru Kirijiro, yet another character in Persona 3 is the wealthy daughter of the head of the Kirijiro Group. Her father owns a chain of schools and is rumored to build one of the malls. She's very wealthy.

I'm addicted to Japanese gaming (well i am japanese, geez courtney your a moron) and I usually intertwine that with my characters! I apologize?

Looks: (I never use Live!Action looks, whoops! If you could find one, that'd be awesome.)

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Avielle B. Coyne

Full Name: Avielle B. Coyne

Nickname: People have called her ABC (her initials), Avi, and Elle

Age: 16

Personality: Avielle loves to put out this air of cockiness around her. She's obnoxious, rude, and loud. She has no manners, and she never wants to have any. She doesn't realize that this is driving people far away from her and claims it's everyone else's fault. The main reason she does this is for attention. Nobody loves attention more than she does.

Relationships: Avielle has a mother and a baby sister at home names Keira. Avielle is very embarrassed by her mother, so she often lies that she doesn't have one.

Crush: Nothing right now. We'll see if she hits it off with anyone. :D

Pet(s): Avielle hates animals.

Job(s): Avielle has taken many, many jobs to help pay the bills. However, she's trying to get as much free time to practice basketball and make a career of it.

Home: She's currently homeless, but she's working as hard as she can to get a place to stay. Her mother kicked her out when she was 15.

General Status: She's failing nearly everything, so everyone just thinks she's stupid. She isn't smart at all, but there are a lot of outside factors that make her fail school.

Brief History: Avielle was born to a teen mother. When there was no money, her father took the chance and left them broke. After she was born, her mother started hitting the bottle and doing drugs. Fast forward and she got pregnant again with her long time boyfriend. He ditched her again and she gave birth to Keira. Though their mom's situation wasn't Avi and Keira's fault, their mom couldn't help but blame them for being alive.

She is the subject of almost every rumor, and she's like a mean girl magnet. Anything scandalous that happens is attributed to Avi. None of it is actually true, but it's amazing what people will believe.

Other: Avi is afraid of heights!


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