Clover Hills


As Sky opened her mouth to interrupt the conversation, which Klinge had put on speaker for the rest of the council's benefit so they could know why Miley was requesting a new home, the older gentleman sighed at the news he was given. "They didn't even clean the place up after Bella's death?" he questioned with a frown, turning to look at Adolf and Sky through his glasses. The conditions of the house...the fact that there was the scent of burned bodies that remained..."Adolf, get my laptop," said Klinge. The middle-aged wolf nodded and headed towards the meeting room where he ended up coming back some minutes later. As they knew and Tobias about Amelia's death...the male's eyes tightened briefly before he exhaled...she should know as well. "Amelia is dead," he spoke. He didn't need this information getting back to Andrew if the man was in Clover Hills. As it turned out....

Niko was highly content within the chair, not knowing things would soon break out or they were missing a wolf. He watched the two wolves, the cigarette still in his mouth as soaked in the warmth of the sun. Sensing Miley looking at him, given she was still in front of him and on the phone with someone, the male shifted into his half form, turning one ear towards the pack downstairs and one ear towards the fire and Miley's voice but didn't interrupt the conversation, sensing it was important. Nor did he make any move to call Matthew, not that he could have talked much to his kids as they were still wolves and couldn't hold a phone....though Yem had once tried and gotten teeth marks on it, as there wasn't really anything at all interesting aside from Tor's survival, a child and the pack had grown.

Klinge and Sky talked among themselves as they waited for Adolf to return. "Get out," Klinge ordered sharply, the two others frowning but disappearing. Klinge told Miley to hold on and logged onto his laptop, typing quickly over the keyboard as he pulled up some real estate and listening as she spoke of the pack needing a fresh start. "Burn the old house," said Klinge. "I don't care how you do it." Over the phone he could feel a fire crackling. "Have you heard from any other council members?" questioned Klinge suddenly as he searched through Montana real estate listings, looking for somewhere that seemed in the territory but not anywhere near the differing houses they had remained within, using a map of Montana he pulled up onto his screen and then a scanned file of the area of Clover Hills.

Klinge's fingers stopped typing as he heard Miley's answer and the sound of glasses being set on the table could be heard with a quiet sigh and a frail body dropping into the chair. Silence stretched over the phone until there was the sound of fingers tapping over keys, Klinge something several miles from either house in a different direction. "Do not cooperate with Andrew Ross," spoke Klinge sharply as he took the phone off speaker. Transferring some of his own funds into a bank account he got set up by working with a wolf over Skype in a bank in Montana, the wolf getting a promise to have a debit card ready for pick up or mail. Pulling up Miley's phone number, he messaged the house's picture to her and its coordinates. He then sent up funds for Haven's use with the loss of half their territory...they would need it.

"I've transferred some of my money into a bank account set up for your pack. It should be enough for six months and to get you through winter though your wolves will have to work to get clothing and privileges," said Klinge. " Haven also has money sent up to carry them through winter and spring with the destruction of their land as of five seconds ago. If your wolves fail...they are expected to pay me back with interest...and if I die...they will pay back Cohen House and Bill, with each subsequent generation." The exact same threat would be issued to Gabriel...though the old wolf would do so himself instead of allowing Sky to do so. Cohen House had plenty of gems and money on them throughout their years but he was putting faith in Miley by purchasing the new Glaswin home with council money and putting his own money into a bank account for the female.

"There will be a card for you to pick up in a week. Until then, you'll have to make do...but bills are turned on so you'll have electricity, heat and water," said Klinge. Having made sure that was included when buying the house and setting up accounts under a fake name the council tended to use to buy things. "Screen loners carefully...and if needed...cruelly before allowing them in. Kill any betrayers to the pack...I don't care what their ages are. The account is set so only you can access it. If you have no questions, then report in three weeks with a progress update." At the very least she could report on if she had bred or not....for winter was close at hand...Klinge could feel it in the air and his bones.

As Vince got the fire started within the fireplace, he heard the door shut and silence before the omega asked him a question. Blowing out the match, he tossed a couple logs onto the fire, plus some newspaper and a cardboard box that he ripped up to fuel the fire for kindling before sitting back on his knees. "Would you prefer I leave you on your own for that human to attempt to kill or perhaps you'd prefer to freeze outside since your wolf refuses to take hold?" he questioned as he turned to look at her but made no move to get up off his knees. Instead he stretched his hands towards the fire and listened to her questions. "For one, you and Ice are the only omegas and Ice is not here. Not that the kid can do much but he's back with the pack and watching the pups...or entertaining if the alpha's bored." While he might have issues talking about his previous line of work that led to him being bitten by Matthew in front of his sister and the others...he had no qualms about speaking of Ice's past. Not even sure that was the boy's real name.

