
They made for the nearest bank, reaching it quickly, hauling themselves ashore. They did get a couple of funny looks from the passers by, but not as many as they expected. Ruven cleaned himself up the best he could on the shore, barely containing himself from vomiting. He was very pale and looked gaunter than usual, he must not have eaten in a while if he was stuck in that hull.

"Where are you going?" He asked, as Dhea set off in the direction of Ellie's inn.

- Explain.
Dhea turned to Ruven, her eyes wide. She was going to get him food. Even if she had to go hungry for him to have it. The fact that just made her even angrier. She squeezed out her hair from the disgusting water.
“There’s an inn called the Crooked Finger. I helped the owner with some things and also, Yan is there.”

She tried to give him a reassuring smile. It failed, likely because she was tired and felt terrible.
“Don’t you want a bath and a warm meal? I know I do, and I was only down there for a little while.”
"Yan is still with you?" Ruven smiled, then nodded. "Yes, I'd like that." He followed suit.


It was past midday when they reached Ellie's tavern. It was unexpectedly busy even in the middle of the day, so when the two of them walked in many gazes rose to follow them and many people left their meals, faces cringed in disgust. Ellie ran up to them quickly, nose wrinkled, waving a hand in front of her as if that would keep the smell away.

"Don't stand there!" She fussed, pulling Dhea by the hand, not asking questions about Ruven. She was eager to get them out of the view of her patrons, in order to not spoil everyone's lunch. She ushered them through a low doorway that led from the common room into a small bathroom with a wooden tub and a stove on which a pot of water was boiling. "Courga preserve me!" Ellie exclaimed as she closed the doors behind them. "You look like you just took a swim in Jabaji!" She grinned, then her grin fell away as she noticed that neither Dhea nor Ruven were smiling. Her eyes widened. "No! Really? You did? What in the hell for! You might as well have gone wading through the sewers, the same good it would do you!" She quickly strolled to the pot and put it next to the tub. "You have hot water here and some cold in these barrels here. Please don't come out until you get rid of the smell!" She ordered, but then addressed Ruven. "I don't know who you are, but you'll let the lady go first, right?"
"I'm Ruven." The Elvin nodded, just now getting a chance to speak. "And I was thinking that the lady wouldn't mind my presence." He said looking aside to Dhea.
"What!" Ellie narrowed her eyes, giving Dhea a judging look as she placed her hand on her hips.

- Take a bath alone.
- Take a bath with Ruven.
- Let him take a bath first.
Dhea didn’t know how to handle this situation, but she offered a small smile. She felt icky and she just wanted to get rid off the smell. She thought about how to handle the situation, before looking up at him and smiling a little to herself.
“I think I will. It’ll save time, really.”
She looked back to Ellie.
“Thank you, by the way. Sorry about the smell.”
"Talking about improper!" Ellie huffed, though she offered a smile as well. "Fine, just don't make any more ruckus." Then she nodded to Dhea. "Thank you again fro saving me with the party last night. Most of the people came back this morning. Let's hope they come again tomorrow too." She leaned against the doors, opening them slightly and before slipping outside she said. "Have to go! I'll leave you something to eat once you are done!"

"The owner you've helped?" Ruven turned toward Dhea. Before she could answer, he threw the belt with his sword on the ground, then unbuttoned his tunic, took down the boots and pants. He mixed the hot and cold water in one barrel, using it to rinse himself, before stepping into the nice warm bath and letting out a very satisfied sigh. After a couple of moments, his eyes found Dhea, bliss plain on his face and he smirked. "Get in here." He called.

- Get in.
- Don't.
Dhea watched him with a rather amused smile. She shook her head, before stripping and rinsing herself off, as he had done. She had missed him, but she wasn’t sure how to express that. Not yet.
She slipped into the water, playfully kissing the tip of his nose, before settling on the opposite side. She let out a happy little noise as she settled against the edge, fingers trailing through the water.

It was a nice break from the havoc of their lives.
Ruven was the first to break the silence. "It has been a week since we parted way. Feels longer." He said with a little smile. "I'm here now, Dhea. And I'll be with you for as long as needed. If you would have me?" His voice was serious and his tone steady, his movements still. They had a bit of a fling a week ago, but have not spoken about their feelings. Their time together was too short for that. However, Ruven was here to stay now and it looked like he was willing to commit. If Dhea agreed to it, Ruven would take their relationship more seriously and flirting with others would carry consequences for Dhea.

- Commit to the relationship.
- Keep it open yet.
- Ask to be friends.
Dhea moved forward, her fingers brushing his cheek. She smiled and kissed him, her own wordless response. She had feelings for Ruven, feelings that she didn’t quite have a name for. It had only been a week, but it’d felt longer. She cupped his face again.
“Only if you would have me.”
Her voice was soft, her words for him only.
"Of course." Ruven responded, pulling her onto him, kissing her again. His fingers trailed down his body as her turned her over in the bathtub, kissing down her neck.

Their bathing lasted far too longer than supposed to and only when Ellie rapped on the doors to tell them to come to lunch instantly, did Ruven smile and get out of the tub. Dhea had a change of clothes in her backpack, though she did not have new armour and would need to hang her own to dry out before putting it on again. Ruven had a tunic and breeches that did not get soaked with the green sludge of the river, which he put on as they left their wet clothes to air out on the bathroom's window.

