
Dhea continued. She couldn’t rest, not when she had a decent idea of how to kill the Wind Serpent and where it was. She could rest later, after she’d killed the beast.
When she stepped back through the woods, a small red snake slithered in front of her. It looked very similar to the one she saw a day ago. It stopped in the path for a moment, then it turned around and rose its head a little. It looked like it was looking straight at Dhea. There was something intelligent in its eyes. Then it turned away and continued toward shrubbery off the path.

"Oh, I think it wants you to go with it." Azi said, somewhere close by, though Dhea could not see her.

- Follow the snake.
- Continue on the path.
“Okay....let’s follow the oddly intelligent snake...”
Dhea sighed, before trudging after the snake.
“And sadly...that is not the weirdest thing that’s come out of my mouth in recent times.”
The snake had slithered between tree trunks. The further Dheaa approached it, the deeper into the Forest it went. When Dhea stopped to catch breath or if she lost sight of the snake, the creature would stop, raise its head again and wait for her. It was leading her somewhere.

Finally the crimson snake stopped in front of a thick trunk of a tree. Its branches were entwined, making an impenetrable roof above. In failing daylight Dhea could not see if anything was up there, but the snake slithered up the trunk, stopping a little way off the ground and looking back at Dhea. It very obviously wanted her to follow. There was a branch low enough for her to climb onto.

- Climb up the tree.
- Turn back.
- Cast a spell.
Dhea looked up the tree, before grabbing onto the branch closest to her. She hoped that it would hold her weight and not crack. She pulled herself up and set to climbing. As she paused to catch her breath, she cast a small spell of light, just to make sure she could see what was happening.
As she cast a spell of light, the tree top illuminated. She could now see it, coiled around the trunk high up... a Serpent.


It hissed ferociously, its scales lighting up, fire unfolding around it like wings. Fire Serpent! It was a trap all along.

Azi was nowhere in sight, perhaps she scurried to safety.

Dhea was reminded of Elthera's words - the best way to fight the Serpents was to use the spell opposite of its element. The Fire Serpent needed to be doused with something. She had no water spell, however, sand could be used just as effectively.

- Draw your sword.
- Cast a spell.
- Run.
Dhea looked up at the Serpent, her fingers drawing her blade and diving into her usual stash of magical items. She stared dead at the creature, before casting a spell of live sand. It was the best she could do at the time. She wasn’t going down without a fight.
As she threw the sand at the Serpent and murmured a spell, it started growing, enveloping the creature, dousing its fires. It shrieked in frustration more than pain, but its light died out quickly. With a lash of its tail, the Serpent pushed Dhea down from the branch, making her hit the ground painfully.

It leapt at her, though she was able to roll away from its path in the last second. Fire Serpent was on the ground now and would be easier to fight. It was also weakened and not so ferocious as before now that her fires were extinguished. It would take one good hit for Dhea to bring it down.

- Attack with the sword (Roll die, Difficulty 15, Bonus 3).
- Attack with the knife (Roll die, Difficulty 16, Bonus 3).
- Attack with the bow (Roll die, Difficulty 15, Bonus 4).
Dhea drew her sword, her lips curled in an ugly grimace of pain and anger. She could feel the adrenaline, the bloodlust and the hate burning through her veins. With each heartbeat, her world shook with the ferocity of her emotions. She started quickly towards the beast, letting out a terrifying roar and swinging the blade, almost blindly.

-Rolled 15
She managed to hit the Serpent, the tip of her sword finding a way through the scales and to the soft tissue beneath. Dhea could feel it burying into the flesh of the creature, just above its abdomen, as it tried to reach her with its clawed wing. It howled out and flapped its wings in one final try, sending Dhea stumbling backward. Then it toppled, its fires now completely gone.

"Hey, you did it!" Azi appeared suddenly close to Dhea, grinning up at her with approval. "It was a big snake, like the one I saw! You killed it. I knew you were fun." She beamed.

With one Serpent dead, Dhea had six more to find. She knew the location of the two at least and knew the weakness of one. And she also had the orb with the Sun Serpent, which was rendered harmless, but still quite alive. She needed to figure out how to dispose of it.

She had the Beacon with her, which she could use at any point if she wanted to see the area as it once was and perhaps learn some more useful clues about her targets. That is, if she was able to find them.

- Go south, to the edge of the forest.
- Go north to the broken bridge.
- Use the Beacon.
Dhea looked at Azi, before retrieving the Beacon from the usual spot. She looked at with a squint and focused. She’d find information, if it was the last thing she’d do. She could find something. She would find something.
The air shimmered around her and the hard ground beneath her feet turned soggy. The mud stuck to the soles of her boots and he had to move in order not to sink deeper. The whole Forest had turned into a swamp. Azi was gone again.

Suddenly, a patter of multiple feet and a language she did not understand. Harsh language and clucking. She heard this before. In Khare. Goblins! They were nearing her position from the south, trudging through the swampy ground. They were not friendly creatures at the best of times and if Dhea did not want comflict, she needed to hide.

- Jump behind a bush.
- Run away.
- Stay on the road.
Dhea cursed softly, before leaping behind some dense foliage. She had already just fought a Serpent and she wasn’t exactly well-rested. She couldn’t take on Goblins at this point in time. But she did draw her bow and point it through the leaves, willing to fire if one got too close.

She also adjusted her stance to run at a moment’s notice.
The Goblins passed by her hiding spot, chattering among themselves. Their language always sounded like they were in the middle of an argument. Though, perhaps this time they actually were. One of the Goblins stopped in his tracks just a couple of paces away from Dhea, spinning around and angrily poking the Goblin behind him in the chest. The second Goblin answered with a snarl, unsheathing his long knife. The other tree Goblins gathered around them, chanting something that sounded like they were spurring them on.