"I can keep an eye on you here and you might get lonely being in a big house by yourself. You need someone to protect you and I said I would work with you on your dominance...or at least I will try. Ice won't be any help there and you'll need it if you wish to become Pursuer...or even...a higher rank than a subordinate leader position," said Vince after some thought. That and her past was a mystery as well as nobody giving the female the time of day in the pack. Well...his wolf was seemingly relaxed around the female. Comet Comet
Aayme was sitting watching the packs, have their lives every day she knew them pretty well... She watched her hazel green eyes. As she rose to her paws she worried for her sake she might be hurt again. she approached the blonde girl with captivating blue eyes and pushed her cold wet nose into her skin ready to run if she would attack her. Her soft dark tan ears flipped forward and she whined at the girl, she had her nice warm cave not too far away from here and this girl was looking cold and alone she could offer her the cave and some of the squirrels and voles she'd collected as a peace offering. She lowered her head now turning looking and started to back up towards the forest again her dark green eyes on the blonde with beautiful blue eyes.
RI.a RI.a
Roger had ran on ahead, leaving the rest of the group of rogue wolves to themselves. The storm was wicked here in the mountains, forcing the group to stop, the journey being tough going for the pups and those wolves that were not from Quake. Eventually it got to where a few of the wolves began digging out a shelter within the snow, attempting to get the pups at least in something out of the wind while Fir and another wolf were sent out to hunt for food for the small group. The light gray wolf whined but at a snarl from one of the wolves and the pups' flopping down in the snow, the submissive wolf did not object and the pair set out into the countryside to hunt. They could scent the presence of other wolves though they couldn't tell how many were within this land, only that they were obviously within a wolf pack territory.

Hunting in foreign territory and in a storm no less was no easy task for Fir or the wolf. Not used to the ferocity of the storm or the landscape, they wandered blind though did their best to push on, knowing they needed food to keep going. Meanwhile one of the adolescents, an arctic wolf by the name of Birch left the group when Roger had taken too long along with a heavier but slower wolf...his bulk and short legs not allowing him the advantage of speed or agility...moved through through the vast their minds....and headed off in the direction Roger had taken. The adolescent was confused as to why they were running and had no idea what was going on.

The pair of wolves rushed into the foray...well the adolescent only saw Roger being attacked...the older wolf then staggering back against a withered tree and a female gasping for air. He wasn't sure what had happened but Roger seemed...afraid...and so he rushed over the snow at the female...not even scenting the other wolf. "Roger...quit playing around," spoke the


bulky wolf. The adolescent

blended in with the snow but would be no match for fully grown wolves, his limbs instead long and gangly, his paws a bit over-sized as he'd yet to grow into his body. The youngster skidded to a halt between Aria and Roger, snarling at the female though inside he was a ball of confusion and fear before lunging at the female. CZDoubleU CZDoubleU Mentioned: ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion
Axel wanted to listen to the wolf as she commanded of him. He stood torn between helping his pack and helping her. He opened his mouth and then the flash of dark tan. He took his wolf form and found another wolf strayed on his territory but he was standing snarling at the same wolves he was. He squared his ears against his head and bared his teeth. He’d been in many fights silently he looked to the tab wolf and then back at the others. Whatever the case was this rabid wild wolf was ready to fight with him. Ether he was crazy mad or a little of both. He snarled at the other wolves again becoming unison with the tan wolf. Then the two lunch ed at the strangers exercising Axel’s favourite attack first ask qu around later tactic.

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"Yes, take the female like a pathetic pup," growled the bulky wolf with a snort of amusement before swinging his head towards the other wolf that the adolescent had, of course, missed. Though they weren't all from the same pack, their months of traveling had allowed these wolves to form a pack bond with each other. The bulky wolf rolled his hazel eyes and as the other wolf sprung at him, the wolf rushed towards the somewhat scarred wolf with a torn ear, fangs bared and jaws agape. Let Roger and Birch deal with the female themselves...if the adolescent wanted to play the here, that was fine with him. This wolf had no qualms about injuring the enemy or shedding blood...he'd lost a lot more than a few pints of blood and some scars. CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
Axel was furious much like Alkali had been but Alkali had been more angry with himself for hurting his sister and running off on her. He had changed perhaps a thousand times and now was a little more level headed but not by much. He snapped his jaws around the wolf tearing, ripping into his flesh how much joy this brought him. To spill blood and taste it. it seemed somewhat familiar with the scent of the wolf mother he'd killed so long ago. Axel lowered his head and snarled at the wolf across from him then lunched at the bulky one sinking his teeth into this wolves haunches while slamming his body weight into him knocking him into the snow.
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Fir and the hunter, a wolf named Henry, continued through the forest they found themselves within, searching for any prey they could dig up or even a stray deer they could hope to catch that might feed the group of wolves until they found the wolf that the Quake members spoke of and some, including Fir's twin, admired and thought could protect the group from harm. They soon found a couple deer that they worked to take down. Each grasping the neck of one deer, they began dragging the food back to the others.

While that was going on, the group was steadily making work on the shelter, a couple of wolves surrounding the few pups that were alive and hadn't died on the journey.

The yearling was taken by surprise as he didn't hit the female but instead was intercepted by a tan wolf that grabbed him and tor into his flesh, the wolf's amber eyes widening as he shrieked in pain-fear-surprise at the attack. The wolf struggled in the snow, paws trying to find purchase on the ground, the icy powder biting into the wolf's paws though his pads were used to the snow as he'd been shifting since he was six, having been born a wolf. His comrade was not fairing so well as the bulky one went for a straight on attack, the pair of wolves meeting each other, the stranger ducking the attack and then grasping the bulky one's haunches, using his weight to knock the wolf into the snow. He kicked out with a leg at Axel, attempting to get the wolf off of him.