"There you are!" Ellie called to them, motioning them over to the bar.
"Ruven!" Yan fluttered through the air to come rest on the Elvin's palm. "What are you doing here?" He chimed.
"Passing by." Ruven answered with a small smile.

- Eat and rest.
- Eat and continue exploring the City.
Dhea watched them both, smiling. She ran a finger across Yan’s head, gentle and affectionate.
“Sorry about disappearing.”
She could feel her stomach grinning and she decided to eat, before going to explore city some more.
She also planned on tearing Rhain’s hide when she got her hands on him, feeling as if he had set her up.
Dhea ate and recuperated in the busy inn, with Ellie watching over her, throwing an occasional suspicious gaze at the Elvin. Yan was talking to Ruven and he seemed to be very glad to see the Elvin, however Yan was always glad to see everyone. The little guy was quick to trust and get friendly.

She had the whole afternoon left to explore and she had not been through most of the City. As she walked out of the inn, Ruven followed along in silence. They reached the crossroads half an hour later that marked a point where the road split into two parts - one leading toward the residential quarter and the row of mansions and the other leading into the Festival.

- Go to the mansion row.
- Go into the Festival again.
- Travel to the Docks.
Dhea consulted her mental map for a moment. As fun as the Festival would be, she needed to explore the city some more. She was there for a reason, not just to enjoy herself. So, she smiled at Ruven, before going towards the mansion row.
Dhea followed the road, up a slight rise and then down into a hollow. At the very bottom was a solitary thatched hut, with a curious statue just outside of it.


The mansions were down the line, a bit further off, on the cliff overlooking the fields. In the distance, the road rose once more, toward a large building with a domed roof.

The hut in front of her was thrown up in a hurry: its walls were patched with mud and clay, and the door was made from torn up fish crates, the planks still bearing the marks of the ships that brought them in. Dhea then noticed a locket hanging from one of the statue's horns. It looked to be made of solid gold.

- Examine the locket.
- Go down the street.
- Cast a spell.
Dhea was...intimidated and curious about the statue. It was well made and she gave whoever had crafted it a silent round of applause. It was however, the locket that caught her attention. She squinted slightly, before reaching up to touch it. She wanted know more about the glittering bauble.
Up close the statue was even more grotesque - the strange creature's claws were sharp as swords and its face was strangely lifelike. It looked like it could move at any moment, if it wasn't built out of solid rock. The only attractive thing about it was the golden locket that hung over one of its horns. Up close Dhea saw that it truly was made out of solid gold and when she touched it she noticed how heavy it was.

That was when the statue blinked.

- Step back.
- Keep watching.
- Take the locket.
Dhea took a step back, her brows furrowing. She was intrigued by the ‘statue’, and by the locket. Her stance was one that meant she was ready to run should the stone-like creature attack. She wasn’t wearing her armour, which meant she was even more vulnerable.
She stood transfixed, waiting to see if the statue would move again - just to be sure it was not her imagination.

"What is wrong?" Ruven asked, apparently not noticing the reaction of the statue.

Then it blinked again. And then its claws moved, its fingers wriggling and flexing. The head rose to look at Dhea with is hollowed out empty eyesockets.

"Sorcery!" Ruven exclaimed, unsheathing his weapon.

- Back further away.
- Ready for the fight.
- Cast a spell.
Dhea backed away quickly, almost falling over her feet as she got a far enough distance away. She didn’t know what was going to happen, but she drew her weapon. After the incident on the ship, Dhea would save her magic for the last possible moment. Or when she needed it the most.

“Okay, this is definitely not what I expected to find.”
At the sound of her dagger unsheathing, the statue reacted like lightning, leaping from its pedestal, its arms swinging at Dhea to land a blow with its sharp claws. It was almost too fast for her. It did not look to be too strong, however its reflexes were superior to Dhea's. She would do well to evade every single blow.

Beside her, Ruven readied her weapon, eager to help out.

- Roll to fight the statue (Difficulty: 18, Bonus: 5)
- Escape (Difficulty: 15, Bonus: 5)
Dhea didn’t want this beast to be running free along the streets of Khare, as she felt she already had enough blood on her hands.
But, without her armour, she felt like a single blow from those claws could be fatal. With a glance towards Ruven, she grabbed his arm to run.

-Rolled 19
Ruven was surprised by her move, expecting her to fight the statue instead. As the creature ran for them, Dhea was able to veer to the side and evade its claws. She could escape into the hut near to the statue, or down the main road.

- Into the hut.
- Down the road.
Dhea didn’t even think twice as she pulled them both into the hut. She was already running away from the living statue. Leading it into the general populace was not on her list. She pulled them both into the furthest corner from the door, fingers tight around Ruven’s arm and her blade.
They stepped inside the shadowy hut, slamming the doors behind them. There was a dull thud against the doors, probably caused by the statue. Then everything was still.

The first thing to be noticed inside the hut was the smell - thick and bloody, like a butcher's shop. The second thing was something that Dhea kicked as she entered, it rattled away across the floor. An arm-bone.

"Out of the frying pan." Ruven murmured, not letting go of his weapon.

- Call out.
- Pick up the bone.
- Leave.
Dhea looked around, not loosening her grip on her weapon or on her Elvin companion. She crouched down and nudged the bone with her blade, before calling out softly.
The bone rattled and rolled across the floorboards. It was certainly human, with teeth marks on it. When Dhea called out her words were left to hang awkwardly in the air. There was no reply. The hut appeared to be empty.

- Pick up the bone.
- Search the hut.
- Leave.

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