❤ [Closed] ❤


New Member
:smile 2: Hey Everyone! :smile 2:

RubbuhDuck here, looking for some pretty specific RPers. Perhaps you fit the bill?

Beforehand however, I'd like to let you guys know the style of RP I'm into to help you know if we're a match in our RP style. The subject of RPs is irrelevant since that is open to discussion of course. I am open to just about everything! Also, know this isn't a post to insult people, it's just one of those 'to each their own' sorts of things. : )


  • Medium to Large Posts
  • Elaboration
  • Accuracy
  • Intelligent and Clever People/Characters
  • Friendly in RL


  • Horrible Spelling (If the site doesn't have spell check, I do know that Google Chrome and Firefox do. Not sure about Safari or Internet Explorer. Please use spell check if you're not sure on how to spell something.)
  • Awful Grammar (I get that not everyone is an English professor, but neither am I. Just make sure you're easily understood and make sense in general. It doesn't by any means have to be perfect since I'm not. I mean, a real Grammar Nazi could probably tell me a hundred things wrong with this post already, haha.)
  • God Modders (This does not just pertain to combat. People who automatically and right off the bat making their character seemingly more important than others, undermining the importance of others, or ignoring their story/modding it to suit yours is not only rude and childish, but it's a form of god modding as much as you wouldn't think so.)
  • Constant Aggros (You know, those people who jump into things, resorting to violence no matter WHAT the situation is. I mean, come on. It's okay to have a violent or angry character, but it's not okay to try to kick someone's ass for breathing or simply disagreeing with you on something since it's normal to do so.)
  • Jumpers (This is basically those people that crave so much attention or action in an RP that they just jump around to where everyone is instantly, whenever they please, and this ultimately screws everyone up, and can frustrate other RPers.)
  • Impatient Folks (To write a good post, you need more than a second or two, and most times, the impatient people are the jumpers. They get tired of waiting, or someone is offline, so they jump around, pretending their interaction with the person in question was non-existant without rewriting their post or editing it. If you DO edit your post or rewrite it and make it realistic to interact with someone else, this isn't an issue.)

WHEW! That was a lot, huh? I guess I'm just picky or whatever, but I'm a very understanding and nice person despite my specific list up there! ❤ I also adapt to others here and there, so if you meet the important parts, but not the smaller points, that is okay and I will obviously not forsake you for it.

So hey guys and gals, if you fit the above stuff, please respond by either PM or comment below!

*Boop* Love ya! :tongue:

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Oh, wonderful! I'll be setting up a brainstorm session in another thread and will invite you guys to it. I would like to share ideas from everyone so that the interest in this RP will be maximized. :3 I will invite you all shortly. Thanks for responding. ❤
I can work with these rules (have had similar problems) but I'm afraid some of my posts can be rather short, especially when having a conversation.
DarkWolf13 said:
I can work with these rules (have had similar problems) but I'm afraid some of my posts can be rather short, especially when having a conversation.
Darth Corvus agrees with this comment.
Totally understandable as well. Like I said, as much as I respect people that can take up a whole page with their post, it gets tiring to read HUGE posts. As long as it's more than a paragraph if you can, then it's all good. As long as it's not a one or two-liner, haha.
Yeah that's cool too. I am totally down with normal stuff like speech impediments, accents, foreign languages, etc.

"Ya'll are crazy, mah man."

"Ar you gon' be tryin' ta kill me mateys?"

LIKE THAT? Hahaha.
I'd love to participate in this. I know I'm new to the forums, but I hope that's not a problem. Also, I played in a role play on a gamer forum and I think I did a bit of god modding there so I'll have to adjust (it was ok there, I didn't break any rules :P )

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