Jasper's eyes opened from where they had closed at the sounds of yelping and the smell of blood. The beta frowned and sighed before undressing and shifted into his wolf form before rushing outside, his eyes watching as Axel fought with a loner, there was another loner with a gangly wolf...Jasper would have sworn it were Ice if he hadn't known the teen was in the house so this must be another white wolf...his eyes scanned the surroundings to see a wolf leaning against a withered tree, Aria's prone form lying nearby. The wolf froze in shock...Vince was going to tear him apart...what was worse Matthew would probably kill him. The beta immediately rushed over to the woman's prone body, hoping she was alive and just passed out...but either way the alpha and gamma would not be pleased....he'd be lucky to escape with his life. "Aria! Aria!" Jasper called frantically, using the sire-cub bond between the pair, glad the sire-cub bond was something that Matthew nor Vince couldn't breach, nor any wolf. He did not even stop to see if Axel was alright or attack the tan stranger. CZDoubleU CZDoubleU ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion
Gabe gave a loud snarl as the other jumped away even in half form, growling loudly as she straightened with tail swaying uneasily behind before turning far more dominant. As the other asked for explanation the girl simply tilted her head to the side a little and slit her eyes in confusion and annoyance at the long word, as the female continued on with more of these types of things she huffed and took a few steps closer, then, seemingly out of nowhere to the wild the strange woman went over and put back the strange extra skins these halfbreeds wore upon their unfured skin and took pause once again.

Hesitating for a few moments the girls ears flickered and canines poked out of her mouth in a grace before rushing forwards suddenly and once again beginning to sniff as though having gathered very little of what had been said. Finally she took a step back a minuet or so later seeing to have finally finished the scent assessment she was interrupted in before and stared directly into the others own with her unfazed and vicious ones, "Me—…. way. go tell, g-give…. no." she stuttered out in a jumble of words loosely pieced together her almost platinum blonde hair, as white as the snow itself furling and curling wildly around her in a messy manner, tail and body covered in mud and claw markings.

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Jackson simply nodded in understanding towards the alpha before clearing his throat. His hands unclenching from the harsh words Gabriel had given towards his mate and she seemingly taking the tongue lashing in kind.
"I've learned to hunt, and fight at least enough to hold my own, and no...i am no longer in high school. I graduated today"
The male breathed calmly. He had no reason to be angered toward Zayne and if he wanted acceptance into the pack he would have to work hard toward it.
It was something both he and Coyoty prepared for.
Jackson made no move or mention to anything that he was not directed to so as he was shown the room he would be staying in with the rest of the pack.
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"What?" Ilya could barely pick up the words the wolf was saying, even with her supernatural hearing. A new scent and small pitter patter sounds approached her. A whine interrupted her attempt to continue her questions and the wolf no doubt saw her too. The new stranger seemed to want Ilya to follow her, at least from what a wolf could decipher. She glanced back at the odd, naked wolf briefly. "I'll see you around, I guess." A brief farewell, as she made her way to follow the spotted wolf. Her steps much louder and larger than hers, but significantly behind. She didn't want to shift since she'd much prefer if she didn't abandon her luggage on her first day.

Interactions: Cosmos Cosmos CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
The alpha watched as the loner his mate had allowed into the pack...possibly to appease the beta for all he knew. Had it been up to him, he would have tested the boy first before letting him into the pack but such decisions were for Gabriel to make though he knew the woman still wasn't as trusting with the absence of her son, the alpha's face hardening as he remembered when Gabriel had received the letter from the six-year-old along with the presents for their children...they had finally decided on which amulet would be given to which child...Kia getting the dragon one while Randall got the one with the serpent. Kyle had gotten the one that glowed in the dark and Nuntis the one with the amethyst. Listening to the boy speak of how he'd learned to hunt and fight enough to hold his own, the alpha's eyes surveyed him before exhaling a breath of air from his lungs. "Those will be tested as Gabriel requests.

"How convenient," said Zayne as the boy spoke of having graduated today. "Yet you managed to get through six months of being a werewolf and attending human school on your own...a rather impressive feat for someone of your...caliber but that is good news otherwise Gabriel would have you continue going to school...regardless of what your...mate...wants. Gabriel has a thing for the children and teens of the pack trying to act as normally as possible and that means going to and continuing your education up until at least high school. By the time you graduate she reckons you should be stable enough to go to college or hold down a job."

Simply explaining the motives behind his mate's behavior towards the educating of the pack so they weren't all idiots, it was something that would be enforced with these new litters they had...the alpha male knew the omega Angelica shared much of his mate's opinion on education though was unsure about Eliza and Astiel. "You can remain here. Dinner is expected to be eaten as a pack, the other two meals you may take whenever though must be in the dining room. For're unranked until we decide the perfect place for you. Do not go into other rooms without permission...and stay away from the various pups within the pack, if at all possible. The mothers are rather...possessive and paranoid to outsiders. It will take them time to get used to you. Tomorrow you will have two training sessions. One with the hunters in the morning, the next with the warriors and guards in the evening with the afternoon free to practice either task. I will, of course, be there to watch your progress. Are there any questions?" VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
Gabe had stood motionless for a moment as the sound of small paws filled her ears, like a wild wolf haunting to give no alertness to their prey before an ear twitch caused her lips to pull back in a vicious growl. As the stranger who despite how she was acting she'd decided she quite liked turning to leave speaking what she could only gather as a farewell she quickly raced forwards, teeth biting down hard on her clothing and pupils slitting as she continued to grow quietly like a god trying to pull tug of war with a toy and wanting it to stay on her side, not wanting the female to leave with the spotted other.

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Her ears flipped forward and an adrenaline rush filled her muscles giving the malnutrished pup enough sense to duck and hide behind the beautiful human. She blinked several hundred times watching the snarling and alltogether vicious wolf play a game of tug-o-war with the human. Stepping in now would single a mauling especially not on her own territory. She sent some glances up at the blonde started a low growl but was crouching so close to the ground her barely there belly touched the sparkling snow. She tensed every muscle ready to dart away when given the chance. She blinked then and decided maybe this wolf deserved to come with her too but if she brought it she would have to assert her dominance over it and so in a quick and rather justified decision she sprung.