The first Goblin took the bait, leaping on his companion, bringing him down as his knife fell into the mud. Soon enough it turned into a wrestling match with the rest of the Goblins cheering as the two grappled in the mud. They were distracted momentarily and if Dhea wanted to ambush him, now was the chance. Though, she could simply wait it out, as they were not paying any attention to the bush she hid behind.

- Wait.
- Ambush them.
- Cast a spell.
- Sneak away.
Dhea was patient. She still had her weapon drawn, ready to fight, if need be.
But she also didn’t want to wait there for ages while they fought in the mud. She slipped her fingers into her pack and fished out the Pearl Ring and put it on. She focused on making herself invisible and intended to sneak away when she was sure it was safe.
She had just put on the Ring, ready to mutter the spell, when the Goblins finished their brawl. One of them stood up and brushed himself off, leading the way. The other one laid motionless on the ground, a knife in his throat. The Goblins that watched the fight simply followed the victorious one, leaving their comrade in the mud. They continued down the road and away from Dhea. She did not have much time until the spell wore off and she was transported back to her own time.

- Inspect the dead Goblin.
- Wait until the spell wears off.
Dhea moved towards the dead Goblin, her lip curling up as she knelt beside him. She started searching for something on his person, not afraid of the blood or mud that would likely cover her hands. She simply started looking for something she could use. Anything that could be useful.
The Goblin had an assortment of knifes, but they were all crude and ragged weapons that would not be useful to her. His armour would not be adequate either and he had no supplies. The only interesting thing she found on him was a note. A piece of velum with some scribbles on it. She could not read it, but perhaps she could find someone who does.

And she was just on time. As she pocketed the note, the swamp turned to dry forest again, albeit very dark. She was not very tired and she could continue to investigate through the dark, however, the Forest was quite dangerous.

- Eat and sleep in a tree top.
- Eat and sleep on the ground.
- Continue.
Dhea made a soft noise of annoyance, before straightening. She almost wished that the Beacon would take her back when she wanted it to, not in small bursts. But she did understand how much power that would take and that she didn’t have enough for that.

So, she looked up at the nearest tree and started climbing. She wasn’t going to risk sleeping on the ground. Dhea ate before she did, not fully wanting to eat where she was sleeping.
High up in the branches, the night promised to be peaceful for Dhea. The note she had picked off the dead Goblin in her hands, she now had time to try deciphering it. She had met a couple of sorcerers over her journey and many knowledgeable people, but not many were close. Baklands were filled with magic and Dhea could see the stars, brighter than anywhere else, it would allow her to extend the reach of her magic through the whole area, if she wished to speak with someone.

Lorag was the obvious choice. He could travel through time and was the one who seemed to be the most comfortable in Baklands. If she concentrated, she could be able to communicate with him, providing he was still in her time. She also had Courga in her mind, perhaps the god would be willing to help.

- Ask Lorag about the note.
- Ask Courga about the note.
- Try to connect with someone else.
Dhea leaned back, her eyes closing as she focused. She focused on Lorag, who had helped her with the Beacon, something she was thankful for. She had a good feeling about the powerful sorcerer.
“I need your help with something...please...”
"My help?" Lorag's voice echoed in her head. "I'm surprised you were able to reach me this way. It used to work only for my fellow Council members. Perhaps I was not wrong to place my trust in you." He murmured quite pleased. "What can I do for you?"

As Dhea explained the situation, she felt Lorag's presence in her mind grow silent. Then he finally said.

"Hold the paper up. I can see through your eyes. Hmm, what do we have here..." The sorcerer spoke something in a different language for himself, then let out a couple of murmured, until he spoke sense again. "Yes, you see... this is Goblin tongue, though you knew that. These are the orders given to a band of them, but that's of no use for you. But! Someone had written about a Time Serpent in here. They were hunting for it. This is most curious, it seems that the Time Serpent exists in both realities. In the past and in the present. That is the key to killing it. You have to defeat in both plains."

The note did not say where the Serpent was, so Dhea would just have to wait until she encountered it, or heard more news, found other clues about it. Lorag said his goodbyes and his presence evaporated, leaving Dhea on her own.

- Continue south in the morning.
- Go north in he morning.
- Go east in the morning, toward the mountains.
When Dhea awoke, she already had most of her plan mapped out. She would go find the temple she’d been told about, which meant continuing south. Once she had done that, she could plan further. So, she packed her things and said farewell to the tree with a soft pat. Dhea felt alone once more, eerily so. She missed having someone by her side, even if it was the slightly barbaric werewolf Shank. And she could benefit from his primal instincts here in the cursed land she walked.
She moved on between shadowy trees, until the Steppes appeared on the edge of the Forest. The sun was out and its heat could be felt as soon as she left the tree line.

In front of Dhea stretched another plain, more rock and dust this time, built of layers and layers of stone, stacked like scattered papers. These were the Klatta-Bak Steppes - said to be the home of strange, half-human, half-Dwarf creatures. As she walked on she encountered a rare sight. A small village, huts made in a circle and villagers prowling around fires, dressed in animal skins.


The men and women looked strong and stocky. By the village's gate stood two burlier men with clubs - Klattamen they were called.

- Go into the village.
- Go around it.
Dhea made a small face, kinda pointed at the stocky men and softly said, “Nope.”
She adjusted the way her bag was sitting and went around the village. She didn’t like the idea of messing with a place she was entirely unfamiliar with.

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