Taking the wolf down was easy but keeping it there would have to take all her strength. How was she to know that this wolf only wanted to feel included. Her attack though piercing flesh was not meant to kill so she snarled loudly and stepped away standing between her an the human wolf. Hears back tail high. She wanted this wolf to know that out here she was alpha and if she were to plan on feeding it and bringing it back to her den she was alpha there, too.
Cosmos Cosmos RI.a RI.a

She made it back to the house in pretty good timing. The snowstorm made the dear run very far south but this one was easy to catch. She sat in the kitchen then and began her fruitless work. Using a thin knife she sharpened it with a whetstone and then began to slice through the thin layer of flesh between fur. She wondered where Jackson was as she sat upon the floor skinning her not two but now three kills. After she was finished with that she began carving the meat into sections. The dear she thin-sliced some parts pulling out a parchment and laying salt upon it while stacking the slices. The beer she salvaged as much of the meat as possible carving out most of the bones and breaking them pulling out the marrow and packaging that separately. She caught a few vowls too the damn things small and fast. They had stringy meat so they would be perfect for the pups and she set to work making food for them. If she was going to be an omega for however long her alpha wanted to punish her for. She’d be a useful one.

Once she was finished the aired blood-soaked girl lit a fire hung the meat by the hearth and took the meat to the pups distributor it evenly among the pups. After this she stepped back into the living room walked across that barefoot and into the bathroom. Showered quickly in the hottest water her skin would allow. Redressed and stood by the fire coffee between her still chilled fingers. A blanket sat erasing her and she thought of how to challenge the alpha with no followers. The pack didn’t just practically ignore her. They did. She was invisible which for now worked especially to do what she needed hunt on other grounds and gather whatever resources she needed to furnish the pack she so much loved since her old pack. She thought of them often.

They used fear to rule. Threats and anger to keep the members from forming an alliance and taking the alpha down. He also regularly made it possible to hunt humans. He was a good leader turning the humans who survived his packs huntings. It was fine that an animal attack or two made it to the news. Everyone knew the redwood forest in north Germany was filled with lots of wild rabid wolves. What’s to say a few hickers and campers lost their lives? She remembered that they would get jobs in the winter time though as Alpha Coyoty wasn’t allowed to go anywhere. She often watched from her window while her mate ruled. Learning silently how he kept the pack together. The only way she could challenge the alpha became evidently clear. It wasn’t she didn’t like Gabriel or wanted to see her fail. She just wanted there to be a different leader. Gabriel was loosing her pack one loner at a time she took in. But they were strong.

Coyoty would allow loners if she could. Challenge them to a duel every time one wanted to enter. Gauging their skills. It was what she did. She couldn’t do this as beta and especially not as an omega. It irritated her that this was her punishment. Gabriel wasn’t grateful for anything and she hoped Jackson wouldn’t betray the woman or her. Coyoty would likely kill him if he tried to betray the pack. It was the most mercy she could give to her mate and her friend. She desperately wanted to talk to him now.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon VeiledPariah VeiledPariah

Axel snapped and tore into flesh as he sensed the addition of another wolf. It was here he smelled the fresh pour of blood and tasted it within his jaws. The tan wolf shook his head hard and could feel the bones give way in the wolf he was fighting. Red was almost anything this wolf saw but when the wolf in his jaws laid limp he saw the events. He then sat down and waited. His eyes narrow and watching.

Axel took in his view seeing the tan wolf just sitting there. What was he attempting to accomplish. The anger in him wanted to snap his jaws around his throat and thrash him until he laid limp on the snow. He snarled at the wolf below him. The events weren’t confusing to the wolf. He snarled wondering who to attack next.
{confused. Confused confused. Lost confused. Hep hep me scorpiodragon scorpiodragon }

Veridius Wensylve
tags: T terrajedi

"It's been a while since you've been this excited about anything."
"Heh- I guess," he said, smiling, flashing his eyes to the right with a crooked brow.

All five wolves were now taking shelter in the cave. Veridius laying next to Synanthia with her pups behind the both of them- a protective gesture, though subtle enough to still appear polite. Subconsciously, Veridius was still aware that Zero was largely a stranger. And one that carried the faintest scent of an alien pack.
"I don't think I've ever said it- But ever since you stitched that wolf up, I've hoped to run into you. You're amazing! As for me? I'm nothing compared to you," Veridius said, looking into Zero's eyes with a smile radiating warmth. "I know... it's not really anything special... what we do... We're not guards or hunters on the front lines... Just medics... But I take the role pretty seriously... So... just take that from one to another. You're actually really skilled- and I'm impressed."
A soft whistling sound could be heard by all wolves. Ringing throughout the cave as the wind grew forceful outside.
"I also wanted to ask about your pack. Which one are you from? I know there's a couple littles ones around here... though they're good at keeping elusive."
The adolescent kicked out at desperately at the tan wolf holding it but feeling his shoulder crack, he was let go and collapsed to the earth, lying there limply in the snow and watching as The wolf whined and pinned his ears back against his head, the storm now dying down finally and lowered himself into a submissive posture, gaze nervously looking between the other wolves. His ears twitched at hearing the snarls and yelps of the bulky wolf that had spoken to Roger who wasn't helping at all...the wolf biting and clawing even as it was on the ground before going still.

The bulky wolf, despite his best efforts to fight off the wolf on top of it wasn't a match for the Phantasm wolf. Not with the journey they'd had and the poor hunting conditions with so few hunters among them plus the few injuries he'd suffered fighting off Yaz. The wolf's body eventually gave out and he pushed into the adolescent's mind one word. "Find..." With a final breath the wolf lay still on the earth.

Jasper, meanwhile, had reached Aria to see her lying there but getting air back into her lungs. He sighed in relief as the fighting finally stopped, at least for now though was surprised the alpha hadn't yet come out to see what was going on. The wolf shook his head, counting his lucky stars that the alpha had yet to appear and began to help Aria up while glaring at four dead, one apparently injured, one against a withered tree near Aria and who was standing over the body of the injured wolf that looked almost like Ice but wasn't the omega. So strange.... "Axel do you know these wolves?" he questioned the alpha's son. CZDoubleU CZDoubleU Mentioned: ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion

Gabriel still remained within the infirmary, watching the two injured wolves before sighing to herself. The wolves outside were being buried, while the wolves she'd sent after the loner had finished a long trench that was covered in wooden stakes they'd made from dead branches. Covering it up, they rose as one and headed back to the alpha to inform her that they hadn't been able to catch the loner but had dug a trench around the immediate area.

Veridius Wensylve
tags: T terrajedi

"It's been a while since you've been this excited about anything."
"Heh- I guess," he said, smiling, flashing his eyes to the right with a crooked brow.

All five wolves were now taking shelter in the cave. Veridius laying next to Synanthia with her pups behind the both of them- a protective gesture, though subtle enough to still appear polite. Subconsciously, Veridius was still aware that Zero was largely a stranger. And one that carried the faintest scent of an alien pack.
"I don't think I've ever said it- But ever since you stitched that wolf up, I've hoped to run into you. You're amazing! As for me? I'm nothing compared to you," Veridius said, looking into Zero's eyes with a smile radiating warmth. "I know... it's not really anything special... what we do... We're not guards or hunters on the front lines... Just medics... But I take the role pretty seriously... So... just take that from one to another. You're actually really skilled- and I'm impressed."
A soft whistling sound could be heard by all wolves. Ringing throughout the cave as the wind grew forceful outside.
"I also wanted to ask about your pack. Which one are you from? I know there's a couple little ones around here... though they're good at keeping elusive."

With the addition of a new wolf and a stranger at that, Synthania and Veridius used their bodies to shield and protect the pups though the wolf in question stayed on his side of the cave though close enough to talk. It soon wasn't long before Veridius began speaking and Synthania looked at him in surprise as he gushed about his medical skills, speaking of how they weren't valued as much as hunters and guards who took active roles within their pack's daily to daily lives. Still, it helped keep the pups warm at least, their ears twitching at the wind whistling through the cave.

Zero listened to the other wolf talk, staying away from the mother wolf and their pups...something he hadn't realized this wolf had. She said nothing to him but that was fine as he laid his head down between his paws and watched them. "People undervalue us...that's for least among most packs," said Zero, nodding his head and having to lift it a bit to do so. "Heh...I'm still learning things. I think being a healer, you never really stop learning for there's so much you can learn and do. One day I'd like to study Chinese and other eastern traditional medicines by heading to Asia but that is a long time coming," he said. "Thank you." As he was asked about his pack, the wolf's ghostly pearls showed nothing but he was hesitant to respond. After a while of mulling it over he finally spoke. "A pack called Phantasm, run by a fierce and somewhat temperamental wolf named Matthew," he said. "I'm the Knowledge Keeper there which is their lead medic...Matthew's pack is different from the other packs." Devious Dilbert Devious Dilbert
Lynn Wandered the vast expanse of forest for what seemed like ages, she had no intent on joining a pack at the moment so she wowked on finding or making shelter, when any type of natural shelter was unable to be found she resighned herself to gathering wood and moss and building herself a small makeshift shelter just big enough for her to live comfortably until she found something better.
The wolf growled savagely as its fur burst into flames that flowed off of it. The piercing eyes ever present but no longer like the deep sapphires of ocean blue as they were replaced with the dual colors of each wolves own eyes.
Suddenly however the large wolf faltered and the flames dissipated as it crumbled to the ground in pain...
Opening its eyes blue searched out before they melded back briefly before returning azure once more.
This is when Oracle had chosen to strike and her attack landed true.
The wolf cried and whined in pain as if being beaten until it went limp and silent in the now stained crimson snow....

Tobias winced as he pulled back his battered and bloodied fist from striking the walls face again.
His hands were in tatters now but he exhaled sharply and continued the onslaught of forceful blows attempting to break himself from this world.
His eyes widened however and he stopped his strike mid air as a familiar voice met his ears.
Turning to face it's place of origin.
His eyes widened further as his ears had not deceived him and their indeed stood the man...his captain. "Altman..."

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just barely picking up cries of pain she fought with most of her willpower not to run and see what is going on, because doing so would most likely mean trespassing, and thats the last thing she needs on her mind is an angry wolf when there are other more important things to worry about such as food, water, and warmth which sadly will be scarce and fire is going to be damn near impossible to make so with a huff, she plopped down inside her little shelter and began to try and doze off in her wolf form in hopes her snowy white pelt will keep her warm for the time being
Oracle was the only fitting word for the small gray furred being that launched herself at the male wolf before her as her frontal attack landed and hit true. For a moment, the wolf's body lit up again in azure flames before they dissipated. As they did the wolf's eyes changed colors again...once the deep ocean blue turning dull colors of both inner beings of Two Souls and flashing azure briefly...the inner beings crying out in pain as as the larger wolf fell to the frozen ground, Oracle's jaws clenched tight around the throat and nearly causing the female to stumble and fall on top of Two Souls. Oracle did not notice though, her teeth grazing through his muzzle before clasping tight around his throat, a clawed paw cutting into the tender flesh of the male's flesh for an instant before having to place her paw down to avoid losing her own balance and leaving herself open to attack.

Tobias...his silent battle with the wall of water that held strong...his lacerated fists and now facing something of his past within the confines of his mind was unknown to the wolf. Outside as the world came back to itself, eyes of topaz widened momentarily in surprise. The female had not expected that to work to be quite honest but was pleased, her eyes surveying the injuries to the male's face...her grip on his throat suddenly tightening in warning...the faintest taste of blood welling up in the wolf's mouth...again that same fire-ice feeling of strength that Oracle and Angelica had grown used to though the female inner soul more than her human side after the events of the blood letting three moons ago. Whines of pain reached the wolf's ears that flicked forward and downwards at the downed wolf, the female releasing him and that would be the inner being's mistake...but the wolf had never fought a pureblood before, let alone a member of the 12 houses and a desperate pureblood at that, at least not that she knew of. It was possible some of the Winslow wolves she had fought both in her old sanctuary before Ann had captured her and then on the night of the full moon last January were purebloods. Stepping back though staring down at the wolf, her nose twitched as she caught the scent of yet another loner. The wolf was beyond irritated and she turned away from Two Souls' downed form...her wounds not life threatening towards the male...for she resisted the urge to kill the if he ever separated from Two Souls then the female would gladly kill the other but it seemed she was all alone in her strange ability...something she wasn't even sure how or why had developed. Well, the female certainly wasn't bringing another one into the pack. VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
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The female didn't seem to know what she wanted to do with Ilya. First she was hostile, then she harassed her, now she tugged on the sleeve of her jacket like a domestic dog would to its master. The blonde was beyond confused, but suddenly the spotted wolf pounced, announcing her dominance. Which seemed fair if she was offering a place, both of them would be guests. Ilya took a few cautious steps back even with the spotted wolf defending her. She was more than grateful now, and she didn't want a full fight to break out between the two strangers. She carefully placed her luggage down softly, not wanting to startle the two. When she locked eyes with the white wolf again, she reached a hand out, palm facing her in a 'stop' motion. "She's offering us a place. If you don't want to stay out here in the storm, back down." Ilya spoke calmly and slowly. Maybe she spoke a different language and didn't understand english. It would explain why the teen couldn't understand her words earlier.

Interactions: Cosmos Cosmos CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
Gabe had at first continued to tug viciously at the womans clothing with a soft whine before suddenly letting out a loud yelp as she was struck at by the wolf who honestly caught her off guard, such a small famine wolf attacking her? She easily shoved the creature off and bared fangs, leaping to her feet on all fours and clearly ready to shift back to a form that would terrify such a small pup, after all her wolf form was almost as big as a human. Her pupils slit and her body tensed in n readiness to pounce, no marking left on her skin with the quick push off, "F-Fiught-…. stoo- stooped." she smirked a little, obviously the scrambled words were intending to mean that fighting her would be stupid, that much was at least clear. It was only when the blonde from before spoke up her eyes widened a little and she looked over, the strange blur of words didn't make much sense but stop rang true, she'd heard it from humans she'd attacked before, pausing and standing she continued to growl viciously, glaring over at the spotted wolf as though insinuating she started it, though clear she wouldn't fight for the blonde's sake it was also very true the proud wild would not submit to such an unworthy wolf in her mind.

RI.a RI.a CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
Once more Angelica was reminded of the fact that people either didn't like her or outright hated her as had been her life while wandering through the forest. Each foot placed before her on the snow-covered earth was beginning to become a tedious and arduous task as she pushed herself on through the storm, a storm that after...she wasn't even sure of the time it began or how long it had lasted, began to die down though this did not help the woman get her bearings at all. Breathing out a breath of air that misted before her before dissipating, the woman lowered her arm that had been shielding her face as she looked around to try to take stock of her surroundings. The woman stood there, her eyes darting to either side of her but only the withered and bare trees stood out to her, there being no sign of others nearby nor of any definitive landmarks that told her anything of which to gauge the way home. Perhaps she should have stayed in the house but someone had to stop Two Souls and put an end to their nonsensical ways and words. More importantly, Angelica wanted to hear it from Tobias himself that he wished her and the triplets gone, something that she didn't think would ever come from the male's mouth and try to...she supposed save him again like she'd done once before. If not for her own sanity then for the children.

Another breath of air escaped the woman as she stood there, head bowed in thought. Again she lifted her gaze to check the position of the sun and once more it remained closed off from sight, the clouds not yet moving on. Walking towards a tree that was close to her, she began circling it, peering at the bark to see which side there was moss so she would know to alter her direction. She finally found it...on the left side of the tree she was facing. So...Clover Hills was south...and...Phantasm...must be west...home was...east, in other words back the way she had come. If she could even find her way back, that would be an accomplishment in and of itself. At least now she had a sense of direction, her option now remained to either go southwards to Clover Hills like she thought Two Souls might do or turn around and head back home to watch over the kids. Briefly she considered trying to ask Oracle for advice, however the wolf was silent. Still oblivious to the fact that Oracle was not in her head at the current point in time and indeed had not been during the conversation with Gabriel, the woman's eyes once more closed before turning around and heading home. She would be no good to the children if she were found frozen to death or injured it was she would need to hurry to avoid dark falling over the area where she'd be in serious trouble, well more trouble than she usually got herself in in one way or another.

Her steps were slow and careful as she began making her way back home. She was unlucky in that dark soon fell over the lands, with it the temperature of course dropping as it was wont to do with the advent of nightfall. Exhaling another breath of was all she seemed to be doing today and reminded her some of the first chapter of her novel where footsteps had seemed to be a common theme of the chapter with how she had used the word multiple times in the first chapter...causing the slightest upturn of the woman's lips in amusement at the thought, despite the seriousness of the situation. Despite this knowledge, Angelica continued on. She didn't know how many hours she had been gone and the children were probably hungry though she didn't think that she would end up eating anything. What she would do when she returned back to the pack house of Haven was uncertain for she was trying not to think on the fact that Tobias may never end up coming back, Two Souls seemed to have gotten even stronger but if she had the chance she would try.
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Axel wanted to listen to the wolf as she commanded of him. He stood torn between helping his pack and helping her. He opened his mouth and then the flash of dark tan. He took his wolf form and found another wolf strayed on his territory but he was standing snarling at the same wolves he was. He squared his ears against his head and bared his teeth. He’d been in many fights silently he looked to the tab wolf and then back at the others. Whatever the case was this rabid wild wolf was ready to fight with him. Ether he was crazy mad or a little of both. He snarled at the other wolves again becoming unison with the tan wolf. Then the two lunch ed at the strangers exercising Axel’s favourite attack first ask qu around later tactic.

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Fir and the hunter, a wolf named Henry, continued through the forest they found themselves within, searching for any prey they could dig up or even a stray deer they could hope to catch that might feed the group of wolves until they found the wolf that the Quake members spoke of and some, including Fir's twin, admired and thought could protect the group from harm. They soon found a couple deer that they worked to take down. Each grasping the neck of one deer, they began dragging the food back to the others.

While that was going on, the group was steadily making work on the shelter, a couple of wolves surrounding the few pups that were alive and hadn't died on the journey.

The yearling was taken by surprise as he didn't hit the female but instead was intercepted by a tan wolf that grabbed him and tor into his flesh, the wolf's amber eyes widening as he shrieked in pain-fear-surprise at the attack. The wolf struggled in the snow, paws trying to find purchase on the ground, the icy powder biting into the wolf's paws though his pads were used to the snow as he'd been shifting since he was six, having been born a wolf. His comrade was not fairing so well as the bulky one went for a straight on attack, the pair of wolves meeting each other, the stranger ducking the attack and then grasping the bulky one's haunches, using his weight to knock the wolf into the snow. He kicked out with a leg at Axel, attempting to get the wolf off of him.

Jasper's eyes opened from where they had closed at the sounds of yelping and the smell of blood. The beta frowned and sighed before undressing and shifted into his wolf form before rushing outside, his eyes watching as Axel fought with a loner, there was another loner with a gangly wolf...Jasper would have sworn it were Ice if he hadn't known the teen was in the house so this must be another white wolf...his eyes scanned the surroundings to see a wolf leaning against a withered tree, Aria's prone form lying nearby. The wolf froze in shock...Vince was going to tear him apart...what was worse Matthew would probably kill him. The beta immediately rushed over to the woman's prone body, hoping she was alive and just passed out...but either way the alpha and gamma would not be pleased....he'd be lucky to escape with his life. "Aria! Aria!" Jasper called frantically, using the sire-cub bond between the pair, glad the sire-cub bond was something that Matthew nor Vince couldn't breach, nor any wolf. He did not even stop to see if Axel was alright or attack the tan stranger. CZDoubleU CZDoubleU ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion
Her ears flipped forward and an adrenaline rush filled her muscles giving the malnutrished pup enough sense to duck and hide behind the beautiful human. She blinked several hundred times watching the snarling and alltogether vicious wolf play a game of tug-o-war with the human. Stepping in now would single a mauling especially not on her own territory. She sent some glances up at the blonde started a low growl but was crouching so close to the ground her barely there belly touched the sparkling snow. She tensed every muscle ready to dart away when given the chance. She blinked then and decided maybe this wolf deserved to come with her too but if she brought it she would have to assert her dominance over it and so in a quick and rather justified decision she sprung.

Taking the wolf down was easy but keeping it there would have to take all her strength. How was she to know that this wolf only wanted to feel included. Her attack though piercing flesh was not meant to kill so she snarled loudly and stepped away standing between her an the human wolf. Hears back tail high. She wanted this wolf to know that out here she was alpha and if she were to plan on feeding it and bringing it back to her den she was alpha there, too.
Cosmos Cosmos RI.a RI.a

She made it back to the house in pretty good timing. The snowstorm made the dear run very far south but this one was easy to catch. She sat in the kitchen then and began her fruitless work. Using a thin knife she sharpened it with a whetstone and then began to slice through the thin layer of flesh between fur. She wondered where Jackson was as she sat upon the floor skinning her not two but now three kills. After she was finished with that she began carving the meat into sections. The dear she thin-sliced some parts pulling out a parchment and laying salt upon it while stacking the slices. The beer she salvaged as much of the meat as possible carving out most of the bones and breaking them pulling out the marrow and packaging that separately. She caught a few vowls too the damn things small and fast. They had stringy meat so they would be perfect for the pups and she set to work making food for them. If she was going to be an omega for however long her alpha wanted to punish her for. She’d be a useful one.

Once she was finished the aired blood-soaked girl lit a fire hung the meat by the hearth and took the meat to the pups distributor it evenly among the pups. After this she stepped back into the living room walked across that barefoot and into the bathroom. Showered quickly in the hottest water her skin would allow. Redressed and stood by the fire coffee between her still chilled fingers. A blanket sat erasing her and she thought of how to challenge the alpha with no followers. The pack didn’t just practically ignore her. They did. She was invisible which for now worked especially to do what she needed hunt on other grounds and gather whatever resources she needed to furnish the pack she so much loved since her old pack. She thought of them often.

They used fear to rule. Threats and anger to keep the members from forming an alliance and taking the alpha down. He also regularly made it possible to hunt humans. He was a good leader turning the humans who survived his packs huntings. It was fine that an animal attack or two made it to the news. Everyone knew the redwood forest in north Germany was filled with lots of wild rabid wolves. What’s to say a few hickers and campers lost their lives? She remembered that they would get jobs in the winter time though as Alpha Coyoty wasn’t allowed to go anywhere. She often watched from her window while her mate ruled. Learning silently how he kept the pack together. The only way she could challenge the alpha became evidently clear. It wasn’t she didn’t like Gabriel or wanted to see her fail. She just wanted there to be a different leader. Gabriel was loosing her pack one loner at a time she took in. But they were strong.

Coyoty would allow loners if she could. Challenge them to a duel every time one wanted to enter. Gauging their skills. It was what she did. She couldn’t do this as beta and especially not as an omega. It irritated her that this was her punishment. Gabriel wasn’t grateful for anything and she hoped Jackson wouldn’t betray the woman or her. Coyoty would likely kill him if he tried to betray the pack. It was the most mercy she could give to her mate and her friend. She desperately wanted to talk to him now.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon VeiledPariah VeiledPariah

Axel snapped and tore into flesh as he sensed the addition of another wolf. It was here he smelled the fresh pour of blood and tasted it within his jaws. The tan wolf shook his head hard and could feel the bones give way in the wolf he was fighting. Red was almost anything this wolf saw but when the wolf in his jaws laid limp he saw the events. He then sat down and waited. His eyes narrow and watching.

Axel took in his view seeing the tan wolf just sitting there. What was he attempting to accomplish. The anger in him wanted to snap his jaws around his throat and thrash him until he laid limp on the snow. He snarled at the wolf below him. The events weren’t confusing to the wolf. He snarled wondering who to attack next.
{confused. Confused confused. Lost confused. Hep hep me scorpiodragon scorpiodragon }
The adolescent kicked out at desperately at the tan wolf holding it but feeling his shoulder crack, he was let go and collapsed to the earth, lying there limply in the snow and watching as The wolf whined and pinned his ears back against his head, the storm now dying down finally and lowered himself into a submissive posture, gaze nervously looking between the other wolves. His ears twitched at hearing the snarls and yelps of the bulky wolf that had spoken to Roger who wasn't helping at all...the wolf biting and clawing even as it was on the ground before going still.

The bulky wolf, despite his best efforts to fight off the wolf on top of it wasn't a match for the Phantasm wolf. Not with the journey they'd had and the poor hunting conditions with so few hunters among them plus the few injuries he'd suffered fighting off Yaz. The wolf's body eventually gave out and he pushed into the adolescent's mind one word. "Find..." With a final breath the wolf lay still on the earth.

Jasper, meanwhile, had reached Aria to see her lying there but getting air back into her lungs. He sighed in relief as the fighting finally stopped, at least for now though was surprised the alpha hadn't yet come out to see what was going on. The wolf shook his head, counting his lucky stars that the alpha had yet to appear and began to help Aria up while glaring at four dead, one apparently injured, one against a withered tree near Aria and who was standing over the body of the injured wolf that looked almost like Ice but wasn't the omega. So strange.... "Axel do you know these wolves?" he questioned the alpha's son. CZDoubleU CZDoubleU Mentioned: ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion

Gabriel still remained within the infirmary, watching the two injured wolves before sighing to herself. The wolves outside were being buried, while the wolves she'd sent after the loner had finished a long trench that was covered in wooden stakes they'd made from dead branches. Covering it up, they rose as one and headed back to the alpha to inform her that they hadn't been able to catch the loner but had dug a trench around the immediate area.


Aria could feel the pressure on her throat easing, eyes blaring bright as she stared towards the wolf stalking her. Through her blurred vision, she could see Jasper rushing towards her. It took her a few moments to fully comprehend whether or not she was simply imagining him in her moment of distress. But, as he neared her and she heard his voice in her head, she realised he was real and before her, helping her. “I’m.....fine,” She rasped, the bright orange of her eyes fading into her usual green. “I...I don’t know what happened, Jasper-“ her eyes dived to the man at the tree. “He was fucking the air,” She winced as a thump of pain ominously vibrates throughout her head, dulling her words and her actions. Feeling him lift her to her feet, she leaned against him almost reluctantly, eyes crossing to Axel. “Are you okay?” She questioned, expression concerned although dazed.​

A sigh of relief escaped him at seeing Aria okay. Axel did not reply and he realized then the alpha’s son was in his wolf form. “Everythihg seems fine. Except for the kid who looks like Ice,” he said. As she spoke of the other wolf floating in the air he frowned in concern. “I don’t know. Maybe you’ve unlocked a power?” He shook his head. “Who are you?”

Matthew’s eyes opened as he heard snarling and fighting. The alpha looked towards his niece but she remained sleeping though as he looked closer he could see her eyes open. Rumbling to himself, he shouted for Ice to watch the pups and rose to his feet before moving towards the front of the home. His eyes were shining with annoying-anger. ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion

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